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Q10)(a)i)When copper nitrate heated first heat losses the water molecule, on further heating it
decomposes to give reddish brown gas Nitrogen dioxide and oxygen.The greenish blue crystals
of copper nitrate will change to black residue of copper oxide and give reddish brown gas,
nitrogen dioxide on heating.
(ii) The more the reactive the metal the less it decomposes

b) i) Reacts readily with water to give bubbles

ii) Zinc
iii) Because it is more reactive than carbon

Q11) (i) Air pollution

ii) Carbon monoxide-Incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons result in the formation of a
mixture of carbon monoxide (CO)
Oxides of Nitrogen-Due to the intense heat generated from this reaction, Nitrogen (N2) present
in the air will partially oxidize to form NOx (a mixture of N2O, NO, NO2)

iii) Carbon monoxide poisoning

iv) Molecules of polluting gases are pumped from the engine past the honeycomb catalyst,
made from platinum, palladium, or rhodium. The catalyst splits up the molecules into their
atoms. The atoms then recombine into molecules of relatively harmless substances such as
carbon dioxide,
nitrogen, and water,
which blow out safely
through the exhaust.
Q12)i)This is to be the control of this experiment for comparison
ii) Water and Air
iii) Since there is neither water or air which could come in contact and react with the metal it
doesn’t rust
iv) Air and water can get to the surface of the metal which causes it to eventually rust

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