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Ll,2eo SR (CANDIDATE— PLEASE NOTEL PRINT your name oa the tine below and return {is booklet with your answer sheet. Failure to ‘Steomy roma aque rest cope 02112010 FORM TP 2018169 |——————__ MAYHIUNE 2018 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ‘CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION* CHEMISTRY UNIT 1-Paper 01 Dhour 30 minutes 22 MAY 2018 (a.m. READ THE FOLLOWING, INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. This test consists of 45 items. You will have | hour and 30 minutes to answer them. In addition to this test booklet. you should have an answer sheet and a data booklet. Each iter: in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item ‘you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space heving the same fetter as the answer you have chosen, Look at the sample item below. Sample item Which of the following energy transitions is : the HIGHEST in an organic compound? ‘Sample Answer (A) ator @SOoD ®) stoos (© atone (DP) xton ‘The correct answer to this item is “o to 6”. so (B) has been shaded. Ifyou want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. the page and work as quickly and es carefully as you can. IF m later ‘When you are told to begin. tu ‘you cannot answer en item, go on to the next one. You may return to that You may do any rough work in this booklet. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale You may use a silent. non-programmable calculator to answer items. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTH, YOU ARE TOLD TO BO $0. Copyright © 2016 Caribbean Examinations Council ‘All riohts reserved -2- Which isotopic half fe is BEST suited for use as a tracer in medicine? (A). 1S hours (B) 0.16 years (C) 5.7 10 years (D) 1.4 10" years ‘Item 2 refers to the following graph which shows the log of successive ionization energies for ten electrons of an element, P. 3 64 Bs i a ' a = i jas = Be? ' : 2 ! 1 ! 1 t i T2385 6 7 8 5 to Number of electrons lost Element P is MOST likely (A) neon (8) sodium (C)_— chiorine (D) magnesium Which of the following pairs of elements 4.» Which of the following solids has a giant combine to produce naturally oceurting molecular lattice? compounds with formulae type XY? (A) Copper oxide (A) Sodium and sulfur (B) Silicon dioxi (B) Sodium and nitrogen (C) Carbon dioxide (C) Magnesium end sulfur (D) Magnesium oxide (D) Magnesium and chlorine GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE rol “Yellow metal” is a type of alloy (brass) used to make ornaments. It contains 60% copper and 40% zine by mass. How many moles of zinc atoms are there in 260 grams of this alloy? a) ®) © @) tem 6 refers to the following diagram of @ water molecule showing the angle X in degrees, ‘The value of X is (A) 104.5% {B) — 109,5° (C) 120.08 (D) 180.09 Which of the following statements is true about $ dm’ of hydrogen gas and 5 dm? of oxygen gas at 0°C and 101 kPa? (A) They react to produce 5 dm? of water. {B) They possess the same amount of kinetic energy. (C) They contain the same number of molecules, (0) They react completely with each other 10. Mem 8 refers to the following reaction. 2Po(NO,), —H 2PbO + 4NO, +0, ‘The molar volume of gas at rtp. is 24 dm* ‘The maximum mass of lead(L!) oxide which can be obtained from 13.23 g of lead{(Il) nitrate is (A) 223¢ (B) 4468 (Cc) Bolg (D) 13.32 John’ Daltori developed the first useful atomic theory of matter. Which of the following would be considered when theories ate accepted? Experiments should be replicable. Data collected should be accurate and reliable. If. Theories should show congruence between evidence and theoretical constructs. (A) lonly (B) —fand Ht only {C) Hand Hit only (D) i, and iil Deviations from ideal gas behaviour generally occur under conditions of (A) low pressure and low temperature (B) _low pressure and high temperature {C) high pressure and low temperature (D) high pressure and high temperature GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, u. 12. afin liom LL refers to the following halfequations for the reaction between iodine and sodium ‘thiosulfate . 28,0}(eq) —> 8,02 (eq) + 2° 1 faq) +2¢°——> 2I"ea) ‘The overall balanced chemical equation for the reaction is, (A) 28,0,%(aq) + 2t-(eq) ——> 8,09) + Lea) (B) aq) +8,02@q) ——> 28,0,"(@q) + 2169) (©) $,0F aq) + (eq) ——> 28,0;"a9) + 1,60) @) agi 1,(eq) —> 8,0; (09) + 20020) ‘Ans in a syringe occupies a volume of $0 em and has a pressure of 0.49 atmospheres y the pressure ofthe gas if the plunger of the syringe is pushed in. reducing the volume to 20 em"? (1 atmosphere = 101 325 Pa) (A) (B) 125 kPe (©) 20000 kPa (D) 125 000 KPa GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 43, M4 aSx Hem. 13 refers to the following energy profile diagram, Products Reaction path What is the activation energy of the REVERSE reaction? ay oP 8) Q (Cy (Q+P) (2) (Q-P) ‘The second ionization energy of calcium is 1150 kJ m Which of the following equations represents this statement? kg mot! (A) Cat (g) + Ca (a) ter AH = +1150 (B) Calg) + Ca (g) + 2€ AH = +1150 (©) Ca) Ca (He AH ==1150 (BD) Ca(g) + Ca* (g) +20 AH =-1150 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 15. 16. 6 Item 25 refers to the following information. A piece of copper metal is placed in silver nitrate solution, as showa in the diagram below. r fo read aes Which of the following observations is correct? (A) _ Silver metal is deposited and the solution turns blue. (B) Copper metal is deposited and the solution tums biue. (©) Copper metal dissolves and the solution remains colourless (B) Silver metal is deposited and the solution cemains colourless, tem 16 refers to the following table wich shows the rate results for the reactionAt BC. tay TE] | RateofResction | (mot der) | (molém®) | (nol dmé s) 0.10 2.10 0.0032 0.10) 3 0.0032 | {of 0.0061 “What is the OVERALL order of the reaction? (Ay Zero @) First (©) Second @) Third 0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE af. John plans to measure the rate of the 18. The rate law for a given reaction is reaction between calcium carbonate and dilute hydrochloric acid. 7 Rate (AP BY, Which ofthe foliowing pieces of apparatus What are the units for k? is MOST suitable for this investigation? (A) moftdm?s* (B)—moldms" (©) mot! dm? s! (D) mot? dns" @ 19. Which of the following statements does NOT refer to a system in dynamic equilibrium? ®) (A) ‘The reaction is reversible. {B) The ‘amounts of all the species in ihe symtetrremain.constant. (c) The concentrations of all reactants ‘and products ate equl i | Hes ! (D) The rate of the forward reaction is ‘equal to the rate of the backward reaction. © @) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 2h. 2B. The following system is in equilibrium. 280, (g) + 0, (g) = 280, (@) AH= 197 ki mot K=2.5 x 10" When ©, is added to this system, the (A) K, will increase (B) _ Kywill decrease (©) [s0,] (©) {SO,] will decrease In which of the following reactions would K, have units of atm? (A) Ng) + 3H,@) = 2NH,@) (B) 280,@) + O,@) = 28042) () 2CHCIF KS) = CEL@ + 2HCI@) ©) CH,g) + HO) = COW) + HO) Compounds P, Q and R form an equili- 2. brium as shown below. 2P(aq) + Glad) = 2REA) The units for the equilibrium constant, K,, are (mol dm? (B) dm? mol! (C) oF dns () dé mol? 28. Which of the acids in the following table is the WEAKEST? 1K, Got dm) a “79 x10 1 @) 63x 108 i © 17x 10% i 1.3.x 107 ‘A buffer is made by dissolving 28.8 g of sodium benzoate. C,H,COONa. in | div of0.4 mol dm” benzoie acid, CH,COOH. K, = 6.4 x 1G moi din The pH of the buffer is (A) 23 (By 2.9 (©) 32 (@) 39 ‘Aweak acid. HX. dissociates es follows: HX(eq) = XCag) + Hash ‘The dissociation constant. K,, for the above reaction 15 1.0 x 10% moi dn’. hat will be the approximate pH of 4.0 x 107 moi dm* HX? ~ 8 By 6 a 7 m) 8 aan ese THE NEXT PAGE, 26. 27. 38; ar Which of the following pairs of substances would make a good buffer? (A) HCI(aq) and NaCicaq) (B) — HCI(aq) and NH,Ci(aq) (©) NH,(@q) and NH,Ci(eq) (D) _NH,(aq) and NaNO, (aq) 29, Which of the following expressions represents the solubility product of iron(II) hydroxide? Cy) 8) © (DB) [Fe oury. POH), 30 Todetermine the K,, of Ca(OH),.25 em? of CatOH), was titrated with a 0.1 mol dar? HCI solution. Complete neutralization occurred when 25 cm? of HC! was added. What is the K,, for Ca(OH),? (A). 0.00125 « 0.002: (B) (0.00125) x 0.002: (©) 0.00125 = (0.0025 (D) (0.00125 « (0.0025; Hem _29 refers to the following cell iagram. Zn(s) | Zn?” (aq) || Cu** (aq) | Culs) Which of the following conditions will ‘cause an increase in the cell potential? (A) Increasing concentration of Zn** (aq) ions only (B) Decreasing concentration of Cu?" (aq) ions only (©) Adding NaOH to Cx?" solution and increasing the concentration of Zn®* ions (D) Decreasing concentration of Zn® (aq) ions and increasing concentration of Cu (aq) ions Ina standard hydrogen half-cell,a platinum electrode is used to (A) release hydrogen gas into solution (8) actas an inert metal connection to the H/H" system (€) allow platinum ions tw go into solution (D) reduce the surfice rex which allows an equilibrium to be established in the H/H system ‘There are cight elements in the third period, sodium to argon. Which of these elements exists as a diatomic molecule? (A) Argon (B) Chlorine (©) Silicon ©) Sulfur GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 32. 10+ In the following table, which of the four substances, A, B, C, D, is an oxide of sulfur? Substance Feature w]e] o |» State at 25°C Solid | Solid Liquid Gas Bonding and tonic |Giant {Covalent | Covalent Structure in oxide | lattice | covalent j molecular | molecular w= [oto |e | Which of the following elements reacts very slowly with cold water and bums with @ bright white flame? (A) Magnesium (8) Beryllium (C) Strontium (D) Barium Calcium carbonate decomposes at a lower temperature than barium carbonate becnuse (A) calcium oxide is tess stable than barium oxide (B) the calcium ion is larger than the barium ion (©) thestandard enthalpy of formation of calcium oxide is less negative than that of barium oxide (D) the lattice energy of calcium oxide is larger than that of barium oxide 35. 37. The high melt attributed to the (A) delocalized electrons (B) strong covalent bonds within the layers (C) van der Waals” forees between the layers (D) hexagonal avrangement of the carbon aroms. Which of the following elements has the HIGHEST electronegativity? (A) Aluminium (8) Sodium (C) Argon () Sulfur In the following table, which of the hydrogen halides, A. B.C. D is the MOST stable? —— Hydrogen Halla on Ay @) ‘Bond Energy, 299 36 | {oe | ey eae GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 3 38. JE (kd mot") -2 mat Which ofthe following transitionelements 40. has an unpaired electron in an s-orbital? (A) Nickel 8) Titanium (©) Chromium {D) Manganese tem_39 refers to the following graph Which shows the first ionization energy (IE) of some elements. | S8288888¢ | { | €a Se Ti V Crndnie Co Ni GuZa Elements The sharp increase from copper (Cu) to ine (Zn) is caused by Blled (A) s-orbitals only (8) 4c-orbitals only (©) 4scorbitels and Ad-ocbitals (D) —4s-orbitals and half-fitled 4d-orbitals 4 Copper(Ii) sulfate gives (@). a deep blue solution with excess NH,(aq) (yellow-green solution with excess concentrated HCI. Which of the following deductions can be made from these observations? 1. The complex ion [Cu(NH,),]> is formed in (a). TH. [CuQVH,),?* has a higher stability constant than [Cu(H,O),]* HL [CuCl has a lower siability constant than [Cu(H,0),]> (A) Land lH only (8B) Jand if only (©) Wand tii only (D) Lifand tt Which of the Following statements desc ibes ‘he trend in physical properties of the halogens as the group is descended? (A) Volatility and atomic radii increase, (8) Electronegativity and volatility increase {C) Blectronegativity decreases and colour deepens, There is a corresponding decrease in density as states change from 8S to liquid to solid. (DB) 42, 43. 44, ‘ems 42-44 refer to the following reaction scheme with precipitates, iabelled A, B,C and D, that 2 ie were obtained at various stages. (Cations in solution ‘Add NH, (ag) drop by drop, then in excess ap et ‘White ppt, White ppt, No ppt, soluble in excess insoluble in excess Possible C Possible A, Possible Match EACH of ihe cations below with either precipitate A. B. € of D in the reaction scheme above. Pb" or A When Ag’ (aq) was added to an unknown solution, a white precipitate was formed. | ‘60 fresh spe ‘Yellow ppt, Confirmed as D precipitate was soluble in excess NH,(eq) Which of the following ionic equations represents the form A) (B) ©) 4D) IE YOU FINS: Ag’ {aq) + Br (aq) — AgBrts) Ag* (aq) + Ci (aq) > AgCls) Ag® (ag) +1" (eq) —+ Agl(s) Ag’ (ag) + NH, (aq) + Ag(NH,)Ci(s) END OF TEST i YOUR WORK ON THIS T i BEFORE TIME 18 CALLED, CH ion of the white precipitate? SST. is white CANDIDATE’S RECEIPT inrtieiniensnesnstnimannenrcemnsiniiteiel INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE: “ i, Fill in all the information requested clearly in capital letters. ‘TEST CODE: of2 ‘fife olito SUBJECT: CHEMISTRY - UNIT I - Paper OL 5 PROFICIENCY: ADVANCED REGISTRATION NUMBER: | | | FULL NAME: ' (BLOCK LETTERS) Signature: Date: Ensure that this olip is detached by the Supervisor or Invigilator aad given to you when you hond in this booklet, 3. Keep if ina safe place autil you have received your results, INSTRUCTION TO SUPERVISOR/INVIGILATO! ed the declaration below, detach this slip and hand it to the candidate as his/her receipt for this book collected by you. T hereby acknowledge receipt of the candidate’s booklet for the examination stated above. Signature: E Date: _ THE ‘ E.X.PR.E.S.S. SCHOOL Is calling all CXC students who are sitting JUNE 2015 CXC MATHS EXAMS to our CXC . MATHS REVISION MARATHON Every day from now te May 2015 exam (Including Sat & Sun.) 9 01 pm & 440.5 pm. $1,000 per day. + Bring your weak, difficult and incomplete topics. + We have 2005 to January 2015 XC Maths Past- Papers Questions and Answers for sale. + shop 20, Central Plaza, Just behind Pablos, HWT. 474-2090 & 815 ~ 1786. Call anyday or anytime. + Ucan sen s tex, plz cal me, Call on ‘Sundays also, me + U can't fall Maths with Mr. Christie as ur tutor. He Is Jamacia's best. § + All stucionts except 1 passed the June ‘ 2014 CXC Haths exam, + Register now aboforallotier CXC Subjects, Reading ané Compatingin ow Day, Evening, Suaréy or Suey Progremmies for The Summer, THE E.X.PR.E.S.S. SCHOOL Is calling all CXC students who are sitting JUNE 2015 CXC MATHS EXAMS to our CXC MATHS REVISION MARATHON Every day from now to May 2015 exam (including Sat & Sun.) 9101 pm & 1 to 5 pm. $1,000 per day. + Bring your weak, difffoult and incomplete topics. + We have 2005 to January 2015 CXC Maths Past. P and Answers for + Shop 20 , Central Plaza. Just behind Pablos, HWT. 474-2090 & 815-1786. Call anyday or anytime, + Ucan sen atexr plz eal me. Call on Sundays also. + Uean'e fall Maths with Mr. Christie as ur tutor, He is Jamacia's best. + All stuslents except 1 passed the June 2014 GXC Haths exam. + Repisternow algo forall aber CXC ‘Subjects, Readingand Compiting incur ay, Evening, Saurdey or Sunday rograrnmers for The Sue €X-PR.E.S ¢ DAY, EVENING, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY SCHOOLS Shop 20, Central Plaza in Half Way Tree, near Pavilion Mall and just behind Pablos ‘| 4742090 / 8151786tex r sen a pkzcal me anytime DAY, EVENING, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Shop 20, Central Plaza in Half Way Tree, near Pavilion Mall and just behind Pablos . 474 2090 / 8151786tex r sen a plzcal me anytime * ‘Now registering for +—_CXC, GSAT & CAPE CLASSES iene eee an fai Maths with Me, Cavistie, Hei Jamaica's best [jean sil Maths with Me Ciste He is Tamaica’s best | eee eee cxe (XC SUBJECTS OFFERED CXC | $1,000 $ oNeusn GSAT @ MATBEMATICS GSAT lr } once anmamsrearion || CAPE 4 INCLISH ermamon| | CAPE | EACH [ ASOUNTS | 2 eppm || GNAT 5 ou GNAT Saturday } SOciAL svuDIES Grade & POR &EDPM | | Grade | OR > ALLSCIENCE SUBJECTS @ SOCIAL STUDIES 384 | say | INFORMATION THCHNOLODY & ALLSCIENGE SUBJECTS z Sunday | peciNNERS COMPUTING % INFORMATION TecHNoLogy | Past FOR BEGINNERS MATHS cL} p @ BEGINNERS COMPUTING Papers Gsar f Bomvesieapinc ©) 01 BEGINNERS MATHS | Old and Classes Regttred wan te no rau. || 2 fe waa Eeancuae New we ‘Over 80 % Pass Rate per subject |) eee i eae a Hie Have » ver 80 % Fase Rate per bjt | NOW “HE The school started at the THE AOST Students’ Union UWI in 1990. most The school started at the Studen ‘Come and do your CXC here CRiTRAL Union UWI in 1990. ENTRAL | that vou can’t do at vour sehool._| Come and do your CXC here

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