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Early Dynastic Period, Akkadian Empire,

and Neo-Sumerian Period Kings List

Early Dynastic Period Akkadian Empire
Kish Dynasty of Akkad
Enmebaragesi 2650-0000 Sargon 2334-2279
Agga 2600-0000 Rimuš 2278-2270
Mesalim 2550-0000 Maništušu 2269-2255
Ur Naram-Sin 2254-2218
Meskalamdug 2620-0000 Šar-kali-šarri 2217-2193
Akalamdug 2600-0000 Igigi 2192-2190
Lagash Nanijum 2192-2190
Enhegal 2570-0000 Imi 2192-2190
Lugal-saengur 2550-0000 Elulu 2192-2190
Ur-Nanše 2494-2465 Dudu 2189-2169
Akurgal 2464-2455 Šu-Turul 2168-2154
Eannatum 2454-2425
Neo-Sumerian Period
Enannatum I 2424-2404
Uruk (Second Dynasty)
Enmetena 2403-2375
Utuhegal 2119-2112
Enannatum II 2374-2365
Enentarzi 2364-2359
Gudea 2141-2122
Lugalanda 2358-2352
Third Dynasty of Ur
Uruinimgina 2351-2342
Ur-Nammu 2112-2095
Uruk (First Dynasty)
Šulgi 2094-2047
Lugalzagesi 2341-2316
Amar-Sin 2046-2038
Šu-Sin 2037-2029
Ibbi-Sin 2028-2004
Author: Ashur Cherry
York University
Title: Early Dynastic Period, Akkadian Empire,
and Neo-Sumerian Period Kings List
Publisher: Toronto, Ontario
Copyright: 2004
Ref. No.: 100

Bienkowski, Piotr and Alan Millard. Dictionary of the Ancient Near East. Philadelphia,
PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, ©2000. p. 330.

Haywood, John. The Encyclopedia of Ancient Civilizations of the Near East and
Mediterranean. Armonk, N.Y.: Sharpe Reference, ©1997. p. 295.

Leick, Gwendolyn. Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia. Lanham, Md.: The

Scarecrow Press, Inc. ©2003. pp. 139-140.

Oppenheim, A. Leo. Ancient Mesopotamia: Portrait of a Dead Civilization.

(Revised Edition). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, ©1977.
pp. 335-336.

I dedicate this work to all the members of the Bet-Nahrain Democratic Party,
the Assyrian National Congress, and the Bet-Nahrain Organization in
particular and Dr. Sargon Dadesho. Their hard work and great achievements
are fully appreciated. I wish them great success in all their undertakings for
the bright future that is awaiting them!

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