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Teacher: Ms. Ana A. Mapula

Lesson 3
o as in pot
Activity 1
1.) Teacher shows the picture of a pot.
2.) Teacher writes the word in the chalkboard, pupils read the word.
3.) Pupils note the sound of o. Pupils produce the sound.
4.) Present the words in the “look and say” approach.
The pupils read as the teacher flashes the words.

box pot mop nod hop

cot top jog jot sob

Activity 2
Unlock through pictures.





Unlock through gestures.

Jog nod jot hop sob

Exercise 1

Select from the word cards the word that tells about the

Exercise 2
Pick out the word that I show through action.

jog nod sob jot hop

Exercise 3
Pick out from the word cards the word called out.
__cot __jog __mop __box

__sob __nod __pot __jot

Exercise 4
Get the word card from the chalk ledge and match it with
the phrases on the chalkboard.
box 1 on the box
mop 2 this mop
pot 3 in the pot
top 4 a red top
cot 5 a cot
job 6 can jog
jot 7 jot a word
hop 8 hop twice
sob 9 sob loudly
nod 10 with a nod

Now, read all the phrases.

Exercise 5
Elicit the following phrases through pictures and lead

What is in the box? __________________

What can the boy do? __________________

What can the man do? _________________

What can the woman do? _______________

Where is the rice? _________________

Activity 3
Following verbal directions
a. Please get the box. ( a real box will be provided)
b. Hop ten times.
c. Jog around the room.
d. Sob aloud.
e. Mop the floor.

Activity 4
Complete each sentence. Write the word on the blank.
a. We sleep on a c___________. mop
b. I’m m____ the floor. hop
c. The rice is in the p____. jog
d. The boy plays with a t___. jot
e. The girl can j___ down letters. box
f. The boy can j___. top
g. The boy can h____ twice. pot
h. He can m____ the floor. cot
i. The girls s_____ aloud. sob

Activity 5
Read the story. Answer the questions orally.

The box
Bob has a box.
It is a big box.
A top is in a box.
A red top is in the box.

1. Who has a box?
2. What is in the box?
3. What color is in the top?

Activity 6
Let the pupil read the following words using flips and window chart.

Top rod rob hop job

Rot pod job pop

Activity 7
Let the pupils read again the selection, “The box.”
Let them copy all the words having the sound of o as in pot.

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