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Submitted to,
Mrs. Smitha ma’am
Assistant Lecturer
Indian Academy Collage of Nursing

Submitted by,
Suman Mondal
2nd year Bsc. Nursing
Indian Academy Collage of Nursing
1. Introduction
2. Definition & Steps of Clinical Teaching
3. Philosophy I Principles of clinical teaching
4. Methods of clinical teaching
5. Nursing Clinic / Bedside clinic
Nursing care conference
Nursing Rounds
Nursing Care Study
Clinical Simulation
Virtual learning /Game based show
Mastery learning

6. Guidelines for best method

7. Evaluation of Clinical teaching
8. Conclusion
9. Bibliography

In recent years, nursing education focused on theoretical education and
deep gap between theoretical and clinical education created. Many
nursing researchers reported that nursing students, in spite of good
knowledge base, weren’t skillfuL in clinical settings. In result, with
entrance of these unskillful students to the nursing care system, the
quaLity of this system faLLs day to day. Clinical teaching of students and
continuing education is vital for professional development.

Clinical( teaching is a individualized or group teaching to the nursing
students in the clinical area by the nurse educators, staff nurse and
clinical nurse manager.

Steps in Clinical Teaching Methods

 Formulating objectives
 Determining the student knowledge by conducting a test
 Planning the content for ward teaching depending on the
student’s knowledge
 Organizing the programme
 Implementing & evaluating the sessions

 Principles of Clinical
Teaching Methods
 Clinical education should reflect the nature of professional
 Clinical teaching is more important than class room teaching
 The nursing student in the clinical setting is a learner, not a Nurse
 Sufficient learning time should be provided
 before performance is evaluated
 Clinical teaching is supported by a climate of mutual Trust Et
 Clinical teaching Et learning should focus on essential knowledge,
skill Et attitude
 The espoused curriculum may not be the curriculum in use
 Quality is more important than quantity

Methods of Clinical Teaching

 Nursing Clinic I Bedside clinic
 Nursing care conference
 Nursing Rounds
 Demonstration
 Nursing Care Study
 Clinical Simulation
 Virtual learning/Game based show
 Mastery learning

Bedside Clinic
 Bedside clinic always help to study the problems typically
associated with a particular disease or disorder.
 Always ensure the presence of the patient.
 Either the group visits the patient or the patient is brought to the
conference room.
 Patients with Typical cases rather with unusual conditions are
selected. During the clinic the patient may be asked to speak
something about the course of illness, symptoms and involves
the family members and plan for discharge.

 Brief history and therapy, nursing problems are presented along

with the nursing care including physical, mental and social
 Nursing cLinic can be conducted by the head nurse or the clinical
 Before the cLient entry the head nurse points out the group the
observations which should made white he/she is present. When
the patient no longer needed should send back.
 This is usually followed by a discussion and question and answer
round. The Material is summarized and the most important
points are emphasized.
 The cLinic lasts for about 30 min finalLy it is evaluated by the
head nurse and the group members.

 The student nurse is getting an opportunity to observe, analyze Et
make decision in nursing care
 Remembers the nursing measures for longer time since directly
they involved

Nursing Care Conference

 It is same like a bedside clinic but the patient is not usualLy
present for the class. This may be a method of choice when the
entire group is acquainted with the patient.
 Bedside clinic and nursing care conference can be used to
evaluate the students. Both should be planned earlier if it is to be
made more effective. But the nurse instructor conduct it on the
spot if she students.

Nursing Rounds
 Nursing rounds is an excursion into patient’s area involving the students
(earning experiences.
 In nursing rounds the patient and the medical aspects of his/her care are
included only as a background for understanding the nursing care. The
registered nurse responsible for the patient should answer question
aroused the group. Suggestions are made by the members’of the group
 Suggestions discussed in the rounds wilt be recorded. Rounds may extend
only up-to one hour

 Information giving rounds
 Instructional rounds
 Problem solving rounds

 Increases the (earning ability
 Increases interest to share ideas Et
 Knowledge with others for the benefit of the client
 Response of the client is more natural
 Students can select client with specific problem and plan for
proper nursing care

Demonstration Method
 Demonstration teaches by “Exhibition and explanation “.
 It trains the students in the art of careful observation a quality
which is so essential to a good nurse.
 To define “it is a physical display of the form, outline or a
substance of object or events for the purpose of increasing
knowledge of such objects or events.

 Activates several senses
 Provide opportunity for observation a learning
 Clarify underlying principles
 Commands interest by use of concrete illustration
 It correlates theory a practice

 Planned demonstration: Involves preliminary preparation,
introductory conference, performing the procedure and follow
 Unplanned demonstration: when uncommon treatment occurs in
the ward, this can be demonstrated to the students if it is not
emergency. Patient’s feeling is given due consideration. It can be
explained in the follow up conferences.
Case Method
 Case Study
 Case Analysis
 Case incident Technique

Nursing Case Study

 The student with the help of the clinical instructor selects one of
her patients for intensive study which she finds interesting. The
student tries to solve the problems through the study, consultation
and experimentation and decides the nursing measures which will
meet the patient’s individual needs and solve nursing problems.
The student must be given opportunity to take care of the patient
over a behavior, to gain his/her confidence, to learn the real
nature of his/her problems, and to note the effect of nursing
measures and the results of the care.

Advantages of Nursing Care

 The concentrated effort on the part of the student to define and
solve the problems in the patient care arouses interests in him and
results in better nursing care. The students Learn to recognize the
effect of personal and social factors on illness and recovery, to
organize the information and identify the problems.
 The student also (earns about the problem
 solving approach to nursing. The report may act as a reference
material for the student.
 The student can present the report in front of the group and it
should be evaluated in terms of content, organization, clarity of
thought and interest. The oral presentation helps the student to
speak in front of the group.

Clinical Simulation
Simulations are “activities that mimic reality of clinical environment
and are designed to demonstrate procedures, decision- making and
critical thinking through techniques such as role play and the use of
devices such as interactive videos or mannequins “

 Low fidelity (Less precise reproduction)
 Moderate fidelity (Provide some feedback)
 High fidelity (Pharmacological / physical manipulation)

Virtual Learning
A book can hardly be described as a learning environment. But, reading
a book in a seminar, discussing with other students, writing a summary
for the tutor, ... do constitute a learning environment. Similarly, a set of
Web pages does not constitute a virtual Learning environment unless
there is social interaction about or around the information. This
includes synchronous (e.g. chat, MUDs...) versus asynchronous (e.g.
electronic mail, forums,) communication, one-to-one versus one-to
many or many-to-many, text-based versus audio and video, ... (see
section 2.3). This includes also indirect communication such as sharing

Mastery Learning
In Mastery learning, “the students are helped to master each learning
unit before proceeding to a more advanced learning task” (Bloom
1985) “conventional instruction”.

Principle of Mastery Learning

The concept of mastery learning can be attributed to the behaviorism principles
of operant conditioning. According to operant conditioning theory, learning
occurs when an association is formed between a stimulus and response (Skinner,
1984). In Line with the behavior theory, mastery learning focuses on overt
behaviors that can be observed and measured (Baum, 2005).

Higher achievement in alt students as compared to more traditional
forms of teaching

Clinical Reasoning
Clinical reasoning is “the thought process that guides practice”
-(Rogers, 1982).

Guidelines for Best Methods

 Identify the barriers
 Consider Learning style
 Plan activities coltaboratively .
 Create Learning environment
 Effective cLinical teaching
 Extend evaluation possibilities
 Designate
 Encourage experts

Principles of Evalution
 Documented
 Valid
 Reliable
 Objective
 Comprehensive
 Useful
Principles of Selecting

Evalution Methods
 Evaluation shouLd be based upon first-hand (Observed) or
Objective (written) information
 It should match with the clinical skill or knowledge being assessed
 Complex skill may require multipLe sources of evaluation before
promotive / certification
 It should consider feasibility in terms of time, money, space,
trained observers / raters

Learning by doing is the most effective method of teaching. The
laboratory of the nursing students is the clinical field. The nursing
students get the practical experience and skill doing procedures by
taking care of the patients. The nurse manager manages and controls
the practical field of nursing students. The clinical teaching should welt
organized to provide the needed experience to the students. The nurse
manager plays a dual role, she is aware of the practical problems, and
she should use each and every opportunity to teach the nursing

1. “Clinical Teaching Strategies in NURSING”,
Kathleen B. Gaberson, Marilyn H.Oermann, 3rd edition, Springer
Publishing Company.
2. “Fast factors for the clinicaL nursing instructors”, Eden Zabat Kan,
Susan Stabler-Hass, Springer Publishing Company, New York.
3. “Virtual Learning Environments”, Pierre. DilIenbourg, University of
Geneva, EUN Conference 2000.
4. Education for Health, Vol.17, No.2, July 2004,236-39
5. htpp//

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