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International Journal of Food Microbiology 116 (2007) 136 – 143

Modelling the bacterial survival/death interface induced

by high pressure processing
Shigenobu Koseki ⁎, Kazutaka Yamamoto
National Food Research Institute, 2-1-12, Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8642, Japan
Received 28 April 2006; received in revised form 23 August 2006; accepted 19 December 2006


The survival/death interface model was developed for prediction of inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes by high pressure processing (HPP).
The model was derived from data sets comprising 360 combinations of environmental factors such as pressure (200, 300 400, and 500 MPa),
pressure-holding time (1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30 min), pH (3, 4, 5, 6, 7), and inoculum level (3, 5, 7 log10 CFU/ml). The determination of survival/death
of L. monocytogenes after HPP was confirmed by the presence/absence of colony forming ability on non-selective agar plates after 30 days of
incubation at 20 °C in broth to take into account recovery of HPP-induced injured cells. The developed linear logistic model with time
logarithmically transformed gave a degree of agreement between probabilities predicted by the fitted model and all observations as 99.3%
concordant. The model provided a good fit to the data as shown by performance statistics. The developed interface model in the present study
provided requisite process conditions for the target effect of HPP on L. monocytogenes. In addition to using the simple linear logistic model, a
polynomial logistic model was also fitted to the data where pressure-holding time was not logarithmically transformed. That model did not
produce a better fit to the data and resulted in some potentially misleading predictions. Optimization of HPP could be accomplished using the
model developed in this study. Furthermore, choice in processing factors allows for processing flexibility in HPP and specifies the process criteria
that are incorporated into the HACCP plan.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: High pressure processing; Inactivation; Logistic regression; Interface model; Recovery

1. Introduction ever, non-thermal microbial inactivation models that consider

plural factors have just been reported (Buchanan and Golden,
Microbial inactivation using thermal or non-thermal proces- 1995; Doona et al., 2005; Kilimann et al., 2005; Ross et al.,
sing is generally affected by various environmental factors such 2005).
as temperature, pH, water activity, and pressure. Knowledge of A trend involving the minimum processing of food that
the influence of the combination of various factors on the effect enables the item to retain its original flavour, taste, and texture
of microbial inactivation is indispensable for the optimization of has been spreading worldwide in recent years. Various non-
process conditions. Numerous predictive models for microbial thermal processing techniques have been studied with a view to
inactivation have been developed as a tool for optimization of achieving this minimal processing (Novak et al., 2002). In
the process. There have been numerous thermal microbial in- particular, high hydrostatic pressure processing (HPP) is one of
activation kinetic models that take into account the effect of the emerging technologies that research and development have
plural factors such as temperature, pH, water activity, etc. been actively conducted. Predictive models of HPP-induced
(Bigelow, 1921; Cerf et al., 1996; Chhabra et al., 1999; Chiruta microbial inactivation have been developed so that the process
et al., 1997; Cole et al., 1993; Davey et al., 1995; Lou and conditions of HPP are optimized (Buzrul et al., 2005; Chen
Nakai, 2001; Membré et al., 1997; Xiong et al., 1999). How- et al., 2004, 2005; Kilimann et al., 2005; Reyns et al., 2000;
Rodriguez et al., 2004; Yamamoto et al., 2005). However, most
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 29 838 7152; fax: +81 29 838 8122. of these models are kinetic models that do not take into account
E-mail address: (S. Koseki). factors other than pressure and time.
0168-1605/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Koseki, K. Yamamoto / International Journal of Food Microbiology 116 (2007) 136–143 137

Various studies have been reported about the recovery of media used in this study were 0.01 M phosphate-buffered saline
pathogenic and spoilage bacteria damaged by HPP during with a pH adjusted from 3 to 7 in unit increment using 6 M
storage at several temperatures in broth, milk, buffer, and ground hydrochloric acid (HCl). The inoculum levels of approximately
pork within 6 h to 4 weeks (Bozoglu et al., 2004; Bull et al., 3, 5, and 7 log10 CFU/ml were adjusted by serial 10-fold
2005; Chilton et al., 2001; Ellenberg and Hoover, 1999; Koseki dilutions in each media.
and Yamamoto, 2006). Bozoglu et al. (2004) showed that even
though injured cells were not detected immediately after HPP, 2.2. High hydrostatic pressure processing
the injured cells recovered after repair within 1 to 15 days and
could potentially recover in food. Since the published predictive Cell suspensions in each medium (2 ml) were placed into a
models of HPP-induced microbial inactivation were developed sterile polyethylene bag and heat-sealed following the exclusion
on the basis of survival cell count data just after HPP, these of air bubbles. The bag was placed into a hydrostatic
predictive models did not take into account the recovery of pressurization unit, which contains a pressure chamber 3 cm
injured bacteria induced by HPP. Therefore, even though there in diameter and 15 cm in height (HIGHPREX R7K-3-15,
are many viable cells that are injured and do not have a colony Yamamoto Suiatsu Kogyosho, Osaka, Japan). HPP at constant
forming ability, the prediction of these models supposes bacterial pressures from 200 MPa in 100 MPa increments to a maximum
death by HPP. As a result, the effect of microbial inactivation of 500 MPa was carried out at 22 ± 2 °C for 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, and
induced by HPP has been overestimated by these predictive 30 min using water as the pressure medium. The apparatus was
kinetic models. This inaccuracy could lead to an increased risk of equipped with a temperature controller. The temperature of the
food poisoning or spoilage and could be a critical issue in terms medium (water in this study) in the pressure vessel was
of the safety design of high pressure processed food. measured by k-type thermo-couples during pressurization. The
In view of the above concern, a novel predictive model of come-up rate was about 250 MPa/min, and the pressure-release
HPP-induced microbial inactivation is required so that the model time was less than 10 s. The HPP time reported in the
takes into account the effect of plural factors and the recovery of experiment does not include the come-up and pressure-release
HPP-injured cells. In order to develop such a model, we times. Following treatment, samples were stored in crushed-ice
attempted to apply a growth/no-growth interface model that for up to 1 h until commencement of bacterial analysis. A total
describes the limit condition of bacterial growth. The growth/no- of 360 combinations of pressure (200, 300, 400, 500 MPa),
growth model is derived from a logistic regression procedure, pressure-holding time (1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30 min), pH (3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
which uses a dichotomous dependent variable. In the present and inoculum level (3, 5, 7 log10 CFU/ml) in triplicate for each
study, we assessed the HPP-induced bacterial inactivation as a combination were examined.
dichotomy of cell survival or death that takes into account the
recovery of injured cells. The model developed in this study will 2.3. Determination of survival/death of L. monocytogenes after
therefore present an appropriate outcome of HPP-induced HPP
bacterial inactivation. Furthermore, this new model will allow
the determination of appropriate processing conditions based on After HPP, the presence or absence of viable L. mono-
the combination of various factors. This modelling procedure cytogenes was determined by the following procedure. Each
will be applied not only to HPP, but also to other processing pressurized medium (1 ml) was aseptically removed from each
techniques regardless of their thermal or non-thermal basis. The plastic bag, added to BHI broth (9 ml), and incubated at 20 or
results of this study will contribute to the advancement of 37 °C for 30 days. Samples were taken at 5-day intervals with a
predictive modelling for HPP-induced microbial inactivation. sterile loop and streaked on duplicate non-selective agar plates
(tryptic soy agar, TSA, Merck). Plates were then incubated at
2. Materials and methods 37 °C for 48 h. Survival of L. monocytogenes after HPP was
indicated by the presence of colonies on TSA plates. Moreover,
2.1. Cell preparation several typical colonies were taken from the plates using a
sterile loop, and the presence of L. monocytogenes confirmed
The pathogenic bacterium Listeria monocytogenes ATCC using a Listeria diagnosis kit (Singlepath® Listeria; Merck).
19117 was used in this study. This strain showed the greatest
baroresistance among the six strains of ATCC 19111, ATCC 2.4. Model development
19117, ATCC 19118, ATCC 13932, ATCC 15313, and ATCC
35152 (Koseki and Yamamoto, in press). The strain was main- For each replicate response of L. monocytogenes, survival or
tained at − 85 °C in brain heart infusion (BHI) broth (Merck, death was scored with values 1 or 0, respectively. Data were
Darmstadt, Germany) containing 10% glycerol. A sterile dis- fitted to a logistic regression model using SAS/STAT (Ver. 9.1
posable plastic loop was used to transfer the frozen bacterial for Unix, SAS, Cary, NC, USA) based on the approach
cultures to 10 ml of BHI broth in a glass tube. The cultures were described by Ratkowsky and Ross (1995). The model was of the
incubated without agitation at 37 °C, with transfer using loop form shown in Eq. (1).
inocula at three successive 24-h intervals. Cells were collected
LogitðPÞ ¼ a0 þ a1 Press þ a2 log10 ðTimeÞ þ a3 pH þ a4 IC;
by centrifugation (3000×g, 15 min, 20 °C), and the resulting
pellet was resuspended in 5 ml of each tested medium. The ð1Þ
138 S. Koseki, K. Yamamoto / International Journal of Food Microbiology 116 (2007) 136–143

Table 1 Table 2
Data illustrating recovery of L. monocytogenes in broth after HPP at pH 3 Parameter estimates of the logistic regression model for survival/death interface
of L. monocytogenes after HPP
Parameter Estimate Standard error Probability
a0: Intercept 12.9973 2.6307 b0.0001
a1: Pressure − 0.0775 0.0126 b0.0001
a2: log10(Time) − 9.1909 1.5958 b0.0001
a3: pH 2.3331 0.4350 b0.0001
a4: IC 1.6674 0.3238 b0.0001
Max-rescaled R2 = 0.9213; Hosmer–Lemeshow goodness-of-fit statistic =
1.3899 with df = 8 (P = 0.9944); percent concordant, 99.3.

relationship between effect of microbial inactivation and the

pressure-holding time is not linear (Buzrul and Alpas, 2004;
Buzrul et al., 2005; Chen et al., 2004, 2005; Yamamoto et al.,
Further, as a comparison to the newly developed model
(Eq. (1)), a polynomial logistic regression model was examined.
The model was of the form shown in Eq. (2).

LogitðPÞ ¼ a0 þ a1 Press þ a2 Time þ a3 pH þ a4 IC

þ a5 PressdTime þ a6 PressdpH þ a7 PressdIC
þ a8 TimedpH þ a9 TimedIC þ a10 pHdIC
þ a11 Press2 þ a12 Time2 þ a13 pH2 þ a14 IC2 ; ð2Þ

where the terms are defined as described above. The automatic

variable selection option with a stepwise selection method was
applied to determine the most significant effects (P b 0.05). The
predicted survival/death interfaces for P = 0.1, 0.5, and 0.9 were
calculated using Grapher® (Apple Computer, CA, USA).

3. Results

3.1. Recovery of L. monocytogenes after HPP

Even though viable L. monocytogenes cells were not

detected on TSA plates immediately after HPP, the colony
forming ability of L. monocytogenes recovered after incubation
at 20 °C for 10 to 30 days in some cases. An example of
this recovery is shown in Table 1. While viable cells of
L. monocytogenes (5 log10 CFU/ml) were not detected by HPP
at 300 MPa in the media with pH 3 for 3 and 5 min immediately
after treatment, viable cells were detected after incubation at

Table 3
Parameter estimates of the nonlinear logistic regression model for survival/death
interface of L. monocytogenes after HPP
Parameter Estimate Standard error Probability
a0: Intercept 24.3051 6.2423 b0.001
a1: Pressure − 0.0891 0.0157 b0.001
where, Logit (P) is an abbreviation of ln [P / (1 − P)], ln is the a2: Time − 0.8062 0.2039 b0.001
a3: pH − 2.9955 1.9271 0.1201
natural logarithm, P is the probability of survival (in the range
a4: IC 2.4490 0.5101 b0.001
of 0–1), ai are coefficients to be estimated, Press is the pressure a5: Time × IC − 0.0490 0.0205 0.0170
applied, Time is the time of pressure holding, pH is the pH of a6: Time2 0.0184 0.0051 0.0003
the medium, and IC is the inoculum level (log10 CFU/ml) of a7: pH2 0.5669 0.2091 0.0067
L. monocytogenes in the tested solution. We employed Max-rescaled R2 = 0.9292; Hosmer–Lemeshow goodness-of-fit statistic =
logarithm of the time because it has been reported that the 13.0381 (df = 8, P = 0.1105); Percent concordant, 99.4.
S. Koseki, K. Yamamoto / International Journal of Food Microbiology 116 (2007) 136–143

Fig. 1. Survival/death interface for L. monocytogenes after high pressure processing (HPP). Model predictions from Eq. (3) were compared to data used to generate the model for the effect of pressure and logarithmically
transformed pressure-holding time at different inoculum levels (3, 5, and 7 log CFU/ml) on the potential for survival of L. monocytogenes after HPP in a media of different pH (3 to 7) at three levels of probability: P = 0.1
(upper curve), P = 0.5 (middle curve), and P = 0.9 (lower curve). The interface with P = 0.5 (50% probability of survival) is indicated by the solid lines; dotted and dashed lines represent predictions at P = 0.1
(more conservative) and P = 0.9 (less conservative), respectively.
140 S. Koseki, K. Yamamoto / International Journal of Food Microbiology 116 (2007) 136–143

20 °C for at least 10 days. Similar phenomena of recovery were and observed responses of L. monocytogenes are shown in
recorded for incubation at 20 °C under other treatment condi- Fig. 1. Fig. 1 shows the interaction between applied pressures
tions. However, recovery was not detected during incubation at and logarithmically transformed pressure-holding time at
37 °C. Since no new recovery occurred after 20 days following different inoculum levels (3, 5, and 7 log10 CFU/ml) in the
30 days of incubation at 20 °C, we defined the death of media with different pH (3 to 7). The magnitude of the pressure
L. monocytogenes by HPP on the basis of no detection of viable and initial cell concentration of L. monocytogenes influenced
cells after 30 days of incubation at 20 °C. the pressure-holding time required for inactivation. While
L. monocytogenes at 3 log10 CFU/ml was eliminated (50%
3.2. Model development probability) by treatment at 400 MPa for 2.3 min, a longer
pressure-holding time at 400 MPa was required to eliminate
The survival/death response of L. monocytogenes was L. monocytogenes at 5 log10 CFU/ml (5.3 min) and 7 log10
monitored in 360 combinations with triplicates tested for each CFU/ml (12.3 min). As the inoculum level and pH of media
condition. The initial inoculum levels were 3.0 ± 0.3 log CFU/ increased, the time for inactivation was extended. The elimina-
ml, 5.1 ± 0.2 log CFU/ml, and 7.0 ± 0.2 log CFU/ml, respec- tion (50% probability) of 3, 5, and 7 log10 CFU/ml of
tively. Therefore, we used the initial inoculum level as 3, 5, and L. monocytogenes in media of pH 6 were induced by HPP at
7 log10 CFU/ml in the presented models. The inoculum levels of 400 MPa for 1.3 min, 3.0 min, and 6.8 min, respectively. In
3, 5, and 7 log10 CFU/ml represented the contamination levels order to eliminate the higher inoculum of L. monocytogenes, a
of low, mid, and high, respectively. In real food processing, a 5- longer pressure-holding time and higher pressure are required.
log reduction has been widely required for process criteria. However, the reduced pH assisted the effect of bacterial
However, from a practical point of view, to ensure the balance
of nutritional quality and microbiological safety of foods,
optimization of process conditions is indispensable. Therefore,
three inoculum levels were chosen in order to apply to various
requirements of process condition.
All triplicate trials showed either all survival or all death. The
data were further modelled using a newly developed simple
logistic regression model (Eq. (1)). The parameters were
estimated using the SAS program PROC LOGISTIC, and the
resulting model was obtained:

LogitðPÞ ¼ 12:9973−0:0775Press−9:1909log10 ðTimeÞ

þ 2:3331pH þ 1:6674IC: ð3Þ

Standard errors for the parameter estimates of Eq. (3) are

given in Table 2, which also shows performance statistics for
this model. This model provided a good fit to the data as shown
by the performance statistics (Hosmer and Lemeshow, 1989).
Further, the data were modelled using a polynomial logistic
regression model. The parameters were estimated using a
stepwise variable selection method, and the resulting model was
obtained as follows:

LogitðPÞ ¼ a0 þ a1 Press þ a2 Time þ a3 pH þ a4 IC

þ a5 Time  IC þ a6 Time2 þ a7 pH2 ð4Þ

Estimates for the parameters of Eq. (4) and their approximate

standard errors are given in Table 3, which also shows
performance statistics for this model. The model derived from
polynomial logistic regression showed a slightly poorer fit to
the data as indicated by the larger value of Hosmer–Lemeshow
goodness-of-fit statistics with respect to the simple logistic
regression model of Table 2.
Fig. 2. Comparison of survival/death interfaces for L. monocytogenes after high
pressure processing (HPP) derived from newly developed model (solid line) and
3.3. Model prediction polynomial logistic regression model (dashed line). (a) The interface between
pH of the tested solution and pressure-holding time with inoculum level of 7 log
Comparative representations of the predicted survival/death CFU/ml treated by 400 MPa. (b) The interface between inoculum level and
interfaces derived from the newly developed model (Eq. (3)) pressure-holding time at pH 4 treated by 300 MPa.
S. Koseki, K. Yamamoto / International Journal of Food Microbiology 116 (2007) 136–143 141

inactivation of HPP. Even at a low applied pressure of 200 MPa, procedure. Furthermore, these curve-fitting procedures were
L. monocytogenes with a low inoculum level of 3 log10 CFU/ml derived from survival cell count data obtained immediately after
in the media of pH 4 was eliminated by treatment for more than HPP. The recovery of injured cells induced by HPP was not
19.4 min. HPP at 400 MPa eliminated the 7 log10 CFU/ml taken into account. The injury induced by HPP may be
inoculum of L. monocytogenes in the pH 4 media for more than repairable and the cells can grow after repairing the site of injury
2.1 min at a 50% probability. The models developed in this during storage. The recovery of food-borne pathogens such as
study appear to be of biological sense. L. monocytogenes during storage is a critical issue for high
On the other hand, some of the interfaces derived from the pressure processed foods because it can cause an overestimation
polynomial logistic model showed illogical shapes (Fig. 2). The of the safety of such processed foods.
interaction between pH of the tested solution and pressure- In order to resolve both the requirements of the novel
holding time with inoculum level of 7 log10 CFU/ml treated by predictive model and considerations of injured cell recovery, we
400 MPa did not make biological sense below a pH of 2.5 have developed a probabilistic model of the survival/death
(Fig. 2a). The interface between inoculum level and pressure- interface. The bacterial inactivation effect of HPP was assessed
holding time at pH 4 treated with 300 MPa indicated a by survival/death during incubation periods sufficient for the
contradiction (Fig. 2b). The interface predicted 0 min for recovery of injury (Bozoglu et al., 2004). The model was
eliminating 2.2 log10 CFU/ml of L. monocytogenes at 300 MPa. developed as a probabilistic model of the occurrence of the
This result is not sensible biologically. event using a logistic regression procedure. This kind of
probabilistic modelling procedure has been applied to predict
4. Discussion conditions of bacterial growth limits (Koutsoumanis et al.,
2004a,b; Le Marc et al., 2005; McKellar et al., 2002; Presser
A novel probabilistic predictive model for HPP-induced et al., 1998; Ratkowsky and Ross, 1995; Ross et al., 2000;
L. monocytogenes inactivation was developed in this study. The Salter et al., 2000; Tienungoon et al., 2000). The growth/no-
developed predictive model takes into account not only plural growth interface has been used as an important model for
factors affecting HPP, but also the recovery of injured cells assessing microbial food safety (McMeekin et al., 2000).
induced by HPP. The developed models allow the appropriate However, there have been no reports on the application of this
prediction of the effects of HPP-induced bacterial inactivation. procedure to microbial inactivation processes involving HPP or
Furthermore, the models could identify optimum process other techniques.
conditions to achieve required process criteria. Nonlinear logistic regression models have been used for
No recovery of L. monocytogenes injured by HPP occurred estimation of growth/no-growth interface. However, some
at 37 °C, which was around the optimum growth temperature. problems of use of the nonlinear logistic regression have been
Significant recovery appeared at 20 °C, which was lower than reported (Ratkowsky, 2002). Furthermore, there is little or no
the optimum growth temperature. This result is consistent with evidence presented in the published scientific literature to
other reports (Bozoglu et al., 2004; Bull et al., 2005; Koseki and support the notion of an interaction among the environmental
Yamamoto, 2006). We therefore adopted a 20 °C incubation for factors that control the spoilage process or enable the growth of
determination of the survival/death of L. monocytogenes after pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, we employed only the
HPP. Since there were no changes in bacterial recovery from 20 factors directly affecting bacterial inactivation of HPP such as
to 30 days following incubation at 20 °C, the determination of pressure, logarithm of pressure-holding time, pH, and inoculum
survival/death was made after 30 days of incubation. Other level. The use of logarithm of time is the main contribution of
reports have also determined the recovery of HPP-induced this modelling procedure. The relationship between the effect of
injury cells within 4 weeks (Bozoglu et al., 2004; Bull et al., microbial inactivation and the pressure-holding time is nonlinear
2005). (Buzrul and Alpas, 2004; Buzrul et al., 2005; Chen et al., 2004,
The number of studies on the microbial inactivation kinetics 2005; Yamamoto et al., 2005). The effect of pressure-holding
of HPP has increased (Buzrul and Alpas, 2004; Buzrul et al., time decreases as the pressure-holding time prolongs. The
2005; Chen et al., 2004, 2005 Kilimann et al., 2005; Reyns et logarithm of time would reflect the effect of treatment time on
al., 2000; Rodriguez et al., 2004; Yamamoto et al., 2005). The microbial inactivation of HPP. Moreover, the developed model
patterns of the inactivation kinetics of microorganisms by HPP was simple compared with a polynomial logistic model that
are not those of first-order kinetics such as thermal inactivation, included many variables. Besides, the goodness-of-fit statistics
but are generally nonlinear curves with tailing. In order to of the polynomial model were not only worse than those of the
describe the nonlinear kinetics of HPP-induced microbial newly developed model, but that model resulted in an illogical
inactivation, appropriate functions such as log-logistic, Gom- shape of the survival/death interface under some conditions.
pertz, or Weibull were applied to the inactivation curve (Buzrul This result illustrates the harmful effect of mechanical use of
and Alpas, 2004; Buzrul et al., 2005; Chen et al., 2004, 2005; polynomial modelling, as it may not produce biologically
Yamamoto et al., 2005). These fitting procedures are effective meaningful results. Accordingly, the newly developed simple
for an evaluation of HHP-induced microbial inactivation model is both meaningful and appropriate for prediction of the
curves. However, it should be noted that these procedures are microbial survival/death interface induced by HPP.
not predictive, only fitting. Inactivation kinetics in conditions The new model developed in the present study will be able to
other than those examined cannot be predicted by a curve fitting provide requisite process conditions for the target effect of
142 S. Koseki, K. Yamamoto / International Journal of Food Microbiology 116 (2007) 136–143

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Acknowledgment fuzzy logic-based model for the multistage high-pressure inactivation of
Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris MG 1363. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 98,
This work was supported by Grant of the Japan Society for 89–105.
the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for Young Scientists. Further- Koseki, S., Yamamoto, K., 2006. Recovery of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 in
more, this work was funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, phosphate buffered saline after treatment with high hydrostatic pressure. Int.
J. Food Microbiol. 110, 108–111.
Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan through the project Koseki, S., Yamamoto, K., in press. Water activity of bacterial dispersion media
“Integrated research on functionality and safety of food”. The unable to account for the baroprotective effect of solute concentration on the
authors would like to thank Ms. Yasuko Mizuno for her inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes by high hydrostatic pressure. Int. J.
excellent technical assistance in the microbial experiments. Food Microbiol. (Available online 20 Dec 2006).
Also, authors would like to thank Dr. D. A. Ratkowsky for his Koutsoumanis, K.P., Kendall, P.A., Sofos, J.N., 2004a. A comparative study on
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