Let Us All Witness: Twing: Everyone

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Reg: A pleasant afternoon!

Twing: Most especially to Mr. Juan B. Mitra, EPS of Leyte Division
Reg: to our municipal mayor, Hon. Silvestre T. Lumarda
Twing: DR. Ruth A. Retulla, Incoming PIC of Inopacan
Reg: Mrs. Violeta B. Boldios, Outgiong OIC/PIC of Inopacan
Twing: school administrators of Inopacan
Reg; teachers
Twing: everyone…

Reg:….. let us all witness

Both :…….Send-off & Installation Ceremony

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Reg: requesting everyone to rise as Mr. Gil M. Teves, our district teachers’ league
president, induces in us our deep reverence to the Father Almighty..
Twing…..…..and please remain standing as we pay allegiance to our country which
will be followed by the singing of the DepEd Leyte Hymn thru an overture.

……Please be seated……..


Reg: Let us all lend our ears to the our very assiduous and newly-installed Principal of Inopacan
Central School, Mrs.Teresita M. Antolin as she welcomes us thru her eloquent words……….
…….Words of Welcome by Mrs. Teresita M. Antolin

Twing: now, let’s welcome on stage the indefatigable father of our municipality, Hon. Silvestre T. Lumarda for
his message…..a message by Hon. Silvestre T. Lumarda…

Reg:: Thank you so much Mayor for the message.

Twing: Ladies and gentlemen, today we rejoice as one of our leaders takes a bigger and more
challenging path of her career… she exemplifies hardwork and excellence….We are truly
proud for the one and only Principal II of Inopacan Central School who served as our
OIC/PIC few months…

Reg: Everyone…..let’s welcome onstage with felicitations the outgoing OIC/Principal-In-

Charge of Inopacan District, Mrs. Violeta B. Boldios for her message……a message by Mrs.
Violeta B. Boldios….

Reg: Congratulations Ma’am Viol and best of luck on your new journey…

Twing: We are truly elated and privileged to have with us today the Education Program Supervisor of Leyte
Division, Mr. Juan B. Mitra. May I now relinquish the microphone to Sir Mira for the installation of
the incoming District Principal-In-Charge and a short message…….installation and a message by Mr.
Juan B. Mitra….

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Reg: …This will be followed with Acceptance and message by Dr. Ruth A. Retulla, Incoming PIC.

……………At this juncture, we will entertained by )_________________ for ____________________

Twing: Up next is the giving of token by cluster… /May I request __________________ to


Reg: Now, let’s have pictorials. Requesting all the ____________________

Twing: (Dinner)

:::::Once again, Welcome to Inopacan District Dr. Ruth A. Retulla.!!!

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