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Recruitments Process : An eye on the One bank

Successful human resource planning is designed to identify an organization’s human

resource needs. One bank’s people are their most important asset. In Human
Resources(HR), their culture is about empowering us, both to contribute to
their business objectives and to achieve our own personal and career goals.
They also keep an eye on the future, with their 'leadership behavior’s initiative
aiming to identify the next generation of leaders. HR's overall function is to devise
and implement strategies and policies to ensure that they have the right people
with the right skills. Within that, there are
numerouso p t i o n s   f o r   u s .   F o r   e x a m p l e ,   i t   c o u l d   b e   c o v e r i n g   c u l t u r e  
c h a n g e ,   l e a d e r s h i p devel opment ,  str at egic   talent  m anagem ent,  coachi n
g  and  ski ll s   developm ent  or alignment of reward with performance

The requirements for human resources

•Strong interpersonal and leadership skills.

•The ability to see the big picture while delivering on day-to-day goals.
•A real interest in how people drive business.
•The strength and integrity to take tough decisions.
•An interest in coaching and developing people
•Culture/Strategic Awareness

3.2 Recruitment process of Bashundhara Group:

Recruitment is the process of discovering potential candidates for actual or anticipated

organizational vacancies. It is a process of discovering the people
for vacant   post s which  involves   recruit ment  planning,  j ob  analysi s  and 
m at ching between supply and demand of human resources.

Recruitment Process of One bank is described briefly below:

a) Human Resource Planning:
This is the first step in the recruitment process of One bank. Every year One bank
determines the number of employees to be
recruited and what qualification they must possess to avoid
HR sur pl us or deficiency.

b) Specific Request to the manager:

After a successful HR planning The HR depar tm ent than sends a requi si ti on t o
t he concerning manager for it s upcoming HR needs.

c) Job Openings Identified:
H e r e   H R   d e p a r t m e n t   i d e n t i f y   t h e j o b   openings from the historical
data, Statistical analysis, new-venture analysis and budget and planning analysis.
d) Job analysis:
In this step HR department defines the duties,
responsibilities and accountabilities of the jobs it has identified.
e) Recruitment:
In the fifth step they select the sources of recruitment i.e. internal or external for
f) Satisfactory pool of recruiters:
Among the applicants applied for the vacant post eligible candidates are selected.
b) Image/ Goodwill:
Image of the employer can work as a potential constraint for recruitment. An
organization with positive image and goodwill as an employer find sit easier to attract
and retain employees than an organization with negative image. One bank has
built an image which has made their recruitment process much easier to handle.
c) Pol iti cal-Legal -S ocial  Envi ronm ent:
Var ious   governm ent  r egulati ons
prohibiting discrimination in hiring and employment have direct 
i m p a c t   o n recruitment practices. Sometime government rules & regulations
and labor union restrict management freedom to select those individuals who it
believes would be the best performers.
d) Competitors:
The recruitment policies of the competitors sometime have an eff ect on t he
r ecr ui tm ent funct ion of One bank. To stay ahead of the competition,
many times One bank had to change their recruitment policies according to the
policies being followed by the competitors.
Internal Factors:
Internal Factors are stated below:
a) Recruitment Policy:
The recruitment policy of an organization specifies
theo b j e c t i v e s   o f   r e c r u i t m e n t   a n d   p r o v i d e s   a   f r a m e w o r k   f o r   i m p l e
m e n t a t i o n   o f   r ecr ui tm ent  program.   It may involve organizat ional  syste
m  t o  be  devel oped   forimplementing recruitment programs and procedures by
filling up vacancies with best

qualified people. Though One bank has its recruitment policy it does not follow as it
should follow.
b) Human Resource Planning:
Effective human resource planning helps in determining the gaps present in
the existing manpower of the organization. Every  year One bank determines the
number of employees to be recruited and what qualification they must possess.
c) Si ze  of  th e organi zat ion:
T h e   s i z e   o f   t h e   f i r m   i s   a n   i m p o r t a n t   f a c t o r   i n recruitment process. If
the organization is planning to increase its operations and expand its
business, it wil l thi nk of hiri ng m ore per sonnel , whi ch wil l handle its
d) Cost:
Minimization of Cost is what every organization look for and recruitment incur cost to
the employer, therefore, One bank Group try to employ that source of recruitment
which will bear a lower cost of recruitment to the organization for each
e) Growth and Expansion:
Organization will employ or think of employing more personnel if it is expanding its

Forms of Recruitment:
The organizations differ in terms of their size, business, processes and
A f ew  decisions  by the recruit ment  pr ofessional s  can   aff ect the product
i vi ty  and efficiency of the organization. Organizations adopt different forms
of recruitment practices according to the specific needs of the organization. There are
two forms of recruitment; centralized and decentralized
forms of recruitment:

i. Cent rali zed  form s of  recruitm ent :

The recruit ment  pr acti ces   of an organization are centralized when the HR /
recruitment department at the head office performs all functions of recruitment.
Benefits of the centralized form of recruitment are:
•Reduces administration costs
•Better utilization of specialists
•Uniformity in recruitment
•Interchangeability of staff
•Every department sends requisitions for recruitment to their central office

ii. D e c e n t r a l i z e d   f o r m s   o f   r e c r u i t m e n t :
Decentralized recruitment practices are most commonly seen in the
case of multinationals operating indifferent and diverse business areas. As One
bank has i ts own HR depart ment i t uses Centr al ized form s of  recruitment
in their recruitment process.

Above table shows the external sources from which peoples were 
r e c r u i t e d   i n One bank. It has been found that m aj ori ty (80%) peopl es
wer e recruited form the job advertisement given in the Daily Newspapers, followed by
(10%) form other sources and (5%) from both job agency and em
p l o y e e referrals.

Constrains of recruitment faced by One bank:

Every organization faces some barriers during the recruitment pr
o c e s s .   H R   professionals of One bank are not apart from that. The biggest challenge
such professionals face is to source or recruit the best people or potential candidate for
the organization. While asking them several questions about barriers about
recruitment they have pointed out some factors which are stated
below.T h e   m a j o r   c h a l l e n g e s   f a c e d   b y   t h e   H R   d e p a r t m e n t   o f   One
bank i n recruitment are:
•Lack of motivation: Recruitment is considered to be a thankless job. Even if the
organization is achieving results, HR department or professionals are not thanked for
recruiting the right employees and performers.
•Adaptability to globalization:   T h e   H R   p r o f e s s i o n a l s   o f   One bank are
expected and required to keep in tune with the changing times, i.e. the changes taking
place across the globe. So sometime it becomes little bit difficult for the HR
department to align themselves with the frequent change taking place around the world.
•Process analysis: The immediacy and speed of the recruitment process are the main
concerns of the HR in recruitment. The process should be flexible,
adaptive and responsive to the immediate requirements. The recruitment
process should also be cost effective.

•Strategic prioritization:
T h e   e m e r g i n g   n e w   s y s t e m s   a r e   b o t h   a n opportunity as well
as a challenge for the HR professionals. Therefore,
they h a v e   t o   r e v i e w   t h e   s t a f f i n g   n e e d s   a n d   p r i o r i t i z i n g   t h e   t a s k s   t
o   m e e t   t h e changes i n the mar ket whi ch has become a chal lenge f or the
r ecr ui tm ent professionals of One bank.

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