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Science and Technology Week

In the second week of July we celebrated the Science and technology week with the theme:
Science for innovation for people prosperity. On its first day, Mr. arnel C. Saballa, moderator. He
initiated the opening ceremony of NSTW 2018. He shared the importance of the NSTW , on the other
hand Ms. Jenny S. Robles assistance coordinator shared the different activities in each day to the
students. In the second day of the week Ms. Jenny Robles a science teacher conducted a classroom
based poster making, every students participated the activity. In grade 7 the winner is Jessel Onsilag she
has a creative poster than her classmates. In grade 8 the winner is Jenard Formarejo with his partner
Jerwin Tumolin ,their poster has a great message to the viewers.In grade 9 the winner is Mercy Dalag. In
grade 10 the winners are Mark Anthony Villadar and Riezel Dalag .In senior high school, the winners are
Ricthe Dalag and Erwin Tumolin their works showing the importance of Science in our daily lives. In the
third day of the week, Mr.Saballa the Science coordinator conducted the quiz bowl by classroom.The
students were really eager and determined in bringing home the bacon. Each classroom has a winner. In
grage 7 the group II are the winners which is the group of Ben Allan.In grade 8 the group 5 are the
winners, Sarife’s group they got 15 points out of 20. In grade 9 the winners are the group I Feelie’s group
because their group are very active and also they are really prepared when the quiz is started. In grade
10 the winners are the group II Gina’s group. Syren’s group regretted because they lose a point away
from the winning group. The winners for senior high are the group of Mascarinio , it is easy for them to
won because the other group didn’t know the answer of some questions. In the fourth day of the week,
Mr. Saballa the science coordinator and Ms. Robles the assistance coordinator both conducted the essay
writing about the science innovation by year level. Every students wrote their idea creatively. Ms. Robles
said that she was amazed the students output because she didn’t expected that most of the students
wanted to change their life and be successful someday, that’s why they strived to study even though
sometimes they are absent because of financial problem or shall we say they don’t have enough food to
eat everyday but still they went to school. Even the other student here in TNHS are already a great
father or an industrious mother, they can managed their time just to study and went to school for the
rest of the week because they wanted to prospered someday. The winner for essay writing in grade 7 is
Jushua Matunog. In grade 8 is Jorex Manyawron . The winner for grade 9 is Angel Tumolin . In grade 10
is Gina Libayao lastly the senior high winner is Marites Caliboy a learner, a wife and a great mother to
her two children. Her essay is very heart touching one. She includes a treasurable message for her
science teacher who give her the knowledge that molded her as a whole being. The last day is the
awarding for the winners in all activities. Mr. Arnel C. Saballa the speaker for closing the activities for the
week. He is very thankful that every students participated the activities actively and the programed are
successfully fulfilled.

Prepared by.


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