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DLP NO. : 3 Learning Area: MAPEH/Music Grade Level: One Quarter: 2nd Duration: 40 minutes
Learning Sing simple melodic patterns.
Competency/ies ( so- mi , mi-so, mi-re-do ) Code: MU1ME- II b- 3
Key Concepts/ Simple Melodic Patterns are different notes or pitches that we put together that are pleasing to the ears.
Understandings Pitch – is the highness or lowness of a sound you hear.
to be Developed:
Knowledge Describe simple melodic patterns of a song.
Skills Perform simple melodic patterns in a traditional song.
Attitudes Demonstrate cooperation in singing with the group.
Values Display love in singing melodic patterns.
2.Content/ Topic Pitch- high and low sound
3.Learning Resources/ Curriculum Guide p. 10
Materials/ Equipments Learners’ Material pp.65-66
MAPEH in Action 1 pp.24-25
Introductory Show a picture of children playing in a see- saw.
Activity Ask: What are the children playing? How does a see- saw move?
(3 minutes) Can you show me how a see- saw move by using your arms?

Activity Proper
Group 1: Sing the song “See-saw”. Pretend that you are riding a see- saw at the playground with your
(10 minutes) friend. Hold each other’s hands. Bend your knees low and then stand up. Do the action alternately. Stay
on the beat.

“See- saw up and down

This is how we go to town
In the sky and on the ground
See-saw up and down!”

Group 2: Sing “Rain, Rain, Go Away”.

“ Rain , rain go away

Come again another day
Little children want to play.”

Let the pupils present the song in front of the class.

What did you feel while singing the song “See-saw?

Analysis What pitches do your hear while singing “Rain ,rain go away”?
(6 minutes) What are the simple melodic patterns you hear in the song “See-saw? In the song “Rain, rain go away?
Here is a picture of the pitches you sang in “ Rain, rain go away”
Abstraction S SS
(5 minutes)

S is for Sol M is for Mi

What are simple melodic patterns?
- Simple melodic patterns are different notes or pitches that we put together. They are pleasing to
the ears.

Application Sing the traditional American song, Star Light, Star Bright.”

(6 minutes)

These are the melodic patterns of the song “Star light, Star Bright”. Sing each line. You teacher will call
you by group to sing.

Put a check mark ( /) on the blank that describe your understanding.

5.Assessment ______1. I have a good understanding on simple melodic patterns.
______2. I still have some questions on simple melodic patterns.
(5 minutes) ______3. I don’t get it.
Practice singing the song “Star light, star bright” at home with the correct pitch.
(3 minutes)
7.Wrap- up/
(2 minutes)

Prepared by:

Name: Ma.Lourdes . Castro School: Binaliw Integrated School

Position/ Designation: Master Teacher 1 Division: Danao City Division
Contact Number: 09430791835 Email address:

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