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Geological Survey Volcano Hazards Program: Assess,

Forecast, Prepare, Engage
At least 170 volcanoes in 12 States
and 2 territories have erupted in
the past 12,000 years and have
the potential to erupt again.
Consequences of eruptions from
U.S. volcanoes can extend far
beyond the volcano’s immediate
area. Many aspects of our daily life
are vulnerable to volcano hazards,
including air travel, regional
power generation and transmission
infrastructure, interstate
transportation, port facilities,
communications infrastructure, and
public health. The U.S. Geological
Survey has the Federal responsibility
to issue timely warnings of potential
(Above) Pavlof volcano, on the southwestern end of the Alaska Peninsula, erupted in 2016.
volcanic activity to the affected
Impacts in March and May from volcanic ash hazards required cancellation of more than 100
populace and civil authorities. The commercial and passenger flights. Photograph taken at 20,000 feet on March 28, 2016, from
Volcano Hazards Program (VHP) Coast Guard 1713, a HC-130 H Hercules based at Air Station Kodiak, courtesy of Lieutenant
is funded to carry out that mission Commander Nahshon Almandmoss. (Below) Lava flows from Kīlauea Volcano encroached
and does so through a combination on the town of Pāhoa in November 2014, threatening infrastructure, businesses, and homes.
of volcano monitoring, short-
term warnings, research on how
volcanoes work, and community
education and outreach.

Every day, VHP scientists work to Cemetery R
enhance public safety and minimize social destroyed h
and economic disruption from volcanic
unrest across thousands of miles in the
United States. We monitor the progress of
lava flows and persistent gas issuing from
Kīlauea volcano, which poses hazards to
communities across the Hawaiian Islands. n
r statio
We provide forecasts of ashfall from transfe
dozens of persistently active volcanoes
in Alaska’s Aleutian Arc and work in
coordination with the National Weather Mount Hood, which directly threaten mid-Continent. We ensure hazards are
Service Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers to more than 300,000 people in the Pacific known and communicated for Mount
track ash clouds that threaten communities Northwest. We conduct fundamental Shasta, Long Valley Caldera, and a dozen
and trans-Pacific aviation. We monitor research to better understand some of other volcanoes in California that pose
activity to detect the earliest signs of the largest eruptions on Earth, such as threats to populations, agriculture, and
reawakening at dangerous volcanoes such those that occurred at Yellowstone—a utility and transportation corridors.
as Mount St. Helens, Mount Rainier, and still-active geothermal spectacle in the

U.S. Department of the Interior Fact Sheet 2016–3040

Printed on recycled paper
U.S. Geological Survey July 2016
0 50 Miles
0 50 Kilometers Volcano Observatory
Area of Responsibility
Alaska (AVO)

California (CalVO)

Cascades (CVO)
Hawaiian (HVO)

Yellowstone (YVO)
NVEWS Volcano Threat Ranking
Very High
Very Low

Spurr Churchill


Kaguyak Augustine
Ugashik-Peulik Martin
Dutton Pavlof Sister
Westdahl Shishaldin
Makushin 0 500 1,000 Miles

Great Sitkin Atka 0 500 1,000 Kilometers

Gareloi Kanaga

Mount Baker
0 250 Miles USGS Volcano Hazards
Glacier Peak Program operates five Volcano
0 250 Kilometers
Observatories in assigned
geographic areas. Volcanoes
Mount Rainier
Mount St. Helens are found throughout the Pacific
Mount Adams Ocean basin and the western half
Mount Hood
of the United States. Staff at the
Volcano Observatories monitor and
Yellowstone study these volcanoes, conduct
Three Sisters
research on how volcanoes
work, and assess long- and
Crater Lake
short-term hazards in the United
States and Commonwealth of
Mount Shasta Medicine Lake the Northern Mariana Islands.
Volcano Observatory scientists
Lassen Volcanic Center work with Federal, State, local, and
academic partner organizations
to better understand and prepare
Clear Lake Volcanic Field
communities for volcanic unrest
Mono-Inyo Chain and eruption. Observatories are
Long Valley Caldera
responsible for communicating
scientific findings to emergency-
management professionals and the
public via volcanic activity alerts
and “timely warnings” of potential
volcanic hazards.
Salton Buttes

Mauna Loa Kilauea
National Volcano Early Warning Fundamental Research Helps Forecast Hazard Assessments Inform Planning,
Future Hazard Potential Preparedness, and Mitigation Decisions
System Ensures Volcanoes are
Fundamental research of volcanic Volcanic eruption hazards are numerous
Appropriately Monitored processes before, during, and after and widespread. Wind-blown ash and
The National Volcano Early Warning eruptions allows scientists to understand volcanic gases can paralyze National
System (NVEWS) is an ongoing volcano behavior and to forecast how airspace, disrupt power grids, and
national effort by the VHP and its eruptions might impact communities trouble population centers thousands
affiliated partners to ensure that all and ecosystems. VHP scientists conduct of miles downwind for days or more.
U.S. volcanoes are monitored at levels extensive field investigations, perform Lahars (volcanic mudflows), floods,
matching the threats that they pose. laboratory analyses, and develop and high sedimentation rates can
physics-based process models. Together, inundate communities and sever critical
VHP scientists recognize that roughly
one-half of the nation’s 170 young
these fundamental research activities transportation corridors downstream.
volcanoes are potentially hazardous help us understand events in past Lava and pyroclastic flows (avalanches
because of the manner in which eruptions and develop new hypotheses of hot rock and gases) can devastate
they erupt and the presence of large about the inner workings of volcanoes. nearby areas downslope from volcanic
at-risk communities and infrastructure Research results improve eruption vents.
downwind and downstream. Many forecast accuracy and our predictions
of these volcanoes have insufficient of the paths taken by destructive lava To mitigate volcanic hazards, VHP
monitoring systems or outdated flows, landslides, lahars, and ash. They scientists develop long- and short-term
equipment. The NVEWS plan ranks the also form the basis for formal volcanic volcano hazards assessments. Long-term
volcanoes by threat level and prioritizes hazard assessments, guidance provided assessments combine known eruptive
needs for upgraded monitoring networks to emergency officials, and prioritization histories with computational models of
so that hazardous volcanoes can be well of volcano monitoring needs. VHP hazards to identify areas at risk. These
understood in advance of reawakening. research is published in more than 100 assessments are released as high-
Adequate monitoring ensures that if scientific articles annually, and it is resolution hazards-zonation maps with
communities and infrastructure are in recognized and applied globally. accompanying explanations. Long-term
harm’s way, we will be able to deliver assessments form the basis for designing
early and accurate notifications of Monitoring Networks Deliver Critical effective monitoring networks and guide
developing hazards so that proper actions Information local authorities in developing land-use
can be taken to save lives and property. and emergency preparedness plans.
VHP scientists track volcanic activity
by installing networks of sensitive During an eruption, VHP scientists
Decision-makers Receive Rapid instruments that continuously record use long-term hazards assessments
Notifications and Information the earthquakes, ground motion, and as a foundation for building day-to-
Based on Research and chemical changes that herald the onset day scenarios of potential eruption
progress called short-term assessments.
Monitoring of volcanic unrest. When deployed in
These products incorporate real-time
periods of volcanic quiet, we learn a
Active volcanoes are complex natural monitoring data with hazards models
volcano’s normal behavior. Therefore,
systems that operate at extremely based on current conditions
when signals shift away from normal,
high temperatures and pressures.
we are able to more accurately detect
They originate deep within the Earth Practicing Preparedness and Eruption
signs of reawakening. Monitoring
and dynamically evolve as magma Response Promotes Community Resilience
data also help us to evaluate whether
migrates to the surface. Understanding The VHP works with Federal, State, and
a volcanic eruption is building up or
volcanic behavior requires the focus of local officials to increase awareness of
calming down and to identify how
multiple scientific disciplines. Scientists volcanic hazards and to help mitigate
explosive or hazardous an eruption
scrutinize signals such as small their effects. It is impossible to prevent
might be. By relaying this information
magnitude earthquakes, swelling of the a volcanic eruption from occurring, but
to authorities, VHP scientists provide
ground, and rates and compositions of impacts to communities are dramatically
guidance and important lead-time for
gas and water discharge. They interpret reduced when people know how to
successful evacuations, closures, and
these signals while considering current prepare for eruptions and where to get
other mitigation actions.
knowledge about how volcanoes behave, guidance during volcanic unrest. VHP
the history of volcanic activity, and the personnel prepare educational materials
geologic structure of nearby mountains and organize in-person training events
and tectonic plates. specifically tailored to the needs of
people at risk, emergency managers, and
first responders.
Partnerships between VHP staff and work to reduce volcanic risk, primarily experience gained by VHP staff at active
emergency response professionals in developing nations with substantial volcanoes overseas is invaluable for the
strengthen coordination and volcano hazards, by invitation of the interpretation of volcanic unrest and to
communication during a volcanic host country. They assist through three aid domestic response activities.
crisis. Inter-agency groups develop and main activities: eruption response,
exercise emergency coordination plans training and technology transfer, and U.S. Geological Survey Volcano
together, well ahead of volcanic unrest. long-term assessment of in-country Hazards Program Keeps Watch
Under the guidance of the Department hazards. Since its formation in 1986,
of Homeland Security’s National VDAP eruption responses have also
to Ensure Safety
Incident Management System, VHP helped protect U.S. strategic assets and Most of the 170 volcanoes within the
staff work regularly with emergency critical infrastructure deployed overseas. borders of the United States and its
managers to identify and to practice the territories will erupt again. For many
Scientific exchanges between the VDAP
roles they will assume during a crisis. people, the concern about future
foreign and VHP domestic programs
eruptions from their local volcanoes
provide mutual benefits. VHP scientists
Volcano Disaster Assistance is diminished by a sense of everyday
assist with VDAP activities in foreign
Program Aims to Avert Volcanic normalcy, the volcano’s natural beauty,
locations, including installation of
and uncertainties surrounding when the
Disasters and Advance Science monitoring systems, scientific research
next eruption could occur. Yet, it is the
Diplomacy exchange, outreach, and interpretation of
duty of the VHP to remain vigilant–
monitoring data to improve forecasting.
The Volcano Disaster Assistance learning about past eruption histories
Because VDAP is persistently engaged
Program (VDAP) is a cooperative and connecting them to potential
with active volcanic unrest and eruptions
partnership between the U.S. Geological hazards, working with authorities,
around the world, when domestic crises
Survey and the U.S. Agency for and issuing necessary warnings in the
occur, VDAP staff members are able to
International Development Office of interest of public safety.
provide global perspective and a breadth
Foreign Disaster Assistance. VDAP staff of eruption-response experience. The

In the last 50 years, impacts from Volcano Hazards Program Where to Find U.S. Volcano Information
eruptions and persistent degassing Communications Support National Volcano Hazards Program Website:
of volcanoes in Alaska, Washington, Disaster Preparedness
Hawaii, and the Commonwealth of
During a volcanic event, volcano-
the Northern Mariana Islands have Volcano Notification Service:
hazard information must be
cost billions of dollars. Because of
communicated quickly and accurately.
population growth and development
The VHP promotes situational U.S. Geological Survey Volcanoes
near volcanoes, the next eruption awareness through specific objectives:
in the United States could affect Facebook:
millions of people. The economic USGSvolcanoes
• Issues authoritative forecasts and
sectors that have been affected by status updates of volcanic activity via
volcanic unrest in the last 50 years structured messages to the Federal
include: Aviation Administration, National Authors:
Weather Service, and state and local Wendy K. Stovall, Aleeza M. Wilkins,
• Agriculture emergency management authorities. Charles W. Mandeville, and Carolyn L. Driedger
• Aviation/Airports • Investigates and rectifies reports of
• Energy production unrest and eruption that are false or For more information:
misleading. U.S. Geological Survey,
• Fishing
• Provides access to volcanic 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr., MS 905
• Housing information and real-time data to the Reston, VA 20192
public via websites, social media, and
• Human health
subscription services.
• Port facilities
• Participates in targeted volcano- Publishing support provided by the
• Refineries hazard education and planning U.S. Geological Survey,
Science Publishing Network,
• Transportation/Rail and Road activities. With this information,
Tacoma Publishing Service Center
officials and the public can make
• Water supply and quality
informed decisions and take ISSN 2327-6916 (print)
appropriate actions during a crisis. ISSN 2327-6932 (online)

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