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Ashly Peter Das

TC 5/685, Trinity House, KRA F- 25, Sangeetha Lane,

Karumom P.O, Trivandrum – 695 002, Kerala, India.
Mobile No: +91 8289981544 (India) +258 843679859 (Mozambique)

Email: Skype id :

Objective: Seeking a long-term opportunity within the business community, where my professional
experience, education, skills & talents would be advantageous to the growth of my employer and myself


Financial Accounting & Management – Budgeting - Cash Flow Management - Costing - Reconciliations – MIS -
IFRS – General Ledger – GAAP - Auditing – Taxation – AP & AR - Profit & Loss A/c – Balance Sheet – Stock &
Inventory – Credit Control – Tally ERP 9– Purchase Import - Sales Reports – BRS – Fixed Assets
Industry : Trading & Manufacturing (Retail) (REFRENCE ON REQUEST)

 Prepare budgets, cash flows and variance analysis, financial & operational MIS, IFRS, cost & credit
control, payroll and stock audits & inventory, petty cash, debtor/ creditor control & follow- up for collection.
 Purchase Import Account – costing, customs duty, freight, insurance & clearing agent service charges.
 Prepares and records asset, liability, revenue, and expenses entries by compiling and analyzing account
information. Maintains and balances subsidiary accounts by verifying, allocating, posting, reconciling
transactions; resolving discrepancies.
 Maintains general ledger by transferring subsidiary accounts; preparing a trial balance; reconciling entries.
Summarizes financial status by collecting information; preparing balance sheet, profit and loss, and other
 Produces payroll by initiating computer processing; printing checks, verifying finished product. Completes
external audit by analyzing and scheduling general ledger accounts; providing information for auditors.
 Preparation of daily sales reports, purchase report, BRS & preparing account reconciliations, liaising with
banks & financial institutions for loan term loans. Analyzing financial statements on a monthly basis.
 Compile and prepare required tax return forms on monthly basis and assisting with financial & tax audits.
Documenting and monitoring of internal controls. Analyzing complex financial reports & records


Budgeting & Projections – Fin an cia l A cco un t in g & Man ag e me nt – A ud it in g – MIS – AR & AP
-Ta xa t io n – Ca sh Flo ws – E RP – Bo o k K ee p ing – Fixe d Asse t s- Cre d it Co nt ro l- GA AP – Sa le s-
Ge ne ra l L ed ge r – In co me & Po sit ion St a te me n t s – St o ck & In ven t o ry – Fin a lizat io n of A/ c’s
Industry : Agriculture, Trading & Manufacturing (REFRENCE ON REQUEST)

 Manage and oversee the daily operations of the accounting department.

 Verifying day to day accounting and commercial activities from voucher entry to finalization of accounts.
 Process month end and year end process, accounts payable/receivable, cash receipts, general ledger,
payroll, treasury, budgeting, cash flow management, revenue and expenditure variance analysis,
accounts reconciliations, fixed assets activity, debt activity, debtor/ creditor control, purchase import etc.
 Monthly review of P&L to emphasis cost reduction and increase profitability.(intercompany reconciliations)
 Responsible for the preparation of monthly cash flow statements ,MIS reports, profit & loss account and
balance sheet on a monthly, quarterly and on a periodic basis under strict deadlines using ERP, Tally.
 Prepares financial reports by collecting, analyzing and summarizing account information and serve as the
financial reporting liaison with internal and external auditors for the annual audit and specialized audits.
 Preparation & submission of monthly tax documents to govt. tax authorities. Stock audits & inventory.
 Liaising with internal and external stakeholders including follow up of receivables, bank interactions,
suppliers, auditors, due diligence, banking, taxation, financial matters etc.,


Accounting – Finance - Taxation - Corporate Governance – Risk Management Assurance – I n ve st iga t io n s –
Frau d Au d it in g – Da ta Min in g & An a lyt ics – Bu sin e ss A cu me n – L eg a l – De ve lo p Au d it
Po licie s– Sa ge – A ud it Re vie w – Ta lly E RP 9 – In t e rna l Co nt ro l S yste m- Pu rcha se I mp o rt
ORGANIZATION : METL ( Place : Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Industry :FMCG, Trading & Manufacturing (Retail) (REFRENCE ON REQUEST)
 Oversee a comprehensive audit program for evaluating management controls over all group activities.
 Review existing systems, procedures and records for their adequacy to accomplish intended objectives;
appraise new and existing policies and plans relating to the activity or function under audit review. Assist
in implement in new policies and suggestions from internal management and external consultants
 Recommend improvement of management controls designed to safeguard group resources, promote
efficient operation, increase fiscal and reporting integrity and ensure compliance with established Group
policies. Coordinate the overall auditing program.
 Appraise the adequacy of action taken by operating management to correct reported deficient conditions,
usually by follow-up review. Develops clear audit objectives for each assignments and prior to
commencement of work, communicates those objectives to management and to the department or
function being audited.
 Evaluates the effectiveness of key information systems and their control points by applying knowledge of
business systems and auditing techniques. Appraises the adequacy of action taken to improve previously
reported weaknesses. 
 Identifies and quantifies opportunities at the operating level for profit improvement via better business
practices, improved production methods, more efficient procedures, elimination of duplication, etc.
 Plan and participate in periodical stock audits in the company along with team members and company
representatives. Supervise, manage and train team members to perform their task well.


  Fina n cia l Acco un t ing & Ma n ag e men t – Ta xa t ion – In te rn a l & S ta tu t o ry Au d it s – Bu dg e t in g –
V a rian ce An a lysis - Re co n cilia t ion s – Fin an cia l Re po rt in g – Pa yro ll – MIS – Fixe d Asse t s –
E RP – Fun d Flo w - Fin a liza t io n of A cco un t s –G en e ra l Le dg e r – A R & A P – Ta lly ERP 9 - E RP

 Book keeping & account management- document financial transactions by entering account
information in Sun control system/ Tally ERP 9 for a large portfolio of international donors and funding
 Proven abilities in various projects fund accounting and management, internal control & compliance.
 Prepares financial reports for various projects by collecting, analysing & summarizing account info.
 Finalisation of accounts - receipts & payments accounts, fixed assets - depreciation, consolidation &
super consolidation of projects fund accounts, consolidated fund flow statements and balance sheet.
 Monthly review & evaluation of project wise – voucher, general ledger and monthly financial reports.
 Preparation of financial statements for quarterly, half yearly and annual internal/ statutory audits.
 Prepares capital entries by compiling and analysing account information – review and analyse financial
information for the adjusted trail balance and supplier/BRS / accounts reconciliations.
   Tax returns filling - FC
AREAS OF EXPERTISE  Excellent in budgeting
budget variance
 Document donor MOU
 Networking & laisonin

    •  Financial accounting & Mgt.       •  Taxation, Sage line 50, SAP FICO    •  PF, ESI, FCRA, IFRS, GAAP
    •  Fixed assets management       •  QuickBooks, Tally ERP, Oracle    •  MIS, EDP, FIBO & ERP syst.
• Account reconciliations • Planning, budgeting & forecasts • Internal & statutory audits
• Payroll & project accounting • Cash flows/ variance analysis • Trading & Manufacturing a/c
• Bookkeeping, IAS, AR & AP • Logistics & voyage Accounting • Cost & credit control, Costing
•  Purchase & sales reports       •  Petty cash, Treasury Mgt.,BRS    •  Risk mgt. & governance
•  Debtor/Creditor control • Stock/tax/finance - Audits    • Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet
    •  Finalization of Accounts       •  Inventory & stock valuations    •  filling-TDS & service tax, VAT
B.Com (Accounting & Taxation) Kerala University 2006
Post-Graduation MBA (Finance & Marketing) ICFAI 2010


Certificate Accounting Software (Tally 6.3) Tally Inc. Bangalore 2005

Certificate MS Office, Windows, Linux, Browsing St. Xavier’s Institute 2006
Certificate Accounting Package (Tally ERP 9) APTECH 2007
Diploma Software & Information’s Management APTECH 2008
Certificate Multimedia (Flash & Adobe Photoshop) ICT 2010


Certificate Internal Audit Assistant Mr. Kandasami, CA. 2003

Certificate Internal Auditor Mr. Imran, FCA 2009

 Languages know to speak, read & write: English, French, Portuguese, Hindi & Swahili
 Indian Languages know to speak, read & write: Malayalam, Tamil, and Hindi.
 Nationality : Indian Sex : Male Marital Status : Married License : LMV
 Hobbies / Interests: Professional networking, photography, travelling, playing football, cricket, reading
newspaper, journals & information technology.


 Self-motivation, Results-oriented, excellent written & oral communications, monitoring &

evaluations, interpersonal skills & talents, time management, workaholic, quick learner.
 Ability to reflect on one’s own work as well as the wider consequences of financial decisions.
 Integrity, obedient, hardworking, sincere, dedication & commitment to work.
 Business acumen and interest, strong analytical & problem solving skills.
 Organisational skills and ability to manage deadlines
 Proficiency in IT & high level of numeracy and teamworking ability.


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