HRMS Dos Donts

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Do and Don'ts in HRMS:

Be carefulwhile entering the details in HRMS. Approve the details only when all the
information entered is correct.

no Do's Don'ts

lf there is increment give it through Don't give increments using promotion screen
7 "Effect Increment" screen only Don't send request to change the increment date
and basic
Don't enter more than one record in case of
promotion you can enter more than one record
only in case of pay fixation

Don't add basic and grade pay in promotion

lf there is promotion enter only one add new basic only.
2 record Grade pay you has to be put in "Employee
specific allowances"
In case of re-appointment , exit the
employee with option taken as re- Don't do transfer out and then enterthe records
3 appointment in promotion to change the basic.
lf the person is undersuspension then Don't enter more than one record if you can't see
enterthe record in "invoke suspeRsion" the records they.will be present in unapproved
4 only once list.
ln case of promotion and suspension do
enter the records of promotion or
suspension and do full month salary at a Don't do half month or some days salary and
5 time, it will calculate automatically leave the remaining days
You can't do draft pay bill. For joining time salary
6 ln case of transfer do partial pay only use split salary.
While entering transfer records, enter the
relieving and reporting carefully. Partial
pay billwill be generated based on this.
Also for transfer enter only the necessary
7 entry number or records
While generating leave encashment,
enter the surrender date properly, if the
surrender date is l then previous month's
salary would come in leave encashment.
tf the surrender date is 2nd the current
8 month salary would come in encashment
lf any amount is drawn in HRMS and the bill is
already passed in treasury and for some purpose
it has to be repaid back, Don't repay at any
10 circumstances.
ln case the employee has drawn
complete salary at source and then he is
transferred out, then if employee has to
ln this case, do not make the employee to repay
get any extra amount in salary {as HRA},
the salary drawn from relieving date through
add it in employee specific allowances for
11 Challan to treasury
next month along with next month's HRA
with appropriate remarks.

ln case the employee has drawn

complete salary at source and then he is
transferred out, then if employee has
drawn any extra amount in salary (as ln this case, do not make the employee to repay
HRA), recover it as ROP with appropriate the salary drawn from relieving date through
L2 remarj<s. challan to treasury

The allowances must be entered correctly Not as PP or Special Pay or as some other
across the actual allowance narhe. EX: PP- allowance. Applicable for all allowances. pp-SFN
13 SFN should be entered as PP-SFN itself. case is just an example

While entering employee basic details,

check next increment date after entering
joining date. lf the employee is old
employee, then next increment date will Do not ignore and approve, as request to change
L4 be 1st of joining date + 1year. next increment can be initiated only once.

While entering employee basic details, fill

the addresses fathers name and other
details correctly as many reports are
generated through data in HRMS and
details will be fetched correctly in Sl form While entering employee basic details, do not
for NPS employees. Verify the details and specify addresses fathers name and other details
15 then save and approve. as xyz or abc.

ln remarks field always enter valid ln remark field do not enter something which
16 remarks does not make any sense like xyz, abc .

lf the employee is exited from service

(death/reti re ment/other reasons
mentioned in employee exit details), lf any employee is dead or retired or other
enterthe record in employee exit details. reasons rnentioned in employee exit details,
While generating appendix B, correct please do not create new establishment and put
working strength can be calculated for the employee there. Because it effects working
L7 your department. strength in your DDO.

lf any extra salary is done (in case of

suspension invoke order is issued late ln this case, do not make the employee to repay
with retrospective effect/ Leave not yet amount through Challan to treasury or do not
18 sanctioned), wait tillthe decision is taken. make ROP.

lf employee repays any amount through Challan

to treasury, HRMS will not be having track of it.
19 Its affects further transactions done in HRMS.

Check the Draft Paybilt before approving Do not Approve the Final Paybill and then make
and approve only if it is correct. Changes changes as changes will not reflect once the bill if
20 made will be reflected in Draft Paybill. finalized.

ln case DA Arrears is not coming in Report
Before Approval, Then Generate DA
arrears for that employee through
22 Generate Arrears Screen Do not complain to HOD or Helpdesk

Check the Arrears Bill before approving

and approve only if it is correct. Changes
made will be reflected in Before,
Do not Approve the Arrears Bill and then make
changes as changes will not reflect once the bill if
23 finalized.

ln case Arrears Bill has to be reverted,

24 Contact nodalOfficer.

Next lncrement Date in Basic Details lncrement date has to be corrected by sending
might be wrong. request to the HOD.

Employee record might be in approved ln Suspension Period employee cannot get

Suspension List. increment. ln case suspension ends, it should be
revoked through Suspension Revoke Screen.

lncrement is not coming onlY for

Payroll one lncrement might be stopped for the lncrement has to be revoked for the employee
employee but coming for others. employee through'Stop/Revoke through'Stop/Revoke lncrement screen under
lncrement screen under Pay Roll'for Pay Roll' for that year.
that year and not revoked
ln Basic Details, Current Status might lf employee is under Probation ,Maximun two
be: PROBATIONARY increments can be taken. lf Probation is cleared,
then enter records in Probation details screen
under Service Register

ln this case the employee adds the Then login as DEO, go to allowances/deductions
While adding
record for a specific and click on Send All'-
Allowance/Deductions, message is
allowance/deduction and clicks on Then again login as DDO, and go to
Payroll displayed as'Record already
Reject button. The Record goes to allowances/deductions and click on 'Accept All'
exists'but it will not be present in
approved list.
Employee specifrc Allowances So, ?ccept all' should be clicked in Specific
/Deductions are Allowances/ Deduction acreen to approve the
added but will be in unapproved list. records. Then Pay bill has to be regener9ted'
Employee specifi c Allowances
already added but not reflecting AllowancelDeduction is stopped in
in the pay bill Stoppage of Allowances and
Deductions Rewke the stopped record and then regenerate
Attendance is not added. Add attendance through Adding Attendance
ln Draft Pay bill, PaY Held Over is screen under Pay Roll. Then check no- of
displayed working days in Attendance Register under Pay

Deduction and recoveries exceed the
Check the records in Deductions are Recoveries
and add it in such a way that total deductions in
the will not exceed basic
Designation of the employee will be
Send request to Help Desk to update designation
correct data with HOD seal and
Check Date of Birth of the employee lf employee is retired as per DOB entered in
HRMS, then contact HOD to eet it corrected
Employee records will be present in Approve the records in employee basic details
the unapproved list of basic details. screen. Records will be seen in Un Approval list.

Employee details will be in exit details. lf employee details are found in exit details, then
send request to revert exit details with HOD sign
and seal.
lf employee is retired as per DOB entered in
HRMS, then contact HOD to get it corrected.
Pay bill may be approved for the Check in Final Pay bill for his name. To revert pay
employee.{But wrongly your checking bill send request to HOD with treasury seal and
Employee name is not displayed in
in draft pay bill) signature that the coresponding pay bill is not
Payroll draft
pay bitt
honoured in the treasury.

Bank details are not added Add the bank details, and see that status of the
bank detail is Approved.
ln transfer case, draft may be already Contact your Department HOD
approved in source DDO

Only Schedule lV and V is generated

ln employee contribution option, click on the
but in employee contribution option
no records exists with corresponding edit button for the contribution month and year
NPS arrears is generated but not
NPS you want to recover. Then on top the details will
coming in salary bill recovery month and year
get displayed. Enter month and year in which
you want to recorer it and then update the
Records are not present in transfer Approve the records in Transfer Destination in
destination -lN approved list. s€reen.
Salary is not generated at the source Salary can be generated using Regenerate draft
Arrears Partial Pay bill is not generating
DDO for that month usins HRMS. bill screen under pay roll menu.
Send request to change reporting date to help
Proper Group is not selected in Send request to change group to help desk.

Medical Allowance, GIS is not lf DOJ is wrong, send request to HOD.

displaying in Draft Pay Bill Allounnce/Deduction is stopped in Revoke the stopped record and then regenerate
Stoppage of Allowances and pay bill.
ln PRAN Registration Form, all Fill PRAN registration form.
mandatory fields are not filled lf any address is found wrong then change it
through Update employee basic details screen
51 form is not generating under Service Register menu.
To change employee name go to screen change
employee name underService Register menu,

Under Nps Menu, go to Arrear regeneration

screen and regenerate Nps arrears.
Not able to make Changes in lf Schedule lV finalized and Schedule V
Basic, and Nps Amount in nps
arrears send a request to unapprove Schedule V to help
lf Schedule V is also approved and pay desk.
bill is not approved with Nos arrears

Get permission letter to Help desk from NPS cell
tf Schedule V is approved and pay bill I
to make changes in Schedule V.
salso a with NDs arrears

Send request to change next increment date to


ln Stagnation lncrement screen, if Select month and year in stagnation increment

it shows No Record exists Next increment date in employee basic screen under Pay Roll menu as per next
details screen will be increment date in basic details screen.
Month and Year should selected will
not be as per next increment date in

Scale Category and Pay scale selected

will be wrong in employee basic details
DA, HRA is not displaying in Draft screen, Check for Scale scale.
Pay bill Allowance will be stopped in Stoppage
of Allowances and Deductions for Revoke the stopped record and then regenerate
pay bill.
For PRAN number contact NPS Cell.

NPS amount not getting deducted will not be havine PRAN no.
Payroll , NPS in For NPS Registration number, contact NPS cell.
DDO will not be having nps registration
PaY bill number
For Date ofjoining change contact HOD.
Records will not be entered through
effect increment screen.
Enter the increment records through effect
increment screen, enter order date compulsorily
(purpose of order date is to specify till when you
!. want to draw increment
lncrement Anears is not coming Some times records will be entered Revert given increment through increment
through effect increment screen, but details screen under pay roll menu. Select
without order date month and year in which increment has got
added to basic pay in HRMS, then enter the
increment date applicable after reverting the
increment as'effect increment date'. Then click
on revert increment screen.

Goto Quarters occupied screen under Service

Payroll, Service HRA rent is displayed in Pay bill, Quarters occupied will be selected as Register menu. Enter the date from when they
Register but it should not come Yes. have vacated the quarters as'From date'. Select
Quartes occupied as NO. Update the record.
Then the bilt.
Employee Suspension period is Go to Suspension Revoke Screen and revoke the
Payroll, Suspension completed, but still he is getting Suspension is invoked for that suspension for that employee by adding the end
half of the basic date.
Reason can be
Case of Retirement or death or
Add record in Employee Exit details Screen
reappointment present in Service Register with appropriate
Delete Employee from draft pay reason for exit like: Retirement or Death or Re-
Service Register,
Salary is held up for that particular ln Approve Draft pay bill option, Select Stop pay
month. bill and Enter kgid number for whom to stop pay
lf Salary bill is not approved in HRMS.

Paybill should be approved in HRMS for the

month for which DA arrears is to b€ taken.
Payroll , Anears ln such case DA arrears bill has to be reverted
DA anears is not coming
and then DA arrears has to be regenerated and
lF DA arrears is approved for one or
should be approved only forthe month for which
two months but not approved for all
DA arrears is not drawn.
three months.
Get the DA arrears unapproved by sending a

Pay Scale will be changed in case of Enter the records in Promotion screen, selecting
Time bound or Normal Promotion or appropriate Promotion type and regenerate the
Pay Fixation. pay bill.The Records in Promotion Details shiuld
Not able to change Pay scale in be in the approved list.
Employee basic details
Pay Scale is entered wrong and that Upload a document wlth DDO and HOD approval
has to be corrected. (Seal and Sign) or send a Fax to HelpDesk.

Required Establishment Number is

present in the DDO Code.
Select Update Employee basic details Screen
present in Service Register. Enter kgid number
Unable to change the and Select transaction as Establishment details
Service Register Establishrnent Number of the and change the establishment numberfrom
Employee dropdown. Update and approve the records.
Establishment number is not present
Contact HOD for Establishment Creation. Once it
in the DDO Code
is created follow the procedure mentioned
Required HOA is present in the DDO Select Update Employee basic details Screen
Code. present in Service Register. Enter kgid number
and Select transaction as Establishment details
and change the HOA from dropdown. Update
Unable to change the HOA of the and approve the records.
Service Register

HOA is not present in the DDO Code Contact HOD for HOA Crteation. Once it is
created follow the procedure mentioned above

lncorrect address is entered in Basic

Details Select Update Employee basic details Screen
present in Service'Register.
Unable to change the ad&ess in Enter kgid number and Select transaction as
Service Register
basic details Communication address or Permanent address
of Parent address.
Update the address and then click on Update
button and Approve the records.
Martial Status has to be Updated in
basic Details
Select Update Employee basic details Screen
present in Service Register.
Unable to change the Marital
Service Register Enter kgid number and Select transaction as
Status in basic details
Marital Status.
Change the Marital Status and then click on
Update button and Aporove the records.
PAN number and service and Account
General Code (Gazettelhas to be Select Update Employee basic details Screen
Not able to enter PAN number entered in Basic Details present in Service Register.
and service and Account General Enter kgid number and Selecttransaction as
Service Register
Code (Gazette) in employee basic Additional s€rvice.
details Enter Pan number, service, account general code
and then click on Update button and Approve
the records

Not able to give new request for ln enable employee addition, another request
employee addition One pending request is not been to add new employee will not be processed if
processed yet. there any approved reouest which is not saved

New employee is added but

Records may be in unapproved list in First approve the record present in unapproved
Service Register details are not able to view in
Service Register list
Service Register
Records may be reiected in Service Login as DEO, and click on Send all.Then again
Register losin as DDO and click on 'Acceot All'
Promtion Arrears{pay fixation and
time bound), arrears is coming
Promotion arrears
only for a year or the difference
They have to yearly one record with separate
amount more They have entered onlv one record basic and effective date

the difference amount of
; ln between they have increment or First approve the manually done arrears record
promotion arrears is coming more
promotion arrears manually in HRMS and then senerate the new arrears
lncrement or promotion or
allowance arrears is not coming in For those months pay bill may be in
the bill or displaying "No records unapproved status or done as manual For those months bill should be generated and
found" message bill aooroved in HRMS
They have to revert the increment in "lncrement
lncrement arrears not coming in
Details Screen". After that again "Effect
lncrement Arrears the bill or displaying "No records
Order date might not be given or given lncrement" giving proper order date upto to
found" inessage
wrons what thev want to generate arrears.
lncrement date be wrong HOD to chanse the increment date
Confirm the scale or get it corrected by your
Stagnation Unable to give stagnation Scale mav have not reached maximum nodal officer
Login as DEO, and click on Send all.Then again
Records may be rejected login as DDO and click on 'Accept All'

Records may be present in promotion

with lower basic Check and correct the entries

Leave Records may be entered as half

The basic in service register is
oav leave or Extra ordinarv leave Check and correct the entries
Service Register different from the amount
displayed in draft pay bitl
ln suspension records mav be present Check and correct the entries

ln promotion or increment depending

on the effective date the basic would
been calculated Check and correct the entries

11 lPage

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