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Group Members:

Angel Gupta
Azad Thapa
Namaskar! Bipana Lamichhane
Laxmi Thapa Magar
Good Morning!
Krisha Shrestha
Mandeep Shrestha
Manisha Kumari Shah
Nishu Shrestha
Prabal Dahal
Positive and Normative Analysis
Positive Analysis:
 Factual analysis.
 “What is?”
 Can be proven or disproven.
 For example: I can tell you that it is 70 degrees outside today and you
could verify if my statement is true or untrue.

Normative Analysis:
 Opinion based analysis.
 “ What should be?"
 Involves proposal, judgment and ideals
 Cannot be proven or disproven.
 Example: What if I tell you that blue is better than red, can you verify
this? can you prove it? can you disprove it?

Speaker: Mandeep Shrestha

Introduction to Normative Theory
Normatic + Theory

The underlying principles or

What is considered to be normal
methods of a given technical
or correct way of doing things.
skill, art.
Derived from the Norms or
eg: Architectural theory
standards. (eg: Vastu Shastra)

Hypothesis or statement about what is right and wrong;

desirable or undesirable; just or unjust in the society.

Speaker: Krisha Shrestha

Normative vs. Descriptive Decision

Normative decision theory Descriptive decision theory

•Theory about how decision • Theory about how decision are
should be made. actually made.
•Personal judgment involved. •No personal judgment involved.
•Use of primary colors beautify •Red, Blue and Yellow are used as
structures. primary colors.
•To simplify human activities. •To broaden knowledge.

Speaker: Laxmi Thapa Magar

Normative Theory as Opposed to
Descriptive Theory
• Merriam Webster defines Normative as “based on what is
considered to be the usual or correct way of doing something”. It
is derived from Latin word norma translated to norms meaning
standard of proper acceptable behavior.
• Descriptive on the other hand means giving information about
how something / someone is perceived be it sensations of smell,
touch, vision, audibility or mental perceptions.

The main deference can be clarified by the words “what really
is” and “what ought to be”.
As a example,
 Descriptive theory: Reality is world has terrorism.
 Normative theory: World is ought to be peaceful.
 Normative = prescriptive = how to comply
 Informative = descriptive = help with conceptual understanding

Speaker: Azad Thapa

Evolution of Normative Theory
 To help understand the role of theory of practice .
 Tacit wisdom stores in memory of their elders is followed
by younger according to tradition.
 Adaptation depends on simple fact that the process
towards equilibrium is irreversible.
 “Skill without knowledge nothing worth”
 In Vitruvius book addressed to Emperor Augustus:
 “I have drawn up definite rules to enable you [Caesar] to
have personal knowledge of quality both of existing
building and yet building constructed.
 An important factor in evolution, to respond to the
requirement of society/how internal system detect external
Speaker: Manisha Kumari Sah
Importance of Normative Theory
 Practiced since ancient times.
 Helps derive solutions to various design problems. For
instance: Where is a good position for the living room
in the house?
 Invites discussion. The more we discuss, the deeper we
 Respect of the human norms and values: sign of

Speaker: Angel Gupta

De Architectura by Vitruvius

 A set of ten books addressed to the King.

 Considering harmony with the nature(wind patterns,
wind energy).
 Guidelines for making structures like aqueducts and
 Following the required acceptable norms of that era.
 Norms give rise to normative theories.

Speaker: Nishu Shrestha

Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui
 People were concerned about the balance of natural
 Created to balance natural elements in surrounding
and the human body.
 The location, orientation of the buildings are guided
by Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui even today.
 Living in Harmony with nature, respecting natural
resources and energy flow is the value/norm of people.
 Normative Theories are derived from the norms.

Speaker: Bipana Lamichhane

Normative Theory: City as a
 Characteristics of a machine:
 -Dynamic Energy for functioning of
the city (also: alternative
 -Requires fuel energy sources).
 - Requires maintenance Amendments as per
the requirement of
 - Input and Output System people

 Another proposal:
 City as Organic

Speaker: Prabal Dahal

Thank You!

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