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Mabilao National High School

Unit Test in Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person

Name:_______________________________________ Grade/Section:____________________
I. Identification: Decipher the jumbled letters to form the correct answer. Write your answer on the
space provided
_____________________1. Humans are superior and central to the universe.(centricanthropo)
_____________________2.The ecological or relational integrity of the humans. (centriceco)
_____________________3. Philosophers were asking questions about the universe we live in. (keerG)
_____________________4. The last creation of God.(Husnam)
_____________________5. The place we live in. (verseuni)
_____________________6. Product of environmental destruction.(sloodf)
II. Multiple Choice: Write the correct answer on the space provided for.
_______1.The oldest religion in the world.
A.Buddhism B. Christianity C. Hinduism D. Islam
______2. Every action produces a justified effect based on its moral worthiness.
A.Nirvana B.Karma C.Bhrama D.Moksha
_______3. It means the soul is reborn or reincarnation.
A.Karma B.Moksha C.Samsara D.Nirvana
_______4. Work for the good of others.
A.right intention B.right speech C.right action D.right view
________5. The solution is to eliminate desire and attachments.
A.Nirvana B. Mokhsa C. Brhaman D. Shiva
_______6. The destroyer in Hinduism.
A.Shawarma B.Shiva C.Bhraman D.Buddha
_______7. The world’s largest religion.
A.Hinduism B.Buddhism C.Christianity D.Islam
______8. Free your mind from evil.
A.Right intention B.right concentration C.right mindfulness D.right effort.
_______9. The creator of Hinduism.
A. Brahma B.Bhraman C.Bahamas D.Bhruma
_______10. It means eternal self.
A. Atta B.Atnam C.Attma D. Atma
________11. One attain this when one overcomes ignorance.
A. Mokhas B. Moksha C.Moksha D. Sarama
________12. The preserver in Hinduism.
A. Vishnu B. Shiva C. Moksha D. Sarmana
________13. It is referred as Satanama Dharma or eternal religion.
A. Buddhism B. Hinduism C. Islam D. Jewish
_______14. To live is to suffer.
A. Five noble truths B. Three noble truths C. Four Noble Truths D. Noble Truths
_______15. It is the existence that is present beyond normal or physical level.
A. Transcendence B. Forgiveness C. Beauty D. enlightenment
III.MODIFIED TRUE / FALSE: Write true if the statement is correct, else, Change the underlined word/s
with the correct term that will make the statement TRUE. Answer on the space provided.
_____________________1. Philosophy is defined as love of wisdom.
_____________________2. Philosophy comes from the Filipino word philo and Sophia.
_____________________3.Metaphysics deals with the study of origins.
_____________________4.The branch of Philosophy that deals with the nature of human virtue and
evaluates human actions is called Logic.
_____________________5. Epistemology is the study of our method in acquiring knowledge.

IV-ESSAY: Explain the following questions in 3-5 sentences.(5pts each)

(1) What is your philosophy in life?

(2) As a SHS student, how will you help in the conservation of environment?

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