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Critically analyze Manpower Trimming Strategy at Wipro- replacing

human employees with Software robots.
The year's end 2014 saw Wipro Ltd., India's third biggest programming organization , declare its
arrangements to chop down its current workforce with the vision' of having a streamlined representative
base. The product monster, which had 146,000 workers on its finance in 2014, intended to diminish its
representative headcount to 100,000 by 2016.

In the zones of programming testing and upkeep of PC foundation, Wipro utilized 48,000 of these
representatives , which worked out to about one/fifth of its complete worker quality. Similarly, in the
administrator division, Wipro had roughly 20,000 workers as of December 2014. Specialists working in
the product testing and the upkeep division were associated with to a great extent routine exercises which
required fundamental specialized aptitudes. Additionally, the administrator staff was likewise associated
with basic dull errands, for example, the front-office helpline, client calling, after-deals administration,
and so on. In an offer to keep up its overall revenues, Wipro, as other driving IT organizations in India,
depended on the administrations of IPCenter, a product stage which could screen and computerize the
working of IT framework.

The test for the HR supervisors at Wipro was not whether to go in for mechanization or proceed with
human specialists for center ability occupations, for example, framework upkeep and organization
errands. It was clear to them that to support gainfulness in future, they had no real option except to go in
for the conservation of the overabundance workforce and supplant them with custom robotization

The AI which wipro has created, its name is "HOLMES".

Wipro additionally battles to distribute "Holmes" to its new and existing customers for USD60 million to
USD70 million. The component will be utilized at the business‟s „fixed-price‟ missions. Visible of
Wipro‟s all out workforce out of 110,000 representatives, Corporation‟s fixed value plans utilize around
thirty thousand representatives. Deciding on what number of individuals to send at these fixed-cost
missions in contention for a set expense is the choice of the organization.

The progression taken by WIPRO has its own focal points and weaknesses. Right now we can't envision
the greater part of the things without AI (computerized reasoning), this progression was required. At
whatever point a business is arrangement its definitive and principal point is to expand benefit. WIPRO
has done likewise. Presentation of HOLMES in the arrangement of WIPRO will expand the benefit.
Computer based intelligence simply needs hardly any upkeep and updates which don't cost a lot. It will
spare the cost of scarcely any thousand representatives. The presentation of the organization will ascend
as AI don't stops and will continue working as coordinated.

Yet, with these couple of preferences comes weaknesses moreover. Since AI is presented numerous
workers will be terminated. Likewise reliance on Ai will increment. Over reliance on Machine fill in As
we may have seen in numerous films, for example, The Milieu, iRobot or even children motion pictures
like "WALL.E", in the event that we rely upon mechanical assemblies to do for all intents and purposes
everything for us, we have to turn out to be so dependent on, that on the off chance that they stayed to just
close down or even pick any choice they need to ricochet back this working commitment they have the
conceivable to destroy our economy and in the long run on our lives.

Q2. List the changes in HR practices in organizations.Also, justify the need for
such changes in HR practices.
Ans. Some changes are:-

1 Safe, healthy and happy workplace

Creating a safe, healthy and happy workplace ensures that employees feel at home and stay with the
organization for a very long time. Capture their thoughts through frequent surveys.

2. Open book management style

Sharing information about contracts, sales, new clients, management objectives, company policies,
employee personal data, etc. ensures that the workforce is as enthusiastic about the business as the
management. It helps in making people interested in your strategic decisions, thus aligning them to your
business objectives. Be as open as you can. Employee self-service portal, manager on-line etc. are some
tools available today to practice this style.

3. Performance linked bonuses

Awarding bonuses or including a variable component in compensation can be both an incentive and a
disillusionment based on how it is administered and communicated. Bonuses must be designed in such a
way that employees understand that there is no payout unless the company hits a certain level of

4. 360 Degree performance management feedback system

This system, which solicits feedback from seniors (including the boss), peers, and subordinates, has been
increasingly embraced as the best available method for collecting feedback report. Every person in the
team is responsible for giving relevant, positive and constructive feedback.

5. Fair evaluation system

Develop an evaluation system that clearly links individual performance to corporate business goals and
priorities. Each employee should have well-defined reporting relationships. Self-rating should be a part of
the evaluation process as it empowers employees.

6. Knowledge sharing

Adopt a systematic approach to ensure that knowledge management supports strategy. Store knowledge
in databases to provide greater access to information posted either by the company or the employees on
the knowledge portals of the company. When an employee returns after attending any competencies or
skills development program, sharing essential knowledge with others could be made mandatory.

7. Highlight performers

Create profiles of top performance and make these visible though company intranet, display boards, etc. It
will encourage others to put in their best, thereby creating a competitive environment within the company.

8. Open house discussions and feedback mechanism

Ideas rule the world. Great organizations recognize, nurture and execute great ideas. Employees are the
biggest source of ideas. The only thing that can stop great ideas being implemented in your organization
is the lack of an appropriate mechanism to capture ideas. Open house discussions, employee-management
meets, suggestion boxes and tools such as Critical Incidents Diaries.

9. Rewards

Merely recognizing talent may not work, you need to couple it with public appreciation. Getting a cash
bonus is often less significant than listening to the thunderous applause by colleagues in a public forum.

10. Delight employees with the unexpected

Last but not least, occasionally, delight your employees with unexpected things in the form of a reward, a
gift or a certificate. Reward not only the top performers but also a few others who need to be motivated to
exhibit their potential.

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