IE364 Management Information Systems

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Course code Course Name L-T-P - Credits Year of

IE364 3-0-0-3 2016
Prerequisite: Nil
Course Objectives
 To make aware of types of MIS applications in organisations
 To discuss the development of management information systems in organisations
 To critically evaluate organisational needs of information management
 To select and design MIS appropriate to meet management requirements
Organizational structure, information, information needs and classification, types of information
system, use of information technology in business, decision making models, application of
information technology in functional areas and different hierarchical levels. System analysis and
design, lifecycle concepts,
Expected outcome:
The candidates after successful completion of the course will possess abilities to:
i. Analyze management systems with an objective of information need analysis.
ii. Design information systems and apply technologies to help implement information
iii. Conduct life cycle analysis of information systems.

Text Books/References:
1. Gordon Davis, Management Information System: Conceptual Foundations, Structure
and Development, Tata McGraw Hill, 21st Reprint 2008.
2. Haag, Cummings and Mc Cubbrey, Management Information Systems for the
Information Age, McGraw Hill, 2005. 9th edition, 2013
3. Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Joey F. George, Joseph S. Valachich, “Modern Systems Analysis and
Design”, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.
4. Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane Price Laudon, Management Information Systems –
Managing the digital firm, PHI Learning / Pearson Education, PHI, Asia, 2012.
5. Turban E. F., Potter R. E., “Introduction to Information Technology”; Wiley, 2004.
Course Plan
Sem. Exam
Module Contents Hours Marks
Organisation & Types, Management activities, roles and
levels, Decision Making. Management Planning and
I Control. Data & information, Characteristics & 7 15%
Classification of information, Cost & value of
information, various channels of information & MIS.
Foundation of Information System: Introduction to
Information System, Fundamentals of Information System
in Business, Solving Business Problems with Information
II System, Concept of Balanced MIS, Effectiveness & 7 15%
Efficiency Criteria. Tool and Techniques of MIS- dataflow
diagram, document flow diagram, flow chart etc.


Business application of information technology: electronic
commerce Internet, Intranet, Extranet & Enterprise
III Solutions, Information System for Business Operations, 8 15%
Information system for managerial Decision Support,
Information System for Strategic Advantage.
Information System-Data and Information-functions-
technical and behavioural approach to IS. The nature of
decision-making: decision-making models and
classification of decision-making situations. The nature of
IV 6 15%
information: classifications and characteristics. The nature
of information and decision-making at different
management levels. Measurement of MIS performance
and capabilities
Types of IS- TPS, MIS, DSS and ESS- Applications of
V MIS in functional areas -Enterprise Systems-SCM, CRM, 7 20%
KMS- e-business- e-commerce- e-government.
Systems analysis and design – System requirement
Analysis, SRS, System development life cycles –
VI Limitation – End User Development – Managing End 7 20%
Users – off– the shelf software packages – Outsourcing –
Comparison of different methodologies.

End Semester Examination Question Paper Pattern:

Examination duration: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 100

Part A (Modules I and II):

Candidates have to answer any 2 questions from a choice of 3 questions. Each full question
carries a total of 15 marks and can have a maximum of 4 sub questions (a, b, c, d). No two
questions shall be exclusively from a single module. All three questions shall preferably have
components from both modules. Marks for each question/sub question shall be clearly
specified. Total percentage of marks for the two modules put together as specified in the
curriculum shall be adhered to for all combinations of any two questions.

Part B (Modules III and IV):

(Same as for part A marks)

Part C (Modules V and VI):

(Same as for part A, except that each full question carries 20 marks)

Note: If use of tables and charts are permitted for the university examination for this course,
proper direction of the same should be provided on the facing sheet of the question paper.

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