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Questions  to  ask  in  completing  your  SWOT  Analysis:  
Strengths  (Internal):   Weaknesses  (Internal):  
1. What  does  your  company  do  better   1. What  aspects  of  your  business  need  
than  anyone?   improvement?  
2. What  advantages  does  your  company   2. What  causes  you  to  lose  sales?  
have?   3. Are  there  employees  of  your  
3. What  makes  your  company  unique   business  that  are  liabilities?    
(the  unique  selling  proposition)?     4. Does  your  company  have  a  negative  
4. What  strengths  do  the  owner(s)  and   reputation  online  (yelp  etc.)  
employees  have  that  can  be   5. Do  prospective  clients  have  a  hard  
capitalized  on?   time  finding  or  learning  about  your  
5. Does  your  business  have  a  low   company?  
overhead?   6. Is  your  marketing  presence  weak?  
6. Do  you  have  patents  that  separate   7. Do  you  have  a  large  overhead?  
you  in  your  industry?   8. Do  prospective  clients  not  recognize  
7. Is  your  reputation  strong?   your  brand?  
8. Is  your  Brand  strong?  
9. Do  you  have  a  competitive  advantage  
over  other  companies?  
Opportunities  (External):   Threats  (External):  
1. Are  there  complimentary  products/   1. What  are  your  competitors  doing?  
services  that  you  can  add  to  your   2. Will  you  be  impacted  by  a  negative  
offerings?   change  in  the  economy?  
2. Are  there  other  businesses  that  are   3. Does  the  rapidly  changing  
good  strategic  alliances  /  referral   technology  impact  your  business?  
partners  for  you?   4. What  obstacles  do  you  face  or  does  
3. Are  there  trends  that  positively   your  business  face?  
impact  your  business  or  industry?   5. Do  you  have  cash  flow  problems?  
These  are  just  some  examples  to  ask  as  a  business  owner.  Once  you  have  the  answers,  then  
you  can  come  up  with  the  strategies  to  continue  to  capitalize  on  your  strengths,  improve  
your  weaknesses,  take  advantage  of  your  opportunities  and  avoid  your  threats.  We  
recommend  reviewing  this  at  least  twice  a  year  to  see  how  you  have  improved.    If  you  need  
additional  guidance  on  this,  don’t  hesitate  to  contact  us  for  your  30-­‐Minute  Complimentary  
Telephone  Consultation.  To  schedule,  please  email  us  at    

BCoSF,  Inc.  
301  W.  Atlantic  Avenue,  Suite  05  |  Delray  Beach,  FL.  33444  
(561)  276-­‐4422  |  

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