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metropolitan cities of today.

It is one of the easiest methods used to organize the heavy

flow of traffic. When the car moves through the toll gate on any road, it is indicated on
the RFID reader that it has crossed the clearing. The need for manual toll based systems
is completely reduced in this AUTOMATED T TOLL TAX AND GATE
methods and the tolling system works through RFID. The system thus installed is
quite expedient reducing the time and cost of travelers since the tag can be deciphered
from a distance. Automatic Toll Tax systems have really helped a lot in reducing the
heavy congestion caused in the

This project gives the simplified procedure to passengers to pay toll at toll booths
by making them automated and vehicle theft detection. All these activities are carried
using single RFID tag thus saving the efforts of carrying money and records manually. A.
Automatic Toll Collection: The RFID Readers mounted at toll booth will read the prepaid
RFID tags fixed on vehicles and automatically respective amount will be deducted. Since
every vehicle registration ID is linked to users account, toll can be deducted from the
account bank directly and the toll gate opened automatically. Vehicle Theft Detection:
When vehicle is stolen the owner registers complaint on the website with its registration
ID and unique RFID tag number. Now when stolen vehicle passes by the toll plaza, the
tag fixed on it is matched with the stolen vehicle's tag in the database at the toll booth.


The following are the major advantages over current system.

1. Automatic collection of toll tax.
2. Free flow of traffic.
3. Time saving.
4. Record maintenance.
5. Problems with pursuing toll evaders.


Flow of RFID based toll system are:

1. Detection of vehicle
2. Display of toll
3. Payment through RFID card
4. Automatic open close of toll gate
RFID stand for Radio frequency identification. The RFID tag is mainly divided
into two type, active tag and passive tag. Active tag comes with internal power supply
and passive tag required UID (unique identification) code to RFID reader when they are
comes in contact with each other.

It is the most important component in over system. In this system we used AT
Mega 328 Microcontroller. It is single chip Microcontroller created by Atmel in the mega
AVR family the power consumption of this microcontroller is very low and Arduino Uno
is used as development board for this controller by using we can easily dump a program
in Microcontroller.
It is actually responsible for all the process being executed. It will monitor &
control all the peripheral devices or components connected in the system. In short we can
say that the complete intelligence of the project resides in the software code embedded in
the Microcontroller. The controller here user will be of 8051 family. This unit requires
+5VDC for it proper operation. Microcontroller is the CPU of our project.

The various functions of microcontroller are:

 Reading the RFID card number from the RFID reader.

 Sending this data to the LCD so that the person operating this project should read
various informative messages.
 Sending the data to the motor or buzzer depending upon the RFID card number
and balance inside the car.

RFID reader
A RFID reader is a device which is used to interrogate an RFID tag. It reads the
unique number from the RFID cards and sends it to the microcontroller.
RFID Reader
A radio frequency identification reader (RFID reader) is a device used to gather
information form an RFID tag. The concept of radio ave are used to transfer data form
the RFID tag to RFID reader can read multiple tag at once.

LCD Display
It is called Liquid Crystal Display. We are going to use 16x2 character LCD. This
will be connected to microcontroller. The job of LCD will be to display all the system
generated messages coming from the controller. LCD will provide interactive user
interface. This unit requires +5VDC for it proper operation. This module is used for
display the present status of the system.  Power Supply: This unit will supply the
various voltage requirements of each unit. This will be consists of transformer, rectifier,
filter and regulator. The rectifier used here will be Bridge Rectifier. It will convert
230VAC into desired 5V/12V DC.  Motor driver: Motor driver is an IC which is used
to drive the motor.

Motor Driver
In this system motor driver is used to open and close the toll gate, after the
authentication of the vehicle. We used L293D motor driver IC in this system L293d can
drive small and quit big motor as well. Motor driver are basically a current amplifier
which takes a low current signal from the microcontroller and gives out a proportionally
higher current signal. This can control and drive the DC motor.

Working of the RFID based toll collection system

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