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Mining Science and Technology (China) 21 (2011) 693–699

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Mining Science and Technology (China)

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Major accident analysis and prevention of coal mines in China from the year
of 1949 to 2009
Wu Lirong a,b,⇑, Jiang Zhongan a, Cheng Weimin b, Zuo Xiuwei c, Lv Dawei b, Yao Yujing b
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Science & Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
Key Laboratory of Mine Disaster Prevention and Control, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China
Electronic-Engineering Teaching and Section of Four Department, Artillery Academy, Hefei 230031, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: From the year of 1949 to the present, the China national coal output has been increasing quickly and
Received 26 January 2011 became first in the world in 2009. But at the same time, major coal mining accidents still exist nowadays.
Received in revised form 24 February 2011 In order to review the overall situation and provide information on major accidents of coal mines in
Accepted 22 March 2011
China, we investigated 26 major coal mining accidents in China between the years of 1949 and 2009
Available online 3 November 2011
through statistical methods, each of which led to more than 100 fatalities. Statistical characteristics about
accident-related factors such as time, death toll, accident reasons, characters and nature of enterprise
were analyzed. And some special conclusions have been achieved. For example, although we have made
Coal mine accident
Statistical analysis
great progress, the safety situation in China coal mining industry is still serious, and the reasons for the
Prevention mining accidents are all human errors which are not inevitable. Such results may be helpful to prevent
Management major accidents in coal mines. Moreso, based on both the knowledge of other countries which have good
safety situation nowadays and the safety management situation of China, we made suggestion on safety
management of China coal mining. In conclusion, countermeasures were proposed in accordance with
the results of statistical studies and the analyses of problems existed in coal mines, including the perfec-
tion of safety supervision organization, the establishment of cooperating agency among government, coal
mines and workers, the perfection of safety rules and regulations, the improvement of safety investment,
the enhancement of safety training, the development of safety technique, and the development of emer-
gency rescue technique and equipment.
Ó 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China University of Mining & Technology.

1. Introduction accidents during several years of China were made from which fac-
tors influencing accidents and methods to mitigate accidents could
Coal mining is playing an important role for the economic be drawn. Many management theories and methods about the
development of China. With the improvement of technology and risks of accidents have been put forward [1–60].
use of mechanized equipment both imported and manufactured Nevertheless all the above efforts have not prevented accidents
locally, the production increases quickly. At the same time, many to a great extent as in other main coal producing countries such as
coal mining accidents especially major ones have occurred, causing USA, Australia, India do, which makes us nervous.
heavy damage to workers, companies and the whole society. Often In order to try to find out the root causes which can help to pre-
this time, materials, equipments and teams are called upon to res- vent the coal mine accidents, firstly analyzed the characteristics of
cue the injured. Following the accuracy of an accident, there are coal mine accidents and the condition of safety management of
many consultations and safety measures are made. Scientists all China; secondly be aware of some developed countries’ coal mine
over the world have paid much attention to coal mine accidents accident conditions and know their expertise; finally, based on the
and obtained a lot of knowledge about the mine safety manage- above information, much deeper study should be made to find the
ment, accident analysis and prevention, and safety evaluation. existed problems in China and establish a set of safety manage-
One kind of coal mine accidents such as coal dust explosion acci- ment system which involves the perfection of safety supervision
dents that occurred in China between the years were investigated organization, the establishment of cooperating agency among
through statistical methods and the characteristics of the accident- government, coal mines and workers, the perfection of safety rules
related factors were studied. Statistics about all the coal mine and regulations, the improvement of safety investment, the
enhancement of safety training, the development of safety tech-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 13869844863. nique, and the development of emergency rescue technique and
E-mail address: (L. Wu). equipment.

1674-5264/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China University of Mining & Technology.
694 L. Wu et al. / Mining Science and Technology (China) 21 (2011) 693–699

This paper counted up the number of accidents, time and death 3.5
toll of 26 major accidents with more than 100 fatalities each in Chi-
na from the year of 1949 to 2009, the accident main reasons, char-

Coal output (Gt)

acters, and nature of enterprise of 12 major accidents each with 2.5
more than 100 fatalities in China between the years of 2000 and 2.0
2009, and analyzed the safety management conditions. By contrast,
the safety management experiences of developed countries such as
USA, Australia and India are studied. Then the comparison of safety 1.0
condition between China and other developed countries, and the 0.5
problems that existed in China were studied. According to the
above analyses, some measures are made. 0
ina ica ia lia sia sia ca ny d an
Ch mer Ind ustra Rus done Afri erma olan khst
A A I n t h G P z a
u Ka
2. Condition of coal mines in China Country

2.1. Safety condition Fig. 2. National coal output of global top 10 countries in 2009 (unit: 100 million
From the foundation of the People’s Republic of China (in 1949)
to the beginning of reforms and opening up (in 1978), the national
Table 1
coal output per year has increased from 30 to 618 million tons. In
Accident statistics.
1997 it broke through 1 billion tons, from the year of 2000 it goes
up rapidly with 0.2 billion tons growth annually and it exceeds Year Accident Death Death rate in million
number toll tons coal production
3 billion tons in 2009. The coal yield of the whole country from
the year of 1949 to 2009 is shown in Fig. 1 [8,64]. 2000 2863 5798 5.710
2001 3082 5670 5.070
In 2009, there were 10 countries in the world each with na-
2002 4388 6995 4.640
tional coal output exceeding 100 billion tons, and their total takes 2003 4143 6702 3.710
up 89.5% of the global yield. China produced 3.05 billion tons (is it 2004 3639 6027 3.080
3.05 or 305 billion tons) in the year of 2009, occupying number 1 2005 3341 5986 2.840
with the percentage of 43.94%. The world coal output of the top 2006 2945 4746 2.041
2007 2420 3786 1.485
10 countries in 2009 is shown in Fig. 2 [64]. 2008 1953 3092 1.182
The development of coal mining industry in China has come 2009 1616 2631 0.892
with increased mining accidents causing heavy damage to the soci-
ety. Between the years of 2000 and 2009, the statistics of accident
fected the development of the whole society. The main reasons of
number, death toll, and death rate in million tons coal production
12 major accidents with more than 100 people’s death in every
are shown in Table 1. The death rate in million tons coal produc-
accident from the year of 2000 to 2009 are displayed in Table 3.
tion from 1949 to 2009 is shown in Fig. 3 [64].
Although the coal mine industry is becoming safer than before,
many accidents still exist nowadays and the situation is more se- 2.2. Safety management
vere than before. Between the years of 2000 and 2009, 391 acci-
dents happened and 7902 people died, each of which led to This paper analyzes the safety management of China from two
death toll above 10 people. From the time of establishment of points, one is the establishment of safety rules and regulations,
the state, 26 extra large accidents occurred with more than 100 and the other is safety supervision and emergency management.
people’s death in every accident and 4228 people in total lost their
lives. The 26 accidents are shown in Table 2.
Time statistical analysis was given at year level, which is shown 2.2.1. Safety rules and regulations
in Fig. 4. In order to improve the safety condition of China, many laws
Death toll statistical analysis of major accidents is displayed in and regulations connected with coal mines have been enacted,
Fig. 5. which can be divided into four categories: the basic law, laws
Compared to miner accidents, major accidents always led to and regulations, administrative laws and regulations, and safety
much heavier damage like people’s lives, families, factories, and af- technical standards. Some of them are shown in Table 4 [61–63].

3.5 2.2.2. Safety supervision and emergency management

3.0 China has set up a State Administration of Work Safety, which
Coal output (Gt)

mainly includes Department of Policies, Laws and Regulations;

Production Safety Emergency Rescue Office; Department of Safety
2.0 Supervision and Management; Department of Occupational Health
1.5 and Safety Supervision and Management; State Administration of
1.0 Coal Mine Safety; National Workplace Emergency Management
Center; and other departments and organizations. Also, coal mine
safety supervision organizations of 27 provinces have been estab-
0 lished [65].
19 5





20 04

20 08
19 2
19 2
19 5

In China four emergency rescue bases have been created. The


Year National Workplace Emergency Management Center has set a

database management system about the emergency response plan
Fig. 1. National coal output (unit: 100 million tons). and emergency resource, and a mine medical aid center [65].
L. Wu et al. / Mining Science and Technology (China) 21 (2011) 693–699 695

25 1200

20 1000
Death rate


Death toll






19 9

20 5








Fig. 3. Death rate in million tons coal production from 1949 to 2009.
Fig. 5. Death toll statistical feature.

3. Condition of coal mines in some developed countries

Table 2
Twenty six extra large accidents.
3.1. Safety condition of other countries
No. Time Place Type Death
(province) toll
3.1.1. The United States of America
1 1950.2.27 Henan Gas explosion 187 USA is one of the biggest coal producing countries in the world,
2 1954.12.6 Inner Mongolia Gas and coal dust 104
which has gone through the period of worse safety conditions and
3 1960.5.9 Shanxi Coal dust explosion 684 severe casualty accidents. But now the coal industry is one of the
4 1960.5.14 Szechwan Coal and gas outburst 125 best industries of the country. In the coal mining history of USA,
5 1960.11.28 Henan Gas and coal dust 187 the four largest coal mining accidents happened in the years of
explosion 1905, 1907, 1948 and 1968, with 362, 259, 111 and 78 people’s
6 1960.12.15 Szechwan Gas and coal dust 124
death respectively. Some statistics about the output, the number
7 1961.3.16 Liaoning Electrical fire 110 of deaths, and death rate in million tons coal production of USA
8 1968.10.24 Shandong Dust explosion 108 are shown in Fig. 6 [57,61,63,64,68].
9 1969.4.4 Shandong Coal dust explosion 115
10 1975.5.11 Shaanxi Gas and coal dust 101
explosion 3.1.2. Australia
11 1977.2.24 Jiangxi Gas explosion 114 In the past century, about 2000 coal mining accidents occurred
12 1981.12.24 Henan Gas and coal dust 133 in Australia with 10,000 people’s death. But in the past several
13 1991.4.21 Shanxi Gas and coal dust 147
years, little casualty accidents occured in coal mine industry which
explosion had been the most dangerous industry before. Between the years of
14 1996.11.27 Shanxi Gas and coal dust 114 2000 and 2001, the death rate in million tons coal production is
explosion about 0.014 in coal mine of New South Wales, with two workers’
15 2000.9.27 Guizhou Gas explosion 162
death. From 2003, Australia has almost realized zero fatality
16 2002.6.20 Heilongjiang Gas explosion 124
17 2004.10.20 Henan Gas explosion 148 [10,66].
18 2004.11.28 Shaanxi Gas explosion 166
19 2005.2.14 Liaoning Gas explosion 214
20 2005.8.7 Guangdong Flood 121 3.1.3. India
21 2005.11.27 Heilongjiang Dust explosion 171 Coal is the main energy resource in India, taking up about 67%.
22 2005.12.7 Hebei Gas explosion 108 From the year of 1951 to 2002 the coal output increased from 32.3
23 2007.8.17 Shandong Flood 172 to 322.64 Mt. In 1960s about 3500 casualty accidents happened.
24 2007.12.5 Shanxi Gas explosion 105
Because of the safety management and supervision, the number
25 2008.09.08 Shanxi Dam break 276
26 2009.11.21 Heilongjiang Gas explosion 108 of casualties dropped quickly. Some statistics about the number
of deaths, and death rate in million tons coal production of India
are shown in Fig. 7 [68,69].

3.2. Expertise
4.0 In the decades to come, the main coal producing countries have
3.5 improved their safety condition, the economical loss has dropped,
3.0 and the safety production economy has increased greatly. These

2.5 are benefits from the series of scientific, reasonable and adaptable
safety measures [61–69].
0.5 3.2.1. Safety supervision organization of coal mine
0 Safety supervision organization is necessary for coal production,

which acts as the role of warning, supervision or urging, it acts like

19 5
1 96
1 96
19 6
1 97
1 97

20 0

2 00


Year a public prosecutor. It changes with the reality of the country and
should be placed at a good position. Otherwise it cannot play the
Fig. 4. Time statistical feature at year level. effect and perform practically no function. The safety supervision
696 L. Wu et al. / Mining Science and Technology (China) 21 (2011) 693–699

Table 3
Main reason and character analyses of major accidents (2000–2009).

No. Time Place (province) Type Main reason Accident character Nature of enterprise
15 2000.9.27 Guizhou Gas explosion Operation against rules Due to negligence Government-owned
16 2002.6.20 Heilongjiang Gas explosion Uncleared hidden trouble Due to negligence Government-owned
17 2004.10.20 Henan Gas explosion Operation against rules Due to negligence Government-owned
18 2004.11.28 Shaanxi Gas explosion Operation against rules Due to negligence Government-owned
19 2005.2.14 Liaoning Gas explosion Uncleared hidden trouble Due to negligence Government-owned
20 2005.8.7 Guangdong Flood Operation against rules Due to negligence Self-employed
21 2005.11.27 Heilongjiang Dust explosion Operation against rules Due to negligence Government-owned
22 2005.12.7 Hebei Gas explosion Operation against rules Due to negligence Self-employed
23 2007.8.17 Shandong Flood Operation against rules Due to negligence Private
24 2007.12.5 Shanxi Gas explosion Operation against rules Due to negligence Government-owned
25 2008.09.08 Shanxi Dam break Operation against rules Due to negligence Private
26 2009.11.21 Heilongjiang Gas explosion Operation against rules Due to negligence Government-owned

Table 4
Main laws and regulations of China.

Type Laws and regulations Time (latest edition)

Basic law Constitution of the People’s Republic of China 1982
Mineral resources law of the People’s Republic of China 1986
Environmental protection law of the People’s Republic of China 1989
Coal law of the People’s Republic of China 1996
Production safety law of the People’s Republic of China 2002
Laws and regulations Safety regulations in coal mine 2010
Law of the People’s Republic of China on safety in mines 1992
Safety supervision regulations of coal mine 2000
Safety production license regulation 2004
Administrative laws and regulations Ore resources implementing regulations 1994
Coal production license management method 1994
Workers’ safety technical training regulations of coal mine 1994
Safety supervision administrative penalty method of coal mine 2003
Safety production training management method 2004
Safety training supervision and inspection method of coal mine 2005
Safety technical standard Coal and gas outburst prevention regulations 1995
Rescuing regulation of coal mine 1995
Gas drainage regulation of coal mine 1997

3500 0.20 organizations in some other countries such as USA and South Afri-
ca have played an important role.
Number of death

2500 0.15
Death rate

2000 3.2.2. The organizations from three sides: government, employer and
0.10 employee
A country with good safety conditions pays much attention to
0.05 the coordination between the government, employer and employ-
500 ee, which is helpful in dealing with misunderstandings between la-
0 0 bor and management, ease the contradiction, resolve the social
1907 1909 1930 1980 1990 2000 2004 2005 2008 problems and promote the safety management at work place. In
Year fact the organizations from three sides stand for the benefits of
employees. The employee must be assured to work safely in what-
Fig. 6. Statistics of coal mine in USA. ever environment and it is a representation of humanism. South
Africa and India have done well in the establishment of organiza-
tions from the three sides.
Number of death
300 Death rate in million tons coal production 6

250 5 3.2.3. Establishment of safety laws and regulations of coal mine

Number of death

In order to ensure safety at coal mining, the main coal produc-

200 4
Death rate

ing countries such as America and South Africa, have set laws and
150 3 regulations about safety and health of coal mine and have tried to
perfect them.
100 2
For example, in 1977 America set<Federal mining safety and
50 1 health law > which was based on the past major coal accidents in
which safety checks, safety tasks and serious punishment were
0 0
1961 1981 1991 1994 2000 2001 2004 2008 specified. It is strict, and can prevent inspectors from superficial
Year and irresponsible safety checks.
In New South Wales of Australia, if an accident leads to casual-
Fig. 7. Statistics of coal mine in India. ties, the employer is punished up to more than 63 million Yuan.
L. Wu et al. / Mining Science and Technology (China) 21 (2011) 693–699 697

3.2.4. Proper scientific and efficient investment in coal mine safety 3000 1.0
From the point of economics, economic development comes
2500 Number of death
from investment. Safety investment is difficult to be qualified 0.8

Number of death
Death rate in million tons
and the probability of an accident to occur may increase if there

Death rate
2000 coal production
is no proper safety investment. Some countries doing well in safety 0.6
such as USA put more emphasis on safety investment than on pro- 1500
duction, as safety investment is the guarantee for production and 1000
economic development. In USA about half of the budget allocated 0.2
to mine safety and health bureau is used to support the scientific 500
research projects about coal mine safety and health. The govern- 0 0
ment of New South Wales gives much support to mine safety China America India Australia
and also set up a special fund. In 2003 about $13.9 million were as- Country
signed to improve the safety condition of mines.
Fig. 8. Analysis safety condition among China, America, India and Australia in 2008.

3.2.5. Emphasis on coal mine safety training

Safety training is an important factor to improve the coal mine the 12 major accidents were due to negligence. That is to say, the
safety and is a type of investment which can cause development of accidents should have been prevented, the lives saved, the families
economy in the long run. America pays much attention to safety unbroken, and the loss prohibited.
teaching. From Table 3 it is known that the natures of mines are self-em-
In America safety inspectors, mine owners, mining company ployed, government-owned and private. In China there are several
personnel and workers can have free lessons and can study kinds of coal mines, and the safety management should change
through several ways such as lessons, internet training, and inter- with the nature of coal mine.
net library.
4.3. Coal mine problems in China
4. Analysis
The damage of each accident is miserable. Every time major
4.1. Safety situation analyses between other countries and China accident occurred, all of us are worried about the safety of the
workers, all the power are collected and make a great decision to
From Figs. 1 and 2, it can be seen that the national coal output of change the safety situation completely. But what really have hap-
China has increased quickly and the effect is inspiring. Fig. 3 also pened? Major accidents exist as before and the number of death
shows us that the death rate in million tons coal production has roll is still striking. When will the coal mine production become
dropped quickly, and in the year of 2009 it is below 1.0 for the first a safe industry as it is in other main coal mine countries? When?
time. However, the situation is still severe because 2631 workers From Table 4 it is seen that China has made many laws and reg-
have died and extra large accident with more than 100 people’s ulations which are helpful to improve the safety. We cannot help
death occurred in 2009-about 60 years later. wondering why not the coal mines do not do as the laws and reg-
Other main coal producing countries also had major accidents ulations have established.
before. In 1907 the number of deaths is 3242 in USA, in the past As we all know, the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety
century about 2000 coal accidents have occurred in Australia with and National Workplace Emergency Management Center have
10,000 people’s death, and in the early of 1960s more than 3700 been established. Why do not the hidden troubles and operations
casualty accidents happened. But years later their safety situation against rules be eliminated greatly? Why cannot we save the work-
has changed greatly. In the year of 2005, 21 workers died in USA ers quickly and efficiently?
with 0.039 death rates in million tons coal production. And in In other coal producing countries with good safety condition,
the main coal production of Australia, between the year 2000 many measures have been carried out. We have learned from other
and 2001, the death rate in million tons coal production is about countries and have really made many measures and try to do well.
0.014, with two workers’ death. But why can’t we realize what we want to? The reasons may in-
The analysis of the number of death and death rate in million clude the following: firstly, if all or most of the people really want
tons coal production among China, USA, India and Australia in to be safe, and secondly, if we know how to be. So based on the
2008 is shown in Fig. 8. problems existing in China, new measures can be set and
From Fig. 8 it can be seen that the distance between other coal implemented.
producing countries and China is very big. If China really wants to
shorten the distance, now is the very time to think thoroughly and 5. Conclusions
really take efficient measures.
The national coal output per year of China has increased
4.2. Major accidents characteristics of coal mines in China quickly. But until nowadays, coal mine accidents are not rare in
China and have caused great loss to both China’s international im-
From Figs. 4 and 5, it shows that from the year of 1949 to 2009, age and coal enterprises, especially to coal miners’ lives and health.
major coal mine accidents have never disappeared completely. In From the year of 1949 to 2009, 26 major accidents occurred
the year of 1960 and 2005 there were four major coal mine acci- with more than 100 people’s death in every accident. Major acci-
dents that occurred, with the death toll of 1120 and 614 respec- dents have never disappeared. Between the years of 2000 and
tively, which is shocking and unbelievable especially in the year 2009, 12 major accidents were analyzed, the main reasons of their
of 2005 – 56 years later! occurrence completely came from human errors and are all duty
Accident occurrences may stem from natural calamities and hu- accidents. That is to say, such accidents are not inevitable. The nat-
man errors. From Table 3 it can be seen that the main reasons of ure of coal mines are various, which can affect the safety manage-
the 12 major accidents (2000–2009) were operations against rules ment and cannot be neglected. The safety of coal mines is
and unclear hidden troubles, which are both human errors. And all connected with many factors, which are dynamic with time and
698 L. Wu et al. / Mining Science and Technology (China) 21 (2011) 693–699

place. So the factors affecting safety must be maintained in good Third, the safety knowledge can be helpful to improve the safety
condition at all times. consciousness, identify the hidden trouble, save themselves and
Many laws and regulations have been made, department of others who may be in danger. So we should take all the possible
safety supervision and emergency management center have been means to strengthen the safety knowledge of workers, leaders,
established, but accidents of coal mine are not prevented basically. family members and residents.
While other coal production countries in the world, such as Amer-
ica, Australia, India, can really improve their safety conditions of 5.6. The development of safety techniques
coal mines.
Based on the reality of coal mines in China and expertise of In coal mines are many problems, so modern safety techniques
other coal producing countries, this paper provides measures from should be studied and adopted based on the reality of coal mines in
the following seven points, which are helpful to improve the safety China.
conditions coal mine in China.
5.7. The development of emergency rescue techniques
5.1. The perfection of safety supervision organization
Safety is not absolute. Sometimes when accident occurs, the
The safety of coal mine is associated with many factors. It is
workers have great opportunity to survive if emergency equip-
mainly connected with the action of workers, the management of
ments have been prepared in advance. So shelters, food, water
leaders, and the production condition of coal mines. The hazards
should be set aside and modern rescue equipments should be stud-
coming from coal mines, the workers’ incorrect actions and poor
ied and produced, which is adaptable to coal mines environment in
management by the leaders may lead to accidents, and the acci-
dents may cause damage to coal mines, workers, families, leader
To sum up, we should wake up, know our situation, make great
and the society. So strict safety standards must be made for inspec-
efforts and attain our aim-guaranteeing our coal mine workers’
tion of coal mines, workers and leaders!
5.2. The establishment of cooperation agency among government, coal
mines and workers Acknowledgments

The safety of coal mines is a duty of the government, coal mines The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from the Sci-
owners and workers, among which there may have conflicts in the ence and Technology Programming Project of Shandong Province
production of coal mines. So the establishment of cooperation in China (No. 2010GSF10808), the National Natural Science Foun-
agency is necessary. dation of China (No. 51074100).

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