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Good day to everyone! I’m Lemuel Castillo. I’m here to present to you my speech
entitled “Living the Life of Poverty”. Before I start my speech here’s some inspirational
quote of Mother Teresa “Loneliness and the feeling being unwanted is the most terrible

What is poverty and what does it mean to be poor? There are many different
ways of describing what poverty is, whether it is by how you live or by how much money
you have. Not many of us know the true meaning of this term. Poverty is a serious
problem around the world. It is defined as the equality to poorness and impoverishment.
According to my research, over the past fifty years poverty has been dramatically been
reduced however, approximately one fifth of the world population or over one billion
people less than one dollar a day.

For me, poverty was and still the biggest and the most serious killer in the
world. Many people are affected of poverty but it hits the children the hardest. The worst
thing is that hunger doesn’t only affect the children’s health but also their development.
Their family should provide money for food and education of their children unfortunately
they don’t have this opportunity. Instead of playing and studying, these children are
forced to work like an adult in their young age to provide money for themselves and to
help their family in their basic needs.

If we stop poverty, we will save many people’s lives. Life is so hard and if we
don’t help them who will do that for them? Let’s help them in our own simple way,
because this is the way that we can see the smiles on children’s faces and can make
their dream come true. It is time to show that we have golden hearts and we really
understand their situation and it is time to show our care not only for ourselves but for
others. So let’s help them before it’s too late


Earth science or geoscience is a widely embraced term for the fields

of science related to the planet Earth. It is the branch of science dealing with the
physical constitution of the earth and its atmosphere. Earth science is the study of our
planet’s physical characteristics, from earthquakes to raindrops, and floods to fossils.
Earth science can be considered to be a branch of planetary science, but with a much
older history. “Earth science” is a broad term that encompasses four main branches of
study, each of which is further broken down into more specialized fields.

There are both reductionist and holistic approaches to Earth sciences. It is also

the study of the Earth and its neighbors in space. Some Earth scientists use their
knowledge of the Earth to locate and develop energy and mineral resources. Others
study the impact of human activity on Earth's environment, and design methods to
protect the planet. Some use their knowledge about Earth processes such as
volcanoes, earthquakes, and hurricanes to plan communities that will not expose people
to these dangerous events.

The Earth sciences can include the study of geology, the lithosphere, and the
large-scale structure of the Earth's interior, as well as the atmosphere, hydrosphere,
and biosphere. Typically, Earth scientists use tools
from geography, chronology, physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics to build a
quantitative understanding of how the Earth works and evolves. Earth science affects
our everyday lives. For example, meteorologists study the weather and watch for
dangerous storms. Hydrologists study water and warn of floods. Seismologists study
earthquakes and try to predict where they will strike. Geologists study rocks and help to
locate useful minerals. Earth scientists mainly work “in the field”—climbing mountains,
exploring the seabed, crawling through caves, or wading in swamps. They measure and
collect samples (such as rocks or river water), then they record their findings on charts
and maps.

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