A Report On: Operational Success of Islamic Banking Branches & Windows in Bangladesh

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A Report on

Operational Success of
Islamic Banking Branches & Windows
in Bangladesh
Submission Details

Course Name: Islamic Banking and Insurance

Course Code: B-401

Submitted To:

Tasneema Khan


Department of Banking and Insurance

University of Dhaka

Submitted By:

Group: Vanquishers

Tamanna Tasnim (ID No: 21-009)

Nabila Ahmad (ID No: 21-013)

Antor Shaha (ID No: 21-055)

Fahimur Rahman (ID No: 21-093)

Md.Najmul Hasan (ID No: 21-097)

Habiba Ferduse (ID No: 21-119)

Date of Submission: 26 July 2018

Operational Success of Islamic Banking
Branches & Windows in Bangladesh

Letter of Transmittal
26 July 2018

Tasneema Khan


Department of Banking and Insurance

University of Dhaka

Subject: Submission of report on “Operational Success of Islamic Banking Branches

and Windows in Bangladesh”

Dear Madam

It is a great learning opportunity for us to submit the report on “Operational Success of

Islamic Banking Branches and Windows in Bangladesh” to you. We have prepared the report
according to our course materials and you’re provided guidelines. To complete the course we
have prepared this report and we have tried our level best to make the report authentic and
meaningful. Working on this report has provided us with the scope of implementing our
acquired theoretical knowledge in Islamic banking operations in near-real contexts which will
definitely help us in keeping concrete knowledge on this context.

It shall be a profound gratification for us if this report serves its purpose. Thanking you.

Nabila Ahmad

ID: 21- 013

Section: B

On behalf of Group Vanquishers

4th Year 1st Semester, 21st Batch

Department of Banking and Insurance

University of Dhaka


Report is an excellent tool for learning and exploration. No classroom routine can substitute
which is possible while working in real situation. Application of theoretical knowledge to
practical situation is the purpose of report. We acquired vast knowledge of Islamic banking
and insurance from the course Islamic Banking and Insurance (B-401). It’s the basis of the
report that we have prepared.

We would like to thank Tasneema Khan Madam who was always there to help and guide us
when we needed help. Her perspective criticism kept us working to make this project more
authentic and realistic. We are thankful to her for encouragement and valuable support.
Working under her was an extremely knowledgeable and enriching experience for us. We are
especially thankful to her for all the value addition and enhancement done to us.

Executive Summary

The report has been prepared to reveal the operational success of Islamic banking branches
and windows of conventional banks in Bangladesh. Operational success of a bank can be
measured by analyzing different factors. The Banks that operate Islamic branches and
windows in Bangladesh are several. There are 8 banks that have Islamic banking branches
and 7 banks that have Islamic banking windows. Whole report is divided into six broad
sections. The first section is the formal part of the report. Here the Origin of the report,
Objective, Methodology and Rational of the study, Scope and limitations of the report has
been described. The second section has short descriptions about the Banks having Islamic
banking branches and windows. The next section shows the theoretical framework of the
report. Section four is the main part of the report that is the analysis of operational success. It
has been divided into two broad categories such as Quantitative analysis and Qualitative
analysis. Selected parameters are briefly described under the categories. Section five of the
report is findings of the report. It basically express the major significant information of the
report and a gives a summary of the report. The rest is Appendix where all the mathematical
calculation of prerequisite information has been shown. Lastly a conclusion has been drawn.
There is no recommendation part as it is very crucial work and requires more immense
knowledge to give suggestions to Banks.

Organizational Overview.........................................................................................................10
Theoretical Framework............................................................................................................17
Analysis and Discussion..........................................................................................................19
Quantitative Analysis...........................................................................................................19
Analysis of performance regarding deposit collection.........................................................20
Analysis of performance regarding investment...................................................................23
Analysis of performance regarding investment to deposit ratio..........................................26
Analysis of performance regarding liquidity surplus or deficit...........................................28
Analysis of performance regarding profit............................................................................30
Qualitative Analysis.............................................................................................................31
Performance of Windows.....................................................................................................32
Performance of Branches.....................................................................................................38

Chapter: 01


Origin of the Report

The report ‘Operational Success of Islamic Banking Branches and Windows in Bangladesh’ is
prepared to fulfill the requirements of the BBA course B-401 Islamic Banking and Insurance,
instructed by the course teacher Tasneema Khan.


There are several objectives to conduct this study. The overall objective of the study is to
measure the operational success of Islamic banking windows and branches run by
conventional banks and to see how they comply with the Islamic Shariah. The study also
aims at to find out the synergy between our theoretical knowledge and the real life operations
of the Islamic banking windows and branches. The specific objectives are-

operational success in deposit and investment accounts

Measure past performance of the Islamic Banking windows and branches

Check Shariah Compliance

Check contribution in social developments

Compare performance of branches versus windows


The study is based on secondary data. The data have been collected from company website,
Annual reports, financial reports, journals and Bangladesh Bank website etc. The analysis
was based on the exposed and available information, our calculated data and financial
statements of the banks.

Rational of the Study

Knowledge about Islamic banking operation of any bank is both important for academic and
career life. Besides this, Of late the issue of operational success of ‘Islamic Banking’ has
attracted the significant attention of academia as well as banking industry specially the
Islamic banking windows and branches. Decision making regarding transaction with the bank
depends on the operational success of the bank. Depositors are always in need of this
information. Profitability Operational success of branches and windows are thus important
for several stakeholders of the bank. It reveals the future profitability and growth of Islamic
banking product. Analysis of successful operation of an individual branch or window
operated in a conventional bank is also very important for the bank as well as the depositors
and borrowers. Therefore, this study is very much significant in terms of modern banking


The study has helped us to know about the Islamic banking operation of the Islamic branches
and windows of conventional banks. We came to know how they operate and what product
they offer. There was scope to know what contributes in the operational success and how
branches or windows manage their revenue generating products. Most importantly how
Islamic banking branches and windows maintain the Shariah compliance under the
conventional banking system.


We may not have made a solid or flawless report because of the lacking of information. Due
to our limitations of knowledge there could be some error. We use secondary data for the
completion of this report. Some useful information cannot be expressed in this report for the
sake of confidentiality. Operational success may depend on some other factors but we have
measured the success only with some specified factors. Other factors are assumed to have no

Chapter: 02

Organizational Overview

From the viewpoint of Islamic Shariah, in order to be justified islamically the banking system
has to avoid interest. Consequently, financial intermediation in Islamic banking between the
bank and the client takes place as a partner rather than a debtor-creditor. Today, virtually all
large western financial institutions are involved in Islamic finance whether through Islamic
subsidiaries, “Islamic windows”, or the marketing of Islamic products.

An important development in Islamic banking in the last few years has been the entry of
some conventional banks in the market and their use of Islamic modes of financing through
their Islamic branches, windows, or units. Presently, 9 conventional banks have opened 19
Islamic banking branches alongside their interest-based branches. These conventional banks
should focus on the safeguards that ensure the Islamic nature of these branches such as
separation and compliance with Shariah. Separation of Islamic banking branches includes
separation of capital, accounts, staff employed and office. However, the most important thing
is compliance with Shariah. There are 8 conventional commercial banks that have 19
branches and 7 conventional banks that have 25 windows. All the branches and windows are
in urban area except one of Prime bank.

Islamic banking Branches of conventional bank:

Name of the bank Urban Rural total

The City Bank Limited 1 0 1
AB Bank Limited 1 0 1
Dhaka Bank limited 2 0 2
Premier Bank limited 2 0 2
Prime Bank limited 5 1 6
Southeast Bank limited 4 0 4
Jamuna Bank limited 2 0 2
Bank Alfalah Limited 1 0 1
18 0 19

The City Bank Limited

City Bank introduces City Manarah - Islamic Banking. City Manarah is here to guide you and
manage your finances in a fully Islamic Shariah Compliant way. It offers a wide variety of
deposit and investment products such as Manarah Savings, Manarah Current, Manarah Term
Deposit and Manarah Monthly Deposit Schemes. Each account is designed to meet your
financial needs with best value for your money.

Vision: The Financial Supermarket with a Winning Culture Offering Enjoyable Experiences


 Offer wide array of products and services that differentiate and excite all customer
 Be the Employer of choice by offering an environment where people excel and
leaders are created

 Continuously challenge processes and platforms to enhance effectiveness and
 Promote innovation and automation with a view to guaranteeing and enhancing
excellence in service
 Ensure respect for community, good governance and compliance in everything we do

AB Bank Limited

To provide Islamic Banking service to the valued clients with the latest Islamic banking
products, AB Bank opened its first "Islami banking Branch" on 23rd December 2004. The
branch has been running its business under active guidance of a competent Shariah
Supervisory Committee consisting of Islamic scholars, Ulema, Fukaha and Islamic Bankers
headed by Janab M. Azizul Huq prominent Islamic banker & founder CEO of Islami Bank
Bangladesh Ltd. The bank is also a member of Islamic Banks Consultative Forum (IBCF)
and Central Shariah Board for Islamic Banks of Bangladesh.

Vision: To be the trendsetter for innovative banking with excellence & perfection.

Mission: “To be the best performing bank in the country”

Dhaka Bank Limited

Dhaka Bank has been providing Islamic Banking services through its 2 (two) branches with
adhere to the Islamic values & Integrity. The first Islamic Banking Branch, Motijheel, Dhaka
was inaugurated on July 02, 2003 and second one, Islamic Banking Branch, Muradpur,
Chittagong was opened on May 22, 2004. Now Islamic Banking & Finance is well competent
to meet the emerging demand of the people who are interested in Riba free banking and also
eager to manage their assets by this holistic system. It is worth mention that - Dhaka Bank
is the pioneer to establish Shariah based banking operations

Vision: At Dhaka Bank, they draw inspiration from the distant stars. The vision is to assure a
standard that makes every banking transaction a pleasurable experience. Their endeavor is to
offer you supreme service through accuracy, reliability, timely delivery, cutting edge
technology and tailored solution for business needs, global reach in trade and commerce and
high yield on your investments.

Mission: To be the premier financial institution in the country providing high quality
products and services backed by latest technology and a team of highly motivated personnel
to deliver Excellence in Banking.

Premier Bank Limited

The Premier Bank Limited, always consider the Shariah compliance as the most significant
and strategic priority in Islamic Banking operations. Shariah Supervisory Committee of The
Premier Bank Ltd. consists of qualified Faqihs (experts on Islamic jurisprudence), Islamic
Scholars and professionals to ensure Shariah compliance in each and every aspect of the
Islamic banking operation.

Vision: The Bank has a clear vision towards its ultimate destiny- to be the best amongst the
top financial institutions.


 To be the most caring and customer friendly provider of financial services, creating
opportunities for more people in more places.
 To ensure stability and sound growth whilst enhancing the value of shareholders
 To aggressively adopt technology at all levels of operations and to improve
efficiency and reduce cost per transaction.

Prime Bank Limited

Prime Bank started its operations in the year 1995 as 'A bank with a difference', blending its
conventional banking system with that of Islamic Banking operations based on Shariah
principles. Prime Bank Limited is operating 05 (five) Islamic Banking branches based on
Islamic Shariah, which absolutely prohibits receipts and payments of interest in any form. In
the year 2008, the bank has taken initiative to identify all of its Islamic banking activities by
adopting a generic name of 'Hasanah' - the brand name for Islamic products and services of
the bank.

Vision: To be the best Private Commercial Bank in Bangladesh in terms of efficiency, capital
adequacy, asset quality, sound management and profitability having strong liquidity

Mission: To build Prime Bank Limited into an efficient, market-driven, customer focused
institution with good corporate governance structure. Continuous improvement of our
business policies, procedure and efficiency through integration of technology at all levels

Southeast Bank Limited

Vision: To be a premier banking institution in Bangladesh and contribute significantly to the

national economy.


 High quality financial services with state of the art technology

 Fast customer service
 Sustainable growth strategy

Jamuna Bank limited

Besides conventional banking, Jamuna Bank Limited is carrying Islamic Banking activities
based on Islamic Shariah principles. The first Islamic Banking branch of the Bank opened on
October 25, 2003 at Nayabazar in Dhaka. Afterwards its second branch opened on November
27, 2004 at Jubilee Road in Chittagong. Jamuna Bank Limited is committed to conduct

business of its Islamic Banking branches strictly complying Shariah requirements. A separate
division has also been created at Head Office.

Vision: To become a leading banking institution and to play a significant role in the
development of the country.

Mission: The Bank is committed for satisfying diverse needs of its customers through an
array of products at a competitive price by using appropriate technology and providing timely
service so that a sustainable growth, reasonable return and contribution to the development of
the country can be ensured with a motivated and professional work-force.

Bank Alfalah Limited

Bank Alfalah achieves the centennial mark for its Islamic Banking Branch network.

Vision: To inspire and empower people to do things differently and shape their own path in
life and business.

Mission: To look at the market with fresh eyes to find new opportunities, and seek new ways
of enabling our customers to succeed and advance the world of finance window.

Islamic banking Windows of conventional bank:

Name of the Bank Urban Rural Total

Sonali Bank Limited 5 0 5
Agrani Bank limited 5 0 5
Pubali Bank limited 2 0 2
Trust Bank limited 5 0 5
Standard Bank limited 2 0 2
Bank Asia limited 5 0 5
Standard chartered Bank 1 0 1
25 0 25

Sonali Bank Limited

Sonali Bank Limited as the largest state owned commercial bank has commenced its Islamic
Banking operation since 29 June 2010 at the following five branches with separate window.

Vision: Socially committed leading banking institution with global presence

Mission: Dedicated to extend a whole range of quality products that support divergent needs
of people aiming at enriching their lives, creating value for the stakeholders and contributing
towards socio-economic development of the country.

Agrani Bank limited

To provide shariah based banking services to the valued clients, Agrani Bank Limited has
launched islami banking facility. Agrani Bank Limited is the first state-owned Commercial
Bank in Bangladesh to introduce Shariah Based Islamic Banking System. In Agrani Bank
Limited, Islamic Banking system is operated under 'Islamic Banking Unit' since February 28,
2010 through 5 Islamic Banking Windows. Overall business performance of Islamic Banking
Unit is increasing in all areas.

Vision: To become a leading bank of Bangladesh operating at international level of

efficiency, quality and customer service

Mission: To become a leading bank of Bangladesh operating at international level of

efficiency, quality and customer service. We operate ethically and fairly within the stringent
framework set by our regulators. We will go fusing ideas and lessons from best practice to
explore new avenues to stay stronger and more efficient and competitive.

Pubali Bank limited

Vision: providing customer centric lifelong banking service

Mission: to be the most respected and preferred brand among all financial service provider in

Trust Bank limited

Vision: Build a long-term sustainable financial institution through financial inclusion and
deliver optimum value to all stakeholders with the highest level of compliance

Mission: Long Term Sustainable Growth- diversified business with robust risk management.
Financial Inclusion- bring unbanked population into banking network through low cost and
technology based service delivery Accountable to all stakeholders- customers, shareholders,
employees & regulators. Highest level of compliance and transparency at all levels of

Standard Bank limited

Vision: To be a modern Bank having the object of building a sound national economy and to
contribute significantly to the Public Exchequer.

Mission: To be the best private commercial bank in Bangladesh in terms of efficiency,

capital adequacy, asset quality, sound management and profitability.

Bank Asia limited

Bank Asia started its Islamic Banking operations in December 2008 and now operating five
Islamic Banking Windows – 3 in Dhaka, 1 in Chittagong and 1 in Sylhet. The preparation to
start Islamic Banking operations in the Bank was as if it were the preparation to start a new
bank. The maiden business operation of Islamic Banking unit in Bank Asia could be
compared with the new bank operation unlike a new department.

Vision: Bank Asia's vision is to have a poverty free Bangladesh in course of a generation in
the new millennium, reflecting the national dream. Our vision is to build a society where

human dignity and human rights receive the highest consideration along with reduction of

Mission: To assist in bringing high quality service to our customers and to participate in the
growth and expansion of our national economy, To set high standards of integrity and bring
total satisfaction to our clients, shareholders and employees , To become the most sought
after bank in the country, rendering technology driven innovative services by our dedicated
team of professionals.

Standard chartered Bank

Standard Chartered Saadiq, Islamic Banking division was launched in 2009 to offer a
comprehensive range of Shariah-compliant products and services to individuals through
Saadiq financial centre.

Chapter: 03

Theoretical Framework

The base of the report is measuring operational success of the Islamic banking branches and
windows of the conventional banks in Bangladesh. Conventional banks focus on generating
profit while Islamic bank focus on maintaining the Shariah. Islamic banking branches and
windows operated in a conventional bank are the combination of two. They conduct their
operation following the Islamic Shariah. Again Islamic banking principles have different
perspective regarding collection of deposit and providing loan (investment) compared to
conventional banks. Thus measuring the operational success of Islamic banking branches and
windows are different compared to conventional banking. The framework of the analysis is
presented below along with the parameters that we are considering as the factor affecting the
operational success of the branches and the windows.

Chapter: 04

Analysis and Discussion

Quantitative Analysis: Analysis of operational success of

Islamic Banking Branches and Windows

As stated in the earlier part of the report, the Islamic Banking Branches alludes to the
branches of commercial banks which operates according to the guidelines of Islamic Shariah
and refrain itself from all sorts of interest related transactions while collecting deposit or
investing. On the other hand, Islamic Banking window refers to the services provided by a
conventional bank but based on Islamic principles. With a view to analyzing the operational
success of both branches and windows, this report will critically analyze the performance of
both branches and windows based on the two, most vital, operations which are collecting
deposit and providing loan. Moreover, this report will also put light on some other slightly
less vital operations such as liquidity surplus, investment- deposit ratio.

However, before going into the depth analysis, it should be proclaimed that the windows
operate in very small scale compared to the operational size of branches. Therefore, to make
the analysis more relevant and meaningful, this report will analysis them separately in most
of the cases.

Analysis of performance regarding deposit collection

1) Islamic Banking Branches

2015 Depos it
5400 3.70%

5350 3.60%
5100 3.00%
5050 2.90%
January - March April - June July - September October - December

Islamic Banking Branches Amount Islamic Banking Branches Percentage

In the following section, the deposit collection of the Islamic Banking Branches, between the
time periods of 2015-2017, is lucidly depicted in the charts followed by more elaborate

2017 Depos
2016 Depositit
6200 3.15%
6000 2.95%
5800 3.00%
5250 2.85%
5600 2.80%
5200 2.90%
5400 2.75%
5150 2.70%
5200 2.80%
5000 2.60%
5050 2.55%
January -- March
January March April--June
April June July- -September
July September October- December
October - December

Islamic Banking Branches Amount Islamic Banking Branches Percentage

Islamic Banking Branches Amount Islamic Banking Branches Percentage
The first look at the deposit amount collected by the Islamic Banking Branches will make
anyone perplex as the amount hardly reveals any analyzable pattern. For example, the
maximum amount of deposit of 2015 and 2017 was collected on the 3rd quarter, but in 2016,
the highest deposit was collected on 2nd quarter. Moreover, the collection of deposit was very
fluctuating. However, if one endeavors more on the yellow line which shows the portion of
deposit collected by the branches in comparison to the total deposit of all Islamic banks,
braches and windows. In other words, the yellow line shows the percentage of total deposit
that is collected by the Islamic banking branches. This line reveals that all branches
performed very poorly in comparison to the overall industry of Islamic banking.
Subsequently, the percentage kept on falling since 2015 from 3.6% which now stands at
roughly 2.75% in the last quarter of 2017.Therefore, it can be said that the performance of the
Islamic banking branches, regarding deposit generation, was not at all satisfactory compared
to the performance of overall Islamic banking sector.

2) Islamic Banking Windows

3000 1.78%
2900 1.76%
2800 1.74%
2700 1.72%
2600 1.70%
2500 1.68%
2400 1.66%
2300 1.64%
2200 1.62%
January - March April - June July - September October - December

Islamic Banking Windows Amount Islamic Banking Windows Percentage

The Islamic banking windows, however, shows a much brighter picture. The condition of the
Islamic banking windows is also perspicuously depicted via the following graphs and at the
end of the graph, there is an elaborate interpretation.

4000 1.95%
3500 1.90%
500 1.65%

0 1.60%
January - March April - June July - September October - December

Islamic Banking Windows Amount Islamic Banking Windows Percentage

5000 2.25%
4500 2.20%
3000 2.10%
2500 2.05%
2000 2.00%
500 1.90%
0 1.85%
January - March April - June July - September October - December

Islamic Banking Windows Amount Islamic Banking Windows Percentage

Unlike the branches, the amount of deposit collection does not create an isomorphic mimicry
regarding the performance of the Islamic banking windows. Here, the graph clearly shows
that the windows have almost doubled the amount of deposit collecting during this year.
There collected deposit was only above 2400 corer taka which at the end of 2017 rests above
the 4500 core taka mark. The yellow lines also reflect this growth. As a result, the now have
roughly 2.20% of total deposit collected by Islamic banking institutions which was, not long
ago in 2015, amounted only to 1.67%. During this time period, the windows have faced a
hiccup in the 2nd quarter as the escalating percentage saw a minor slip from 1.76% to nearly

Therefore, it can be said that, in contrast to the Islamic banking branches, the Islamic banking
windows have performed tremendously well in terms of collecting deposits.

Analysis of performance regarding investment

Collecting deposit might be an essential operation for both branches and windows but
without proper investment the deposit collection becomes pointless. As all the amount is
collected via deposit is utilized in making proper investment. Therefore, it would be logical
hypothesis if one says that there should a significance influence of deposit collection capacity
on the investment making capacity. The following analysis will either prove the logicality of
this hypothesis.

1) Islamic Banking Branches

2016 Inves tm ent
5800.00 4.00%
6000.00 4.50%
5000.00 2.85%
5000.00 3.00%
4000.00 3.50%
3000.00 2.00%
3000.00 2.75%
5000.00 2.00%
2000.00 1.50%
2000.00 2.70%
1000.00 1.00%
1000.00 0.50%
4600.00 2.65%
0.00 0.00%
4400.00 January -- March
January March April--June
April June July- -September
July September October- -December
October December 2.60%
January - March April - June July - September October - December
Islamic BankingBranches
Investment IslamicBanking
Islamic BankingBranches
Islamic Banking Branches Percentage of Total Investment Islamic Banking Branches Amount

In the first portion, the performance of the Islamic branches, during the three-year time
period, is illustrated through the following graphs and afterwards some interpretations are
given to make the analysis more lucid.

Despite the disappointing performance regarding the deposit collection, the Islamic banking
branches had almost pulled off a miracle during the time period, more specifically, in the year
2015. As the investment of branches kept an upward trend in terms of both amount and
percentage of total investment till the end of 2015.However, the lack of deposit had had the
last laugh as the percentage has now precipitated from the 4.5% mark to 2.85%. Moreover,
this situation could have been worse as the branches had started the year 2017 with a
percentage below 2.70%. But, in terms of amount, the investment has kept rising considering
the overall timeframe. Then again, this increase is nothing but an isomorphic mimicry.

2) Islamic Banking Windows

2015 Inves tm ent
2100.00 1.60%
2050.00 1.40%
2000.00 1.20%
1950.00 1.00%
1900.00 0.80%
1850.00 0.60%
1800.00 0.40%
1750.00 0.20%
1700.00 0.00%
January - March April - June July - September October - December

Islamic Banking Windows Amount

Islamic Banking Windows Percentage of Total Investment

Now, in the following portion, three graphs will illustrate the condition of the Islamic
banking windows in terms of investment.

2016 Investment
3500.00 2.15%
4000.00 2.10%
3000.00 1.75%
3500.00 2.05%
2500.00 1.70%
2000.00 1.95%
1500.00 1.60%
1500.00 1.80%
1000.00 1.55%
1000.00 1.75%
500.00 1.50%
0.00 1.65%
January - March April - June July - September October - December

Islamic Banking Windows Amount Islamic Banking Windows Percentage of Total Investment

The Islamic banking windows have again performed spectacular despite the slight stagnant in
the growth of the percentage of total investments, in year 2015. Apart from that, the amount
of investment making has been rising since 2015 and hardly saw any fall or fluctuation
during the timeframe. The percentage of total investment captured was in a constant mode in
1.44% mark during the year 2015 but afterwards that rate has also been escalating at a
commendable speed and mounted up to the 2.10% of total investments made by all Islamic
making institution.

The overall analysis has clearly shown that the Islamic banking branches couldn’t kept the
highflying momentum of making investments, due to the lack of deposit collection. At the
same time, the immense deposit collection was the fuel behind the staggering growth of
investments making by the Islamic windows.

Analysis of performance regarding investment to deposit ratio

Investment to Deposit rati o

Branches Ratio Windows Ratio

In this part, all the focus will be given to the investment deposit ratio. This ratio reflects
whether the branch or window is indulged in predatory investments or not. The term
predatory investment implicates that the branch or window is willing to invest all the
deposited money without maintaining any reserve or safety net. This type of investment is
highly discouraged by the higher authority. In case of loss, the depositor will lose all their
money. Whenever this ratio goes beyond 100% that means the branch or window is involved
in the predatory investment. The following chart will show the investment to deposit ratio of
both Branches and windows.

As it can be easily seen the Islamic banking branches, unlike Islamic banking windows, have
several time crossed the 100% which implicates that the Islamic banking branches are taking
too much risk to make profit. This is not the best principle to be followed by an intermediary
who is working with others money. On the other hand, the Islamic banking windows have
never crossed the line; instead, they have managed to stay within the margin for the whole
time period. In the following portion the deposit and investment will more analyzed more

Deposit and Investment made by Windows
Windows Total Deposit Windows Total Investment

This graph clearly shows the investment and the deposit of the Islamic branches. In the end of
2015, the Islamic banking branches were indulged in making investment which exceeds the
money collected by deposit. This trend also continued in the first quarter of 2016, but since
then they maintained a safety margin and invested less money. However, it is possible for
many branches to borrow money from other branches to make investment. This activity will
also push the investment to deposit ratio above 100%.Meanwhile, the Islamic banking
windows successfully maintained the investment below the amount collected via deposits.
The following chart also supports this statement.

Deposit and Investment made by Branches

Branches Total Deposit Branches Total Investment

Therefore, it can be concluded that the Islamic banking branches were slightly out of
discipline in case of investment. But the Islamic banking windows impeccably maintained the
discipline in investment and protected the interest of depositors.

Analysis of performance regarding liquidity surplus or deficit

Liquidity positi on
Liquidity Surplus(+)/Deficit(-) Branches Liquidity Surplus(+)/Deficit(-) Windows













In this point, both branches and windows have a similarity. The similarity is that neither the
branches nor the windows have ever experienced any liquidity deficit as the following chart
will illustrate.

Moreover, the chart also depicts that the Islamic banking branches have a tendency to reduce
their liquidity surplus at the end of each year and, in overall, they have done a decent job in
reducing their liquidity surplus. Liquidity surplus creates an opportunity cost for the branches
as the liquid money do not earn any profits. But if that money is invested in a profitable
opportunity it might add more income to the branch. At the same time, liquidity deficit will
reduce the branch’s capacity to pay off the depositor which might result into a reputational
crisis for the branch. Therefore, reducing liquidity should be the target without creating any
liquidity deficit. Regarding this balancing task, the Islamic banking branches have done a
commendable job. This liquidity position is related with the deposit and investment ratio. If
the ratio is closer to 100%, there will be less liquid money in hand because the branch or
window is deploying all its deposited money without reserving any. The following chart also
shows the same pattern.

Liquidity, Depos it and Inves tm ent r elati on f or Br anches
1,400.00 140%

1,200.00 120%

1,000.00 100%

800.00 80%

600.00 60%

400.00 40%

200.00 20%

0.00 0%

Branches liquidity Branches I/D

Liquidity, Deposit and Inves tm ent r elati on f or

800 100%
700 90%
500 60%
400 50%
300 40%
100 10%
0 0%

Windows liquidity Windows I/D

As the chart is showing, the investment to deposit ratio was higher in the last quarter of 2015
& 2016 and in both times the liquidity was at minimum. Furthermore, the Islamic banking
branches deserve a massive applause for their performance in 2017. From q1 of 2017, the
investment to deposit ratio remained almost to the same level and the amount deposit
collection and investment also increased at that time period, but the efficiency of the branches
had reduced the liquidity position. On the contrary, the Islamic banking windows are seeing
an increasing liquidity surplus since the middle of 2016 as the following chart shows.

It can be seen that the negative relation between the investment-deposit ratio and the liquidity
surplus also continued here. For example, in the 2nd quarter of 2016, the ratio went very close

to 100% and the liquidity was at its minimum. The same can be said for the 3 rd quarter of the
2017. However, there are two quarters which totally deplore this logic. The 3 rd quarter of
2016 and the last quarter of 2017 didn’t saw any massive fall in the investment deposit ratio
yet the liquidity surplus was sky high in both of the quarters.

Analysis of performance regarding profit

As stated on the limitation section,
ofi ttam
of 2015
2016 there was lack of sufficient entail
- March
- June April - JuneJuly -July
- September regarding the profit of the Islamic
160 October - December
banking branches and windows.
200 186.66
140 133.41
180 Therefore, this analysis is not expected
160 153.14
to provide much of a reliable
80 100 conclusion. However, from the limited
80 48.93
amount of the data, it could be derived
40 40 44.95 50.3 that the profit amount of both branches
40 21.23 23.97
20 and windows are increasing since the
beginning of 2015 and continued
throughout 2016. The following chart
shows the same pictures.

The overall summary of the analysis is given on the table represented at the end of the
“Findings” section. However, in the conclusion, from the elaborate analysis, it can be inferred
that the Islamic banking branches performance wasn’t as good as the performance of Islamic
banking window. In spite of having some liquidity management problem, the Islamic banking
windows definitely stand out in terms of deposit collection, investment making, and
maintaining a proper investment to deposit ratio. These factors give the Islamic banking
windows a slight upper hand over the Islamic banking branches.

Qualitative Analysis: Performance of the

Islamic Banking Windows & Branches of Conventional Banks

Performance of Windows

S c
C k
B )

Figure: Number of Islamic Banking Windows

1. Sonali Bank Limited

Sonali Bank Limited, as the largest state owned commercial bank, has started Islamic
Banking activities since 29 June, 2010 with five separate windows regarding the increasing
demand and expectation of religious Muslims. The individual windows are as follow –

 Wage Earners Corporate Branch, Dhaka

 Agrabad Corporate Branch, Chittagong

 Khulna Corporate Branch, Khulna

 Bogra Corporate Branch, Bogra

 Darga gate Corporate Branch, Sylhet

Aims and Objectives

 Facilitate the online Shariah based banking at the door step of the religious Muslims.

 Establish an excellent Islamic Banking System by direct participation in sincere and

public welfare banking, ensuring a proper and developed financial management,
based on Islamic Shariah.

 Bring dynamism in Islamic banking by utilizing the well versed experience and good
will of Sonali Bank Limited.

 Encourage the savings following direct investment.

 Create more employment facilities by inspiring project investment.

Functions of Islamic Banking Windows

The Islamic Banking windows are performing the following banking activities through on-
line banking –

i. Collection of Deposits

ii. Investment Assistance

The Islamic Banking windows offer various deposit and investment opportunity for the
customers such as:

i. Mudaraba Savings Account

ii. Mudaraba Special Notice Account

iii. Mudaraba Term Deposit Account

iv. Sonali Monthly Savings Scheme

v. Sonali Monthly Denmohor Scheme

vi. Bai Muajjal

vii. Hire Purchase under Shirkatul Milk

Sonali Bank Shariah Council

 The Islamic Banking of Sonali Bank is completely based on Islamic Shariah.

 The bank has a high profiled Shariah Supervisory Committee consisting reputed
Islamic scholars, Economists and Bankers.

 The Shariah Supervisory Committee has been working for proper and fair Islamic
Banking activities.

2. Agrani Bank Limited

Agrani Bank Limited is the first state-owned Commercial Bank in Bangladesh to introduce
Shariah Based Islamic Banking System to provide Shariah based banking services to its
valued clients.

The Islamic Banking system is operated under 'Islamic Banking Unit' in Agrani Bank
Limited, since 28 February, 2010 through 5 Islamic Banking Windows which conduct the
following Islamic Banking activities:

i. Collection of Deposit iii. Fund Transfer

ii. Investment iv. Foreign Remittance

Agrani Bank Shariah Council

 A highly qualified and skilled Shariah Supervisory Committee is formed with

renowned Professors of University of Dhaka and scholars of Islami Shariah and

 This committee is chaired by Prof. Moulana Mohammad Salahuddin, Khatib of the

National Mosque Baitul Mukarram.

 The Shariah Council’s objective is to monitor that the transactions and economic
activities are based on contracts that comply with Islamic Shariah laws.

3. Pubali Bank Limited

Pubali Bank Limited has introduced two Islami Banking windows in 2010 with a view to
providing Banking services in compliance with Islamic Shariah.

Functions of Islamic Banking Windows

 Pubali Bank Islami Banking windows offer Mudaraba savings account to the
customers in order to deposit their savings.

 The windows employ the fund accumulated and circulate in the market in Shariah
approved activities.

Pubali Bank Shariah Council

 Pubali Bank Limited has established a Shariah Council to provide opinion and
guideline in the banking activities and modes of investment.

 The council monitors the banking activities and fund management is in conformity
with Islamic Shariah and provides counsel on it.

4. Trust Bank Limited

Trust Islamic Banking is solely committed to conduct and manage the banking system
abiding the Islamic law. From this point of view, the bank has launched five Islamic banking
windows to provide banking services to the valued customers.

Trust Bank Shariah Supervisory Committee

 The Shariah Supervisory Committee consists of prominent Mohaddes, Alem-Ulema,

Mufti, reputed banker, renowned lawyer and eminent economist.

 The objective of the Committee is guiding, supervising and implementing the

compliance of Islamic Shariah principles in all activities of the bank.

Aims and Objectives

 Establish a welfare-oriented banking system.

 Establish interest-free banking.

 Encourage different types of investment sectors such as agriculture, industry, real

estate, self-employment to improve overall socio-economic condition in compliance
with Shariah.

 Participate and co-operate actively in the human resource development and create
awareness about Islamic principles and values.

Mission and Vision

 Trust Bank Islamic Banking window’s vision is to satisfy customer expectations and
ensure an excellent service providing financial body.

 The Islamic Banking windows pay attention for the benefit of the local community
through supporting entrepreneurship, social responsibility and economic development
of the country.

5. Standard Bank Limited

Standard Bank Limited has launched two Islamic Banking windows in two different divisions
during 2009 which are –

i. Topkhana Road Branch, Dhaka

ii. Agrabad Branch, Chittagong

Functions of Islamic Banking Windows

 The Islamic Banking windows are following and maintaining the guidelines properly
for Islami Banking issued by Bangladesh Bank.

 Standard Bank has installed separate high profile Islamic Banking software known as
‘HIKMA’ software.

 The ‘HIKMA’ software is completely separate from the conventional software where
profit calculation method follows Bangladesh Bank guidelines and Islamic Banking

The Islamic Banking windows of Standard Bank offer various deposit and investment
opportunity for the customers such as –

i. Al-Wadia Current Account

ii. Mudaraba Savings Account

iii. Mudaraba Special Notice Deposit Account

iv. Mudaraba Term Deposit Receipt Account

v. Mudaraba Monthly Savings Scheme

vi. Mudaraba Hajj Savings Scheme

vii. Bai Mudaraba

viii. Bai Salam

ix. Bai Muajjal

Shariah Council

 Standard Bank Limited has established a Shariah Supervisory Committee to interpret,

clarify and provide judgment on the field of banking operations

 The Committee monitors the deposit receipt and investment made are in compliance
with Islamic Shariah

6. Bank Asia Limited

Bank Asia Limited started its Islamic Banking operations in December 2008 and has five
Islamic Banking Windows operating – 3 in Dhaka, 1 in Chittagong and 1 in Sylhet.

Objectives of Islamic Banking Windows

 Provide interest-free banking service to the clients.

 Develop a group of entrepreneurs with Islamic values.

 Strengthening the qualitative foundation of Islamic Banking System.

 Upgrading technology and human resource for Islamic Banking.

 Contributing substantially in the global profit of Bank Asia.

Social Development

 Bank Asia has been offering a school banking product named Smart Junior Saver
from its Islamic Banking unit.

 The product is designed for the children/students who are under 18 years of age with a
bundle of benefits including higher Income Sharing Ratio (ISR), Gift and Financial
Aid for Bright students.

Specialty of Bank Asia Islamic Banking

 Distinguished and lucrative Deposit and Investment products for Islamic Banking.

 Rich Shariah Supervisory Committee consisting of qualified Faqih who has expertise
on Islamic law, Islamic Scholars and professionals.

 ISR (Income Sharing Ratio) based unique Profit Distribution System on Mudaraba

 Distinct Finance and Accounts; and separate Financial Statement for Islamic Banking

 Separate team of human resources in Islamic Window and Corporate Office including
Investment/Credit Risk Management, Investment Administration, Accounting and
Fund Management.

 Separate Islamic Banking Software – HIKMAH to provide Real-Time Online

Banking service from all branches.

 Window operations at branch level with separate entrance, Cash Counter and desks.

 Pioneer in window based Islamic Banking Module in Bangladesh.

 Availability of Islamic Banking service from every branch through online system.

Bank Asia Shariah Supervisory Committee

 Bank Asia Shariah Supervisory Committee consists with qualified Faqihs, Islamic
Scholars and professionals.

 The aim of the committee is to ensure that the products and services comply with the
principles of Islamic Shariah.

 Observe the implementation of Shariah compliance in each and every operation of the

7. Standard Chartered Bank

Standard Chartered Bank has launched Shariah based Islami Banking with one window in
December, 2004 to cater the Islami minded customers their desired services.

Functions of Islamic Banking Window

Standard Chartered Bank Islamic banking window offers three Islamic Banking products –

i. Islamic personal finance

ii. Islamic auto finance

iii. Islamic current account

Standard Chartered Bank Shariah Supervisory Committee

 Standard Chartered Bank has a 12 years experience in Islamic banking globally.

 The Islamic banking unit of Standard Chartered Bank is directly supervised from
Dubai and a has strong Shariah Supervisory Committee with Islamic scholars

 The committee advises in the banking activities of the window in accordance with
Islamic Shariah

Performance of Branches
There are total 19 Islamic banking branches of 8 conventional banks operating in Bangladesh.
These conventional banks along with their number of branches are given here:

B y
h d
( s

The performance of the Islamic banking branches of these conventional banks are discussed

1. The City Bank Limited

Through only 1 branch, the city bank limited is providing Islamic banking services to the
people. Its operating success depends on offering the following deposits and investment
products to its customer:

 Manarah Savings Deposits

 Manarah Current Deposits

 Manarah Term Deposits

 Manarah Monthly Deposit Schemes

The branch is operating its activities in accordance with Islamic Shariah and a Shariah
Council is constituted to scrutinize whether the branch is operating in accordance with
Islamic principles.

2. AB Bank Limited

To address the demand for Islamic banking services by the people, AB bank limited opened
an Islamic banking branch to respond to the demand of the people. Almost all products of AB
bank limited have an equivalent Islamic banking product.

The branch is being operated duly complying with the principles of Islamic Shariah and the
guidelines of Islamic Banking, given by Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of the country as

well as follow the standard rules & procedures of banking both at home and abroad and other
operational procedures of the Bank. They scrutinize each and every Islamic banking product
and service before presenting it to the clients.

3. Dhaka Bank Limited

Dhaka bank has been providing Islamic banking services through its two branches with
adhere to the Islamic values and integrity.

Their operations are conducted by a Shariah Supervisory Committee. It consists of a team of

Shariah scholars and experts, renowned Islamic banker, lawyer along with personalities
having outstanding strength in Quran, Hadith and Fiqh.

Their success depends on offering the following deposits and investment products;

Deposit products Investment Products

Al wadeeah current account Murabaha purchase order

Mudaraba Savings account Baimuajjal industrial

Mudaraba term deposit account Baimuajjal Others

Mudaraba special deposit account Murabaha post import trust receipt

Mudaraba pension scheme account Murabaha term finance industrial

Mudaraba Foreign currency deposit Murabaha term finance others


Mudaraba gold deposit account Ijarah transport

Mudaraba platinum deposit account Hire purchase

Mudaraba silver deposit account Ijarah Machinery and equipment

Mudaraba Ratib account Quard against MTDR

Social Development Objectives

To eliminate oppression and disparity from the economic field

To establish honesty and justice

To earn welfare in the society

To earn economical stability

To meet basic needs of human

To help in balanced development in the society

To play role for alleviation of the poverty from the society

To improve and develop life standard of poor people

4. Premier Bank Limited

Premier bank has been providing Islamic banking services to the people through its two
branches. They are performing banking services through offering the following deposit

 Bai’ Salam

 Bai’ Al-Muajjal

 Bai’Al-Murabaha

 Murabaha Savings Account etc.

A Shariah Council supervises the activities of the branches and regularly checks the Shariah

5. Prime Bank Limited

Prime bank started its operations as Islamic banking system in the year 1995 based on
Shariah principles. Five of the branches of the bank provide Islamic banking operations to
serve the increasing demand of customers for Islamic products and services.

A Shariah supervisory committee consisted of 10 members supervises the operations of the

branches. The branches always follow the Shariah principles to conduct their operations.

They are providing a wide variety of deposits and investment products to their customers.
These are the followings:

Deposits products Investments Products

Al Wadeeah Hasanah home investment

Mudaraba savings account Hasanah household durables investment

Mudaraba Term deposit account Hasanah auto investment

Hasanah Medical investment

6. Southeast Bank Limited

Southeast bank limited is performing its Islamic banking services through opening five
branches in Bangladesh. It is performing its operations by offering the following deposits and
investment services:

 Mudaraba Savings account

 Al-Wadiah Current Account

 Mudaraba Short Notice Account

 Mudarabah Term Deposit Receipt

 Mudaraba Monthly Savings Scheme

 Mudaraba Income Scheme

 Mudaraba Pension Savings scheme etc

A Shariah Council constituted in the bank supervises the operations of the branches from
time to time.

7. Jamuna bank Limited

Besides conventional banking, Jamuna bank limited is carrying Islamic banking activities
through two branches based on Islamic Shariah principles. The first Islamic banking branch
of the bank opened on October 25, 2003.The bank is committed to conduct business of its
Islamic banking branches strictly complying Shariah requirements.

To achieve this goal a Shariah Supervisory committee has been constituted with renowned
Islamic scholars of the country and senior banker having Islamic banking experiences in
depth knowledge of conventional and Islamic banking. All activities of Islami Banking
branches are carried out under the guidance of this Committee.

The branches are offering the following deposits and investment services to the customers:

 Al-Wadiah Current Deposits

 Mudarabah Savings Deposits

 Mudarabah Short Notice Deposits

 Mudaraba Term Deposits

 Investments in Imports

 Investment in Exports etc.

8. Bank Al Falah Limited

Through only one branch, the bank is performing Shariah based Islamic banking services by
offering the following products:

 Al-Wadiah Current Account

 Al Mudarabah Savings Account

 Al Mudarabah Special Notice Deposit Account

 Al Mudarabah Term Deposit Account

The operations of the branches are supervised by a Shariah Council constituted in the bank.

Chapter: 05


1. The amounts of deposit collection by the Islamic banking branches were very
2. The percentage of deposit collected by Islamic banking branches were always falling
since 2015. Although, in the 3rd quarter, Islamic banking branches collected the
highest amount of deposit.
3. The amount of deposit collection by windows was increasing since 2015 and in 2017
it shores up to 4692 core taka.
4. The percentage of deposit collected by Islamic banking windows were always
escalating since 2015 and mounted up to 2.19% at the end of 2017.
5. In case of deposit collection, the windows have conspicuously outperformed the
Islamic banking branches. As windows have more direct contacts with the clients.
6. Islamic banking windows investment to deposit ratio never exceeded 100% which
shows their discipline in case of investment and protecting the interest of the
7. Islamic banking windows maintained more discipline in making investment than the
Islamic banking branches.
8. The Islamic banking branches performed spectacularly in terms of investment making
in the year 2015. However, the Islamic banking branches couldn’t keep the pace of
investment making after 2015 due to lack of deposits.
9. The Islamic banking windows have outperformed the Islamic branches in terms of
investments and the lack of sufficient deposit collection should be blamed for the
failure of the Islamic banking branches.
10. There is a negative relation between the investment-deposit ratio and the liquidity
11. The Islamic banking branches had a trend of reducing their liquidity surplus at the end
of each year. But in 2017, there were more successful and more effective in reducing
the surplus throughout that year.
12. In the 3rd quarter of 2016 and the last quarter of 2017 the liquidity surplus was very
high although there was no substantial change in the investment-deposit ratio.
13. The overall findings are summarized in the following table. Based on this analysis it
can be inferred that the Islamic banking windows were more successful compared to
the Islamic banking branches.

Islamic banking
Factors of analysis Islamic banking windows
Deposit collection Not successful Successful
Making investment Not successful Successful
Investment to deposit
Slightly indiscipline Discipline
Liquidity maintenance Successful Less successful
Profit Successful Successful
14. Both branches and Windows fulfilling social welfare goals by offering investment
15. Shariah compliance is maintained as directed by Central Bank though some bank
emphasizes on constituting a developed Shariah board.

Chapter: 06


The objective of the report was to measure the success of the Islamic banking branches and
windows. The study has been conducted by setting some parameters and thus the data had
been collected. The analysis shows two set of results. One is the quantitative result another
one is the qualitative results. The quantitative results are the outcome of analyzing data
regarding deposits, investments, liquidity of the branches and the windows. It showed that the
Islamic banking windows are performing better compared to the Islamic banking branches.
Though there are other parameters that might show the opposite result but we didn’t
considered them in this study. The qualitative measures showed that the Islamic banking
windows and the branches all are maintaining the Shariah board and conduct their operations
with the board’s consents. The different Islamic banking windows and branches have
different aims and objectives and they operate to fulfill own goals. All individual window and
branch are involved in doing social welfare through Islamic investment and deposit products
that can be regarded as success to an Islamic banking unit. Due to limited data the degrees of
success couldn’t be measured. It can be concluded that Islamic banking operation of the both
windows and branches of the conventional banks are growing day by day.



Islamic Banking Branches Islamic Banking Windows
Percentage of Total Amoun Percentage of Total Amoun
Investment t Investment t
January - 4117.9 1824.5
126704.83 3.25% 1.44%
March 1 5
4627.5 1887.7
April - June 131090.91 3.53% 1.44%
1 1
July - 5226.8 1944.8
135061.63 3.87% 1.44%
September 9 9
October - 6157.7 2062.1
143203.44 4.30% 1.44%
December 5 3
Islamic Banking Branches Islamic Banking Windows
Percentage of Total Amoun Percentage of Total Amoun
Investment t Investment t
January - 5557.7 2345.6
149402.33 3.72% 1.57%
March 7 2
4494.9 2756.5
April - June 156619.9 2.87% 1.76%
9 1
July - 4384.2 2763.9
158849.69 2.76% 1.74%
September 5 8
October - 5186.9 2939.8
168957.48 3.07% 1.74%
December 9 6
Islamic Banking Branches Islamic Banking Windows
Percentage of Total Amoun Percentage of Total Amoun
Investment t Investment t
January - 4799.2 3223.1
177093.67 2.71% 1.82%
March 4 0
5038.6 3649.3
April - June 185244.93 2.72% 1.97%
6 3
July - 5526.7 4038.8
193244.27 2.86% 2.09%
September 9 1
October - 5590.6 4243.2
201101.96 2.78% 2.11%
December 3 5



Islamic Banking Branches Islamic Banking Windows

Total Deposit
Percentage Amount Percentage Amount

January - March 146733.75 3.61% 5297.0884 1.67% 2450.454

April - June 152448.47 3.39% 5168.0031 1.67% 2545.889
July - September 157492.15 3.39% 5338.9839 1.74% 2740.363

October - December 163095.24 3.18% 5186.4286 1.77% 2886.786


Islamic Banking Branches Islamic Banking Windows

Total Deposit
Percentage Amount Percentage Amount

January - March 166027.71 3.12% 5180.064552 1.76% 2922.087696

April - June 175535.42 3.02% 5301.169684 1.70% 2984.10214
July - September 178137.17 2.90% 5165.97793 1.89% 3366.792513

October - December 187694.9 2.82% 5292.99618 1.89% 3547.43361


Islamic Banking Branches Islamic Banking Windows

Total Deposit
Percentage Amount Percentage Amount

January - March 190257.7 2.78% 5289.16406 1.98% 3767.10246

April - June 199424.9 2.70% 5384.4723 2.15% 4287.63535
July - September 204007.06 2.95% 6018.20827 2.15% 4386.15179

October - December 214259.42 2.74% 5870.708108 2.19% 4692.281298

Branches Windows

Total Total Total Total Rati
Deposit Investment Deposit Investment o
Q1 5297.09 4117.91 78% 2450.45 1824.55 74%
Q2 5168.00 4627.51 90% 2545.89 1887.71 74%

Q3 5338.98 5226.89 98% 2740.36 1944.89 71%

Q4 5186.43 6157.75 2886.79 2062.13 71%
Q1 5180.06 5557.77 2922.09 2345.62 80%

Q2 5301.17 4494.99 85% 2984.10 2756.51 92%

Q3 5165.98 4384.25 85% 3366.79 2763.98 82%
Q4 5293.00 5186.99 98% 3547.43 2939.86 83%
Q1 5289.16 4799.24 91% 3767.10 3223.10 86%
Q2 5384.47 5038.66 94% 4287.64 3649.33 85%

Q3 6018.21 5526.79 92% 4386.15 4038.81 92%

Q4 5870.71 5590.63 95% 4692.28 4243.25 90%


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