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A Framework for Evaluating Deep Excavation Alternatives

in Building Construction

MyungSeok Choi, Ghang Lee and Hyewon Kim

Building Informatics Group, Department of Architectural Engineering,

Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea

Abstract: Recently, various innovative excavation methods for buildings, such as up-up and up-down
methods, have been developed. However, underlying uncertainties in new construction methods make con-
tractors hesitant to adopt them despite their potential benefits. Providing reliable cost estimates and sched-
ules for considered excavation alternatives quickly during the early stages of the decision making process
will make it easy for contractors to select an appropriate excavation method. This paper first describes up-up
and up-down excavation methods and reviews previous studies on cost estimation and scheduling methods.
Then it proposes a framework for a web-based method of evaluating excavation alternatives for buildings.
When fully implemented, the system will provide early cost estimates and schedules based on a probabilis-
tic estimating and scheduling method; and also will generate VRML-based 4D simulations of alternative ex-
cavation methods.

Key words: Excavation, Probabilistic estimating and scheduling, Web-based system, 4D CAD

lawsuits by residents near a construction site against

Introduction the contractor for construction dust and noise. On the
other hand, the excavation process itself is slower and
During the past few decades, the importance of exca-
more expensive than traditional methods. The next sec-
vation methods in building construction projects has
tion provides detailed descriptions of the up-up and up-
increased. Various innovative construction methods,
down methods.
e.g., up-up and up-down construction methods, have
When contractors choose a construction method,
been developed and widely applied to construction
their decision-making process requires reliable and ob-
projects. In a traditional construction method, a build-
jective information that allows them to compare trade-
ing's superstructure is erected after the completion of
offs between different methods and, eventually, to
the substructure's construction. Compared to traditional
make a decision with confidence. However, because
methods, up-up and up-down methods, which are
these new methods have short histories and a limited
variations of the top-down (or cover-and-cut) method,
number of applications, contractors often make their
enable both a substructure and a superstructure to be
decisions based on personal preference or sales pitches
constructed simultaneously by covering the ground
by sales representatives of each construction method.
level of an excavation site with a concrete slab [18].
If enough reliable information for comparison is not
This reduces the construction period and potential civil
provided, contractors naturally choose familiar meth-
* Graduate Research Assistant ods despite the potential benefits of new construction
** Corresponding author: Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Architectural methods, especially when the failure of work can lead
Engineering. Yonsei University, 262 Seonsanno, Seodaemun-Gu, to a huge disaster. Any construction methods which in-
Seoul 120-749, Korea,
clude excavation work are examples of such cases.
A way to reliably and objectively estimate the cost are usually smaller than permanent struts and are
and schedule in the early stages of a construction pro- placed at narrower intervals than permanent struts. (5)
ject will enable contractors to make decisions confi- This process is repeated downward.
dently. This paper focuses on a system that can help
contractors to select an appropriate deep excavation
method. The first step is to check whether the consid- 2 Previous Work in Cost and
ered excavation methods fit the site's conditions. After Schedule Estimation
that, the two major factors that affect a contractor's de-
cision of which construction method to choose are Reliably estimating construction costs and schedules is
construction costs and time. This paper proposes a essential for successfully completing construction pro-
framework for a system that supports the process of jects, as well as for selecting appropriate construction
evaluating deep excavation methods during the early methods for a project. Exiting studies have proposed a
stages of a construction project. number of cost estimating and scheduling techniques.
Several studies have focused on the use of probabil-
istic approaches for cost and schedule estimation [8-
1 An Overview of Up-Up and Up- 10]. Because it is nearly impossible to accurately de-
Down Construction Methods termine activity durations and unit costs for each task,
especially in the early stages of a construction project,
As mentioned above, unlike the traditional bottom-up a deterministic approach might fail to represent the
construction method, the up-up method and the up- variability inherent in real construction projects. There-
down method enable the simultaneous construction of fore, range estimating and stochastic scheduling were
both the substructure and superstructure. The following proposed as an alternative. They estimate costs and
two construction procedures are common in both up-up schedules based on probabilistic distributions gener-
and up-down construction: (1) A perimeter foundation ated by randomly generated parameter values. The
wall is constructed. (2) Pre-formed columns are in- Monte Carlo simulation technique is often used in this
stalled. They temporarily support loads from a super- process. Through iterative sampling processes (1,000
structure to some extent until other parts of the build- or more), it simulates a model that reflects possible va-
ing are completed. (3) Concrete is placed on the riability in costs and schedules. Efforts also have been
ground level to cover the entire excavation site and made to use historical cost and schedule data instead of
also to form a slab, which functions as a horizontal randomly generated parameter values, for example, us-
compression unit. After this step, slight differences ap- ing the Monte Carlo simulation. Back et al. [2] is such
pear between the up-up and top-down construction an example of using historical cost data in the prob-
processes. abilistic cost estimation.
In up-up construction [7]: (4) Permanent struts are In practice, construction costs cannot be estimated
installed as the excavation reaches the basement floor without considering a schedule. However, mapping be-
level. Note that slabs are not constructed at this point. tween the work breakdown structure (WBS) and the
(5) Upon the completion of the excavation, founda- cost breakdown structure (CBS) is not easy. A problem
tions are constructed. (6) Construction of a superstruc- arises, especially when activities and costs are at dif-
ture begins. At the same time, the basement floor is ferent levels of detail. Many efforts have been made to
constructed from the bottom to the top, which func- solve this problem. They are summarized well by Ras-
tions as a lateral brace. dorf and Abudayyeh [19]. The multiple-simulation
In up-down construction [14]: (4) Upon completion analysis technique (MSAT) by Isidore et al. [8,10] is
of the ground level concrete slab, construction of the one of the recent efforts to integrate range estimating
superstructure can begin and proceed while temporary and probabilistic scheduling.
struts are installed at each basement level, and con- One major consideration in probabilistic approaches
crete is poured on each basement level as the excava- is the determination of a probability distribution func-
tion reaches the basement floor level. Temporary struts tion (PDF) and distribution parameters. Many early
studies have indicated that errors in their predictions scratch and evaluating several scheduling alternatives
were attributable to the wrong values being assigned to are painstaking and time-consuming, Ryu et al. [20]
distribution parameters, rather than the selected PDF developed a scheduling tool using case-based reason-
[6]. These days, the beta distribution is commonly used ing (CBR). This tool retrieves the schedule of a similar
as a PDF because of its flexibility. project stored in a database, and allows users to par-
On the other hand, Shaheen et al. [21] and Choi et al. tially modify the retrieved schedule to fit the current
[4] used the fuzzy set theory to capture subjective as- project.
sessments related to the applications in cost estimating. Nowadays various methods for visualizing construc-
As opposed to the Monte Carlo method, which is sen- tion processes, such as 4D simulation, have been de-
sitive to input statistical distributions, fuzzy arithmetic veloped [12,16] and integrated into web-based man-
is not subject to moderate changes in the shapes of in- agement systems for effective construction manage-
put distribution. However, the fuzzy range estimating ment [3,11]. VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Lan-
model is based entirely on subjective information from guage) [22] is commonly used for such web-based
experts (namely, their perception) about parameters of visualization efforts. Lee et al. [13] showed the effec-
interest. tiveness of such visualization methods for evaluating
Many researchers also have developed knowledge- design alternatives. This application has expanded to
based or web-based systems that enable users to esti- mobile devices such as PDAs [15].
mate costs and schedules based on input information. Table 1 summarizes the important issues in previous
Chou and O'Connor [5] developed a web-based rela- studies related to cost estimation and scheduling.
tional database management system for estimating pre-
liminary highway construction costs. Mohamed and
Celik [17] presented an integrated knowledge-based 3 A Framework for a System of
system for cost estimating and scheduling. Their sys- Estimating Excavation Costs and
tem focuses on a rapid comparison analysis of cost and
schedule alternatives while considering a variety of va-
riables such as general information on a project, and
The previous section provides a review considering our
several factors (e.g., different material types), that po-
ultimate research objective. Our long-term goal is to
tentially affect the project's productivity.
develop a system for evaluating excavation alternatives

Table1. Important issues in the previous work

Issues Contents
Linkage between the WBS and the CBS: Development of meaningful common denominator for the in-
tegration of cost estimate and schedule is a critical issue
Probabilistic estimating and scheduling: Probabilistic estimating and scheduling is a useful way to as-
Techniques for cost sume the variability inherent in real construction, especially when all detailed design parameters are not
estimate and schedule specified. Determining which probabilistic distribution and distribution parameters to use is essential for
getting reliable results.
Fuzzy set theory: When sufficient historical data are not presented, the fuzzy set theory may be an alter-
native. It effectively reflects verbal information from experts.
Web-based system: A web-based system is an effective tool in collecting and sharing cost and schedule
estimation data.
Practical systems for Comparison analysis: Using data stored in knowledge-based systems, the costs and schedules of different
implementation design alternatives can be rapidly analyzed and compared.
Case-based reasoning for scheduling: A schedule for a new project can be efficiently and rapidly gener-
ated by retrieving and modifying past schedules.
Operational planning
4D CAD: Visualization of construction processes can help engineers optimize construction schedules and
tools using
provide better insight in temporal and spatial information.
Because developing a construction schedule from for buildings, which includes the following three mod-
ules. Figure 1 shows the system's functional architec- links to the schedule duration information about each
ture. This assumes that all the excavation methods un- activity from a historical database. Depending on the
der consideration already satisfy the physical condi- amount of equipment and the number of crews selected
tions of a construction site. by the user, the work's duration might change. A
schedule is generated using a probabilistic scheduling
3.1 The Design Generation Module method, providing variability in the construction
This module creates and suggests a common design for schedule. Once the user chooses a construction sched-
the substructure of a selected excavation method, such ule, a VRML-based visualization is generated by con-
as the required number of columns and girders and necting the geometry information from the Design
their sizes, based on input values such as the building's Generation Module to the schedule information from
general dimensions and several options related to the the scheduling module. The schedule information is
selected excavation method. If necessary, users can then exported to the cost estimating module.
modify the suggested design. Geometry and object and
3.3 The Cost Estimating Module
quantity-takeoff information are exported into the
scheduling module and the cost estimating module, re- This module considers a detailed list of costs in addi-
spectively. tion to the quantity takeoff from the Design Generation
Module and the schedule information from the Sched-
3.2 The Scheduling Module uling Module. For example, the labor cost can be af-
This module retrieves a typical construction schedule fected by several factors such as soil conditions and the
associated with a user-selected construction method, degree of difficulty of performing tasks. Unit cost in-
similar to Ryu et al. [20]. At this stage, the retrieved formation retrieved from a historical data set is then
schedule has only information about activities and their assigned to each detailed cost account. Finally, prob-
dependencies. If necessary, users can add or remove abilistic estimating is analyzed, providing variability in
activities and change their order. Next, the module the cost estimate.

Fig. 1 The system’s functional architecture

12 man-hours. Figure 2 presents snapshots of a 4D
4 Project's Status model that show consecutive construction processes of
the up-down method. We expect that our system can
Currently, two research efforts are ongoing. The first is significantly reduce the early cost estimation and 4D
to develop the cost and scheduling modules. The sec- modeling time for excavation methods when it is de-
ond is to develop the Design Generation Module and a veloped.
4D simulation tool.
Regarding the cost and scheduling modules, because
the relationship between cost estimation and schedul- 5 Conclusion
ing is bidirectional, we are trying to find a practical
way to map the CBS and the WBS. Currently we have In order to improve decision-makers' selection of con-
collected 16 sets of project documents, including bills struction methods, it is imperative to have a method to
of materials (BOMs) and bar chart schedules. We also rapidly and accurately estimate costs and schedules at
have consulted with field engineers to identify the un- the early stages of a construction project. Based on
derlying risk factors accounting for unsystematic vari- previous work related to cost and schedule estimation,
ability in each construction method's cost estimates and this paper proposes a new web-based framework for
schedules. evaluating excavation alternatives. As a preliminary
Regarding the Design Generation Module, we are step, we have established a framework for the system,
evaluating various BIM and 4D tools that can poten- collected 16 full sets of sample cases and identified
tially be a platform for our system. Currently the au- important factors for designing an evaluation system
thors are testing the Application Programming Inter- by interviewing excavation experts. We also have re-
faces (APIs) of various tools, including Revit, Con- viewed several BIM tools and 4D CAD systems, and
structor, Navisworks and others. However, Fig. 2 is tested their functionality by building several 4D mod-
manually modeled in Constructor 2007 [1] to test the els. The times for building 3D and 4D models were
4D functionality. measured for comparison. This work is still in its early
stages. We are now testing APIs of various systems to
use as a platform. This effort will be continued and in-
tegrated into a web-based system that we previously
developed as an excavation recommendation system
based on the physical conditions of a construction site.

Authors would like to thank for the financial support provided
by the Ministry of Construction & Transportation (MOCT) Ko-
rea, and Korea Institute of Construction and Transportation in
Technology Evaluation and Planning (KICTTEP) through Inno-
vative and Rapid Construction Technologies Joint Venture
(IRCT) under Program No. 05 RND Core Technology D02-01.


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