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: ‫ هنالك طريقتان لتعريف الوظيفة‬

: ‫ الطريقة االولى‬-1

- Define an architect. Use (designs buildings)

An architect is someone / a person who designs buildings.

)‫ ) و التي تعني (مسؤل عن‬in charge( ‫ ) او‬responsible for( ‫احيانا نستخدم في التعريف كلمة‬ 
.‫) الشخص الثالث النها صفة‬s( ‫) وال يضاف لها‬is( ‫عند الحل تسبق بـ‬

- Define a nurse. Use ( responsible for patients)

A nurse is someone / a person who is responsible for patients.

- Define a doctor. Use (works in hospital)

A doctor is someone / a person who works in hospital.

- Define a camera man. Use (operate the camera)

A cameraman is someone / a person who operates the camera.

: ‫الطريقة الثانية‬ 

- What do you call a person who flies planes?

The person who flies planes is called a pilot.

- What do you call a person who is responsible for patients?

The person who is responsible for patients is called a nurse.

- What do you call a person who cooks food in a restaurant?

The person who cooks food in a restaurant is called a cook.

Q / Do as required:

1- Define a cartoonist. Use (draws amusing pictures)

2- What do you call a person who manages a hotel?

3- Define a hotel manager .Use (responsible for running a hotel)

4- What do you call a person who is responsible for advertising and selling


5- Define a fashion designer.

6- Define a sales person. Use (sells things in a shop)

7- What do you call a person who presents programs on TV?

8- The person who flies plane is called ………

9- The person who fixes and installs pipes for water is called …

‫تعني (‪ )if‬اذا ‪ ،‬لو ‪ ،‬ان‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫تعتبر (‪ )if‬اداة ربط و اداة شرطـ‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫يوجد في الجمل الشرطية فعل شرطـ وفعل جواب الشرط وهنالك عالقة بينهما‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫هنالك اربع انواع من الجمل الشرطية و هي كما يلي ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

)%100 ‫ تستخدم هذه القاعدة للتعبير عن الحقائق و العادات الدائمة ( اي عندما تكون نسبة حدوث الشيئ‬

.If water freezes, it turns into ice .If we heat iron, it expands
)am , is , are( ‫) في المضارع البسيط يكون‬be( ‫تذكر ان فعل الكينونة‬ 

- If you (be) good at science, there (be) a lot of jobs for you. (Zero cond.)

If you are good at science, there are a lot of jobs for you.

- If you (click) on this icon, the computer (save) your document. (Zero cond.)

If you click on this icon, the computer saves your document. -

The computer saves your document if you click on this icon.

- Plants (die) if you (not water) them. (Zero cond.)

Plants die if you don't water them

1. If you eat too much, you'll be sick.

2. If he works hard, he will succeed.

3. If he works hard, he can succeed. .

4. If he works hard, he may succeed

5. You'll fall if you are not careful. .

6. If he does not work hard, he will not succeed.

‫ عندما يكون الحدث محتمل في زمن المستقبل وبمعنى ادق نتنبأ بنتیيجة معينة‬first conditional ‫تستخدم‬ 
)%50 ‫في المستقبل (اي عندما تكون نسبة حدوث الشيئ‬

- If it (be) sunny tomorrow. I (wear) my sunglasses. (First cond.)

If it is sunny tomorrow, I'll wear my sunglasses.

- She (arrive) early if she (take) a taxi. . (First cond.)

She will arrive early if she takes a taxi.

- If you (eat) too much, you (be) sick. (First cond.)

If you eat too much, you'll be sick.

- If he (work) hard, he (succeed). . (First cond.)

If he works hard, he will succeed.

- If you don’t study well, you (not pass) the exam. (correct)
- Your sister will miss the buss , if she (not get) up early. (correct)

 If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house.

 If I met the Queen of England, I would say hello.

 If I met the Queen of England, I would say hello.

 She would pass the exam if she ever studied

 If I had his number, I would call him. 


. ‫ للتعبير عن حالة افتراضية في الماضي‬second conditional ‫تستخدم‬ 

.If he won the prize, he would buy a new car

.If they had some money, they would stay at a hotel

‫) لنبين ان الحدث افتراضي وغير حقيقي‬I( ‫) مع‬was( ‫) بدال من‬were( ‫ غالبا ما نستخدمـ‬: ‫مالحظة‬ 

.If I were rich, I wouldn't drive an old car

.If I were you, I would (I'd) tell the police

If I (have) enough money, I (buy) a car (second cond.)

If I had enough money, I would buy a car

If she (study) harder, she (pass) the exam. (second cond.)

.If she studied harder, she would pass the exam

If I (be) you, I (read) very well. (second cond.)

If I were you, I'd read very well.

They could win the match if they (play) well. (second cond.)

They could win the match if they played well

- if she (be) a doctor , she (be) very happy. (second Cond)

- if she was a doctor , she would be very happy.
- If she had studied, she would have passed the exam

- If I hadn't eaten so much, I wouldn't have felt sick

- If we had taken a taxi, we wouldn't have missed the plane

- She wouldn't have been tired if she had gone to bed earlier

- She would have become a teacher if she had gone to university

- He would have been on time for the interview if he had left the house

at nine

‫يستخدم هذا النوع من الجمل الشرطية للتعبير عن شيئ مستحيل الوقوع او عن شيئ لم يحدث‬ 
)%0 ‫(اي عندما تكون نسبة حدوث الشيئ‬

1 If he had informed the police, he wouldn't have been killed.

2 If he had studied hard, he would (could) have succeeded.

3 If I had listened to his advice, I wouldn't have lost the money.

4 If my parents hadn't married, I wouldn't have been born

5 If he had made a mistake, he would have apologized.

Q/ Choose the correct answer:

1 If we (not / work) harder, we (not pass) the exam

If the students (not be) late for the exam, they (pass).

If the weather (not be) so cold, we __________________ (go) to the beach


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