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Chapter 8 : Network optimization

(7 out of 12 correct)

1. In the shortest route problem, the objective is to find the shortest route from an
origin to a destination through a network.
 A. True
 B. False

2. Shortest path algorithm given in the text will work even if the costs (distances) of
the arcs are negative.
 A. True
 B. False

3. In the linear programming formulation of the shortest path problem, the constraint
corresponding to the origin will have 1 on its RHS.
 A. True
 B. False

4. Flow conservation is assumed in the spanning tree problem.

 A. True
 B. False

5. In flows in network, the optimal solution to the maximal flow problem cannot
have flows simultaneously in both directions of an arc.
 A. True
 B. False

6. In the spanning tree algorithm, we try to find the shortest arc from the connected
nodes to any nodes of the rest of the graph.
 A. True
 B. False
7. In the spanning tree problem, one is trying to find the longest tree from the origin
to the destination.
 A. True
 B. False

8. In the shortest route problem, the algorithm will find all shortest paths from any
node to any node.
 A. True
 B. False


In Figure 1, using the shortest route algorithm presented in the text, the node that
would be labeled with a permanent label next will be
 A. 1.
 B. 2.
 C. 3.
 D. 5.

In Figure 2, using the shortest route algorithm presented in the text book, the
label and the node that would get the permanent label will be
 A. 3 and [5,2].
 B. 4 and [8,2].
 C. 5 and [7,1]
 D. 2 and [3,1]


In Figure 3, bold arc and all nodes attached to it is the connected node. Using the
algorithm in the text for finding the minimal spanning tree which will be the next
node that will be added to the set of connected nodes?
 A. 3.
 B. 6.
 C. 4.
 D. 5.

What is the maximum flow possible from source to sink in the network given in
Figure 4?
 A. 9
 B. 8
 C. 7
 D. 10

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Chapter 10 : AHP

58% (7 out of 12 correct)

1. Goal programming differs from linear programming in the nature of constraints
and the objective function.
 A. True
 B. False

2. Constraints in linear programming maybe considered as soft constraints and the

constraints in goal programming may be considered as hard constraints.
 A. True
 B. False

3. In goal programming, hard constraints are satisfied and soft constraints are brought
to acceptable levels (satisficing).
 A. True
 B. False

4. Goal constraints have deviation variables and are expressed as equations.

 A. True
 B. False

5. While solving goal programming problems using graphical method, deviations

from the constraints can be found directly from the graph.
 A. True
 B. False

6. Analytical hierarchy process answers the question of which alternative to select

based on multiple criteria.
 A. True
 B. False

7. In analytical hierarchy process, the normalized pairwise comparison matrix have

rows adding up to 1.0.
 A. True
 B. False
8. In the analytical hierarchy process, one multiplies the pair wise comparison matrix
by criteria % to get weighted sum priority vector.
 A. True
 B. False

9. The primary objective of goal programming is to

 A. optimize each goal or objective.
 B. minimize all goal deviations.
 C. satisfy all constraints (goal and non-goal).
 D. satisfy non-goal constraints and satisfice goal constraints

10. In goal programming models

 A. Deviation variables appear only in goal constraints.
 B. Goal constraints can be expressed as inequalities.
 C. Conflicting goals are not allowed.
 D. Zero one variables are used to represent goal variations.

11. Which of the following phrases best describes deviation variables in goal
 A. The acceptable level of goal achievement
 B. The gap between actual achievement and target performance.
 C. The variability of resource availability.
 D. The difference between maximum and minimum achievement levels of
goal achievement.

12. Goal constraints are referred to as “soft” constraints because they

 A. are easy to achieve.
 B. have no real physical interpretation.
 C. are easily satisfied by any solution.
 D. are not strict requirements for feasibility.
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Site Title: Quantitative Analysis for Summary of Results

Management, 11/e Global
Edition 60% Correct of 10 Scored items:
6 Correct:  60%
Book Title: Quantitative Analysis for
Management, 11/e Global 4 Incorrect:  40%
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Location on Module 1: Analytic Hierarchy
Site: Process > Self-Study Quizzes >
Multiple Choice
Date/Time July 4, 2020 at 5:25 PM
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1. Given the following key factors and their importance weights, determine a
total weighted evaluation for A1.

Key Factor Importance Weights A1 A2 A3

K1 0.1 0.2 0.9 0.7
K2 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.4
K3 0.2 0.9 0.6 0.8

Your Answer:
Correct Answer: 0.76

  Incorrect. See section M1.2.

2. Given three alternatives and their total weighted evaluation, which action
should be selected?

Alternative Weighted Average

A 0.4
B 0.4
C 0.9

Alternative A or Alternative C
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Alternative C
  Incorrect. See section M1.2.

3. A multifactor evaluation process is preferred to the analytic hierarchy

process when

there is low confidence in determining factor weights

Your Answer: without pairwise comparisons.
Correct Answer: there is high confidence in determining factor weights
without pairwise comparisons.

  Incorrect. See sections M1.2 and M1.3.

4. Shown below is a pairwise comparison matrix with each number in the

matrix already divided by its respective column total. Determine the
evaluation factors for Component B.

Component B B1 B2 B3
B1 0.69 0.720 0.563
B2 0.23 0.240 0.375
B3 0.07 0.040 0.063

B1 B2 B3
Your Answer:
0.706 0.200 0.092
Correct Answer:
B1 B2 B3
0.658 0.281 0.060

  Incorrect. See section M1.3.

5. Three factors are considered for a decision process. It is desired to have

Factor 1 (F1) weighted as 6 times the Factor 2 (F2) weight. F2 should be 3
times the Factor 3 (F3) weight. What importance of weights should be
used for a multifactor evaluation process?

W(F1) = 18/22, W(F2) = 3/22. W(F3) = 1/22

Your Answer:


6. Shown below is a consistency vector from an analytic hierarchy process


Compute .


approximately 3
Your Answer:


7. From an analytic hierarchy process analysis,   is computed to be 7.6, n

= 4, RI = 0.58. Compute the consistency index.

Your Answer:


8. From an analytic hierarchy process analysis,   is computed to be 3.4, n

= 3, RI = 1.60. Compute the consistency ratio.

Your Answer:


9. The value for λ is _______________ .

the average value of the consistency vector

Your Answer:


10 The consistency ratio is ___________________ .

Your Answer:


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Chapter: Project Management

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Site Title: Quantitative Analysis for Summary of Results

Management, 11/e Global
Edition 27% Correct of 11 Scored items:
3 Correct:  27%
Book Title: Quantitative Analysis for
Management, 11/e Global 8 Incorrect:  73%
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Location on Chapter 12: Project
Site: Management > Self-Study
Quizzes > Multiple Choice
Date/Time July 4, 2020 at 5:56 PM
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1. In a PERT network, the earliest (activity) start time is the

earliest time that an activity can be finished without

Your Answer: delaying the entire project.
Correct Answer: earliest time that an activity can start without violation
of precedence requirements.

  Incorrect. See section 13.2.

2. Which of the following, if any, may not be one of the questions answered
by PERT or PERT/Cost?

When will the entire project be completed?

Your Answer:
Correct Answer: none of the above

  Incorrect. See sections 13.2 and 13.3.


assumes we do not know ahead of time what activities

Your Answer: must be completed.
Correct Answer: is a network technique that uses three time estimates
for each activity in a project.

  Incorrect. See section 13.2.

4. Time an activity would take assuming very unfavorable conditions is

represented by the

optimistic time (a).

Your Answer:
Correct Answer: pessimistic time (b).

  Incorrect. See section 13.2.

5. The expected time in PERT is

a weighted average of the most optimistic time, most

Your Answer: pessimistic time, and four times the most likely time.

6. Given the following activity’s optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic time
estimates of 6, 10, 14 days, respectively, compute the PERT time for this

Your Answer:
Correct Answer: 10

  Incorrect. See section 13.2.

7. What is the critical path for the project described in the following table?

A, B
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: B, D

  Incorrect. See section 13.2.

8. Consider a project that has an expected completion time of 60 weeks and

a standard deviation of five weeks. What is the probability that the project
is finished in 70 weeks or less (round to two decimals)?

Your Answer:


9. How long could activity E be delayed without delaying the completion of

the project described in the following table?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: 9

  Incorrect. See section 13.2.

10 Which of the following is one of the assumptions of PERT?

Total project completion time follows a normal probability
Your Answer: distribution.


11 The first step in planning and scheduling a project is to

assign time and cost estimates to each activity.
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: develop the work breakdown structure.

  Incorrect. See section 13.1.

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Your Results for: "True or False" Print this page

Site Title: Quantitative Analysis for Summary of Results

Management, 11/e Global
Edition 30% Correct of 10 Scored items:
3 Correct:  30%
Book Title: Quantitative Analysis for
Management, 11/e Global 7 Incorrect:  70%
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Location on Chapter 12: Project
Site: Management > Self-Study
Quizzes > True or False
Date/Time July 4, 2020 at 5:58 PM
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1. In PERT, an activity that has slack can be delayed without affecting the
start of any other activity.

Your Answer:
Correct Answer: False

  Incorrect. See section 13.2.

2. In PERT, if the early finish and late finish times are the same, an activity
has no slack.

Your Answer:


3. The latest finish time (LF) is the earliest time an activity can end without
delaying the entire project.

Your Answer:
Correct Answer: False
  Incorrect. See section 13.2.

4. When using PERT, the project variance is computed by summing the

variance of all the activities of the project.

Your Answer:
Correct Answer: False

  Incorrect. See section 13.4.

5. In CPM, when we crash an activity, we always crash it to the minimum

time possible.

Your Answer:
Correct Answer: False

  Incorrect. See section 13.4.

6. PERT is more appropriate than CPM for managing projects that are
unfamiliar and for which we can only estimate activity durations.

Your Answer:


7. On a PERT network diagram, a successor activity is an activity that can be

started only after the given activity is finished.

Your Answer:
Correct Answer: True

  Incorrect. See section 13.2.

8. The critical path determined in a PERT analysis is only an "average" or

"expected" critical path. The actual critical path of the project may differ
from the one calculated.

Your Answer:
Correct Answer: True

  See section 13.2.

9. In PERT, we assume that activity times are deterministic, while in CPM we
assume that activity times are probabilistic.

Your Answer:
Correct Answer: False

  Incorrect. See Chapter 13.

10 When crashing a project, it is possible that the reduction in the current

critical path causes a non-critical path or paths to become critical.
Your Answer:


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Your Results for: "Fill In The Blanks" Print this page

Site Title: Quantitative Analysis for Summary of Results

Management, 11/e Global
Edition 20% Correct of 10 Scored items:
2 Correct:  20%
Book Title: Quantitative Analysis for
Management, 11/e Global 8 Incorrect:  80%
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Location on Chapter 12: Project
Site: Management > Self-Study
Quizzes > Fill In The Blanks
Date/Time July 4, 2020 at 5:58 PM
Submitted: (UTC/GMT)

1. A(n) _______ is a point in time that marks the beginning or end of an


Your Answer:


2. _________ is the time an activity can be delayed without affecting the

start time of any other activity.

Latest start time

Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Free slack

  Incorrect. See section 13.2.

3. The process of reducing total time that it takes to complete a project by

employing additional resources is called ______.

Your Answer:


4. PERT often assumes that the time estimates follow the _______
probability distribution.

Your Answer:
Correct Answer: beta

  Incorrect. See section 13.2.

5. In PERT/CPM, a(n) _________ is a time-consuming job or task.

Your Answer:
Correct Answer: activity
  Incorrect. See section 13.2.

6. In an AON network representation, the _______ represents the activities.

Your Answer:
Correct Answer: nodes

  Incorrect. See section 13.2.

7. _______ assumes that activity times are probabilistic, while ______

assumes that activity times are deterministic.

Your Answer:
Correct Answer: PERT, CPM

  Incorrect. See Chapter 13.

8. The earliest start (ES) of an activity is the _________ earliest finish (EF)
of the immediate __________.

largest, successors
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: largest, predecessors

  Incorrect. See section 13.2.

9. In CPM, we assume that resources are expended in a(n) _________.

nonlinear fashion
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: linear fashion

  Incorrect. See section 13.4.

10 Major events in a projects are often referred to as ________ .

step stone
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: milestones

  Incorrect. See section 13.5.

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Chapter 11 : Decision Tree

33% (4 out of 12 correct)

1. Decision theory always guarantees optimal solution.

 A. True
 B. False

2. Decision theory provides a rational and logical way of making decisions.

 A. True
 B. False

3. In pruning (evaluating) a decision tree, you write the expected payoff at a random
outcome node inside the circle or square representing that node.
 A. True
 B. False

4. Which of the following is not a part of decision tree problem specification.

 A. A list of alternatives.
 B. A list of possible states of nature.
 C. Expected value of perfect information.
 D. Payoffs associated with alternative/state of nature combination.

5. If a decision theory problem has 3 decision alternatives and 4 states of nature, the
number of payoffs in that problem will be
 A. 3
 B. 4
 C. 12
 D. 64

6. In a decision theory problem under complete uncertainty, which one of the

following approaches will not be possible?
 A. Expected monetary value.
 B. Maximin.
 C. Minimax.
 D. Hurwicz.

7. Projected payoff corresponding to various levels of business expansion and

economic conditions faced by Ramcast Cable Inc. is given in the table below.
Using Hurwicz criterion with a =0.7, identify the correct decision for Ramcast
Cable Inc.

 A. d1
 B. d2
 C. d3
 D. d4

8. Expected payoff corresponding to various levels of business expansion and

economic conditions faced by Ramcast Cable Inc. is given in the table below. The
probabilities of the events are also given. Using expected monetary value criterion,
identify the correct decision for Ramcast Cable Inc.

 A. d1
 B. d2
 C. d3
 D. d4

9. Projected payoff corresponding to various levels of business expansion and

economic conditions faced by Ramcast Cable Inc. is given in the table below.
Using minimizing opportunity loss criterion, identify the correct decision for
Ramcast Cable Inc.

 A. d1
 B. d2
 C. d3
 D. d4

10. Expected payoff corresponding to various levels of business expansion and

economic conditions faced by Ramcast Cable Inc. is given in the table below. The
probabilities of the events are also given. What is the minimum expected
opportunity loss in the payoff matrix given below.
 A. 180000
 B. 435000
 C. 390000
 D. 149000

11 Prior probabilities for economic boom, moderate growth and recession in the
. Land_of_the_bipeds is given below. There is a Land_of_Mortals where there are
only two states Boost or Roast. Conditional probability of Boost or Roast given
various states of economic conditions in the Land_of_the_bipeds is also known
and presented below.

The P(Boost) is
 A. 0.16
 B. 0.15
 C. 0.46
 D. 0.54

12 Prior probabilities for economic boom, moderate growth and recession in the
. Land_of_the_bipeds is given below. There is a Land_of_Mortals where there are
only two states Boost or Roast. Conditional probability of Boost or Roast given
various states of economic conditions in the Land_of_the_bipeds is also known
and presented below.
The P(Roast) is
 A. 0.16
 B. 0.54
 C. 0.46
 D. 0.04

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