Science Year 2

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Science Year 2

Topic 6: Light and Dark

Wednesday 10-06-2020

1.Light is a form of energy.An object that gives off light of its own is called a light source.The
Sun is the main source of light.

Sources of light

Sun Lamp Fire

-Natural -Street lamp - Candle

sources of light -House lamp - Oil lamp
during the day -Car lamp - Torch

Draw the pictures

Sources of
2. Shadow
A shadow is formed when an object ( translucent or opaquel ) blocks the path of
light.The clarity of the shadow depends on the type of object used.Objects can be classified
according to their transparency to light.

Type of objects

Transparent Translucent Opaque object

Objects that allow light Objects thatobjects
only allow part of Objects that do not allow
to pass through then the light to pass through them light to pass through them

Example Example Example

*Glass *Wood *Metal

*Tracing paper *Stone *Cardboard
*Frosted glass
*Clear plastic

Formation of Shadows
3. The shadow play
a) Wayang kulit

b) Hand shadow play

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