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CJASN ePress. Published on June 25, 2020 as doi: 10.2215/CJN.


Metabolic Alkalosis
A Brief Pathophysiologic Review

Michael Emmett

Metabolic alkalosis is a very commonly encountered acid-base disorder that may be generated by a variety of
exogenous and/or endogenous, pathophysiologic mechanisms. Multiple mechanisms are also responsible for Divisions of Internal
the persistence, or maintenance, of metabolic alkalosis. Understanding these generation and maintenance Medicine and
mechanisms helps direct appropriate intervention and correction of this disorder. The framework utilized in
Department of
this review is based on the ECF volume-centered approach popularized by Donald Seldin and Floyd Rector in Medicine, Baylor
the 1970s. Although many subsequent scientific discoveries have advanced our understanding of the University Medical
pathophysiology of metabolic alkalosis, that framework continues to be a valuable and relatively Center at Dallas,
straightforward diagnostic and therapeutic model. Dallas, Texas
CJASN 15: ccc–ccc, 2020. doi:
Dr. Michael Emmett,
Department of
Medicine, Baylor
Introduction profile, or Gamblegram (Figure 2), shows why the University Medical
Metabolic alkalosis is a primary acid-base disorder increased [HCO32] must be accompanied by a re- Center at Dallas, 3500
that increases the serum bicarbonate concentration duction of [Cl2] (independent of [Na1]), a reduction Gaston Avenue, Room
[HCO32] (this is usually approximated by its surro- of the [AG2], or both (7,8). In fact, metabolic alkaloses H-102, Dallas, TX
75246-2096. Email:
gate the venous total [CO2]) above 30 meq/L (1), reproducibly increase the [AG2] to a small degree,
causing the arterial blood [H1] to fall, i.e., the arterial mostly owing to increased negative charge density of
blood pH increases into the alkaline range (.7.45). plasma proteins (9,10). Therefore, the relative [Cl2]
Metabolic alkalosis is a very common disorder, espe- decrease must be even greater.
cially in ICU settings (2). The diagnostic criteria and a However, an identical electrolyte pattern, increased
pathophysiologic approach to differential diagnosis [HCO32] and reduced [Cl2], is also generated by
and treatment on the basis of dissection of the etiology compensation for chronic respiratory acidosis. Clini-
and dominant maintenance mechanisms are reviewed. cal assessment and arterial blood pH measurement
will point toward the correct diagnosis—the blood pH
is high-normal/overtly alkaline with metabolic alka-
Respiratory Compensation losis and low-normal/overtly acid with chronic re-
Uncomplicated metabolic alkalosis rapidly (minutes spiratory acidosis. Venous blood pH, although less
to hours) generates hypoventilatory compensation definitive than arterial, can also differentiate these
that elevates the pCO2. Compensation reduces the disorders—add 0.03 pH units to the venous pH to
arterial pH, but it generally remains .7.45. Although approximate the arterial pH (11).
the magnitude of the hypoventilatory response is
proportional to the [HCO32] increase, the response is
very variable (Figure 1) (3–6, M.A. Fallahzadeh, et al., Pathogenesis: Generation and Maintenance
unpublished observations). Seldin and Rector published a classic review “The
Generation and Maintenance of Metabolic Alkalosis”
in 1972 (12). Although many subsequent discoveries
Serum Chloride Concentration and have expanded our understanding of the complex
Metabolic Alkalosis systemic neurohormonal, kidney, cellular, and para-
Hyper- or hypochloremia can reflect water/hydration cellular mechanisms participating in the development
disorders, acid/base disorders, or both. When an and maintenance of this acid-base disorder, the
abnormal [Cl2] is secondary to a water/hydration Seldin/Rector extracellular fluid (ECF) volume-
disorder, there is a proportional degree of hyper- or centered approach continues to be an extremely useful
hyponatremia. Thus the abnormal [Cl2] coexists with and relatively easy-to-understand diagnostic and ther-
an abnormal [Na1] in a 1:1.4 ratio. This relationship is apeutic framework for the metabolic alkaloses. Some
disrupted in acid-base disorders such as metabolic experts believe the “ECF volume-centered” approach
alkalosis. The elevated [HCO32 ] with metabolic should be replaced by a chloride-depletion model
alkalosis is generally associated with a reciprocally and cite experimental animal models to support their
reduced [Cl2] independent of [Na1]. The electrolyte position (13–16). However, others challenge these Vol 15 November, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by the American Society of Nephrology 1

Figure 1. | Respiratory compensation for metabolic alkalosis. Simultaneous pCO2 and [HCO3] data points derived from a recent compre-
hensive literature review showing the best-fit linear regression line (*M.A. Fallahzadeh, et al., unpublished observations). Also shown are several
commonly published relationship equations with adjacent references. The following very simple and easy to remember and utilize relationship:
pCO2 5 [HCO3]110 (dashed line), to be very similar to the best-fit regression line in the HCO3 range between 30 and 50 meq/L. If the [HCO32]
exceeds 55 mmol/L, the pCO2 may increase markedly. This is likely because of the development of a coexisting respiratory muscle weakness
generated by almost inevitable severe hypokalemia. Therefore, respiratory acidosis often complicates extreme metabolic alkalosis. pCO2, partial
pressure of carbon dioxide; 1 TORR, 133.32 Pascal (Pa).

experimental results and their interpretation (17,18). Normal HCO32 Reclamation, Regeneration, and Generation
This review uses the traditional “ECF volume-centered” Nonvolatile acids are generated by metabolism of ingested
classification. foods and oxidation of endogenous substrates. A typical
Western European/American diet generates 80–100 meq/d of
nonvolatile strong acids (mainly sulfuric, phosphoric, and
hydrochloric). These acids release H1 that mainly reacts
with HCO32 to form H2CO3, which rapidly dehydrates to
CO2 and H2O. Thus, serum [HCO32] falls and is “replaced”
by the anions of the generated strong acids, i.e., Cl2, SO422,
HPO422, etc. Acid-base homeostasis is restored by the
kidney, which filters and secretes the acid anions mainly
with Na1, then the tubules reabsorb the Na1 in exchange
for H1, and finally the anions are excreted together with an
equal quantity of H1, in the form of titratable acid (largely
H2PO42) and NH41. In this way, 80–100 meq of H1 are
“buffered” and excreted in the urine and 80–100 meq of
HCO32 are regenerated and added back to the body fluids.
However, before the kidney can secrete/excrete the daily
required load of acid and thereby regenerate the decomposed
HCO32, all the filtered HCO32 must first be reclaimed and
returned to the body. About 85%–90% of the normal filtered
HCO32 load (4000–4500 meq/d) is reclaimed by the proximal
tubules via H1 secretion. A large fraction of proximal Na1
reabsorption occurs via the Na-H exchanger 3 (NHE3)
in the luminal membrane. This exchange is energized by
Figure 2. | The three major serum electrolytes in a normal patient and
a patient with metabolic alkalosis, visualized using a Gamblegram. basolateral membrane Na-K ATPase, which reduces in-
Note, when the HCO32 concentration increases and the anion gap tracellular Na1 and generates a negative intracellular charge.
also increases slightly (this occurs with most forms of metabolic al- This creates a strong inward (lumen into cell) electrochemical
kalosis), then the [Cl2] must fall and the Cl:Na ratio must fall below its Na1 gradient. Additionally, ATP-energized H1 pumps in
normal 1:1.4 ratio. the lumenal membrane contribute a smaller fraction (about
CJASN 15: ccc–ccc, November, 2020 Metabolic Alkalosis, Emmett 3

Figure 3. | Proximal tubule: The major proximal tubule cellular and

luminal events that participate in HCO32 reclamation. Intracellular
H2O combines with CO2 to generate H2CO3 that rapidly dissociates to
H1 and HCO32 ions. These reactions are catalyzed by the cytoplasmic
enzyme carbonic anhydrase II (CAII). Na-K ATPase in the basolateral
membrane creates a steep Na1 electrochemical gradient that ener-
gizes Na1 reabsorption via the Na1-H1 antiporter exchanger (NHE3).
When H1 moves into the lumen, it reacts with filtered HCO32 to form
H2CO3. The H2CO3 dehydrates to H2O and CO2, a reaction catalyzed
by intraluminal carbonic anhydrase IV (CAIV) (tethered to the luminal
membrane). Generated CO2 flows into the cell, largely via the aquaporin 1
channel. The HCO32 ions generated within the cells move into the peri-
tubular capillary, primarily via a Na1-3HCO32 cotransporter (the elec-
trogenic NBCe1-A transporter; a product of the Solute Carrier Family 4
Member A4 or SLC4A4 gene). The net effect of the secretion of one H1
molecule and reabsorption of one Na1 molecule is the addition of one
molecule of NaHCO3 to the extracellular fluid and the disappearance of
one NaHCO3 molecule from the lumen. In addition, a smaller component Figure 4. | Principal cellsa and type A and type B intercalated cells
of proximal tubule H1 secretion (HCO32 reclamation) is accomplished via are located in the late distal convoluted tubule, the connecting tu-
a V-type H1-ATPase pump complex. About 85%–90% of the filtered bule, and cortical collecting duct. Principal cell transport is energized
NaHCO3 is reclaimed in the proximal tubule. primarily by electrogenic Na1-K1 ATPase pumps in the basolateral
membrane. The resulting low intracellular [Na1 ] and negative in-
tracellular potential difference combine to create a large gradient
30%) of proximal H 1 secretion. Each secreted H1 for Na1 to move from the lumen into these cells. Flow occurs mainly
generates a HCO32 molecule that is added to the ECF and through the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC; which is composed of
causes the disappearance of an HCO32 molecule from the a, b, and g subunits, each a product of a different gene). Inward flow
lumen. Major aspects of proximal tubule Na1 reabsorption/H1 of Na1 ions is more rapid than the sum of outward movement of K1
secretion are shown in Figure 3. The 10%–15% of HCO32 (mainly through the renal outer medullary potassium channel
that escapes proximal reclamation is reclaimed in the [ROMK]) and inward flow of Cl2 (mainly via the paracellular space).
distal tubules/collecting ducts, as shown in Figure 4. Therefore, the Na1 influx generates a negative potential difference
(PD of about 240 mv) in the lumen. The secretion of H1 by the type A
After HCO32 has largely disappeared from the distal
intercalated cells initially reacts with HCO32 in the lumen, which
tubules/collecting ducts, continued H1 secretion regen-
represents HCO32 reclamation. As the luminal pH falls, additional
erates decomposed ECF HCO32. If dietary and metabolic secreted H1 combines with buffers such as HPO422 and NH3to
acids have produced 80–100 meq/d of nonvolatile acids, generate urine titratable acid and NH42, which creates equimolar
then 80–100 meq/d of H1 must be excreted by the kidneys. quantitates of systemic HCO32. See Figure 5 for a description of in-
This regenerates the HCO32 that reacted with H1derived tercalated cell ion transport.
from nonvolatile acids and thereby decomposed or “dis-
appeared.” Also, any HCO32 lost in stool must be regerated. Figure 4 shows the major distal kidney transport mech-
As HCO32 disappears from the tubular fluid, the fluid pH anisms for HCO32 reclamation, regeneration, and gener-
falls. The minimum achievable urine pH is about 4.5, which ation (all linked to H1 secretion) and also HCO32 secretion
represents only 0.03 meq/L of free [H1]. Therefore, virtually (by type B intercalated cells).
the entire excreted H1 load must be bound to urine buffers:
HPO422 (titrated to H2PO42) represents most of the titratable
acid, and NH3 binds to H1 to form NH41. These buffered Metabolic Alkalosis—Source of Excess HCO32
H1 charges are electrically balanced by acid anions such as Usually metabolic alkalosis indicates an accumulation
SO42 and Cl2 in the urine. of “excess” HCO32. The source of excess HCO32 can be

Table 1. Metabolic alkalosis: Mechanisms of generation

Ingest and absorb or infuse NaHCO3 or NaHCO3 precursors (i.e., Na acetate, Na citrate, Na gluconate)
Distal renal tubule HCO3 generation through enhanced H1 secretion
Generous delivery of NaCl (or other Na salts such as Na2SO4 or Na penicillin) to distal tubules/collecting ducts, which are actively
reabsorbing Na1
K depletion (shifting H1 into cells)

Remove HCl from body (vomiting/nasogastric suction/chloride-rich diarrhea)

exogenous, endogenous, or both. Exogenous sources are coexist: (1) the kidney tubules/ducts beyond the early
Na1 or K1 HCO32 salts or salts of precursors (organic distal tubule are avidly reabsorbing Na1 (for example,
anions such as lactate, acetate or citrate, which generate aldosterone activity is high and (2) the delivery of salt and
HCO32 when completely oxidized). These salts can be volume to these sites is relatively large.
ingested/absorbed or infused (Table 1). Clinical examples of kidney bicarbonate overproduc-
The two potential endogenous sources of large tion are:
amounts of HCO32 are (1) the stomach and (2) the
kidneys. Net endogenous HCO32 generation requires H1 1. Primary hyperaldosteronism (especially when a high-salt
removal from the body. HCO32 is generated when HCl is diet is ingested) and other mimics of primary hyper-
secreted into gastric lumen, but net HCO32 accumulation in aldosteronism (Table 2).
the ECF requires the HCl to be lost externally, usually as a 2. Loop and/or thiazide diuretics and several inherited syn-
result of vomiting and/or suction (see section on gas- dromes that have diuretic like manifestations (i.e., Bartter
tric alkalosis). and Gitelman syndromes).
Normally, kidney H1 excretion into the urine (as NH41 3. The infusion of Na1 salts of poorly absorbed anions (PO4,
and/or titratable acid) generates HCO32 to replace the SO4, penicillin, etc.) if distal tubule Na1 reabsorption is
quantity decomposed by nonvolatile H1 derived from stimulated by mineralocorticoids and/or volume contrac-
dietary intake and metabolism and any HCO32 lost in tion (19,20).
alkaline stool. To the extent kidney HCO32 generation
exceeds this requirement, “excess” HCO32is generated. Another endogenous source of HCO32 is the movement
This generally occurs when the following conditions of K1 from within cells into the ECF. In response to

Table 2. The metabolic alkaloses

ECF volume contracted: urine chloride concentration <20 meq/L

Gastric alkalosis: vomiting/nasogastric suction
Chloride-rich diarrhea (congenital chloridorrhea)
Status/postchronic hypercapnia (acute reversal of chronic respiratory acidosis)
Cystic fibrosis with major sweating
Thiazide or loop diuretics after renal tubule diuretic effect has dissipated
Some villous adenomas
ECF volume expanded: urine chloride concentration >20 meq/L
Primary hyperaldosteronism (unilateral adenoma/bilateral hyperplasia/glucocorticoid-sensitive hyperaldosteronism)
Severe Cushing syndrome (especially because of ectopic ACTH)
Exogenous mineralocorticoids
Reduced 11-b (OH) steroid dehydrogenase activity
Chronic licorice/carbenoxolone ingestion
Congenital AME syndrome (11-b HSD type 2 inactivating mutation)
Renin-secreting tumors
Some forms of congenital adrenal hyperplasia
11-b hydroxylase deficiency
17-a hydroxylase deficiency
Liddle syndrome
ECF volume contracted: but urine chloride concentration >20 meq/L (generally indicates a renal tubule reabsorptive defect)
Thiazide or loop diuretics actively working
Bartter syndrome (defective Na reabsorption in loop of Henle, furosemide-like lesion)
Gitelman syndrome (defective Na reabsorption at the thiazide-sensitive site)
Metabolic alkalosis: other
Severe potassium deficiency
Milk (calcium) alkali syndrome
NaHCO3 loads with markedly reduced GFR
Refeeding after fasting

ECF, extracellular fluid; ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; AME, apparent mineralocorticoid excess; HSD, hydroxysteroid
CJASN 15: ccc–ccc, November, 2020 Metabolic Alkalosis, Emmett 5

hypokalemia, K1 exit is partially balanced by movement of

H1 into cells and this generates ECF HCO32 (21,22). ECF Table 3. Metabolic alkalosis: Mechanisms of maintenance
[HCO32] can also increase when the ECF volume contracts Increased proximal renal tubule HCO3 reclamation
around a fixed quantity of HCO32 (23) (see section on Extracellular fluid contraction
gastric alkalosis). K1 depletion
Continuous or intermittent generation of new HCO3
In distal kidney tubules and collecting ducts
Gastric HCl losses
Maintenance of Metabolic Alkalosis Exogenous alkali
The various mechanisms responsible for the maintanence Reduced HCO3 filtration: reduced GFR/kidney failure
of metabolic alkalosis are shown in Table 3. If metabolic
alkalosis develops and the GFR is not markedly reduced,
correction of the alkalosis should be relatively straightfor- syndromes, including milk-alkali or calcium-alkali syn-
ward: merely excrete a large fraction of the filtered HCO32 drome (35) and bicarbonate ingestion or vomiting by
(which should be supranormal because of the higher patients with severe kidney dysfunction (36).
serum/filtered [HCO32 ]). A brisk HCO32 diuresis would
then reduce the [HCO32 ] and restore normal acid-base
status. This obviously has not occurred when metabolic The Metabolic Alkaloses: Etiology on the Basis of ECF
alkalosis persists. Why does the kidney not excrete Volume Status
HCO32 and rapidly restore normal acid-base status? The generation, maintenance, and resolution of “classic”
The answer to this question varies, depending on the examples of metabolic alkalosis in each ECF volume status
underlying cause, and the precise explanations continue category is described below.
to be refined and debated.
Normal individuals ingesting up to 1000 meq/d of
NaHCO3 for several weeks are able to efficiently excrete ECF Volume Contracted
this load with a minimal increase in their serum [HCO32] Classic Example: Gastric Alkalosis.
(24). Consequently, when metabolic alkalosis develops and Generation. Gastric fluid osmolality is about 300 mosm/L
persists despite a relatively normal GFR, this indicates the with a [Cl2] of about 150 meq/L and total cations of about
kidney is reclaiming HCO32 at a supranormal rate. 150 meq/L. The [H1 ] typically varies between 40 and
Most patients with metabolic alkalosis have developed 140 meq/L, [K1] varies between 10 and 15 meq/L, and [Na1]
increased proximal HCO32 reabsorption. The major stim- makes up the balance (37). Secretion of HCl (via gastric type
ulatory factors responsible are reduced intravascular, or H1/K1 ATPase) into the gastric lumen generates equimolar
effective arterial, blood volume, and hypokalemia (12). addition of HCO3 to the ECF. Normally, gastric HCl secretion
Metabolic acidosis and chronic respiratory acidosis also does not produce metabolic alkalosis because the acid is not
increase proximal tubule HCO32 reabsorption, but these lost from the body. The HCl leaves the stomach and enters
disorders are not relevant to the current discussion. the small bowel, where H1 is neutralized by HCO32 mainly
Metabolic alkalosis is also usually associated with secreted by the pancreas (with a smaller component from
accelerated distal HCO32 reabsorption and generation. bile and intestinal epithelium). This generates CO2 and water.
Generous distal Na1 delivery, combined with avid distal The secretion of HCO32 adds H1 to the body fluids. Because
Na1 reabsorption (for example, because of high aldoste- the quantity of HCO32 secreted into the small bowel equals the
rone levels) accelerates distal H1 and K1 secretion. This quantity of H1 delivered from the stomach, these two
occurs, in part, because distal Na1 reabsorption, mainly via processes neutralize one another. However, removal of the
the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) in principal cells, gastric HCl from the body, by vomiting or tube suction,
generates a lumen negative electric potential (potential prevents the HCl from reaching the small bowel. Conse-
difference [PD]5240 mv), which drives paracellular and quently, HCO32 is not secreted into the intestinal lumen so
transcellular anion (mostly Cl2) reabsorption and enhances that a gastric-derived HCO32 bolus is added to the ECF
the secretion of H1 and K1. Also, many neurohormonal and an equal quantity of Cl2 is removed from the body.
stimuli of distal Na1 absorption increase type A interca- Later in the development of gastric alkalosis, a K1/H1 cell
lated cell activity (25) (Figure 4). shift also generates additional HCO32 (described below).
Figure 5 shows three types of intercalated cells. The type Maintenance. Initially, much of the HCO32 added to
B intercalated cell secretes HCO 3 2 in exchange for Cl 2 , the ECF (after vomiting or gastric suction) is filtered and
and can therefore contribute to the correction of meta- excreted by the kidneys largely as NaHCO3. The loss of
bolic alkalosis. However, generous distal delivery of gastric fluid combines with kidney loss of NaHCO3 and
Cl 2 is required to enable this cell to secrete major fluid to generate ECF volume contraction: GFR falls and
quantities of HCO 3 2 . Recent studies show that interca- kidney salt and fluid retention are stimulated. Distal delivery
lated cells also play an important role in NaCl reab- of Na1 and HCO32, linked with secondary hyperaldosteron-
sorption and volume regulation (25–31) (discussed in ism, increases the fraction of HCO32 excreted as KHCO3 (40).
the legend for Figure 5). Hypokalemia shifts K1 out of, and H1 into, cells generating
When the GFR is markedly reduced, metabolic acidosis ECF HCO32 (21,22). The resulting intracellular acidifica-
usually develops. However, occasionally, metabolic alka- tion of kidney tubule cells stimulates HCO32 reclamation
losis occurs and then the HCO32 load cannot be excreted and generation. Hypokalemia also reduces pendrin activ-
because of the reduced GFR. Kidney dysfunction contrib- ity and type B intercalated cell density, which further
utes to the maintenance of metabolic alkalosis in several limits HCO32 secretion (30,31).

ECF contraction generates proximal and distal Na1

reabsorption and HCO32 reclamation. Distally, Na1 reabsorp-
tion increases H1 and K1 secretion. K1 depletion also increases
H1 secretion by type A intercalated cells via both H1 ATPase
and H/K ATPase pumps (see Figures 3 and 4), and increases
kidney NH3 generation and excretion (38,39).
During the maintenance phase, the urine electrolyte
pattern fluctuates. Generally, filtered Na1, K1, HCO32,
Cl2, and water are avidly reabsorbed, generating concen-
trated, electrolyte-poor, and relatively acid (denoted as
“paradoxical aciduria” because metabolic alkalosis exists)
urine. However, intermittently (for example, immediately
after loss of a large bolus of gastric fluid), the serum
[HCO32] acutely increases, and for a period of time, the
larger load of filtered HCO32 cannot be completely re-
claimed despite the multiple stimulatory factors described
previously. When this occurs, the urine [HCO32], [Na1],
[K1], and pH all temporarily increase. Subsequently, the
serum [HCO32] declines, the ECF volume contracts further,
and filtered NaHCO3 is completely reclaimed. Urine
electrolyte concentrations and pH again fall. However, it
is important to note that throughout these cyclic variations,
the urine [Cl2] remains low. Thus, a low urine [Cl2] (,20
meq/L) generally indicates the kidney’s ongoing response
to reduced ECF volume or intra-arterial blood volume.
Resolution. The factors responsible for kidney HCO32
retention are reversed by adequate ECF volume expansion
(NaCl infusion) and KCl repletion. Adequate restoration
of ECF volume is signified by rising urine [Cl2] and the
development of a NaHCO3 diuresis. K1 replacement
moves K1 into, and H1 out of, cells into the ECF,
simultaneously reducing the [HCO32] and increasing in-
tracellular pH. The urine electrolyte profiles discussed
above presume relatively intact kidney tubule function and
the absence of diuretic activity.
The term “contraction alkalosis” has been used to
describe several different disorders in which the ECF
“contracts” around a relatively fixed quantity of HCO32 .

Figure 5. | Continued. bicarbonate chloride exchanger (NDBCE; a

product of the Solute Carrier Family 4 Member A8 or SLC4A8 gene) in the
Figure 5. | Intercalated cells: Three different intercalated cell types luminal membrane (see discussion below). Non–type A/non–type B
have been identified: type A intercalated cells, type B intercalated intercalated cells: this is the third type of intercalated cell. Both a V-type
cells, and non–type A/non–type B intercalated cells. Each is rich in H1 ATPase, pumping H1, and Pendrin, exchanging HCO32 for Cl2,
carbonic anhydrase II and is capable of generating abundant HCO32 coexist in the lumen membrane. The anion exchanger AE4 (a product of
and H1 from H2CO3. Type A intercalated cells: H1 is secreted into the the Solute Carrier Family 4 Member A4 or SLC4A4 gene) is a major Na1/3
lumen mainly via V-type H1 ATPase and to a smaller extent via H1-K1 HCO32 transporter in the basolateral membrane, moving these ions into
ATPase. The generated cytoplasmic HCO32 moves into the peritubular the peritubular capillary. Although intercalated cells were originally
capillary in exchange for Cl2, via anion exchanger 1 (AE1; a product of identified as major kidney acid base–regulating cells, it is now clear that
the Solute Carrier Family 4 Member 1 or SLC4A1 gene). This trans- these cells also play an important role in salt and volume regulation
porter is also called the “erythrocyte membrane protein band 3” in red (32,33). The sodium-driven bicarbonate chloride exchanger (NDBCE)
blood cells. Type B intercalated cells: H1 is secreted into the peri- in the luminal membrane of the type B intercalated cells is an elec-
tubular capillary by V-type H1 ATPase in the basolateral membrane trically neutral ion exchanger moving one Na1 and two HCO32 ions
(the same proton transporter as found in type A intercalated cells, but in into the cell while moving one Cl2 into the lumen. The net effect of two
the opposite, or luminal, membrane). The HCO32 generated in this Pendrin cycles (two HCO32 ions enter the lumen in exchange for
cell is secreted into the lumen via an anion exchanger named Pendrin uptake of two Cl2 ions) and one NDBCE cycle (two HCO3 ions and one
(a product of the Solute Carrier Family 26 Member A4 or SLC26A4 Na1 ion enter the cell and one Cl2 ion enters the lumen) has the net
gene) that exchanges one HCO32 for one Cl2. Pendrin is a distinct and effect of the reabsorption on one molecule of NaCl. These acid-base
different exchanger than the AE1 in the type A cells that is present in the and salt reabsorption interactions of intercalated cells may explain
basolateral membrane. A Na1/3HCO32 cotransporter AE4 (a product why some patients with Pendred syndrome, a genetic defect of Pen-
of the Solute Carrier Family 4 Member A4 or SLC4A4 gene) is present drin, develop severe salt depletion and metabolic alkalosis when
in the basolateral membrane. These cells also have the sodium-driven treated with thiazide diuretics (34).
CJASN 15: ccc–ccc, November, 2020 Metabolic Alkalosis, Emmett 7

Although gastric alkalosis is an ECF volume-“contracted” Generation. Autonomous hyperaldosteronism increases

condition and the ECF contraction contributes impor- distal Na1 reabsorption, expanding the ECF. This expansion
tantly to both its pathogenesis and maintenance, the major raises the GFR and reduces proximal tubule salt and water
cause of the blood [HCO32 ] increase is not shrinkage of reabsorption. Generous distal salt and water delivery ensue.
the ECF per se, but rather generation of HCO32 owing This results in inappropriately high aldosterone activity
to gastric HCl loss and cellular H1 -K1 shifts (21–23,40). combining with generous distal tubule salt and water delivery.
Conversely, although expansion of the ECF with NaCl does This combination represents pathophysiology and high rates
dilute the ECF [HCO32] to a small degree, its correcting action of Na1 reabsorption, and indirectly linked K1 and H1
in these patients is mainly a result of kidney HCO32 excretion. secretion ensue. Excretion of K1 and H1 exceeds physiologic
Reducing or stopping the loss of gastric HCl is of course requirements, generating hypokalemia and metabolic alkalo-
critical for reversing the process at its initiation point. sis. The development of hypokalemia and K1 depletion
However, if the gastric fluid losses cannot be stopped, then contribute importantly to HCO32 generation when K1
reducing the gastric fluid [HCl] concentration with an H2 shifts out of cells in exchange for H1 (22), and kidney H1
blocker or proton pump inhibitor can be helpful (41). secretion and ammonia excretion increases. Additionally,
Table 2 lists the most common forms of ECF volume- hypokalemia increases proximal tubule HCO32 reclaimation
contracted metabolic alkalosis. The urine [Cl2] is typically and H 1 /K1 ATPase activity in type A intercalated
reduced to ,20 meq/L. cells (25,27).
Maintenance Phase. Usually, expansion of the ECF
reduces proximal salt reabsorption and HCO32 reclama-
ECF Volume Expanded tion and simultaneously reduces renin, angiotensin II, and
Classic Example: Primary Mineralocorticoid Excess aldosterone levels. Consequently, distal Na1 reabsorption
Syndromes. Primary hyperaldosteronism is a condition of and K1 and H1 secretion remain modest despite high
autonomous, or inappropriately upregulated, aldosterone delivery rates. However, when autonomous aldosterone
secretion. This generates ECF volume expansion, hyper- secretion combines with generous distal salt delivery, in-
tension, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis. A unilateral appropriately high levels of distal Na1 reabsorption and K1
adrenal adenoma secreting aldosterone is the prototypical and H1 excretion develop. As hypokalemia and K1 depletion
cause of this disorder, but many conditions can mimic the ensue, they contribute importantly to both additional HCO32
electrolyte and acid-base pathophysiology of primary hy- generation and kidney HCO32 reclamation via systemic K1/
peraldosteronism (Table 2). H1 cell shifts and acidification of kidney tubule cells. Hypo-
ECF Volume Regulation of Renin and Aldosterone kalemia also increases H1/K1-ATPase activity in type A
(Normal Physiology). The reabsorption of Na1 in late distal intercalated cells (Figures 4 and 5) (25,27). Furthermore,
tubules/collecting ducts is mainly accomplished by principal aldosterone also increases salt reabsorption via a sequence
cells (Figure 4) through ENaC pores in the luminal mem- of pendrin-related events (Figure 5) (28). During the
branes. When these pores are open, the electrochemical maintenance phase of autonomous hyperaldosteronism,
gradient favors reabsorption of Na1. This generates a lumen the urine electrolytes reflect the patient’s salt intake. Thus,
negative electrical potential (240 mv) that drives both the urine [Cl2] will generally be .20 meq/L.
chloride reabsorption and secretion of K1 and H1. Recovery Phase. Successful resection of an adrenal
ECF volume contraction in normal individuals reduces aldosterone secreting adenoma generally reverses the
the GFR and sharply increases the reabsorption of NaCl entire syndrome. However, if hypertension has existed
and NaHCO3 in the proximal tubules. Volume contraction for a long period of time, it may persist because of
also generates secondary hyperaldosteronism (high aldo- structural vascular pathology. In lieu of surgery, drugs
sterone activity driven by high renin and angiotensin II that block the action of aldosterone can be very helpful. The
activity). The result of these coordinated actions is that the physical and biochemical manifestations of primary hyper-
potent aldosterone-driven stimulus to reabsorb Na1 in the aldosteronism can also be ameliorated by ingestion of a
distal/collecting tubules is coordinated with increased very-low-salt diet, which reduces distal salt delivery,
proximal reabsorption, which sharply reduces distal salt blunting H 1 and K1 loss. Conversely, the physical
and water delivery. Consequently, reduced Na1 delivery findings and electrolyte abnormalities are exacerbated by a
to aldosterone-sensitive sites blunts the magnitude of Na1 high-salt diet (42,43). Analagously, other mineralocorticoid
reabsorption and the indirectly linked secretion of K1 and excess syndromes and mineralocorticoid excess-like syndromes
H1. The opposite occurs in response to ECF volume can sometimes be reversed or cured at their source and/or
expansion in normal individuals—the GFR increases, treated by blocking downstream pathophysiology.
proximal salt and water reabsorption fall, and generous
distal salt and water delivery ensues. Simultaneously, renin ECF Volume Contracted: Diuretic and
angiotensin II and aldosterone levels fall. Now despite Diuretic-Like Etiologies
generous distal salt and water delivery, low aldosterone Classic Example: Thiazide and/or Loop Diuretics. Thiazide
levels downmodulate distal Na1 reabsorption, and indirectly and/or loop diuretics very frequently generate hypokale-
linked K1 and H1 secretion. This describes the normal mia and metabolic alkalosis. Despite development of a
reciprocal physiologic balance that exists between the mag- relatively contracted ECF, or effective arterial blood vol-
nitude of distal delivery of salt and water and neuro- ume, the generation and maintenance mechanisms of this
hormonal stimulation of distal Na1 reabsorption and K1 condition has many similarities to the ECF volume-expanded
and H1 secretion. This exquisite reciprocal balance is condition of primary hyperaldosteronism (42). That is because
disrupted by autonomous aldosterone secretion (12,42). increased distal salt and volume delivery (due to the diuretics)

combine with activation of the renin angiotensin II- All three types of intercalated cells located in the distal
aldosterone axis. tubule/collecting ducts not only play a major role in
Generation. Inhibition of the Na/K/2Cl cotransporter acid/base regulation, but also participate in volume
(NKCC2) in the thick limb of Henle by loop diuretics and/or regulation and NaCl balance (32,33). These cells may be
inhibition of the neutral Na/Cl cotransporter (NCC) in the especially important in moderating the development of
diluting segment by thiazide diuretics increases NaCl and metabolic alkalosis in patients receiving thiazide diuretics
volume delivery to more distal sites. Diuretics also generally (34) (see Figure 5).
increase renin, angiotensin II, and aldosterone levels, Diagnostic Approach. When the cause of metabolic
generating a state of secondary hyperaldosteronism. In alkalosis is not readily apparent from the history and
the absence of diuretics, secondary hyperaldosteronism is physical examination, then it is very helpful to categorize
typically associated with reduced distal salt and volume the disorder on the basis of the patient’s kidney function
delivery, which limits the magnitude of distal Na1 and volume status. If the GFR is markedly reduced and
reabsorption (and thereby H1 and K1 secretion). How- major acidic gastrointestinal fluid losses do not exist, a
ever, diuretics generate a state of secondary hyperaldoster- source of exogenous bicarbonate loading should be sought.
onism linked with generous distal tubule Na1 and volume If the GFR is not markedly reduced, then carefully assess
delivery. Therefore, enhanced distal Na1 reabsorption via volume status with history, physical examination, and a
principal cell ENaCs occurs together with generous distal spot urine [Cl2] measurement. A urine [Cl2] ,20 meq/L is
Na1 and volume delivery, accelerating distal H1 and K1 consistent with a reduced ECF or effective intra-arterial
secretion and generating metabolic alkalosis and hypoka- volume, whereas a urine [Cl2 ] .20 meq/L suggests an
lemia. Hypokalemia also generates additional ECF HCO32 expanded state. Consider the diagnoses in Table 2.
via cellular H1/K1 exchange, which also stimulates distal However, recognize that diuretic-generated metabolic
H1 secretion. During periods of diuretic activity, urine alkaloses are characterized by cyclic changes in urine
[Na1] and [Cl2] are both high. However, diuretic action is [Cl2 ] as the diuretic effect waxes and wanes. In general,
generally intermittent, and periods of diuretic activity cycle widely varying urine [Cl2 ] changes indicate diuretic use
with periods of inactivity and recovery. During the “off- (which some patients may deny).
diuretic” phases, avid kidney salt reabsorption markedly Metabolic alkalosis is a very common disorder. This
reduces distal NaCl delivery, limiting principal cell Na1 brief review provides a diagnostic and therapeutic
reabsorption and distal K1 and H1 secretion. Now, urine framework using an ECF volume-oriented physiologic
[Cl2] and [Na1] fall to low levels, reflecting the relative approach to the generation, maintenance, and resolution
ECF-contracted state. Thus, the urine [Cl2] and [Na1] cycle of this disorder. Space limitations preclude in-depth
up and down depending on the level of diuretic activity. In discussion of many fascinating clinical metabolic alkalosis
contrast, diuretic-mimicking disorders such as Bartter and syndromes and a number of recent physiologic and path-
Gitelman syndromes are characterized by persistent, high ophysiologic discoveries that enhance our understanding of
urine [Cl2] because they never develop an “off-diuretic- this disorder.
like” period.
Maintenance. Again, many similarities to the mainte- Disclosures
nance mechanisms described for primary hyperaldoster- The author has nothing to disclose.
onism exist. Hypokalemia increases both proximal and
distal tubule H 1 and NH 4 1 secretion. ECF and/or Funding
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