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Ws Hy we wae Which of the following weather conditions is typical of anticyclones? (A) Clearsky (B) High humidity (©) Strong wind (D) Temperature inversion Unstable air continues to rise because (A) is dry and cooling takes place slowly (B) the rising’air is warmer than the surrounding air (©). clouds to prevent ‘upward movement (D) upper atmospheric convergence promotes instability ‘The study of the climate within a rainforest is called (A) _ bioclimatology (B) climatology (C)__ meteorology (D) _ microclimatology ‘The dey adiabatic lapse rate is the rate at which the temperature of (A) a parcel of moving air decreases with height (B) a parcel of air below dew point decreases with height (©) arising unsaturated parcel of air decreases with height (D) stationary air decreases with height ‘Themass of water vapour in a given volume of air, expressed in grams of water per cubic metre, is the (A)~ ~ absolute humidity —-— (B) dew point (©) __ specific humidity (D) "vapour pressure Mountains are said to ‘make their own climate’ because they (A) are barriers to prevailing winds (B) experience cold and wet climates _(C) produce snow and ice at the summit {(D) influence temperature and rainfall Which of the following occurrences is an example of atmospheric stability? (A) Air continues rising after the ifting mechanism is removed. (B) Air mass passes over a warm surface and the temperature rises. (© Risingairremains warmer than the surrounding air. (D) _ Rising air cools more rapidly than the surrounding air. Which of the following phrases BEST describe solar radiation? 1. The result of the contact made between two bodies of unequal temperatures Il. The means by. which solar energy reaches the earth Mm. ‘The transmission of energy by electromagnetic waves (A) Land Hl only (B) Land IlLonly ©) Mand ttl only (D) 1, Mand Ill 10. u. 12. 23 A temperature inversion is a good example of (A) absolute stabil {B) absolute instabil (C) conditional stability (D) conditional instability ‘The tropopause is the atmospheric layer within which (A) temperature increases with height (B) there is a concentration of ozone (C) _there-is:@ concentration of atomic (D)__temperature remains constant with Occluded fronts (occlusions) develop because (A) — cold fronts travel faster than warm fronts (B) _ fronts occasionally lose motion (C) mountains impede the progress of cold air (D) winds change direction across a front Which of the following vegetation types are normally associated with a water deficit? 1. Tropical grasslands 0. Coniferous forests HL. ‘Temperate grasslands (A) only (B) Land I only (©) Vand iit only (D) 1, Mand 1 13 refers to the diagram below which is a representation of moving air in the atmosphere. 14. the following factors does the direction of the wind represented by the letter 2? (A) Coriolis foree (B) Friction (©) Geostrophism . (D) Pressure gradient Item 14 refers to the following diagram showing some air currents in the atmosphere. ‘The jet stream labelled N is the (A) Subtropical (B) Polar front (©) Tropical easterly KDI at? ANDES a DY ow POCO ARK AAAALR 0 100 90 80 70,60 50 40 30 20 10 0 ‘Sand (%4) Which of the following compositions represents the soil texture at the point P? a 1) Fair trade policies are designed to ensure that /17/ After 1992, one key element in the the BEST prices are obtained by European’ Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was the (A) consumers in the developed world merchants in the developed world (A) guaranteed prices for unlimited farmers in the developing world roduction * x (D) governments inthe developing world (B) increased specialization and demand (C) intensification of inputs and outputs + (D) reduction in price supports and subsidies 1 ihn Which of the following situations was the MAIN aim of Weber's Least Cost Model? Item 23 refers to the following diagram showing some trends in economic activity in the developed world from 1972 to 1997. (A) Profit minimizing (B) Profit maximizing (©) Suboptimizing (D) _ Satisficing Which of the following factors is of GREATEST importance in the location of high-technology industries? (A) Cheap labour (B) Cheap power cap * © Raw materials (D)__Bfficient communication ‘The term used to describe the decline in productivity and employment in the industrial sector is 7) . sa (B) industrial inertia (C) rationalization (D) restructuring Which of the following enterprises is NOT a primary economic activity? (A) Alumina extraction (B) Drilling for oil (C) Mining of limestone (D) Sugar cane cultivation ‘The term ‘offshoring’ describes (A) fishing in coastal waters (B) the hiring of workers in another cou mntry (C) the manufacturing of goods for export (D) the exploitation of seabed resources (6 \~ Which of the following factors are responsible for the trends in economic activity in the developed world between 1972 and 19972 1. Deindustrialization Il. Increase in income It. Technological change (A) Land 1 only (B)__ and III only (C) Wane tr only 4 ©) 1, Wand mt Which of the following outcomes are possible effects of agriculture on the environment? 1. Improvement of wetlands II. Losses to the gene poo! Ill. Salinization and waterlogging of soil (A) Land It oniy (B) Land Ill only (C) Mand Itt only () i Mand at) sigs 25. An advantage to a developing country of 27. _Increasing backward linkages in Caribbean having transnational corporations (TNCs) tourism would benefit the industry because operating within its borders is that this (A) profits are repatriated (A) leads to more involvement of oe —(B) the economic base is widened -—__foreign-owned tour operators. (©) management decisions are made at (B) encourages more hotels to purchase corporate headquarters goods and services directly from (D) production is outsourced to other * abroad lower-cost countries (C) _ favours the leakage of gross tourism | revenues back to developed i countries One réason for the increase in global (D) reduces the high import content in tourism is the tourist sector by substituting local suppliers (A) decrease in domestic tourism (B)__an increase in disposable income a (C) the effect of climate change : (D) the growth of short-haul travel i" Item 28 refers to the following sketch map. W EY = 3 — Citrus © = Small Town ie 28. Which area on the sketch map is the BEST location for a garment factory? (a) Ww ®) x © ¥ @) Zz ‘tem.29 refers to the diagram below which is based on Weber's model of industrial location, M P- Point of production M- Market R- Raw material source R % According to the diagram above, which of the following statements is true? (A) _ Industries where products undergo ___ weight loss should be located at R,. @)° Optimum location based on transport costs is represented byP. (©) Industries where products undergo weight gain should be located at R,. @) Optimum location based on” land rents being constant is represented by M. Item 30 refers to the table below which shows changes in employment for two industries in Country X for the period 2001 to 2004, ‘The percentage change for employment in agriculture from 2001 to 2004 was () 720 ) -41.9 © 419 © 720 (2. 334 (at Which stage of Rostow's model is characterized by the development of the service industry? (A) Drive to maturity (B)— Take-off to- maturity - (C) Traditional subsistence economy (D) _ Theage of high mass consumption Tees ta ta Pee High level of development high (A) birth rate (B) infant mortality rate (©) life expectancy (@) rates of natural increase Multinational aid comes from (A) NGOs (B) the World Bank (©) thenational bank () one country to another Which of the following criteria are included in the measurement of Gross National Product (GNP)? “ 1, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 1, Income to residents of a country from abroad MI. Incame of foreign residents investing in a country (A) Land I only nie (B) Land 111 only (©) Mand Itt only @) 1, Mand 11 Myrdal’s cumulative causation model \“ ‘suggests that development will result in (A) (B) © ©) Which of the following indices is NOT a 37. Which of the following strategies has measure of development? fostered integration among Caribbean countries? (A) app (8) HPI (A) Cultural pluralism (© MDG (B) Diversification __ (D) PQLI (©) Fragmentation (D) Trade policies Items 38-40 refer to the table below which provides development indicators for selected countries. Country......]HDI [Life Expectancy | Years of | Per Capita 0 | Schooling Income (PPP 2008) Bahamas 0.784 [74.4 mal 16 25,201 9.3 21,637, [3302 949 7,207 13,927 25,438 58,810 9,812 =e] (Extracted from: Human Development Report - 2008 Statistical Tables) ‘Which of the following conditions is the MOST likely reason for the low life expectancy in South Africa? (AY High incidence of HIV/AIDS (B) High schoo! dropout rates (C)__ High level of youth unemployment (D) High level of political instability « ‘What is the disparity in income between the highest and lowest ranked countries? (A) 337861 (B) $47861 (C) $57 861 (D) $67 861 Which of the following features is common to the Caribbean countries listed in the table? (A) Arranked position among the top five in the HDI (B) Life expectancy over 60 years at birth (C) More than 9 years of schooling 41. ‘The Human Development Index is a better, measure of development than the Gross ‘National Product because it (A) captures social indices (B) is a quantitative measure (C) measures litoracy change (D) shows a rise in the standard of living ‘Why is it difficult to apply Rostow’s mode! to all countries? 1 Some colonized countries did not development. Mi. The time scale between the beginning of growth and self-sustaining growth is too short. (A) Land Il only (B) Tand II only (©) Wand it only @) 1, Iand I What factor(s) could account for a fall in the dependency ratio of a country? 5. Decrease in birth rates I Decrease in the number of |“ individuals employed IL. Increase in chronic diseases (A) only (B) Monty (C) Land Il only (dD) Mand Il only END OF TEST Why would the establishment of a ‘transnational corporation (TNC) enterprise ‘cause backwash effects in a less developed country (LDC)? (A) Low-wages-paid-to-unskilled workers (B) __ Increase sales for local farmers (C) ~ Sponsorship of national sporting events (D) Youth migrating to towns for 2 employment tem 4 refers to the table below which shows the cumulative income of a population. Par eel (%) 0 00 1s 48 Which of the following statement(s) can be deduced from the information given? 1. The poorest 10% of the population earn 1.5% of income. IL. The richest 10% of the population carn 28.2% of income. II The richest 10% of the population ‘earn 1.5% of income. * (A) Lonly (B) Monty (©) fand tt onty (D) [and 111 only IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED. CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.

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