Chemical Bonding

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Chemical Bonding

The force of attraction which binds

the atoms of the elements together
is called Chemical bond.
Electronic Theory of Valency

• Valency of element is determined by valence electrons as

they take part in bond formation.
• Atoms have tendency to acquire eight electrons ( i.e. octet)
in outermost shell for their stability. This is called octet
• Formation of chemical bond takes place by sharing or
transfer of electrons.
• Number of electrons shared or lost or gained by an atom of
element is called valency of the element.
• Bond formation occurs by overall decrease in energy.
Molecules which do not follow octet rule
(e.g. BeCl2, BF3, H2, CO, AlCl3, SF6, PCl3 etc.)

• Less than octet (electron deficient molecules)

a) AlCl3 : Al has 6 valence electrons.

Cl Cl
b) BeCl2 : Be has 4 valence electrons.

Cl Be Cl
•More than octet
a) PCl5 : P has 10 valence electrons in PCl5 .

Cl P Cl

Cl Cl
b) SF6 : S has 12 valence electrons in SF6 .
Types of chemical bond

Ionic (Electrovalent) bond

Covalent bond
Coordinate covalent bond
Hydrogen bond

Metallic bond

van der Waals force of attraction

Ionic(Electrovalent) bond
Bond formed between the atoms by complete
transfer (i.e. loss and gain) of electrons is
called ionic bond.
 Force of attraction between +ve ion (cation) and –ve
ion (anion) i.e. Electrostatic force.
 Bond formed between electropositive (metal) and
electronegative (non-metal) elements.
Examples : KCl, CaO, CaCO3, MgCl2, NH4Cl, salts etc.
Characteristics of ionic compounds
• Normally exist in solid state.
• High melting and boiling point.
• Usually soluble in polar solvents (like water)
• Brittle in nature.
• Conduct electricity in molten (fused) state and
in solution form. (due to free ions)
• Bond is non-directional.
Covalent Bond
Bond formed by mutual sharing (equal sharing)
of electrons between the atoms of same or
different elements is called covalent bond.
 Usually between non-metals.
 Covalent bond is present in,
– Organic compounds : CH4, CH3Cl, C2H6, C2H5OH, ether,
benzene etc.
– Acids : HCl, H2SO4, HNO3, HNO2, H3PO4 etc.
– Gases : CO, NO, CO2, NH3, SO2, O2, P2O5, N2O5, NO2 etc.
Characteristics of Covalent compounds

• Exist in solid, liquid and gaseous state.

• Comparatively low melting and boiling point.
• Usually soluble in non-polar solvent (like ether,
benzene etc.)
• Generally they do not conduct electricity.
• Bond is directional in nature.
Types of covalent bond
• Polar covalent bond :
Covalent bond formed between two atoms of different
electronegativities in which shared pair of electrons is shifted
towards more electronegative element is polar covalent bond.
e.g. HCl, H2O, HI, NH3 etc.
H Cl , H O H
• Non-polar covalent bond :
Covalent bond formed between two same atoms or atoms of
similar electronegativity is non-polar covalent bond.
e.g. O2, Cl2, N2 etc.
Coordinate covalent (Dative) bond
Bond formed by sharing of electrons between
atoms where both electrons is contributed by
only one bonded atom is called coordinate
covalent bond.
 That which donates shared electrons is donor atom.
 That which accepts shared pair electron is acceptor
 It is special type of covalent bond.
 Bond is denoted by arrow ( ) pointing away from
donor atom.
Characteristics of coordinate covalent
• Most of the properties lie between that of
covalent and ionic compounds.
• Bond is directional in nature.
Examples :
O3, H3O+, NH4+, SO3 etc.
H N: + H+ H N H+
Multiple Choice Questions (chemical bonding)
1. Which of the following contains ionic bond?
a) CCl4
b) CHCl3
c) AlCl3
d) BaCl2
2. An element with atomic number 17 will most likely combine with the element having
atomic number,
a) 18
b) 20
c) 16
d) 9
3. Number of electrons in valence shell of I in IF7 is,
a) 8
b) 2
c) 12
d) 14
4. Which of the following molecule is electron deficient?
a) CCl4
b) BCl3
c) MgCl2
d) Both a and b
5. NaOH contains
a) Ionic bond
b) Ionic and covalent bond
c) Covalent bond
d) Covalent and coordinate covalent bond
6. In the formation of chemical bond, generally the potential energy of system
a) decreases
b) increases
c) remains same
d) can increase or decrease
7. Which of the following molecules has ionic, covalent as well as coordinate covalent
a) CuCl2
b) CHCl3
c) Ca(OH)2
d) NH4Cl
8. Which of the following is electron rich molecule?
a) H2O
b) CO2
c) NH3
d) Both a and c
9. Which one is not soluble in water?
a) KCl
b) FeSO4
c) C6H6
d) KOH
10. HCl molecule has following type of chemical bond
a) Ionic bond
b) Non-polar covalent bond
c) Polar covalent bond
d) None

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