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June 10, 2014



REVENUE DISTRICT NO. ______________
Cagayan de Oro City


I, _______________________, hereby authorize my representative, _____________________, to

transact regarding the processing of my request to certify my reproduced copies of Certificate of
Registration (BIR Form No. 2303 – 3 sets) and latest Annual Income Tax Return (in 3 sets with
attachments) in your good office on my behalf.

In view with this, any concern relevant to the said matter will be handled and administered by the
mentioned person. Likewise, she is also given the authority to sign pertinent documents which
necessitates the urgency in my absence.

This authorization is in compliance with your required documents upon conducting business
transactions through a representative and in the event I am not able to personally perform my duty
on the matter.

I am looking forward for a favorable response from your good office.

Thank you.



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