Creation Vs Evolution

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Watson Mbiriri, PhD
• Going to university – faith in crisis
• Atheistic evolution had been made foundation to
many disciplines and courses of study
• Young minds are confronted by apostles of atheism in
the form professors
• Choice between blind faith and scientific evidence.
• Some abandon their faith – but many more hold on
albeit with serious misgivings.
Theories of Biological Origins
i. The origin of life – [intelligent creator or Abiogenesis –
only by chance chemical reactions. No intelligent designer]
ii. Microevolution – adaptations to changing environments/
habitats within a species [Epigenetics]
iii. Speciation – dividing a population into two separate
populations that do not normally interbreed – thus two
different species (kinds)
iv. Macroevolution – origin of orders, classes and phyla – by
random mutations
Finch Beaks
1. Synopsis of the Conflict
• Authoritative Church and Governments in the M.A.
• Rejection of Authority – [the French Revolution]
• This led to naturalism
i. Physics
ii. Cosmology – Kant
iii. Geology – Uniformitarianism & Deep Time by Hutton
(1795) & Charles Lyell (1830-1833)
iv. Biology - Evolution
The Evolutionists
• Buffon; Lamarck; Erasmus Darwin; Thomas Malthus; Blyth
• Robert Chambers – Vestiges of the Natural History of
Creation (October, 1844)
• Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace – Evolution
Theory (1859)
• Charles Lyell gave Darwin the gift of time which he needed
for his evolutionary theory
• Alfred Russell Wallace had opposed views in matters of race
• Neo-Darwinian synthesis is what is now believed and taught
2. The Bible is Not About Science
• Organ functions – kidneys; entrails
• Foundational assertion of the origins of the world
• Basic framework from which to reason e.g. kinds
• Revolutionary even in the ancient world
• Primary function is on salvation history
• John Walton.
3. Some Things are Beyond Science
The scientific method: 1. Origins – where did we
i. Observation come from?
ii. Question 2. Purpose – why are we
iii. Hypothesis
3. Destiny – where are we
iv. Experiment
v. Analysis
vi. Conclusion
4. Many Scientists are Creationists
• Many of the great scientists of the past were strong
believers in theistic creation of the world
• Belief in a consistent law-giving God provided the
foundation for scientific thinking as we know it today:
i. Nicolaus Copernicus – Heliocentric theory
ii. Galileo Galilei – Astrophysics
iii. Isaac Newton – Physicist
iv. Gregor Mendel - Genetics
5. Interpretation is Based on Assumptions

Creationism Evolutionism
• God exists • There is no creator
• He prepared the earth and • The universe began by itself
created life forms • Life began by bio-chemical
• He upholds the operation of accident or chance
laws that support life • All life forms evolved from
• Life forms have changes initial simple life forms
within their created limits
6. There are Difficulties on Both Sides

Creationism Evolution
• Pain and suffering • “Cambrian Explosion”
• Killing in nature • Extinction of species
• Polonium halos –R. Gentry
• Light from distant stars
• Information – e.g. DNA
• Natural laws
• Designs
• Irreducible complexity
ID Movement
• Started by Michael Denton – Evolution: A Theory in Crisis
• Phillip Johnston, Evolution on Trial (1996)
• Michael J. Behe, Darwin’s Black Box (1996)
• Stephen C. Meyer, Darwin’s Doubt (2014)
• ID does not deal with God, creation, or geological time
• It focuses on one issue only – life requires a designer
• In the process is seeks to separate science from naturalism
Flood Geology
• George McReady Price (early 1900s) – Rejected
uniformitarianism for catastrophism (no deep time)
• Harold Clark, one of Price’s students continued that
line of thinking
• John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris – The Genesis
Flood (1961)
• The work continues at GRI; LLU; Cedarville University;
Liberty University; Masters University
7. Ramifications of Atheistic Evolution
a. No moral reference point [in those days]
b. No value to life – Racism; Tribalism; Abortion; War
c. There’s no meaning/Purpose [Ecclesiastes]
d. There’s no hope beyond the grave
A Rejection of God
Romans 1:18-32
• Futile thinking • Murder
• Darkened hearts • Strife
• Become fools • God-haters
• Idolatry • Disobedient to parents
• Shameful lusts
• Greed ad depraved
• Unnatural affections
• Senseless, faithless,
• Every kind of wickedness
heartless, ruthless
• Deceit and malice
• Arrogant and boastful
For the longest time, people have believed in the existence of
God who created the world. This position was challenged and
rejected, beginning with the French Revolution which gave
birth to naturalism. Naturalism seeks to explain the world
outside of God. Charles Darwin is the most prominent
proponent of the naturalistic worldview through his theory of
origins which has since become the foundation of many
disciplines. Darwin’s views were rejected by leading scientists
during his time and are continuously refuted today. Faith in
God is not opposed to science, but naturalism.

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