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 Salman Haider MB-12-35

 Haqnawaz MB-12-17
 Rao Inayat Kareem MB-12-24
 M. Shamshad MB-12-30
 Mohsin Illyas MB-12-36
 H M Saleem MB-12-41
 Junaid Afzal MB-12-45
 Tahir Shah MB-12-64
 Muhammad Sarfraz MB-12-65
 Jawad Ahmad MB-12-66
 Muhammad Khalil MB-12-69
 Recruitment

 Introduction of Cocacola

 Internal And External method

 Recruitment Sources

 Traditional vs. Realistic Preview

 Any activity carried on by the organization
with the primary purpose of identifying and
attracting potential employees
 Represents the first contact between
organizations and prospective employees
 Organizational activities that influence:
 The number and types of applicants who apply for a
 Whether the applicants accept jobs that are offered
 The Coca Cola Company is the world's
largest beverage company. It is no.1 brand
according to fortune 2009 survey. The
company operates a franchised distribution system
dating from 1889. The Coca Cola Company is
headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.
 Its major markets consist of USA, Brittan,
Europe, Middle East, Asia, Russia and North
America. It has activities in 200 countries, about
3000 branches, and 55,000 employees across the
world. Over 200 expatriates are assigned for
international positions every year, as region
managers. Most of the expatriates are sent from
USA and Britain, and most often sent to Middle East,
Asia and Russia.
 Although Coca-Cola is not a new name for
the local market, Coca-Cola Beverages
Pakistan Limited (CCBPL)began its
operations on 26 May 1996 in Pakistan.
Coca-Cola Beverages Private LTD (CCBPL)
is a joint venture between Coca-Cola
International, Fraser and Nerves Singapore
and package ltd. CCBPL directly employs
more than 3,000 people in Pakistan CCBPL
creates indirect employment for more than
50,000 people in related industries through
its vast procurement, supply & distribution
 Mission Statement
◦ “to benefit and refresh everyone it touches and to
create values for our shared owners on along
term bases by building a business the Coca Cola
company trademarks.”
 Vision
◦ All of us in Coca Cola company wake up
each morning knowing that every single one
of the
world’s 5.6 billion people will get thirsty that day
and we are the one’s with the best opportunity to
refresh them. Our task is simple: to make coca
cola and other products available , affordable
and acceptable to them quenching their thirst
and providing them with a perfect moment of
relaxation. If we do this, if we make it possible for
5.6 billion people to escape coca cola.
 Their values serve as a compass for their
actions and describe how we behave in
the world.
◦ Leadership: The courage to shape a better future
◦ Collaboration: Leverage collective genius
◦ Integrity: Be real
◦ Accountability: If it is to be, it's up to me
◦ Passion: Committed in heart and mind
◦ Quality: What we do, we do well
 In 1886, Coca-Cola® brought refreshment
to patrons of a small Atlanta pharmacy.
Now well into its second century, the
Company's goal is to provide magic every
time someone drinks one of its more than
500 brands. Coca-Cola has fans from
Boston to Budapest to Bahrain, drinking
brands such as Ambasa, Vegitabeta and
Frescolita. In the remotest comers of the
globe, you can still find Coca-Cola.
 From the early beginnings when just nine
drinks a day were served, Coca-Cola has
grown to the world’s most ubiquitous brand,
with more than 1.7 billion beverage servings
sold each day. When people choose to reach
for one of The Coca-Cola Company brands,
the Company wants that choice to be exciting
and satisfying, every single time.
 Internal Recruiting
◦ Internal recruiting—recruiting source seeking
applicants for positions from among the ranks of
those currently employed

◦ advantages
 better assessment of candidates
 reduces training time
 faster
 cheaper
 motivates employees
 High Performance Work System characteristic
 Internal Recruiting
◦ disadvantages
 creates vacancies
 stifles diversity
 insufficient supply of candidates
 External Recruiting
◦ External recruiting—recruiting source seeking applicants
for positions from outside the organization.

◦ Advantages
 increases diversity
 facilitates growth
 shortens training time
 A theory that you get new/novel problem solving
◦ Disadvantages
 expensive
 slower
 less reliable data
 stifles upward movement of personnel
 That source which help the company in
identifying and attracting potential employees
 The major recruitment sources are following
1. Media Advertisement
2. E-recruitment
3. Employment agencies
4. Executive search firms
5. Special events recruiting
6. College Recruiting
7. Summer internships
• Coca Cola does not prefer external recruitment
• Their basic focus is on Internal recruitment

. They maintain a talent bank for meeting internal hiring needs

• They only do external hiring in case of sudden recruitments

They forecast their future needs and collect the data of

applicants in advance
• They have an offer to drop resume for any job at their
They collect resumes at their every territory
• To fulfill their talent bank they visit universities and colleges

Previously the Multan territory visit BZU and IUB

and collect the data.
• They take interviews of 350 candidates and selected only 3 applicants

Their major focus is on quality and their

standards of recruitment are high
• Last time their selection standard was 85 % marks in masters.
• Their major recruitment source is E-Recruiting.
• They are working on such type of advertisements which are
according to the Job description and specification.

• Their recruitment adds are published by the their Media

• Adds and vacancies banners are being offered by every
territory as demanded.
 Realistic Preview
◦ Provides prospective employee with pertinent
information about the job without distortion or

◦ Presents the full job picture (“warts” and all)

 Telling almost everything about job and just not the
extra-ordinary benefits or challenges
 Typical Consequences of Job Preview
Procedures: Realistic Preview
1. Sets job expectations realistically
2. Job may or may not be attractive, depending on
individual’s needs
3. Some accept, some reject job offer
4. Work experience confirms expectations
5. Satisfaction; needs matched to job
6. High job survival, satisfaction, infrequent thoughts of

 Typical Consequences of Job Preview
Procedures: Traditional Preview
1. Sets initial job expectations too high
2. Job is typically viewed as attractive, stimulating, and
3. High rate of acceptance of job offers
4. Work experience disconfirms expectations
5. Dissatisfaction and realization that job is not matched to
6. Low job survival, dissatisfaction, frequent thoughts of
 Selection and its Process

 Validation Approaches

 various sources of information

 types of employment tests.

 employment interview.

 Final Selection

 A quick view to Coca cola

 The process of choosing individuals who have
relevant qualifications to fill existing or projected job
 Selection Considerations
◦ Person-job fit: job analysis identifies required
individual competencies (KSAOs) for job
◦ Person-organization fit: the degree to which
individuals are matched to the culture and values of
the organization.
Completion Preliminary
Initial Employment Background
selection in
Exam Hiring
Of Investigatio Interviews
testing HR Decision
Interview n Drug
◦ Reliability
 The degree to which interviews, tests, and other
selection procedures yield comparable data over
time and alternative measures.
◦ Validity
 Degree to which a test or selection procedure
measures a person’s attributes
In coca cola for Selection there is HR department
But only they involve only in major hiring

Mostly the labor and middle level management is hired by the plant authorities
They follow the decentralization approach. The country Manager is responsible for all matters

There is a proper selection process according to the international standards

 Criterion-related Validity
◦ The extent to which a selection tool predicts, or
significantly correlates with, important elements
of work behavior.
 A high score indicates high job performance potential;
low score is predictive of low job performance.
 Concurrent Validity
◦ The extent to which test scores (or other
predictor information) match criterion data
obtained at about the same time from current
 High or low test scores for employees match their
respective job performance.
 Predictive Validity
◦ The extent to which applicants’ test scores match
criterion data obtained from those applicants/
employees after they have been on the job for
some indefinite period.
 A high or low test score at hiring predicts high or low
job performance at a point in time after hiring.
 Correlation Coefficient
◦ A number ranging from 0.00, denoting a
complete absence of relationship, to 1.00 and to
-1.00, indicating a perfect positive and perfect
negative relationship, respectively
 Content validity
◦ The extent to which a selection instrument, such as
a test, adequately samples the knowledge and
skills needed to perform a particular job.
 Example: typing tests, driver’s license examinations
 Construct validity
◦ The extent to which a selection tool measures
a theoretical construct or trait.
◦ Are difficult to validate
 Example: creative arts tests, honesty tests
 Cross-validation
◦ Verifying the results obtained from a validation
study by administering a test or test battery to a
different sample (drawn from the same population).
 Biographical Information Blanks (BIB)
◦ In such source different questions are asked to check personality and
inner abilities of the candidate. For example
◦ At what age did you leave home?
◦ How large was the town/city in which you lived as a child?
◦ Did you ever build a model airplane that flew?
◦ Were sports a big part of your childhood?
◦ Do you play any musical instruments?

 Background Investigations
◦ This is the verification of the shortlisted candidate. They verify the
 References
 Degrees
 Crime record
 Medical record
 Other submitted info
 Polygraph Tests
◦ These are the short tests. Conducted with the help of
medical machines that check the pulse and heart beat
rate while answering the questions.
◦ This machine only guess about the true or fall.
◦ But there is still the chance of error.
 Integrity and Honesty Tests
◦ These test are conducted to check the loyalty and
honesty of the selected candidate in short listing
 Graphology
◦ This is a greater technical test conducted by the
hand writing specialists to guess about the
candidate personality and values with the
sample of the handwriting of the candidate.
 Medical Examinations
◦ It is conducted in those firms that requires physical
fitness standard level. For example army.
Coca cola gets data by both manual and online
application form.
They offers different ways to apply for job at their website

They have a separate department which only deals with that matters.
This is called Data bank department. Conducted by HRIS of the Coca cola

• They have not yet adopted the polygraph, graphology,

Bib and other advance sources
• Their major focus is on the Background investigation.
 Employment Test
◦ An objective and standardized measure of a sample
of behavior that is used to gauge a person’s
knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics
(KSAOs) in relation to other individuals.
 Cognitive Ability Tests
◦ Aptitude tests
 Measures of a person’s capacity to learn or
acquire skills.
◦ Achievement tests
 Measures of what a person knows or can do right now.
 Personality and Interest Inventories
◦ “Big Five” personality factors:
 Extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness,
neuroticism, openness to experience.
 Physical Ability Tests
◦ Must be related to the essential functions of the
the job.
 Job Knowledge Tests
◦ An achievement test that measures a person’s
level of understanding about a particular job.
 Work Sample Tests
◦ Require the applicant to perform tasks that are
actually a part of the work required on the job.
Coca cola conduct various types of tests for different
First of all they conduct a aptitude test to check academic knowledge.

They also conduct the work sample test for technical seats
The behavioral test comes at end . Conducted only for final candidates

• A survey show that they conduct about 5 tests for

one recruitment.
• Tests are conducted on both region and head quarter
 Nondirective Interview
◦ The applicant determines the course of the
discussion, while the interviewer refrains from
influencing the applicant’s remarks.
 Structured Interview
◦ An interview in which a set of standardized
questions having an established set of answers
is used.
 Situational Interview
◦ An interview in which an applicant is given a
hypothetical incident and asked how he or she
would respond to it.
 Behavioral Description Interview (BDI)
◦ An interview in which an applicant is asked
questions about what he or she actually did in a
given situation.
 Panel Interview
◦ An interview in which a board of interviewers
questions and observes a single candidate.
 Computer Interview
◦ Using a computer program that requires candidates
to answer a series of questions tailored to the job.
Answers are compared either with an ideal profile
or with profiles developed on the basis of other
candidates’ responses.
 Video interviews
◦ Using video conference technologies to evaluate
job candidates’ technical abilities, energy level,
appearance, and the like before incurring the costs
of a face-to-face meeting.
 Coca-Cola does not conduct interviews at
regional level.
 They mostly conduct video interviews which
are basically taken by Head office.
 However some technical interviews are
conducted at regional level.
 Mostly labor and technical staff are selected
at regional level.
 Selection Considerations:
◦ Are individuals to be hired according to their highest
potential or according to the needs of the organization?
◦ At what grade or wage level to start the individual?
◦ Should selection be for employee- job match, or should
advancement potential be considered?
◦ Should those not qualified but qualifiable be considered?
◦ Should overqualified individuals be considered?
◦ What effect will a decision have on meeting affirmative
action plans and diversity considerations?
“Can Do”
• Knowledge
• Skills
• Abilities
Job Performance

“Will Do”
• Personality
• Values
• Motivation
 Evaluate final candidates against each other
after you have rated them against the criteria
to identify the best candidate based on skills,
worker characteristics and organizational fit.
Review all your notes and write up your
 Call the candidate to make an offer. Inform all
other final candidates by phone of the
outcome of the recruitment process. Offer to
give them constructive feedback on the
 Msc Statistic from Army college
 1 Year HR specialization from PU
 16 years experience as a HR
manager in army.
 6 Month experience as a HR
Saad Khan Business Associate Admin in
HR Business Coca Cola Multan Plant Pakistan
Associate Admin
Coca Cola Multan.
 This is concluded from the above mentioned studies that the
performance of the company is nice. Company maintains and manage
candidate’s file including maintenance of database to ensure
comprehensive data collection of candidates. Manager said that the
company spends about 20%-30% o fits total expenditure on recruitment
and selection. It is the fact that Coca-Cola follows recruitment and
selection procedure. It basically depends on the post the candidate is
applying for, in most of the cases the company does compensate the
employees for the expenses incurred by them. It can be concluded that
this company is doing very well in the area of soft drinks if it is
compared with the other competitors

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