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_ Scanpurmp SUNDS DEFIBRATOR LICANCEL S.A. PROJECT NO: 2843 PURCHASE ORDER NO: 1005 ITEM NO$91-102/149, 721-001/021/031/051/ DOCUMENT CLASS: / Pulpmaster for Energy Efficient Pumping of Medium Consistency Stock Scanpump's Pulpmaster is a centrifugal pump of advanced design, developed to reliably handle medium consistency stock with the best total economy of operation. ARZE, RECINE ¥ ASOCIADOS INGENIEROS CONSULTORES 5.A. PROYECTO LICANCEL, RECEIVED. COPIES [20__\Qoc File # OG0-00 eo aaa, REVIEWED 2a een co ee ee ces Bp RRS SS NES ror Cotte css ang By. TH PLEASE REVISE & CERTEV 1 ptease centay Gl ptease cowmucte 1. AccepTeD as stanoano Drawn TE] ACCEPTED AS CERTIFIED ORAWING. \ BS Installation of Centrifugal Pumps 'BINDANDE MATTSKISS CERTIFIED DRAWING 1992-06-17 4] 1.1 Storage If the pump unit isto be stored for a lengthy petod, the folowing poins should be noted: 1 Vibrations which could damage the bearings 2 must be avoided. 1 Thecoversfitedtotnesuction anddischarge A * ports should be retained in place un- \ damaged. \ 1 1 Itthereisariskof freezing temperaturos, any / cavilis that cannot be emptied should be filed with antifreeze. D ff the casing and impeller are made of cast Fig. 1 . iton, ust preventative should be introduced Ling of ical Pump Unie into the pump interior. (etiting Eye). 1D Themotor shouldbe protected from moisture and dust Ifthe pumpistobestored for avery longtime, OD Fig. 17 6 in coupling alignment by elimi- Continua with racial (or parallel) ng angular displacement. alignment. Fig. 19 ‘Measuring the misalignment with a ‘stool rule and feeler gauge. ir di Fig. 20 Using aciock gaugethe angular is- placement is moasured at foft and the radial displacement at right. distance "'S" must be at least § mm for coup lings up to 140 mm dia, and 6 mm for larger couplings, or according to manufacturer's recommendation. This is necessary to permit the spacer to be removed. 1.6. Alignment ‘The pumpmotor alignment is done prior to de- spatch from our works but vory probably willbe affected when the piping is connected. Final afignment must be done ater the folowing site activities are completed: = Basopiate has been grouted and fixing bolts tightened. — Piping has been connected. = Pipe system and tanks have boon fille. — Pump sat operating temperature. Proper alignment wil prevent vibrations, exces- sive wear on coupling parts and shatt seals and overheating of bearings. 1.6.1 Alignment with feeler gauge ‘Start by ensuring the shafts are aligned correct- ly, ie, eliminating angular misalignment. Mark reference points on the coupling flanges. Mea- sure the distance between the coupling halves with afeeler gauge. Measure at one quarter, one hal and three-quarter turns from the original po- sition, Adjust with shims — preferably under the ‘motors — so that the difference will be max. ‘1MO0Oth of coupling dia. eg., 0.1 mm for each 100 mm of dia To obtain concentric alignment piace a steo! ruleonthe coupling and measure the position at four positions around the periphory. By adjus- ting uniformly under the motor feet the differen ‘ce should be brought down to an acceptable value, of 172000th ofthe coupling dia. eg., 005 mm for each 100 mm of dia. 1.6.2 Alignment with clock gauge An accurate methodis to.attach aclock gauge to ‘one of tho coupling halves, letting the point of the gauge rest on the other halt as shown in Fig. 20, Turning the shafts and reading the gauge will reveal necessary adjustments. In certain cases — particularly with larger pumps — due allowance must be made for ‘changes in relative shaft positions caused by temperature differences between pump and ‘motor during operation. 1.7 Piping Correct unctioning of the pump can be affected by externaltacters. The piping, tanks and valvos ‘must be properly engineered into the system Thisis panicularlyimportanton the suction side. Errors here can cause cavitation, bad inflow angles of liquid into the pump impeller or the formation of "void" inthe liquid. Loads on the pump flanges arising trom pipe stresses must be minimised. Piping and valves must be careluly supported. See Fig, 21. It may be necessary to incorporate bellows. Excessive 2 stresses can deform the casing and cause impeller "binding Ensure that pipes and pump are properly

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