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Golgi complex (Dictyosomeses):

Golgi apparatus was discovered in 1898 by Italian

physician Camillo Golgi during an investigation of
the nervous system. Dictyosome consists of
flattened membranous sacs. They look like a stack
of pita bread. A cell may have several
interconnected stacks. Each cisterna in a stack
consists of a membrane. This membrane separates
its internal space from the cytosol. Vesicles
concentrated near the Golgi apparatus. They are
used in the transfer of material between the Golgi
and other structures. The number of dictoysomes
may be few hundreds in plant cells. But lower
organisms have only 4 or less dictoysomes.
Golgi complex is a set of smooth membranes
that are attacked into flattened fluid filled sacs. These
fluid-filled sacs are called cisternae. Dictyosome
generally has two poles. The membranes of cisternae
differ in thickness and molecular composition at
opposite ends of a stack. The two poles of a Golgi
stack are:
(a) The cis-face (or forming face): The cis face is
located near ER.
(b) The trans face (or maturing face): This end
acts as the receiving and shipping departments of the
Golgi apparatus.
Formation of secretions in Dictoysomes:
Following steps take place during formation of secretions:
y Transport vesicles move material from the ER to the Golgi. A
vesicle buds from the ER. They forms transport vesicles. This
transport vesicle fuses with cis face of Golgi apparatus and transfer
its contents to Golgi membrane.
y The trans face gives rise to secretary vesicles. These secretary
vesicles pinch off and travel to other sites.
y Products of the ER are modified during transport from the cis pole
to the trans pole of the golgi proteins. Various Golgi enzymes
modify oligosaccharide portions of glycoproteins. The
oligosaccharides of glycoproteins are identical in the ER. The Golgi
removes some sugar monomers and substitutes others. So they
produce different types of oligo saccharides. The secretary vesicle
budded off from the tans-face of golgi complex.
y The secretary vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane. This product
is finally exported outside.
Golgi complex performs following functions:
y Cell secretions: Golgi complex are concerned with cell
secretions. For example in mammals, the pancreas secretes
granules. These granules contain enzymes that help in
y Transportation: Golgi apparatus transport the proteins or
enzymes outside the cell.
y Formation of Glycoproteins and glycolipids: It is the
most important function of the Golgi apparatus. They add
carbohydrate to protein and lipids to
form glycoprotein and glycolipids.
y Formation of cell wall: The dictoysomes forms a structure
called phragmoplast between the dividing plant cells.
Phragmoplast form new cell wall between dividing cell.

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