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1 Look at the meanings and complete the words.
0 A kind of desert, like the Kalahari, is called a b ush l and
1 There are five of them and their water covers most of the Earth. o
2 This is higher than a hill. m
3 It’s a hot place with a lot of trees and plants. j
4 The water from this flows into the sea or a lake. r
5 We can play or sit here on the sand next to the sea. b  5
2 Complete the sentences with the words from the list.
cloudy  | humid | hot | dry | sunny | freezing
0 Today is cloudy and cold. Take an umbrella in 3 It’s 35°C. It’s too !
case it rains. 4 It’s really in the desert. It doesn’t often
1 It’s difficult to see without sunglasses because it’s so rain there.
today. 5 A rainforest is hot and wet. It’s very .
2 It’s -20°C in the north. It’s .
3 Read the information. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
0 In the central area, it’s cool in summer. F 3 In the north, it’s usually dry. 
1 The winters are cold in some parts of Spain. 4 It can rain in autumn on the Mediterranean coast. 
2 It hardly ever snows in the central area. 5 In summer, it can be really hot in the south. 

Spain has different climate zones. The central area has a continental climate with hot, dry summers and cold winters
when it often snows. The North of Spain has cool summers and the winters aren’t very cold. The weather there is
often quite cloudy and rainy. On the Mediterranean coast, there is rain in spring and autumn. The southern area
has an almost African climate and heatwaves often happen in summer.

4 Write the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives.
0 John / intelligent / Tom John is more intelligent than Tom.
1 Antarctica / cold / Greece
2 I think spring / colourful / winter
3 My father’s tablet / good / mine
4 Edinburgh / far from London / Cardiff
5 Austria / big / Switzerland
5 Write sentences with can or can’t.
0 My dad: play tennis ✗ – play football ✓ My dad can’t play tennis, but he can play football.
1 Zebras: run fast ✓ – swim ✓
2 I: speak English ✗ – speak French ✓
3 The San people: build huts ✓ – hunt animals ✓
4 Crocodiles: climb trees ✓ – run very fast ✗
5 My baby brother: walk ✗ – talk ✗

Think Level 1  Test 9 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015
6 Write questions. Use can with the words in the list.
speak  | play | speak | use | swim | cook
0 Can you speak French? French? No, I can’t.
1 No, he can’t. He’s scared of water.
2 No. I’m terrible in the kitchen.
3 Yes. She usually scores a lot of goals.
4 Yes, I can. I do my homework and play games on it.
5 Yes. They live in the UK, so their pronunciation is perfect.

7 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with weather words.

0 My umbrella is still wet from the 3 I like to sit in front of the fire on
rain. winter nights.

1 I can’t see the other side of the road. It’s 4 Put on a coat to keep .
too .
5 The weather was and
2 It’s another day in my hat blew away.
London. Take your umbrella.  10

8 Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives.

0 The cheetah is the fastest (fast) animal in the world.
1 Ushuaia in South America is the (far) city from where I live.
2 The (expensive) hotels are in Dubai.
3 July is the (sunny) month of the year.
4 That was the (bad) experience of my life.
5 Where’s the (cold) place in the world? 5

9 Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives.
0 This is the best (good) holiday of the year. It’s better (good) than last year.
1 I think this is the (bad) film of the season. Last year the films were (interesting).
2 The (dry) place in the world isn’t the Sahara desert. The Atacama desert in Chile is (dry)
than the Sahara.
3 Chinese is (difficult) than English, but Arabic is the (difficult) language in the world.
4 The (fast) train is the Chinese Shanghai Maglev. It’s (fast) than the Italian Frecciarossa.
5 My granddad the (old) person in my family and my baby sister is the (young).

Complete the sentences with the phrases in the list.
with  | with |  good with  |  to do with  |  with us  |  busy with
0 It’s a beautiful city with three big parks. 3 We stayed in huts comfortable beds.
1 Grandma is really animals. She loves 4 The tourists have nothing the villagers.
them very much. 5 Our teachers came on the trip.
2 The girls are their work in the park.

Think Level 1  Test 9 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015

Name Class Date

SKILLS TEST 9 Standard

1 Read the article about two amazing places. Match Kamikatsu (K) or Thilafushi (T) to the information.

Kamikatsu, Japan glass, etc. These can all be easily create a lot of litter – each tourist
used to make clothes, toys, or other creates over three kilograms a day.
More and more of us are recycling
things. There are special kuru-kuru The Maldives government decided
rubbish – we put things like paper
shops, where people can take to create an island from the rubbish
and plastic into two or three
old things they don’t need, and in the 1990s. They put it in the sea,
litterbins so people can use them
use them to ‘buy’ other people’s and it grew quickly by 1 metre a day.
again. One town in Japan wants to
old things. By 2020, Kamikatsu Now, the ‘rubbish island’ – called
become the first place in the world
is planning to recycle 100% of its Thilafushi – is very large and it is
to recycle all its rubbish. Now, the
rubbish. not getting smaller. Unfortunately,
1,700 people living in Kamikatsu
a lot of the rubbish – plastic bags,
recycle about 80% of their rubbish.
Thilafushi, the Maldives bottles, and some dangerous
There are no trucks to take away
things – is moving out to sea, and
the litter in Kamikatsu. People use The Maldives is one of the most to other islands or countries. The
old food in their gardens to help beautiful places in the world. This government say they are going to do
plants grow. There are many special group of islands in the Indian Ocean something about the problem, but
bins for everything: newspapers, is famous for beaches and diving. perhaps the best thing is to educate
magazines, plastic bottle tops, Many tourists go there, but they tourists to create less litter.

0 This place wasn’t here 30 years ago. T

1 Visitors created a lot of problems.
2 People try not to throw things away.
3 The problems are worse now than in the past.
4 People use old things to make new things.
5 Something is going to be bigger in the future.
6 People don’t always use money to get things.
7 There is going to be no rubbish in the future. 7
2 Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (the article doesn’t say).
0 The Maldives is not a nice place to visit. F
1 A lot of people visit the Maldives.
2 At the moment, people throw away 80% of the rubbish in Kamikatsu.
3 There were a lot of problems with rubbish in the past in Kamikatsu.
4 Thilafushi was a beautiful island 30 years ago.
5 People don’t like using the litter bins in Kamikatsu.
6 The rubbish from Thilafushi is not only a problem for the Maldives.
7 The people in Kamikatsu want to sell their rubbish to other towns.
8 The Maldives government say they have plans to do something to stop Thilafushi growing.

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SKILLS TEST 9 Standard

3 Listen to a podcast about a hotel. Put the information in the correct order (1–8).
A 1 where the hotel is
B what is inside the hotel
C the time of year
D how to sleep in the hotel
E how to get to the hotel
F what was in the village
G what happens when it gets warmer
H how the people make the hotel

4 Listen again and complete the sentences with wordS from the box. There are five extra words.

city cold dark forest furniture ice north spring

south temperature towns village warm winter

0 Emma’s uncle went somewhere which was very cold.

1 He stayed in Jukkasjärvi, a in Sweden.

2 It was very when he was there.

3 Because of the cold , the river freezes.

4 The in the hotel is made of ice from the river.

5 People are inside the hotel when they are sleeping.

6 The hotel disappears in the .

7 The hotel is in the of Sweden.

8 Uncle Tom only saw from the train when he was travelling.

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SKILLS TEST 9 Standard

5 Write a blog post (about 60 words), telling a friend about an amazing place that you went to.
Use the questions below to help you.
• Where is the place? (e.g. city, country)
• What are the geographical features? (e.g. ocean, mountains, river, desert)
• What can you do there?
• What is the weather like? (e.g. sunny, raining, windy, cloudy, hot, cold)


6 Work in pairs, A and B. These are your holiday photos. Talk about them and pay each other compliments.
What a lovely … ! It’s a wonderful … I like that/those …




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Name  Class  Date 

1 Match the descriptions with the places.
0 a   A place for people to walk across the road. a zebra crossing
1   Matches and concerts can happen there. b post office
2   You can train and do different sports there. c sports centre
3   It’s safer to ride a bike there. d concert hall
4   People go there to listen to music. e football stadium
5   You go there to buy stamps and send letters. f cycle lane 5
2 Write questions with the correct form of be going to.
0 you / buy / a present for John’s birthday? Are you going to buy a present for John’s birthday?
1 Amal / study / English at university?
2 what / you / make for dinner? 
3 what / you and your friends / do / next weekend? 
4 Jane / wear / her One Direction T-shirt for the concert? 
5 when / you / move / your new house?

3 Write answers to the questions in Exercise 2 with be going to.
0 yes / give / him / a T-shirt Yes, I am. I’m going to give him a T-shirt.
1 yes / be / a translator
2 cook / some pasta
3 finish / our History project
4 no / buy / a new T shirt
5 move / this weekend

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be going to. Use the verbs in the list.
do  |  not work  | buy | ask | use |  not tidy up
0 What are you going to do after dinner?
1 Rose a new tablet because the old one doesn’t work.
2 When she her parents if she can go to the party?
3 you the computer? I need it for my project.
4 My sister is studying to be a doctor, but she in a hospital in this country.
5 I the living room. It’s your turn.
5 Look at the sentences and write P (present) or F (future).
0 I’m busy. I’m doing my homework. P 3 What are you doing after dinner?
1 The students are going on a school trip on Monday. 4 Is Grandma working in the garden? 
2 We’re in our room and we’re watching TV. 5 They’re building houses. There’s a lot of noise.


Think Level 1  Test 10 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015

6 Write sentences about Liam’s plans for Monday and Tuesday. Use the present continuous form of the verbs.
Monday Tuesday
13.00 have lunch Mark and Molly ✓ 14.00 see Mr Brown in his office ✗
15.00 go to Economics class ✗ 19.00 Mark, Molly, Jane for dinner ✓
20.00 play tennis match ✗ 21.00 watch football match together ✓
0 On Monday, Liam is having lunch with Mark and Molly at 13.00.

7 Complete the words to match the meanings.
0 a hole in the ground where there are substances such as
coal, metal and very expensive stones m i ne
1 you find a lot of it on beaches and in the desert s___
2 a very expensive stone d______
3 a small holiday village or town r_____
4 to destroy a building d_______
5 a business that makes houses b_______ c______

8 Write the adverbs.
0 happy happily 2 good 4 early
1 late 3 bad 5 clear

9 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the list and write them in the correct form.
quick | good | fast | easy | careful | happy
0 We walked quickly and didn’t miss the train. 3 Be ! You’re making a lot of mistakes.
1 They laughed in the theatre. 4 It was a very test. We did it in ten
2 I get scared when people drive too . minutes.
5 Angela speaks German .

Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or be going to.
0 They don’t go out often, but they are going to go 3 Tomorrow, my sister (help) me do the
(go) to a concert next week. shopping after school.
1 We (go) to Spain for a week next 4 When you (tell) your
summer. parents about the exam?
2 Tim always (hate) doing homework. 5 I’ve read the book but I (not want) to
see the film.

Think Level 1  Test 10 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015

Name Class Date

SKILLS TEST 10 Standard

1 Read the blog posts. Tick [] the correct names in the table.

Mike's life Estefania’s world

Today – another boring day in my small town in I’m flying to Scotland next week. Yes, I’m finally leaving
England. But tomorrow, I’m travelling to Málaga! I’m Spain and going to an English-speaking country to
so excited. I’m going to stay there for two weeks. I’m practise my English. I’m going to a small town for a
starting my Spanish course on Monday, so hopefully, month because I want to be somewhere quiet, and
I’m going to be a great Spanish speaker when I come learn quickly.
back. I’m not going with anyone, so I hope I can meet lots of
It’s a school trip and three of us are going, so I’m people and make friends easily with local people.
not going to be on my own. There’s John, Gwen and I think it’s important to do that, so I can speak English
Rachel. We’re going to spend a lot of time together. more confidently.
Here are some of the things we’re going to do: Also, I’m not taking many things with me – just my
• Go to lots of restaurants! Málaga has lots of great laptop and some clothes. I’m not bringing any books
places to eat – and I really want to try the local food. or music, because I want to read and listen to things in
• Visit the beach every day. English when I’m there.

• Go to the football stadium. We want to see lots of I’m not going to eat in restaurants very often. I can cook
matches! at home. It’s cheaper.

There’s going to be so much to do. It’s going to be fun! It’s probably going to be difficult for the first week, but
after that, I hope it’s going to be a lot of fun!

Mike Estefania
0 lives in England 
1 is going to see the sea
2 is going with friends
3 is going to try and meet new people
4 doesn’t want to speak their own language
5 wants to go out a lot
6 wants to spend a lot of time studying

2 Read the blog posts again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
0 The Maldives is not a nice place to visit. F 5 Mike is going to eat more local food
than Estefania.
1 Mike is going to live in a bigger city than
Estefania. 6 Estefania is going to study more than Mike.
2 Estefania is going to be away for longer 7 Mike is going to speak his own language
than Mike. more than Estefania.
3 At first, Mike is going to be lonelier than 8 Mike is going to be a more serious
Estefania. student than Estefania.
4 Estefania wants to see more things than Mike.

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SKILLS TEST 10 Standard

3 Listen to two teenagers arranging something. For each question, choose the correct answer (A or B).

0 Lizzie wants help with her

A teacher. B homework.

1 Lizzie says her Maths homework is

A easy. B difficult.

2 Paul says he is
A busy tomorrow. B free tomorrow.

3 Paul says he is going to

A go shopping. B be at a birthday party.

4 Tomorrow, Paul says he is playing

A football. B tennis.

5 Tomorrow’s weather is going to be

A warm and dry. B cold and rainy.

6 Paul says that

A everything is true. B nothing is true.

7 Tonight, Paul is going to

A help Lizzie. B go to Lizzie’s house.

4 Listen again and complete the sentences with one word or number in each gap. Use words you hear.

0 Lizzie has to do her Maths homework.

1 At pm tomorrow, Paul says he’s going to be at the shopping mall.

2 He says he’s meeting his .

3 He’s going to take her for a .

4 At 8 pm tomorrow, he says he’s playing .

5 His favourite sport is .

6 The weather is going to be cold and tomorrow.

7 Lizzie suggests helping Paul at his .

8 They agree to meet at pm tonight.


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SKILLS TEST 10 Standard

5 Write an email (about 60 words), telling a friend about your home town. Use the ideas below to help you.
Write about …
• where it is.
• what you can see or do there.
• the best and worst things about it.


6 Write a short dialogue using the phrases and practise it in pairs. Imagine you are going to arrange to meet
at the weekend and go to the shopping mall in your town. Arrange to meet at 6 pm.
Would you like to go … ? That would be great.
I’d love to. I’m sorry. I’m afraid I’m busy.

7 Work in pairs, A and B. Read your information then have a conversation. Use the phrases in Exercise 6 to
help you.

You want to go to the cinema next week. You want to go to the cinema next week.
• You are at school every day until 4 pm. • You are at school every day until 4 pm.
• You usually have a lot of homework on Mondays and • You usually have a lot of homework on Tuesdays and
Wednesdays. Wednesdays.
• It’s your brother’s birthday party on Tuesday evening. • You’re going to the theatre on Friday.
• You’re playing tennis on Friday evening. • You’re going to your grandparents’ house at the
• A friend is coming to your house on Saturday, so you weekend. You’re coming back on Sunday evening.
can’t go out.



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