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Give your insights on how you can put into practice SDG 9

Goal 9: Decent work and economic growth

Good public services are the pillars of a healthy community and a successful
economy. This could have been seen as something linked to my degree. As a Che
student, I will start now and learn as much as I can, so which I can make a
contribution to research or factors relating to industries and infrastructure. I could
help to fostering this sustainable development by acquiring and developing
information regarding my academic degree, because it will allow me to expand my
understanding of scientific methods that can be applicable to my work and further
contribute to the well-being of the world. One of the targets is to Increase the access
of small-scale industrial and other enterprises, in particular in developing countries,
to financial services, including affordable credit, and their integration into value
chains and markets. My answer in SDG 8 can be helpful to this also because, I can
help into help this small-scale enterprises by supporting them.

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