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The first great surge of foreign interest in Africa, dubbed the “scramble”, was when 19th-

century European colonists carved up the continent and seized Africans’ land.

Dub somebody + noun to give somebody/something a particular name, often in a humorous or

critical way

Seize- to take somebody/something in your hand suddenly and using force

Seize something from somebody She tried to seize the gun from him.
Seize somebody/something He seized her by the arm. She seized hold of my hand.

The second was during the cold war, when East and West vied for the allegiance
of newly independent African states; the Soviet Union backed Marxist tyrants while America
propped up despots who claimed to believe in capitalism.

vie -to compete strongly with somebody in order to obtain or achieve something

allegiance- a person’s continued support for a political party, religion, ruler, etc.

tyrants- a person who has complete power in a country and uses it in a cruel and unfair way

prop up- to help something that is having difficulties

despot- a ruler with great power, especially one who uses it in a cruel way

A third surge, now underway, is more benign.

benign.- not causing damage or harm

The stereotype of foreigners in Africa is of neocolonial exploiters, interested only in the

continent’s natural resources, not its people, and ready to bribe local bigwigs in shady deals
that do nothing for ordinary Africans.

Bribe- a sum of money or something valuable that you give or offer to somebody to persuade
them to help you, especially by doing something dishonest

Bigwigs- an important person

Corrupt African leaders, of whom there is still an abundance, can always find foreign enablers to
launder the loot.
Launder- launder something to move money that has been obtained illegally into foreign
bank accounts or legal businesses so that it is difficult for people to know where the money
came from
Loot- money and valuable objects taken by soldiers from the enemy after winning a battle

Murky- (of people’s actions or character) not clearly known and suspected of not being
He had a somewhat murky past.
the murky world of arms dealing

mercenary- pl. mercenaries) a soldier who will fight for any country or group that offers
foreign mercenaries
mercenary soldiers

whiff- whiff (of something) a slight sign or feeling of something

a whiff of danger

populous- where a large number of people live

one of America’s most populous states

the populous coastal region


clout-  power and influence

political/financial clout
I knew his opinion carried a lot of clout with them.

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