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Internal and External Communication in Store 99 Retail Outlet

Submitted By:

NAME: Vedant Choudhary

DIVISION: B | PRN: 18010224116 | CLASS: B.B.A-LL.B.

Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA

Symbiosis International (Deemed University), PUNE

August, 2019

Under the guidance of

Ms. Sweta Saurabh

Course-in-charge- Business and Managerial Communication.

Symbiosis Law School, Noida

47/48, Phase 2, Industrial Area, Sector 62, NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh 201309.

Internal and External Communication in Store 99 Retail Outlet


The project entitled “Internal and External Communication in Store 99 Retail Outlet” submitted
to the Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA for Business and Managerial Communication as part of
internal assessment is based on my original work carried out under the guidance of Ms.Sweta
Saurabh from July 3, 2019 to August 9, 2019. The research work has not been submitted
elsewhere for award of any degree.

The material borrowed from other sources and incorporated in the research report has been duly

I understand that I myself could be held responsible and accountable for plagiarism, if any,
detected later on.

Signature of the candidate


Internal and External Communication in Store 99 Retail Outlet


Communication  is the act of conveying meanings from one entity or group to another

through the use of mutually understood signs and semiotic rules. Communication is one of the

most important part of human life as well as mean of business expansion. It is all about spreading
understanding so that people can connect and work or live better together. The way we
communicate with others can greatly alter the relationships we have and techniques can be used
to either deliberately create harmonious working or to put a spanner in the works. By fostering a
common understanding and awareness the message you try to portray becomes ever clearer and
you are more likely to gain support from others.

Here in this project I focused on the internal and external communication in the retail store such
as store 99. Internal communications is a powerful tool for effecting workplace. Internal
communication is important in every business but especially so in retail. Communication is the
basis of the relationship the customer has with the retail store. I have interacted with the
customer care, sales person and the store personnel of Store 99. Store 99is a retail chain of
hypermarkets, discount department stores and grocery stores.

I did my project on the internal and external communication between the customer care
personnel to the sales department and the marketing department.

It is a great opportunity for me to collect information from the costumer care regarding the
communication that takes place between them and the costumer. There are lots of things which I
would like to learn about communication such as the communication barriers etc. We get to
learn more from our actual experience compare to books and the other sources, so for my project
work, I actually visited the Store 99and interacted with the costumer care to know about their
interaction with the various costumer and their challenges while communicating with the
costumers. Every day the costumer care, store personnel and the sales person have to deal with
various customers and has to communicate with them, so I thought it is better to interact with
them and collect information regarding the communication that takes place between them and
their customer.

Internal and External Communication in Store 99 Retail Outlet

I used various methods for my project. I prepared some questions on my topic and try to collect
the views from the costumer care and the store personnel at Store 99. I also went through some
secondary data such as websites and journals which explain about the communication.

Literature Review
1. Goman, C. K. (2011- Impact of culture for an effective communication in a
organisation. Forbes Journal.

TOPIC - Impact of culture for an effective communication in a organisation

Culture is basically, a set of shared values that a group of people hold. Such values affect our
way of thinking as well as the way we act. It is through our culture that we judge the people
around us. As we all know that every culture has rules that its members take for granted. We also
become bias because of the cultural upbringing from which we have been raised. All of our
culture’s knowledge, rules, beliefs, values, phobias and anxieties have not been taught to us
explicitly but has been absorbed subconsciously.

So, as all of us are not a part of the same culture, we are not expected to respond in the same
way. So, culture is a business issue, not merely an HR issue. Culture also refers to the company’s
culture which helps

determine our ability to successfully complete the projects. The culture of our business is aligned
with the objectives and helps the employees in reaching those objectives.

The question which arises here is that why good nonverbal communication skills have great
importance in a business organisation. First of all, the body language of a person explains a lot
about the person and his/her traits, like for example, when we tell the details of a projects to an
employee, we can see if the person is interested, bored or defensive with the information
received by him.

Nonverbal communication can make all the difference in the world because it allows for better
interpersonal communication which is an essential skill to learn in life. The best body gestures

Internal and External Communication in Store 99 Retail Outlet

have also been explained clearly in the article to ensure that the readers practice it. We should
also remember to focus on the positive things only and be confident in whatever work we are
doing. We should always make sure that we are smiling and never frowning. We should be
confident as well as friendly, but we should also ensure that our smile is not forced.

There are many things to do as well as many things not to do when it comes to using body
language to our advantage. First impressions are very crucial when it comes to being successful
in life, whether it is personal or business. Once someone forms an opinion of you, they rarely
change their minds, so make the first-time count. In one very popular and famous study
regarding body language, Dr. Albert Mihranian found evidence that when it comes to
determining our perception of someone's likeability, body language accounts for 93 percent of
communication, while words account for the remaining 7 percent. The different types of body
language that he studied included the following: appearance, posture, touch, facial expression,
gesture, tone of voice, and eye contact. The bottom line is to not underestimate the power of
body language, and what it can do for your overall reputation, as well as how people perceive



By Low Kean Hau

The role play by internal communications in an organization is tangible as an effective tool in

project management. Every aspect of business requires a good communication network. It is
regarded as the foundation upon which organization of business is built. In this case, the major
executive function is to develop and maintain an effective system of communication of an
organization in managing successful projects. Communication also serves as link between
various parts of an organization. However, it is not exaggeration to say that communication is the
means by which organized activities is unified fit oriented organization, the transfer of
information from one individual to another is absolute essential.

Communication is both ordinary life and management, such a complex concept involving all
senses, experience and feelings. It is the action of people talking, listening, seeing, feelings and

Internal and External Communication in Store 99 Retail Outlet

reacting to each other experience and their environment. Certainly, internal stimuli like emotion
interest, experiences sentiment and others contribution factors cause to perceive actions the word
in specific ways. In a business context, where people in an organization exchange information
regarding the operational techniques of exchanging, between employee and the employee and the
customer, which are known as internal communication, serve some useful purposes in a business
organization, communication is often described as the most vital tools of management. Internal
communications help management in solving some problems faced by management. It can even
be regarded as the foundation upon which organization and administration must be built.
Communication serves as tools in decision-making theory. It builds mutual understanding area of
conflict and creating in organizational harmony.

We get to know that the effective internal communication between the employees and the
employee and the customer for the proper management of the organization. The exchange of
communication is mandatory for the run the organization.

Objectives of the study

 To study about the communication between the customer care and customer in Store 99.
 To understand the challenges faced by the customer care.
 To know about the various barrier of communication which hinders the customer care to
effectively communicate with the customer,
 To know about the importance of the customer care to communicate with the customer
 To know about the insights of store 99 that how they deal with their channel partner.

Research methodology
For the completion of my research paper I used various methods I visited the store 99 outlet in
Shipra mall and interviewed the store manager there, along with that I had some discussion with
their customer care executive by portraying myself as a customer and notice their behavior and
response for some common query which a ordinary customer ask , along with that I also surfed
the website of store 99 and saw their online portal for ordering groceries , basically for the
completion of my project I have used primary as well as secondary data The data collected from

Internal and External Communication in Store 99 Retail Outlet

the first time through our observation and interview method. The data is collected by observing
the communication that takes between the customer care and the customer and also by
interviewing the customer care and the salesperson of the department. It is obtained by the help
of the staff member of the Store 99.

I used both primary and secondary data. Primary data means the raw data which we get from our
survey or interview. The data collected from the first time through our observation and interview
method. The data is collected by observing the communication that takes between the customer
care and the customer and also by interviewing the customer care and the salesperson of the
department. It is obtained by the help of the staff member of the Big Bazaar.

Questions asked during interview from the manager of Store 99.

Name of the organization- store 99

Designation- Mahenender Singh(store manager)

Q1. How do you interact with your customer?

The company used a various type of communication to interact with their customer which are:-
face to face communication ,E-mail communication and Telephonic communication.

Q2 What are the benefits of communicating with the customer?

By communicating with our customer it helps us to Get to know about the various interest of the
customer and it also enhance our business and Gives a platform to work on their weakness.

Q3. What is your reaction when you get the negative feedback from your customer.

We react immediately to it and try solve the issue then and there if we are unable to solve the
issue then we forward our customer issue with the senior manager and ask for his guidance.

Q4. What are the challenges you face while communicating with customer.

Mainly because of the paucity of time customer generally becomes impatient , and also
sometimes language do play a vital role because of which we are unable to reach our customer.

Internal and External Communication in Store 99 Retail Outlet

Q5. How do they communicate with each other within their department?

For communicating within department we use both formal as well as informal way of
communication and it depends upon the subject matter.

Q6. What is the importance of communication for them?

Communication plays a vital role for the business to progress , solve the issues and make the
objective of the company crystal and clear to both employees as well as customers.

Q7. How they use to communicate to their channel partners?

We preferably use face to face interaction accompanied with e-mail while interacting with our
partners, However sometimes because of the paucity of time we use intermediaries also.

Q8. How they use to satisfy their customer incase of defective goods

We generally give them discount or sometimes make their entire shopping free or incase of
high value product we simply apologize with a promise to never return this mistake.

Findings of the research

From the detailed interview and from my observation I found out that the store 99 is one of the
best retail outlet in India however my research is limited to the outlet of store 99 outlet in Shipra
Mall, Indrapuram, but conclusively I can say that it is one of the leading retail outlet in India by
seeing their online reviews , by interacting with their regular customer and their employees , they
have built a good name and fortune in the market and the location in which they setup their outlet
and the varieties they offer is remarkable , their employees were also happy with their
organization by the treatment which they get from their senior and a happy and a satisfied
employee is very much essential for the growth of a employee. The store manager was also very
helpful person he gave the answer of my each and every question patiently and in a good
manner the way how they promote services to the customer also matter a lot in retail shop like
Store 99 so the employees try to be more cautious when they communicate with the customers.
For example, they tend to give accurate information about the product and the discounts of such
product to remove the inconveniences and fault on their part to the customer. They communicate

Internal and External Communication in Store 99 Retail Outlet

with the customer with the intension to make the customers happy and satisfactory with what
they are buying, so *that they will continue buying from their shop as the business has to sustain
for the longer period. They try to be friendlier with the customer.

I got to know from the employees of the Store 99that the often face challenges while
communicating with their customer who speaks different language. They find it very difficult to
interact with that particular customer but they said they try their best to explain and listen to their
quires regarding the products .Sometimes the customer has prior knowledge about the products
which they purchase, it is really difficult to explain about the products.When they have lot of
customers at the same time, it is very difficult to communicate with them.

Discussion and conclusion

What I have concluded from my research is that effective communication both internally and
externally is very much required in the growth of an organization , It helps in socializing with the
people and to know the shortcoming of the business which gives them the scope of
improvement . An efficient and effective communication system requires managerial proficiency
in delivering and receiving messages. The customer care and salesperson must discover various
barriers to the communication analyze the reason for their occurrences and take preventive steps
to avoid those barriers. Thus, the primary responsibility is to develop and maintain an effective
communication system in the organization.

What I have got to know so far from my project is that the Store 99retail market refers to the
scheme conducted by the retailer to inform the customer about their product, services and about
their retail store.

I have mostly interacted with the store manager, customer care executive and the salesperson.
What I have learnt is that the primary function of the retail business is to give information
regarding the product and service offered by them. They also persuade the people to come and
visit the store and purchase the product. It also frequently reminds the customer about its
products and services so the customer’s loyalty increases.

They also listen to the customer. The customer provides their feedback every day. And
accordingly they react onto it.

Internal and External Communication in Store 99 Retail Outlet


 The impact of internal communications for organizational success in managing projects;

By Low Kean Hau.
 Goman, C. K. (2011- Impact of culture for an effective communication in a organisation.
Forbes Journal.

Internal and External Communication in Store 99 Retail Outlet

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