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India gets access Twitter bites into Bitcoin bait
to Kulbhushan
Jadhav Accounts of Obama, Biden, Musk, Gates and others hacked
New Delhi: Indian ci�zen Kulb- New York (PTI): Several what we believe to be a co- with those of Obama,
hushan Jadhav prominent Twitter ac- ordinated social engineer- Kanye West, Kim Kar-
granted second counts, including those of ing attack by people who dashian West, Warren Buf-
consular access former US president successfully targeted fett, Bezos and Mike
on Thursday. Barack Obama, Tesla CEO some of our employees Bloomberg, posted similar
Warren Buffe� Barack Obama Mike Bloomberg
Indian officials Elon Musk and Microsoft with access to internal sys- tweets soliciting donations
at Pakistan for- co-founder Bill Gates, tems and tools," Twitter's via Bitcoin to their verified
eign office, says were hacked apparently to support team said on profiles on Wednesday,
Pakistan media. India on Thursday promote a Bitcoin scam in Wednesday. CNN reported. The posts BJP MP Meenakshi Lekhi �es rakhi on the wrist of Delhi BJP
asked Pakistan to give "uncondi- what the microblogging The attackers posted all included the address of president Aadesh Gupta during the launch of ˜Swadeshi Rakhi' to
�onal consular access" to Kulb- site believes to be a "coor- tweets that appeared to Bill Gates Elon Musk Jeff Bezos the same bitcoin wallet, encourage Make in India programme, in New Delhi on Thursday
dinated social engineering promote a cryptocurrency which has seen as much as

PM Modi to address
hushan Jadhav, as per sources. Ear-
lier, Pakistan had claimed that he attack." scam. The fake tweets of- USD 112,000 pour into it
had refused to file a review plea on The account of former fered to send USD 2,000 over the last few hours. It
the Pakistani court military court's US vice-president Joe for every USD 1,000 sent is unclear if this money

UNESC session today

judgment which awarded the Biden, who is the current to an anonymous Bitcoin Joe Biden Kanye West Kim Kardashian West came from unsuspecting
death penalty to Jadhav on charges Democratic Party presi- address. Bitcoin is a popu- users or the scammers
of espionage. India said that he dential candidate in the lar vehicle for this type of sign of Bitcoin, with no in- recover the funds, The themselves, The Hill re-
had been coerced into doing that. November election, was scam because once a vic- stitution in charge, makes New York Times report ported.
"Last �me what they did was in- also hacked. "We detected tim sends money, the de- it essentially impossible to said. The accounts, along Con�nued on Page 5 New Delhi (IANS): For the The theme of this year's
sul�ng to his mother, father and first time after getting High-level Segment is "Mul-

Chinese economy bounces back as curbs lifted

wife and insul�ng to India as a elected as non-permanent tilateralism after Covid-19:
whole. So we want that consular member of the UN Security What kind of UN do we need
access should be uncondi�onal," Council (UNSC), Prime at the 75th anniversary".
said Arvind Singh, Kulbhushan Jad- Minister Narendra Modi Set against the changing
hav's childhood friend, speaking to will address a broader UN international environment
ANI. Jadhav has been lodged in a K J M VARMA second quarter of 2020, the downturn. "Given the con- membership on Friday in an and the COVID-19 pan-
Pakistani jail since 2016 when he
was arrested in Pakistan on Beijing (PTI): China's GDP
country's National Bureau
of Statistics (NBS) said on
Cinemas to reopen tinuous global spread of
the virus, the evolving im-
annual High-Level Segment
of the United Nations Eco-
demic, this session will fo-
cus on critical forces shap-
charges of espionage. bounced back by posting
3.2 per cent growth in the
In the first half of this
from Monday pact of the pandemic on
the global economy and
nomic and Social Council
(UNESC) session.
ing the course of
multilateralism and explore
second quarter after a year, the country's GDP Beijing (PTI): China has permitted movie theatres in low-risk the noticeably mounting The Prime Minister will ways to bolster the global
record 6.8 per cent slump stood at 45.66 trillion yuan areas to resume business beginning July 20 with 30 per cent external risks and chal- deliver the keynote address agenda through strong lead-
84-yr-old escapes in the first quarter due to (about USD 6.53 trillion) capacity as the coronavirus cases abated in the country. lenges, China's economic virtually at this year's High- ership, effective interna-
from inside bed box the coronavirus crisis, amid Covid-19 impact, China has the world's second-largest film market after Hol- recovery is still under Level Segment from 9.30 tional institutions, a broad-
avoiding a recession in the down 1.6 per cent year on lywood with a box office revenue of over USD 10 billion in pressure," Liu said in a a.m. to 11.30 a.m. (local ening of participation and
New Delhi: An 84-year-old woman world's second biggest year, according to NBS 2018. There are around 70,000 film theatres across the coun- press conference. Liu said time) at the UN in New York. enhanced significance of
accidently locked herself inside a economy. data. try. Chinese movie theatres in low-risk areas have been al- she expects China's econ- He will be speaking at the global public goods.
bed box in her house in Central China's economy saw a A breakdown of the data lowed to resume operation starting from July 20 following omy to continue recover- valedictory session along This will be the first op-
Delhi's Karol Bagh on Thursday af- sharp decline in growth in showed the output of the an improvement in the Covid-19 epidemic situation, the ing in the second half of with the Prime Minister of portunity for Prime Minis-
ternoon. Old age and weakness the first three months of primary industry rose 0.9 China Film Administration announced on Thursday. the year powered by the Norway and UN Secretary ter Modi to address the
didn't let her come out on her the year during unprece- per cent year on year, while steady economic recovery General Antonio Guterres. broader UN membership
own and she got stuck. Luckily, dented coronavirus lock- the service sector and the proved slightly in June, month. NBS spokesperson in H1, rapidly growing new The annual High-level since India's overwhelming
her granddaughter, who had downs when the GDP secondary industry saw a with the surveyed unem- Liu Aihua said it has been industries and business Segment convenes a diverse election as a non-perma-
installed CCTV camera in the plummeted by 6.8 per cent. decline of 1.6 per cent and ployment rate in urban ar- not easy for China to con- models, as well as the group of high-level repre- nent member of the Secu-
room, noticed the accident and China's gross domestic 1.9 per cent, respectively. eas standing at 5.7 per cent, tain the COVID-19 pan- strong support from sentatives from the govern- rity Council on June 17, for
immediately informed the po- product expanded 3.2 per Thursday's data showed down 0.2 percentage demic in a short time and macro policies. ment, the private sector, the term 2021-22.
lice. "She had noticed through cent year on year in the China's job market im- points from the previous reverse an economic Con�nued on Page 5 civil society and academia. Con�nued on Page 5
the CCTV camera, which she

Hyderabad’s o�ce market

was monitoring on her mobile,
that her grandmother while
trying to open the box of a
32-yr-old man
double bed lost control and found hanging
in AIIMS Delhi
hit hard by Covid crisis
locked herself inside the box.
The police team rushed to the
spot on the second floor of the New Delhi (PTI): A
house in Dev Nagar, Karol 32-year-old man was
Bagh," said Sanjay Bhatia, found hanging in- HANS BUSINESS
DCP, Central Delhi. side the washroom Hyderabad saw a 43
at AIIMS Trauma Hyderabad: After achieving per cent year-on-year
Center on Thursday tremendous growth in the decline to 2.2 mn sq
BUSINESS morning, police said.
Raj Amani Patel, a
last five years, the real estate
market in Hyderabad took a
�. The city also saw a
decline of 32 per cent
resident of Satna in big hit due to the Covid-19 cri-
Madhya Pradesh, sis. According to Knight
YoY to 2.7 mn sq � in
underwent intes- Frank India, Hyderabad new office space
tinal surgery at All recorded over a 40 per cent comple�ons
India Institute Of slump in both o�ce and resi-
Medical Science (AI- dential markets during the new project launches fell by during this period, a 43 per
IMS) Hospital in first half of 2020 (January- 19 per cent YoY during this cent YoY fall.
July last year, they June). period. Weighted average An immediate impact of

TTD to continue darshan

said. It launched the 13th edi- prices recorded a 7 per cent the crisis was felt by the co-
SILVER SHINES He came for fur- tion of its flagship half-yearly YoY increase in H1 2020, working industry and its ab-
BRIGHT, HITS 7-YR ther treatment at report - India Real Estate: H1 which occurred in Q1 and sorption fell by a significant

despite Covid onslaught

AIIMS Trauma Cen- 2020 - which presents a com- then remained stagnant in Q2 75 per cent. The other serv-
HIGH AT MCX ter on July 15 this prehensive analysis of the of- 2020. Hyderabad's o�ce ices sector transactions were
P6 year, police said. fice and residential market market had seen a record also adversely impacted.
They also suspect performance across eight ma- growth of 172 per cent in its On the other hand, Infor-
that he was upset jor cities. According to the re- transaction volumes in the mation Technology/ Infor-
due to his prolonged HANS NEWS SERVICE criticism from the Opposi- port, o�ce transactions in last five years. In 2019, the city mation Technology Enabled
treatment. Patel was 140 TTD employees, tion, but the tweet which Hyderabad saw a 43 per cent recorded an all-time high of Services (IT/ITeS) sector
admitted to the hos- Tirupati: The TTD seems to Archakas, Potu staff had appeared on the twit- year-on-year decline to 2.2 12.8 mn sq ft in o�ce trans- companies, the primary
pital around 10.30 be getting embroiled into ter handle of TTD Agama mn sq ft. The city also saw a actions which was the sec- driver of Hyderabad's o�ce
pm. Later, he went another controversy. test corona positive Advisor Ramana Dikshit- decline of 32 per cent YoY to ond-highest amongst the top market, contributed a signifi-
missing from the ad- Though rumours have been ulu saying that 15 out of 50 2.7 mn sq ft in new o�ce eight cities in the country. cant 75 per cent in the total
mission area, making rounds that a large that not only 140 employees Archakas had tested posi- space completions. Subdued The Covid-19 pandemic transactions pie for H1 2020.
Deputy Commis- number of the TTD sta� of Devasthanams were af- tive and have been quaran- transaction activity arrested and the subsequent national In terms of absolute volumes
sioner of Police (over 100) was a�ected by fected by coronavirus, but tined and still the test re- the growth of weighted aver- lockdown appear to be the as well, the IT/ITeS sector
(South) Atul Kumar COVID-19, there has been also some APSPF personnel, sults of 25 others were age transacted rentals in the primary reasons for this poor transaction volume grew by
Thakur said. He was no o�cial confirmation on Archakas and Potu (Tiru- awaited. He said the TTD Hyderabad o�ce market to performance. New comple- 11 per cent YoY, from 1.5 mn
found hanging in- this for quite some time. mala temple kitchen) sta� EO and AEO had refused to 3.3 per cent YoY. tions took a hit with 2.7 mn sq ft in H1 2019 to 1.6 mn sq ft
side the washroom Finally, the TTD came out were a�ected. stop darhsnas. If this con- The report stated that res- sq ft of new o�ce space en- in H1 2020, and this despite
at AIIMS Trauma with some details on Thurs- This became necessary tinues it would be a disas- idential sales in Hyderabad tering the market in H1 2020 the overall lower absorption
Center, he said. day when TTD Chairman Y not because of the specula- ter, he said. witnessed a decline of 43 per whereas 2.2 mn sq ft of trans- this half-year.
Continued on Page 5 V Subba Reddy confirmed tions making round or the Con�nued on Page 5 cent YoY in H1 2020, whereas action activity was recorded Con�nued on Page 5

174 Indians file lawsuit against presidential proclamation on H1B

LALIT K JHA that require theoretical or techni- half of the 174 Indian nationals. United States labour market, par- als are waiting for their priority
cal expertise. The lawsuit seeks an order de- ticularly in the current extraordi- date to obtain permanent resi-
Washington (PTI): A lawsuit has The technology companies de- claring the presidential proclama- nary environment of high domes- dence, a wait that can take many
been filed by a group of 174 Indi- pend on it to hire tens of thou- tion restriction on issuing new H- tic unemployment and depressed years for Indian nationals," Forbes
ans, including seven minors, sands of employees each year 1B or H-4 visas or admitting new demand for labour," said the reported.
against the recent presidential from countries like India and H-1B or H-4 visa holders as unlaw- proclamation issued by Trump. Meanwhile, several lawmakers
proclamation on H-1B that would China. The lawsuit was filed by the ful. An H-4 visa is a visa issued by Forbes, which first reported the urged Scalia on Tuesday to reverse
prevent them from entering the Indians in the US District Court in the US Citizenship and Immigra- lawsuit filed by the Indian nation- the work visa ban. "Throughout
US due to the suspension of issu- the District of Columbia on Tues- tion Services (USCIS) to immedi- als, said the complaint points out this administration, the president
ing of foreign work visas for the day. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson ate family members of the H-1B that the Congress specified the has continued to lament the al-
rest of the year. at the US District Court for the visa holders. rules under which H-1B visa hold- leged abuses of the immigration
In his presidential proclama- District of Columbia issued sum- The lawsuit also urges the court ers could work in the US and bal- system while failing to address the
tion on June 22, President Donald monses on Wednesday to Secre- to compel the Department of anced the interests of US workers systemic problems that have per-
Trump temporarily suspended is- tary of State Mike Pompeo and State to issue decisions on pend- and employers. "The complaint sisted and allowed businesses and
suing of H-1B work visas till the acting Secretary of Homeland Se- ing requests for H-1B and H-4 seeks to protect H-1B profession- employers to exploit and under-
end of the year. The H-1B visa is a curity Chad F Wolf, along with La- visas. "In the administration of als, including those who have pay immigrant workers, guest
non-immigrant visa that allows bor Secretary Eugene Scalia. States' economy, separates fami- unseemly, the latter point renders our nation's immigration system, passed the labour certification workers and American workers,"
US companies to employ foreign "The proclamation 10052's H- lies and defies the Congress. While it unlawful," said the lawsuit filed we must remain mindful of the process and possess approved im- the lawmakers wrote.
workers in speciality occupations 1B/H-4 visa ban hurts the United the two former points render it by lawyer Wasden Banias on be- impact of foreign workers on the migrant petitions. Such individu- Con�nued on Page 5

A story about three women who dance to their own
beat, #Tribhanga shows you the perfection in
imperfection. @mipalkar @tanviazmi @renukash and I
can't wait to show you our world! @ajaydevgn
@ADFFilms @Banijayasia @sidpmalhotra @ParagDesai
@NegiR @deepak30000

Monsoon nail trends


Nails are at the receiving end during the rainy season. The
monsoon can lead to rough, brittle and discoloured nails
I Taming mane
t is that time of the year again when and push them back gen-
there is a nonstop downpour, breezy tly with a cotton bud.

ADD A winds and splashy water everywhere. It

is a common perception that monsoon has a
gloomy face.
Use a cotton bud to
clean beneath the
nails too. Avoid

in monsoon
The season of monsoon calls for special cutting cuticles
care of nails to avoid damage due to red, and using metal
swollen and itchy skin around them. instruments.
Did you know, toner The season of monsoon calls for special As far as nail
care of nails to avoid infection and chipping. colours are con-
closes any open pores

Since we are all homebound since last cerned, pink is
to prevent dirt and over five months, trying out new nail colours ideal for hot and ho doesn't like the on-
and designs are something that just makes humid weather. Shim- set of monsoon when A regular skin and
grime to accumulate you feel groomed and uplifted in this
Shahnaz Husain
mer is very much in, so we all get respite and hair care regime
onto the skin, and gloomy and subdued atmosphere. go for silver shimmer this comes as a breather from
more importantly,
Try to keep your nails dry with extra care for the day and gold for the night. the scorching heat of summer followed by a
especially your toes. You may opt for open Lately dark colours have been in, like but at the same time, rainy season
keeps the pH level of shoes or chappals. bright blue or green, but I feel that subtle also brings a tale of skin and hair balanced diet is very
the skin maintained?
Avoid wearing leather, plastic or canvas
shoes. Do not wear the same shoes every
colours are more suitable for monsoon hot
weather. You can also go for icy colours like
problems. During the current
pandemic scare, situation has
helpful in comba�ng
During monsoon, given day. It is better to have an alternate pair of pink or mauve. Or, go for shades of brown, become like a double whammy. the problems and
shoes. Wash your footwear regularly. like co�ee, bronze, copper, or sea shell and Sticking to a regular hair and
the constant humidity Cut your toe nails short to avoid any then add on glitter. skincare regime becomes very taming these
in the air, your skin’s chances of accumulating dirt and other in- Classic blue is the colour of 2020, so is important to avoid beauty haz- concerns
fections. Try to spray deodorants, talcum or also be for the nails. For a gala evening, go ards. This is the season when
pH level has a slight anti-fungal powder in between toe nails for gold or silver varnish, or try one of those skin becomes susceptible to many
regularly at least once in a day to prevent vitamin A,C and E to treats conditions that colours with glittering stars. These come in skin disorders like skin allergies, this mixture onto your hair
chance of shi�ing. infection. adversely a�ect nails and cuticles. The cuti- many di�erent colours, with gold or silver rashes, oil secretion, choppy skin, and scalp and leave it on for
Adding a toner a�er Try your level best to choose natural and cle should be kept soft and smooth. Other- stars. As part of nail design, nail varnish can sticky scalp, excessive dandru�, half-hour before you shampoo
chemical-free nail paints that are eco- wise, it sticks to the nail and gets dragged as be applied in unusual colours like green, hair fall, dehydrated scalp, foot it out.
cleansing will help friendly and cruelty-free. Avoid eating with the nail grows. blue or purple. Or, use di�erent colours for fungal and many others. � Oil up your scalp with a mask
maintain healthy skin, hands that have paint on its nails as bits of Wear rubber gloves for your washing each nail. Beauty expert from Silverins from two eggs and five tea-
the nail paint can chip and fall into the food, chores. It not only protects your polish but Nail art has become a specialised field Salon and makeovers shares easy spoons of olive oil and massage
and bring its pH levels which will eventually go inside your body keeps anything harsh or drying in your nowadays. In the past, simple ways of nail to do quick fixes and beauty tips into your hair and scalp. Let it
and cause harm. cleaning solutions o� your hand. art were followed, but now it is a highly cre- to help you resolve these con- sit for a half-hour before wash-
to normal. Pick a nail colour remover that contains Apply warm almond oil, soften cuticles ative field. cerns. ing it out.
In monsoon many people face � Try avocado mask; mix one
the problem of the smelly scalp mashed avocado with a tea-
and constant itching, this causes spoon each of olive oil and

Celebrity makeup artist

TODAY a lot of embarrassment. However, honey, then apply it to your
it's always advisable to see your hair. Leave the mask on for at
dermatologist if the problem is least 20 minutes and then wash
acute and you can also show the it away.

offers free digital makeover

condition to the skin expert. You � Coconut milk is very good in
must also start the treatment treating hair fall and providing
with cleansing and nourishing nourishment to the scalp
your scalp which is the first step
towards the hair care regime. Dry and frizzy hair
� Using Neem oil is also very � Whip together half a cup of
In just one tap, anyone can get a quick touch of #NAMGLOW useful for itchy scalp. Mix a
spoon of neem oil, rosemary
milk, honey and few drops of
extra virgin olive oil to get rid
World Emoji Day oil mixed with tea tree oil and of dry scalp and attain healthy,
The beauty industry has taken over the digital world and especially beauty filters have created message. nourished, and glowing hair.
a buzz during the lockdown as people spend more screen �me. Keeping in mind the latest
beauty trends, celebrity makeup ar�st, Namrata Soni, conceptualises three AR beauty filters
E moji’s have been used since
the beginning of the inter-
net to transmit emotion in the
� Paste of crushed neem is a very
simple and e�ective recipe for
� Go for extra conditioning mask
prepared with mayonnaise,
follow up the process with hot
for social media giant Instagram with Graphixstory, a tech-driven adver�sing studio. written medium. As internet � Treatment of fenugreek works towel cover and wash o� with
technology advanced, so did the well for all hair woes. Soak cold water to unleash silky
So go on girls, customise these beauty filters band to upli� your mood: use of the emoji, with previously fenugreek seeds in water hair.
Namrata Soni
pure text bits of ascii art turning overnight, use the strained wa-
into full-fledged animated faces ter for washing your hair. Oily scalp
and symbols. We’ve all used Apply lemon juice on your
The liner on Fleek �

Metallic Sunset G�lcow To achieve the minimal cat-eye. According to

them, and we’re excited for the
future of them! World Emoji
Tame dandruff and prevent
hair fall
scalp, leave it for 15 minutes
and then wash it o� to ensure
An unapologe hues
Namrata Soni, “I have been seeing the emphasis day celebrates the history of � Oiling with warm oil is very an oil-free scalp. You can also
flush of sunse g growing on e-makeup rather than Selfies. Brands, as these emotional expressions, useful in dislodging flakes and mix lemon juice in aloe vera
A classic re ctor on the lids alo in well as influencers, are trying on various filters and encourages you to be ex- dandru� from the scalp. gel. Or simply use the mask of
inspired by oor ’s with a glass s having the e-makeup op�on in order to be more ceptionally emotive! After all, � Bananas make a wonderful mint paste.
Sonam Kap k glow effect relatable to the makeup world. And with these customised beauty it’s always nice to let someone hair mask when blended with � Be careful while you buy hair
Cannes Loo filters onboard, the desire to meet the level of instruc�veness know how you’re feeling when an egg, three teaspoons each products that replace mois-
with the audience gladly meets together.” you write, isn’t it? Emoji’s are of honey and milk, and five ture-based hair products with
just one more way. teaspoons of olive oil. Massage alcohol-based creams or gels.

Across Down Anushka Sharma shares an
1 Fussy one (4) 1 Mountain route (4)
Ayurvedic tip on dental hygiene

2 One of the United States
4 Blossom adjunct (6) t a time when we are working on boosting our body's
8 Church bench (3) immunity amid the ongoing Covid pandemic, dental
3 Internet phenomenon (4) hygiene is important too, reminds Anushka Sharma.
10 Wood cutting tools (4) 5 Outing (6) The actress-producer highlighted the necessity of regularly
6 Afternoon meal (3) practicing the ancient Ayurvedic method of oil pulling.
13 Retailer (8)
Anushka shared a few photos on her verified Instagram ac-
14 Sent unwanted email (7) 7 Landed property (6) count where she can be
9 Marry (3) seen sitting beside her pet
15 Small seal (6) dog while performing
11 Sleeper's woe (5) the"morning ritual".
17 Things as they
12 Little (5) "My morning ritual of
really are (9) Oil pulling in the compa-
15 Signify or indicate (4) ny of my sweet-smoosh-
21 Rock musician __ Rose (3) 16 Mr Patekar of doggo Dude! Oil pulling
22 Eggy beverage (3) Bollywood (4) is an ancient Ayurvedic
practice known as 'kavala'
23 Election winners (3) 18 Nerve fibre core (4) or 'gundusha', a dental
19 Hitch (4) technique that involves
26 South Indian state (9) swishing little oil in your

20 Rocky height (3) mouth on an empty stom-

27 Possessing (6)
23 European country (5) ach for few minutes and
28 Stringed instrument (7) then spitting it out. This
24 Slink (5) action is excellent for
32 Largest of the Canary 25 Per ___ : however ? (6) dental hygiene and health
and also draws out toxins
Islands (8) 26 Knots in woods (6)
in the body. As we are all
34 Asian oxen (4) 28 Alien vehicle (3) using this time to take
29 Eager (4) better care of our health and improve our immunity I thought
35 Over in verse (3) of sharing this. Hopefully, it will be as beneficial to you too,"
30 Orient (4) she captioned.
36 Lie in wait (6) On the work front, Anushka as a producer is currently riding
31 Being in Latin (4)
37 Eye inflammation (4) high on the success of her latest projects, the web series "Pataal
33 Arrest (3) Lok" and the digitsl film "Bulbbul".

Farmer’s son scores 98.2 %; gets US Cornell Varsity scholarship

Lakhimpur Kher: The son of a Secondary Education (CBSE) on luctant to send me to Sitapur. My understand if someone spoke. It preference for studies. Thus, I
farmer in a remote Uttar Pradesh Monday. father is a farmer and mother a is only now that I have gotten flu- applied to Cornell University and
village has scored 98.2 per cent The outstanding Class 12 re- home-maker. They thought if I ent but I''m still trying to im- took the SAT," he said.
in his Class 12 examinations sults just paved the way for the go away for studies, I may not re- prove it," he said. The boy said he would have
which has paved the way for his "Cornell Dream" of the boy, who turn to farming. But my sisters On the idea of studying gone to Cornell University in Au-
admission to a prestigious Ivy scored 1,370 marks in his convinced them to allow me to abroad, Anurag said he was al- gust but due to certain travel and
League University in the US on Scholastic Assessment Test study," Anurag, who studied at ways inclined towards Human- visa restrictions that is unlikely
full scholarship. (SAT), widely used for admis- the VidyaGyan Leadership Acad- ities and Liberal Arts. After now and expects to land there
Anurag Tiwari, who belongs to sions to major colleges in the US, emy, run by the Shiv Nadar Foun- Class 10, he opted the Humani- only by February 2021.
Sarasan village in Lakhimpur dis- in December 2019. dation in Sitapur, said. ties stream against advices of "I'm hoping to study Econom-
trict, said he has got selected to "Congratulations! The admis- "Now they are all happy and many, some of whom questioned ics as a major subject and Math-
Cornell University in the US, sion selection committee in the proud of me," the village lad said his choice and suggested more ematics as minor and also pursue
where he would be pursuing College of Arts and Sciences has ter to Anurag in December. been easy, said Anurag, who had in fluent English. traditional traits - science and post-graduation abroad only and
higher studies in Economics. approved your early decision ap- His admission now depended to move to a residential school in Asked about his fluency in commerce. eventually decide if I can get into
The 18-year-old humanities plication to Cornell University on how well he performed in the Sitapur district for education, as English, Anurag said it happened "Eventually my teachers and Data Analysis.
student scored 95 marks in for the fall of 2020. I am hon- board exams. he cited the weak financial con- after Class 6 when he joined his counsellors in Delhi advised I "But after completing my ed-
Mathematics, 97 in English, 99 oured to share this wonderful He has now been given an- dition of his family that includes current school and hardly spoke could try for Ivy League colleges ucation and gaining some work
in Political Science, and a full 100 news with you and to welcome other letter from the globally parents Kamalpati Tewari and the language at his native village. if I wished to pursue Liberal Arts. experience, I would certainly
both in History and Economics, you to the Cornell community," renowned university that o�ered Sangeeta Tewari and three elder "For the first two years here, I There are various good colleges want to return to India to work
as per the exam results an- stated Jonathan R Burdick, Vice him a full scholarship. sisters, one of them now married. could barely speak English. How- in our country but even those here and also contribute in the
nounced by the Central Board of Provost for Enrollment, in a let- But the journey so far has not "My parents were initially re- ever, I had tried hard and could abroad can be good based on my education sector," he said.

9.5 lakh Punjab farmers,

India, China review disengagement at LAC families under health cover
New Delhi (IANS): The Indian Chandigarh (IANS): Punjab
Army on Thursday stated that the
disengagement process at the Line
Process intricate, requires constant verification: Army Chief Minister Amarinder
Singh on Thursday gave the
of Actual Control (LAC) with go-ahead for bringing a total
China is intricate and "requires Chushul, on Indian side, for the A�airs of China spoke on telephone of 9.5 lakh farmers and their
constant verification". It also em- fourth round of talks, on 14 July then. "The Senior Commanders re- families into the ambit of the
phasised that India is taking the 2020," the army said. The meeting viewed the progress on implemen- health insurance cover under
de-escalation process forward took place between 14 Corps com- tation of the first phase of disen- the Ayushman Bharat Sarbat
through "regular meetings at mander Lieutenant General gagement and discussed further Sehat Bima Yojana for 2020-
diplomatic and military level". Harinder Singh and South Xin- steps to ensure complete disen- 21, as against around 5 lakh that the beneficiaries could
During a 15-hour long delibera- jiang Military District chief Major gagement," the statement said. covered in the previous year. approach any of the 546
tion which started on Tuesday and General Liu Lin in Chushul. It also said that the two sides re- The scheme, launched by empanelled private hospitals
ended on Wednesday, Indian and The third meeting in June was main committed to the objective the state government on the and 208 government
Chinese military delegates re- on for almost 12 hours when India of complete disengagement. "This Rajiv Gandhi birth hospitals for treatment
viewed the progress on "imple- put across a strong message that process is intricate and requires anniversary on August 20, facility of up to Rs 5 lakh for
mentation of the first phase of dis- the PLA have not abided by the constant verification. They are 2019, with 45 lakh families 1,396 diseases, including
engagement and discussed further disengagement consensus. taking it forward through regular covered for 2019-2020, has major surgical treatments
steps to ensure complete disen- The fresh statement issued by meetings at diplomatic and mili- proved to be highly beneficial such as heart surgery, cancer
gagement" at Eastern Ladakh, a the Indian Army stated that the en- tary level," said the force. to people of Punjab during treatment, joint replacement
statement issued by the Army said. gagement was consistent with the India and China have been the Covid crisis. and accident cases, under the
Indian delegate's main agenda consensus reached between the locked in a 10-week-long stando� The state government has health insurance scheme.
of the meeting was complete pull a.m. on Wednesday. Indian dele- in discussions through established Special Representatives of India at multiple points, hitherto un- also capped charges for The number of farmers
back of Chinese People's Libera- gates asked Chinese troops to military and diplomatic channels and China earlier, on July 5, to dis- precedented along the border. Covid-19 treatment in covered during the first year
tion Army (PLA) from Pangong completely withdraw from Pan- to address the prevailing situation cuss complete disengagement -- They are now engaged in military hospitals empanelled under of the scheme stood at around
Lake and Depsang areas in Eastern gong Lake and Depsang. along the LAC. Ajit Doval, National Security Advi- and diplomatic deliberation to de- the Ayushman Bharat Sarbat 5 lakh, as these had been
Ladakh. The talks started at 11.30 The Indian Army stated that In- "Commanders from PLA and sor of India and Wang Yi, State escalate the situation at the bor- Sehat Bima Yojana. issued 'J' forms in 2015 by the
a.m. on Tuesday and ended at 2 dia and China have been engaged Indian Army held a meeting at Councillor and Minister of Foreign der areas. The Chief Minister said Mandi Board.

QUITE RISKY Raj HC defers hearing in Pilot disqualification case

Jaipur (IANS): After rebel Con-
gress leader Sachin Pilot and his
18 loyalist MLAs on Thursday
Rahul wants Cong to give
appear in moved Rajasthan High Court
against Speaker C.P. Joshi's dis-
Pilot another chance
qualification notice alleging that New Delhi: Despite accusing tional leader in Jaipur, the
Engineering "Speaker was acting under Chief senior party leader Sachin Pi- party's doors are still open for
Architecture Minister Ashok Gehlot's influ- lot of colluding with the BJP, Sachin Pilot because Rahul
Medical ence", the court deferred the plea It questioned the validity and the Congress has still kept its Gandhi has instructed that
in the matter as Pilot camp ap- correctness of the notice issued doors open for him and other despite all the provocation, he
(KEAM) pealed to amend the plea. by the Speaker. rebel MLAs and they may be should be given another
examina�on at The petition was filed by P.R. Pilot moved the court ahead of given another chance to re- chance.
Karapparamba Meena, an MLA from Pilot group Friday deadline which the Ra- turn to the party fold. "Pilot should be given one
on behalf of 18 other MLAs who jasthan Assembly Speaker had Sources stated that Con- more chance to join the fam-
Higher were slapped notice for not at- given to him and 18 other rebel gress leader Rahul Gandhi is ily," he said. Sources told ANI
Secondary tending two CLPs meetings MLAs to respond. behind the softening of stance that Ahmed Patel, a leader
School in called in recently. Mukul Rohatgi and Harish on rebels and he is understood very close to Congress interim
The plea filed against the Ra- Salve represented Pilot group to have instructed the party President Sonia Gandhi, is in
Kozhikode jasthan Speaker said that they and were connected via video leaders to give Pilot another contact with the former
fear "Speaker would act as per conferencing while Abhishek chance. Deputy Chief Minister of Ra-
Gehlot's instruction without giv- Manu Singhvi represented the According to a Congress na- jasthan and is talking to him.
ing us a fair hearing." Gehlot government.

principal wins
$1mn in Dubai
Duty draw
raping minor Rhea Chakraborty
Dubai(IANS): The principal of
the Indian High School in Aj-
Bhopal (IANS): The case of police
atrocity on members of a Dalit fam-
ily in Guna district has heated up
beaten up by the police during an
anti-encroachment drive. Videos
on social media showed a man, his
in Cantt area of Guna. This inci-
dent dates back a few days ago. The
Dalit couple had then consumed
Patna (IANS): A security guard
of Patna Medical college and
Hospital (PMCH), the largest
demands CBI Probe
man has won a million dollars the politics of Madhya Pradesh. wife and two children at the receiv- insecticide. The video of the inci- hospital in Bihar, has been ar- New Delhi: Actor Rhea
in the Dubai Duty Free (DDF) The Congress has gone belligerent ing end of the police action. The dent went viral on the social media rested for allegedly raping a Chakraborty today called for a
ra�e draw, it was reported. on the Shivraj Singh Chouhan gov- man was seen being dragged by the and now, the matter has taken on minor girl outside a Covid CBI investigation into Sushant
Malathi Das won a million ernment accusing it of persecuting police after being beaten up as the political hue with the Congress tar- ward in the hospital, police Singh Rajput's death last month,
dollars on Wednesday, after the Dalits and the poor, even as the ad- woman and the children begged geting the state government for be- said. tagging Home Minister Amit
draw held in Terminal 2 of ministration in a strong move re- and grovelled in the dust of the ing anti-Dalit. A police official said on Shah in a post on Instagram. Rhea
Dubai International Airport, moved the IG of Gwalior division, open field, where he was engaged. The government also swung into Thursday, that on July 8, the Chakraborty -- a close friend of
reports Gulf News. Speaking to the Guna Superintendent of Police The man faced the brunt of po- action and removed the adminis- minor girl was seen wandering Sushant Singh Rajput -- said that
Gulf News, Das said she was and the District Magistrate. lice action for occupying the piece trative sta� after ordering an in- at Barh railway station. The she "only wanted to understand
grateful for the win. The Dalit family was brutally of land meant for college building quiry. child helpline rescued the 15- what prompted him to take the
year-old girl and handed over step". In more posts, she also al- only want to understand what

Crowd funding, source of fund

to the PMCH for Covid test. leged that she had received rape pressures prompted Sushant to
It has been alleged that on and murder threats on social me- take this step," Rhea Chakraborty
the night of July 8, the ward's dia. wrote on Instagram.
security guard Mahesh Prasad "Respected @amitshaho�cial Sushant Singh Rajput, a rising

in Kerala gold smuggling case

(40) took the victim to the sir, I'm Sushant Singh Rajput's star of Hindi films, was found
bathroom and raped her. girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty, it is dead at his apartment in Mum-
The victim did not reveal now over a month since his sud- bai's Bandra on June 14. The 34-
this to anyone out of fear. den demise. I have complete faith year-old actor died by suicide, po-
When the members of Child in the government , however in lice say. Rhea Chakraborty said
Thiruvananthapuram (IANS): First Swapna was booted out Sandeep, Sarith and Rameez, all Helpline came to see her on the interest of justice , I request she had been subjected to online
The ongoing probe by Customs and then Vijayan quickly re- were arrested. Wednesday, she narrated the you with folded hands to initiate hate with users blaming her for
and the NIA in the now contro- moved Sivasankar from both the It was the leads, which led to ordeal. a CBI enquiry into this matter . I his death.
versial gold smuggling case, in posts, but it was not enough as the modus operandi of the oper-

Child-lifting rumour led to Palghar lynching: CID

which even the o�ce of Kerala the Congress and the BJP went ations and according to the Cus-
Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan full throttle demanding the sus- toms, the gold smuggling gangs
is allegedly involved, has revealed pension of Sivasankar and the consist of several layers and in-
it was crowd funding -- the main resignation of Vijayan. clude financiers, here - who raise
source of funds in gold smug- The Centre also stepped in and the money to buy gold from the Mumbai: The Maharashtra into 4,955 pages and another of lynching, rumours had spread in
gling. facilitating smuggling of 30 kg the NIA was asked to probe the Middle East. Then there is an- CID's chargesheet in the Palghar 5,921 pages, in the court of Judi- Gadchinchle village and the sur-
The Customs on Thursday ar- gold in diplomatic baggage to case, even as the Customs is al- other section who transports it lynching case in which two cial Magistrate First Class rounding area about the child
rested two more people who have Thiruvananthapuram from ready on it. to the various end users - which monks and their driver were (JMFC) at Dahanu taluka in Pal- lifting gangs in operation," the
been identified as those behind Dubai. A day after NIA was put into are the jewellers in the state and beaten to death by a mob three ghar district located adjoining o�cial said on Thursday.
financing the buying of gold. It turned murkier when the service, Swapna and her friend the vital clogs are those who co- months ago, says that the inci- Mumbai. "This has come to light during
The entire money required to name of Swapna Suresh, a former Sandeep were taken into custody ordinate the entire operations dent was a fallout of rumours Two monks and their driver the investigation and any other
buy gold is transferred through employee of the UAE Consulate, from Bengaluru and are with precision. that child-lifting gangs were op- were lynched by the mob at Gad- angle for the lynching of sadhus
hawala to the UAE. here and employed with the IT presently under judicial custody. At the end of the successful op- erating in the area whose mem- chinchale village in the district has been ruled out," he said. Ac-
The case which has large scale Department, surfaced and it It was after that the probe eration, everyone involved gets bers posed as seers or uniformed on April 16 when they were trav- cording to the o�cial, the CID
ramifications across sectors first turned the full circle when her went into high gear and the Cus- their due share and Customs personnel like policemen, an of- elling in a car to Surat (Gujarat) also collected cyber evidence, in-
surfaced when P.S. Sarith, a for- links with the principal secretary toms have by now completed a have now found out this particu- ficial said. to attend a funeral amid the coro- cluding messages and posts
mer employee of the UAE Con- of Vijayan - M. Sivasankar, who nine hour grilling of Sivasankar, lar gang in the month of June The Criminal Investigation navirus-induced lockdown. about child- lifting gangs that
sulate, here was arrested by the is also the State IT secretary, while the NIA have got vital leads alone has smuggled 70 kg of gold Department on Wednesday filed "According to the chargesheet, were circulated on social media
Customs on July 5 when he was were revealed. after questioning Swapna, on three di�erent occasions. the chargesheets, one running a few days before the incident of platforms in the area
4 EDIT ����������������������������

Migrant labourers are not just

������������� statement has long-term strategic ramifications for
nations already feeling threatened by the expansion-
ist policies of the PRC as the Taiwanese media says.
M Reinhart and Christoph Trebesch highlights the
dangers posed to the world reeling under a US$ 1.5
trillion loan to 150 countries at differential rates. The voters, they are humans too
Even though it is hard to predict President Trump, problem with the debt becomes all the more grievous
the signals are a sign for nations like Taiwan, India, with a systematic underreporting of ‘hidden debt’ PROF NAIDU ASHOK & DR B VINAY KUMAR
Japan, Australia, the UK, South East Asia and Middle which makes the picture murkier for analysts to es-

East Asian nations along with the EU to work in tan-
dem. This single statement provides a comprehensive
indication that the US still holds the fort in the unipo-
timate overall problems. A CIA report estimated at
least 3,000 grants and 2,000 loans have been admin-
istered by the PRC to international debtors between
C ovid-19 crisis has undoubtedly wreaked havoc in all sectors including
Health, Economy, Agriculture, Industry, Trade and Commerce, Trans-
portation, IT and Education. During the early days of pandemic, the gov-
lar world as the lone superpower frail nations can 1949, and 2017. This has resulted in a rise in the aver- ernment has projected lockdown as the only possible solution to stop the

R ecently, the media in Taiwan had exposed China's

real face unmasking its cunningness and the
strategic nature and wider implications of its seem-
count on during troubled times. Despite its flaws and
weaknesses, the US remains the best bet for all those
opposed to or afraid of China's expansionism. The
age stock of debt owed to China in 50 developing na-
tions from 1% to 15% within just the past decade. A
dozen nations including Djibouti, Tonga, the Mal-
spread of coronavirus, but very soon it realised that beyond lockdown,
there are several precautionary measures that need to be undertaken for
the health and wellbeing of citizens during the testing times.
ingly innocuous moves of late. It should be an eye- world within a short period has quickly realised the dives, the Republic of Congo, Kyrgyzstan, Cambodia, When the lockdown was imposed, India was in better position in com-
opener to one and all as far as China's aggressive de- ‘peaceful rise’ term no longer exists, or at best is a Niger, Laos, Zambia, Samoa, Vanuatu, and Mongolia parison with the US, Italy, Spain, Europe, and other countries in terms of
signs are concerned. First, look at the campaign of ‘myth’ of magnificent proportions, given the aggres- now have debts at more than 20% of their GDP. As a number of positive cases and deaths. However, instead of considering
"peaceful rise of China" launched by the media of siveness in Beijing’s dealings in the Indo-Pacific re- result, many of these nations have had to hand over lockdown period as preparation time for the upcoming health devastation,
China. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s state- gion, and the strong arm tactics at the Indo-China ownership of several investments, and swathes of sov- the governments – both Central and States – whiled away the time. Of
ment that “Beijing uses intimidation to undermine border. With all its encompassing aggressiveness, the ereign territory to the Chinese government, Tai- course, the lockdown was inevitable but the way it was declared and exe-
the sovereign rights of Southeast Asian coastal States world is unaware of the dangers of debt-trap diplo- wanese media hit the nail on the head. It is time the cuted was objectionable, while majority of the migrant workers were left
in the South China Sea, bully them out of offshore macy being played by China. Here is where even the world realised all this and came together to oppose high and dry at their workplaces, where there were no stocks of food grains
resources, assert unilateral dominion, and replace in- US has failed to address this concern. A report pub- China and its expansionism. The world bodies must not stable shelters. Several countries have given adequate time for their
ternational law with ‘might makes right’” is credible, lished by Harvard Business review dated 26th Feb- come together to save smaller countries from Chinese migrant workers to reach their homes from workplaces, whereas in India,
timely and significant on several fronts. And, the ruary 2020, and written by Sebastian Horn, Carmen debt too. they had not been taken into consideration while declaring the lockdown.
As public transportation was banned, thousands of migrant workers
walked barefoot to their native places at least to be with their near and
dear. Several of them were killed in accidents, scores of them died of

Rahul Gandhi: Leadership undisputable

hunger and many others lost their mental balance. Despite the subject of
Interstate Migration listed in Seventh Schedule (Article-246) entry 81 of
the Union List, the Central government deliberately ignored the problems
of migrant workers across the country till May 2020. The discriminatory
attitude of the government towards the migrant workers in the country
CHALLA VAMSHI CHAND REDDY right from the beginning of the lockdown resulted social exclusion. Migrant

workers who contribute 10 percent share in countries’ GDP, were ill-
ahul Gandhi is a person who as- treated and denied justice during their return journey to their homes.
pires to inspire the youth in India The lockdown was seen more as a law and order issue than the protec-
to join politics for building a safer tion and solidarity of human beings from the deadly e�ect of the Covid-
and secure nation. He always believed that 19. Hence, there was a human rights violation in the name of Covid-19
the role of youth is critical for resolving lockdown across the country.
burning issues and the development of At last, the government permitted migrant workers to return to their
any nation, particularly in a ‘youthful’ homes, succumbing to the pressure from media, Opposition parties and
country like India. He has inspired mil- social activists. Special trains were arranged from di�erent States with
lions of youngsters including me to join lot of confusion and with no proper facilities. On the other hand, the rich
politics and serve our nation selflessly in foreign migrants, in an operation called ‘Vande Bharath Mission’ were
times good and bad. To him, bringing provided all facilities to return to India in specially charted flights.
young talent onto the political platform Even in the Prime Ministers’ series of lockdown speeches, the ongoing
was always one of the most important problem and grief of local migrant workers were not mentioned. Later,
tasks to be achieved and he has been re- while announcing the “Athmanirbhar Barat” economic relief package for
lentlessly working for it in spirit and truth. the revival of the country’s economy, only meagre priority was given to
It is important to be cognizant of the fact the most a�ected section of the society. According to a study, in 2019-20,
that Rahul Gandhi, a true leader from in- there are nearly 18 to 20 crores migrant workers in the country. It is also
side out, has devoted his energies in estimated that in every four labourer-workforce, one is migrant worker
paving a smooth political path for many in an unorganised sector.
youngsters who were ambitious and came Another notable concern of the working class is suspension and modi-
from socially and economically backward fication of labour laws. Since the subject of labour welfare fall under con-
and weaker sections. We all follow him current list of the Indian Constitution, BJP-led State governments of
with great pride, for he never set out to Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Himachal
dominate but only to serve. Pradesh have suspended several labourer welfare laws without the consent
Particularly noteworthy among a few of their concerned legislatures. Suspension of such laws in this time of
young leaders are, Rajeev Satav, Man- Covid-19 jeopardized the life and livelihood of the working class.
ickam Tagore, Hibi Eden, Dean Kuriakose, Since majority of migrant workers are deprived of the minimum needs
Ramya Haridas – all Members of Parlia- Ironically, in view of existing conditions, these cowards and anti-Con- pointing fingers and pelting stones at and basic amenities, they are under lot of pressure moving from one place
ment and Vijay Inder Singla - Minister someone’s character in a political spec- to another. The government and the industries must extend their support
Punjab, Yashomati Thakur – Minister, gress leaders fear Rahul Gandhi as they see him as an emerging person- trum, particularly. Rahul Gandhi could in order to maintain smooth functioning of the economic activities. Food
Maharashtra, Ashok Chandana – Minis- ality who is fighting for the very idea of India, ‘Unity in Diversity’, a perhaps be the only leader in the whole security, health and social security, right to education, right to have a dig-
ter, Rajasthan, Meenakshi Natarajan - Ex marked contrast to the style of functioning of the BJP government. wide world who had given up a golden nified life etc are integral part of the human development considerations.
MP, Pradeep Maji - Ex MP and PCC work- opportunity of becoming the Prime Min- Hence, improving living conditions, providing basic amenities, safe drink-
ing president, Orissa, Krishna Byre Gowda Rahul Gandhi’s fight to put an end to communal trapping, divisive and ster of a country, notably, a great country ing water and sanitation, urban area housing, education to the children
- MLA and former Minister, Priyank warmongering politics is the reason why their fears have gained weight like India, that too in the early years of of the workers, health facilities, social security and minimum wage stan-
Kharge - MLA and former Minister, o� late and are targeting him constantly by trying all possible ways to de- his political career. dards, etc at workplace should be the basic requirements for migrants to
Nadeem Javed, Amarinder Singh Raja - I throw down a serious challenge to return to work.
MLA, Roji M John - MLA, Rizwan Arshad fame him with unreasonable and meaningless allegations. Isn’t it evident these traitors, who are poles opposite of The approach of the government and corporate industry must be re-
- MLA and the list goes on and on. that beneath all their anger and frustration lies an avalanche of fear? A real leadership. Can they just think of do- formulated and revised in the lines of social harmony and development
I am another vivid example of how a thorough fact check is essential to learn that it was Rahul Gandhi who ing something like this at least in their of the working classes. It is also important to resume the suspended labour
young boy, who hails from a middle class dreams? Not to forget, Rahul Gandhi held laws to empower the working classes and moreover a dialogue process
family of a government employee, realised has encouraged and supported these betrayers through thick and thin in himself accountable for the defeat of the must be initiated to formulate a comprehensive policy with an e�ective
his political dreams of becoming an NSUI securing MLA, MP tickets and various other prominent positions in the Congress party in the 2019 elections and legal support from the laws, rules and regulations. Unilateral decisions in
president at 26, Youth Congress president party and in the government, with no second thought stepped down from the AICC president’s disadvantaging the working class may leads to the discrimination and so-
at 32, MLA at the age of 34 and an AICC post. His never-failing kindness and a cial injustice therefore it hampers the economic development and social
Secretary at 38. Most indelible incident constant hunt for young talent coupled harmony. On par with foreign migrants, domestic migrant workers
in my life was when I was aspiring to con- Congress party sparked a blame game ing all possible ways to defame him with with a sense of justice has made him a should also need to have a board to ensure that basic facilities are provided
test the 2014 general elections, a senior against Rahul Gandhi? Is this some kind unreasonable and meaningless allega- real leader. He is an exemplary of greed- to them. Maintenance of digitalised nationwide database for the migrant
most Congress leader and Union Cabinet of joke? Rahul Gandhi has always been tions. Isn’t it evident that beneath all less politician and selfless service. workers would also enable the government to provide services easily. The
Minister was lobbying for the same MLA known as a visionary leader who has al- their anger and frustration lies an ava- Little did Rahul Gandhi know that proposed Migrant Labour Commission at the national level needs to ad-
ticket. But guess who secured the ticket ways encouraged and urged youth to join lanche of fear? A thorough fact check is these fair-weather friends and power- dress the problems of migrant labourers.
and made it to the elections? It was me, a politics since the start of his own political essential to learn that it was Rahul hungry monsters would one day blame Keeping in view of the health and nutrition for the migrant workers,
34-year-old youngster who neither had career. Doesn’t it sound irrational to be- Gandhi who has encouraged and sup- their own master for not letting them rule the Public Distribution System (PDS) in the country needs to be revised.
any political backing nor strong financial lieve that Rahul Gandhi, the same person ported these betrayers through thick and and reign in their own way. These traitors, It is also important to include various other food supplements like millets,
background. who has identified umpteen youngsters thin in securing MLA, MP tickets and with insatiate greed for power and posi- dry fruits and pulses along with the regular supply of food grains. The
Rahul Gandhi confided in a youngster’s and groomed them to be successful indi- various other prominent positions in the tion, will soon realise their incorrigible PDS shall also need to adopt online system which would enable the ben-
ability and determination and chose me viduals, is set out to pull down a couple party and in the government, with no mistakes and regret their decisions in the eficiary to get services from anywhere in the country, so that the migrant
over a senior leader, disregarding the po- of youngsters from their respective posi- second thought. wake of terrible consequences in times workers can utilise the services even in the workplaces. Along with health
litical pressure and its consequences. This tions considering them as a potential Rahul Gandhi was indeed appreciated to come. The Congress party has always and nutrition, education for migrant workers’ children is one of the most
credit, absolutely and unconditionally, threat to his own chair? by one and all for recognising and pro- taught us to be courageous and not suc- important concerns. Under Right to Education Act-2009, (Article-21 A,
goes to my leader Rahul Gandhi. Two such Ironically, in view of existing condi- moting young talent. Why have the spec- cumb to despair even when toughest of of the Indian Constitution), the authorities must be ensured free and
youngsters, that were o�ered similar op- tions, these cowards and anti-Congress ulations reversed now? Is this because times weigh us down. Such overambitious compulsory education to the children of migrant workers. Inclusion of
portunities and reaped the benefits of leaders fear Rahul Gandhi as they see of such traitors who have enjoyed their people with no attitude of gratitude and poor and marginalised sections of the society, especially migrated workers
their respective positions, were Jyotira- him as an emerging personality who is power and position to the core till date moral standards, can never be detrimen- into the development process is of the utmost important in order to
ditya Scindia, who was a Congress MP fighting for the very idea of India, ‘Unity and have now suddenly and abruptly de- tal to the progress of Congress party. With achieve the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations
from 2002-2019, Union Minister at 41 and in Diversity’, a marked contrast to the cided to quit the party with a malicious sincere emotion, I salute my leader Rahul Organisation. To achieve this, the government should play a positive and
Sachin Pilot who became an MP at the age style of functioning of the BJP govern- intent to grab more and more power, at Gandhi who has done us all, a service for constructive role in promoting universal fundamental human rights of
of 26, Union Minister at 32, PCC president ment. Rahul Gandhi’s fight to put an end the cost of disrespecting the existing ex- which we are grateful. right to life, right to work, right to education, right to access free public
at 36 and Deputy Chief Minister at 40. to communal trapping, divisive and war- perienced leaders who were the pillars (The writer is former Telangana healthcare and pension to old age and disabled persons to promote human
I still don’t quite understand, why has mongering politics is the reason why of strength and vitalisers for the Con- MLA and AICC secretary in charge dignity and social justice.
Jyotiraditya Scindia’s and Sachin Pilot’s their fears have gained weight off late gress party since day one? of Maharashtra. Views expressed (The authors are professors at Department of Political Science,
ludicrous and foolish act of quitting the and are targeting him constantly by try- One should get their facts right before are personal) Osmania University, Hyderabad. Views expressed are personal)

Kudos to The Hans India! responsibilities towards the nation

LETTERS bilee, diamond jubilee, centenary both for the in and outpatient wards. The Telangana gov-

C ongratulations to The Hans India on turning ten (Nine

years of excellence and getting even better, July 16). It
is a significant milestone and a very welcome sign. I am a
and society and also to live like
"Sheer o Shakker" (sugar in milk). A
good newspaper is the mirror of so-
celebrations and much more. We are
always with you The Hans India!
Nagendra Kumar Vempalli,
ernment has chosen to be reactive than being proactive when
it comes to government hospitals because this is the only
place where the public below poverty line or who have no
fan of The Hans India for the last eight years and not one ciety. The Hans India lives up to the expectation of its Chair- Hyderabad. adequate financial muscle knock doors to save lives. It is al-
day passes without reading our favourite daily newspaper. man and principles of avoiding hero worship and working ways better to have a safe and immaculate place for the public
It has, indeed become a part of my life. Thanks to an excellent towards social and political democracy. It was his Neyyat to repose assurance of their life and protection.
e-edition, regular readers like me can catch up with our (intentions) of making The Hans India for the People of Ploy behind plight of OGH? Madhulika N, Hyderabad
favourite newspaper, even in locations where the physical
edition is not available. Apart from being a regular reader, I
have associated myself with The Hans India in many other
India and not for any religion, age, gender and caste. These
successful nine years and more are the rewards of good in-
tentions of your esteemed newspaper. The Hans India cov-
I t was disgusting to see rainwater flowing inside the wards
of Osmania Hospital which did not happen for hundred
years since the time it was built (Sickening state of a�airs at III
capacities. I contributed a regular column titled ‘B-Buzz’
published in The Young Hans continuously for three years.
B-Buzz column received excellent feedback. I contributed
erage of Covid-19 – ‘Testing Time’ is tremendous, your Op-
Ed page, Irregular by Manjul, Womenia and The City Hans
are favourites of readers. As a fitting tribute to The Hans In-
Osmania General Hospital, July 16). We are at a loss. Was it
deliberately done to make the heritage building collapse?
The people of Telangana want a CBI enquiry into the cause
T he fact that Osmania Hospital is flooded with rainwaters
shows the callousness on the part of the government to-
wards the common man. The fiasco has resulted in instant
150 B-Buzz articles and 25 letters to The Hans Reader col- dia family, I quote Asrar ul Hassan Khan famously known as and also why the conservation work is not starting in spite transfer of the Health Secretary, but would that solve the
umn. Apart from encouraging new writers like me, The Hans Majrooh Sultanpuri couplet: “Main akela hi chala tha janib- of so many protests and demands. It is pathetic to see the lo- problem? Earlier, the High Court closed the case as the gov-
India has always been at the forefront in increasing people's e-mazil mager, log saath aate gae aur caravan banta gaya.” cal authorities and the politicians keeping silent and not vis- ernment said that it was yet to take a decision on demolition
confidence in being good at public speaking. The Hans India Mohammad Abdul Waheed, Moghalpura, Hyderabad iting the hospital to see the plight of su�ering patients who of the building which is a heritage structure. What prevented
completed more than a hundred Vakta programmes. The are in thousands. it from relocating to a new building even if it was rented
longevity of Vakta is a testimony of its popularity. Dr Md Iqbal Jaweed, Darushafa, Hyderabad premises till it had its own building? With Corona adding to
All the very best, The Hans India team, and hoping that III the misery of the poor and rich alike, the need for better gov-
you will continue till you hit a hundred and go beyond. Vi-
brant India needs a free, fair and frank media to create checks T he news of The Hans India celebrating ninth anniversary
and entering into the 10th year has come like a whi� of II
ernment hospitals is acute as a day is not far o� when rich
too may not be able to a�ord to get treated at the fleecing
and balances, and The Hans India is a right step in that di-
Dr M Anil Ramesh, Miyapur, Hyderabad
fresh air. When there is so much competition in quality jour-
nalism, The Hans India rises in reporting exact news main-
taining ethics is quite exemplary. The Hans India’s straight-
I t was heart-rendering to witness in-patients of the Osma-
nia General Hospital and their assistants wading through
stagnant rainwater inside the hospital where they are given
private hospitals. The government should work in spite of
the hurdles created by the Opposition parties. The Opposi-
tion parties are meant to put every act of the government to
forwardness and calling a spade a spade as far as news treatments for various ailments. Amidst Covid-19, the au- scrutiny and in the process every step the latter takes be-
reporting is concerned is second to none. Allotting one com- thorities are just fooling around, stating that people are safe comes thorny but being in power, the government should
II plete page to Women related news and issues is really laud- and getting cured. But the basic hospital amenities like the overcome all the bottlenecks and perform keeping the wel-

M ubarak to The Hans India and its readers on this happy

occasion. As the famous proverb goes "Yatha Raja,
Tatha Praja" a newspaper besides giving news and views also
able. We the regular readers and fans of The Hans India are
wishing further success and growth in qualitative and quan-
titative journalism. Please continue to encourage new writers
bed capacity, sanitation and improper maintenance during
such an inundation are never properly addressed by the hos-
pital. Being a government medical aid centre, it has to e�ec-
fare of the people in mind and heart.
D Nagarjuna, Kushaiguda, Hyderabad

builds up a society and its opinion where citizens know their as you have done before. We wish you to celebrate silver ju- tuate immediate action into the upkeeping of the premises
�������������������������� NEWS 5

6 more districts to get benefits

surge by 2,593,
40 succumb
Amaravati: The Covid-19 tally
in the state rose to 38,044 on
Thursday with the highest sin- the district collectors to concen-
gle-day spike of 2,593 cases, trate on containment of Covid as
while the death toll reached we have to live with it till the vac-
492 after 40 patients suc- cine comes out. Awareness should
cumbed to the disease, health be created about the safety meas-
o�cials said. ures and how to go about once a ����������������������������������������������������������������������
The o�cials said that twelve person suspects the symptoms. ������������������������������
districts with Covid cases have “People should know where the
been running into triple fig-
Kurnool reported the high-
Covid testing centres are. About
80 per cent of the cases can re-
cover by home quarantine and
End ‘jungle raj’ in AP,
TDP MPs urge Prez
est tally of 590 positive cases, those who do not have isolation fa-
while East Godavari followed cility at home, can be admitted to
with 500 cases. Chittoor with Covid Care Centres. As the district
205 cases and West Godavari borders are opened, there is a pos-
with 195 cases also ranked sibility of spike in cases and the � ������������������������ mined” and are under attack by
among the high incidence dis- collectors should take e�ective ����������������������������� the ruling party, he alleged.
tricts of the state. steps,” he said. ��������������������������� Even the Supreme Court and
Some of the other districts The Chief Minister said the gov- ������������������������� High Court of Andhra Pradesh
that reported high Covid num- ernment had procured 1,088 vehi- have continuously reprimanded
bers in the last 24 hours in- cles of 104 and 108 ambulances � �������������� or struck down unconstitutional
clude Anantapur with 174 with state-of-the-art technology ������������������������ laws and policies, he said, adding,
cases, Guntur with 139 cases, to provide medical facilities from �������������������������� the ruling party was trying to
Krishna with 132 cases, Kadapa ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ mandal level and added that they �������������������������� “subvert” the judiciary and its
and Nellore with 126 cases, ����������� were also providing Rs 5,000 per �������������������������� orders by carrying out “cosmetic
Srikakulam with 111 cases, month to the patients as post sur- ������������������ changes” and trying to imple-
Prakasam with 104 and HANS NEWS SERVICE � ���������������������������������������������� gery allowance for the period of ment its own decision.
Vizianagaram with 101 cases. rest prescribed by the doctor. � ������������������������ The delegation also claimed
However, Visakhapatnam Amaravati: Extending the Aaro- ������������������������������������������������� The government will soon es- �������������������� that YSRCP leaders are involved
with 81 cases, was the only dis- gyasri cover to the poor for any ��������������������������������������������������� tablish 13,000 YSR Village Clinics �������������������������� in neck-deep corruption in sand,
trict to report fresh infections treatment exceeding Rs 1,000 to � �������������������������������������������������� with 54 types of medicines and ����������������������� land, liquor and mines among
in double digit figures. six more districts, Chief Minister ������������������������������� one ANM for providing medical others, while the government is
On Thursday, the state re- Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy said that services. New Delhi: A delegation of TDP attacking the media and harass-
ported 40 deaths, slightly lower the scope of the welfare scheme � ��������������������������������������������������� The Chief Minister said that MPs met President Ram Nath ing Dalits, backward class and
as compared to the high of 44 would be widened further in the ����������������� YSR Kanti Velugu was the scheme Kovind on Thursday and de- women. Since the leaders of TDP
deaths. The fatalities were re- coming days and a�rmed that which has given him satisfaction manded his urgent intervention are raising their voice against it,
ported in 11 of the 13 districts. Andhra Pradesh is the only state costs Rs 1,000 or more. The government’s dues to network under which 65 lakh students had to help uphold democratic val- the YSRCP government in turn
The day's high of eight in the country to include corona scheme was extended to Viziana- hospitals worth Rs 680 crore. The undergone eye tests of which 1.58 ues and the rule of law in Andhra is attacking them psychologi-
deaths each, were reported treatment in Aarogyasri list. garam, Visakhapatnam, Guntur, government has also included ail- lakh children were prescribed eye Pradesh. cally, financially and physically,
from East Godavari and During the video conference Prakasam, YSR Kadapa and ments like cancer and cochlear im- glasses and the government had The delegation, which in- apart from threatening them
Prakasam districts. Chittoor with district collectors while for- Kurnool districts from Thursday. plant in Aarogyasri,” the Chief supplied spectacles to 1.29 and the cluded TDP leaders Jayadev with false cases, Jayadev alleged.
and Kadapa reported five and mally announcing the extension The Chief Minister said that the Minister said. rest will be distributed by this Galla, Kanakamedala Ravindra “We urge your good o�ce to take
four deaths respectively. of Aarogyasri scheme to six more scope of Aarogyasri is being He also reminded that 1.42 month end. Kumer, Kinjarapu Ram Mohan cognizance of various violations
Four districts, Anantapur, districts, the Chief Minister said widened extensively and the crore Aarogyasri cards had been Chief Secretary Neelam Sawh- Naidu and Kesineni Srinivas, in- being carried out by the ruling
Guntur, Nellore and Visakh- the state has been taking all steps scheme is applicable to those distributed and the number of ail- ney, Special Chief Secretary KS formed the president the break- YSRCP in Andhra Pradesh and
patnam, reported three to contain Covid- and brought co- whose annual income is up to Rs ments covered under the scheme Jawahar Reddy CEO , Aarogysri down of the constitutional ma- take action accordingly.”
deaths each, while one death rona treatment under Aarogyasri 5 lakh. The state will introduce had been increased from 1,059 Dr Mallikarjuna Rao and other of- chinery in the state and In order to restore constitu-
each was reported from since April and other states have grading system for hospitals and during the previous government ficials were present at video con- infringement of fundamental tional functioning, it is signifi-
Kurnool, Srikakulam and emulated us. there will be a revamp of the gov- to 2,200. The state will soon have ference. rights of citizens. The delegation cant that the Central govern-
Vizianagaram districts. The pilot project of the Aaro- ernment hospitals under Naadu- 27 teaching hospitals and 500 In the interactive session, ben- also demanded a probe into var- ment has to intervene to set
As of Thursday morning, gyasri scheme was launched on Nedu, he said. types of medicines supplied in eficiaries from various districts ious irregularities being carried right the constitutional machin-
943 persons were discharged January 3 in West Godavari dis- “All Aarogyasri bills should be them would be of WHO standards, thanked the Chief Minister for out by the state government in ery in the state. Further, it is also
from hospitals and treatment trict to provide medical cover for expedited through green channel. he added. Aarogyasri and other welfare order to plunder public money. vital to conduct enquiry into var-
centres. any medical treatment which The state has cleared the previous The Chief Minister instructed schemes. “The YSRCP government in ious irregularities being carried
the last one year has been relent- out by the state government, he

Yanamala accuses govt �4K-cr EGS bills paid: Peddireddy

lessly pursuing anti-people poli- said. “Your timely intervention
cies, and in the process pushing would instill confidence among
the state towards ‘jungle raj’,” the people during these tiring

of misleading NHRC
Jayadev alleged in a 52-page rep- and dark times and would help
resentation submitted to in upholding the democractic
Kovind. The four pillars of values, rule of law and Constitu-

on Anna canteens
Accuses TDP MPs of
democracy are being “under- tion,” Jayadev noted.
trying to hinder Central
funds by complaining
Amaravati: TDP senior leader
S Jagan Mohan Reddy govern-
ment had not released funds for
them. This was despite the fact
to the President on
non-clearance of bills
Yanamala Ramakrishnudu al-
leged that the state government
gave false information to the
that the canteens served food
at just Rs 5 to poor workers.
Just like Praja Vedika, the Anna
HANS NEWS SERVICE ����������������������������
National Human Rights Com- canteens project was also de- Tirupati: Panchayat raj and rural HANS NEWS SERVICE
mission (NHRC) saying that molished, he observed. development minister P Ra-
Anna canteens were not closed The former minister also machandra Reddy said the previ- Amaravati: Taking serious note of alleged critical remarks against the gov-
down in Andhra Pradesh. condemned the attack on a ous government did not pay Rs ernment, chief secretary Nilam Sahney on Thursday issued a show cause no-
Ramakrishnudu said the gov- Dalit magistrate allegedly by 5,118 crore bills under MGN- tice to additional director general police-rank IPS officer Madireddy Pratap
ernment was not only betraying YSRCP leaders in Chittoor dis- REGS (Mahatma Gandhi Na- stating that certain comments he made were in violation of conduct rules.
the poor workers, daily wage trict describing the episode as tional Rural Employment Guar- ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Pratap's posting as ADG AP Special Police Battalions has been revoked
earners and others but also an example for the lack of safety antee Scheme) of which this ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� and he has been told to report to the general administration department, a
misleading the national level and security for people of government has already paid Rs GO said. Tagging the YouTube link of Pratap’s press conference, the CS is-
Constitutional institutions like weaker sections under the ‘au- 4,000 crore. In the backdrop of ous government on which vigi- N Chandrababu Naidu had be- sued an order directing him to explain why disciplinary action should not be
NHRC. tocratic and oppressive’ rule of TDP MPs complaining to the lance inquiry had been initiated. come the No 1 enemy of the state. initiated against him over the remarks.
The ruling party was insen- Jagan. President of India that the YS- Already vigilance department He found fault with the news On July 10, the government suddenly replaced Pratap as managing direc-
sitive and indifferent to the “It is clear that the Chittoor RCP government had not cleared has completed the inquiry into 12 reports appeared in a section of tor of AP State Road Transport Corporation and posted him as ADG, APSP
need for ensuring justice to the YSRCP leaders were behind the Rs 5,000 crore pending bills un- major works and recovered Rs 2 media linking him with the at- Battalions. Three days later while getting relieved as RTC MD, Pratap held a
poorer sections with whose attack on the judge. The inci- der the scheme, the minister ad- crore. He alleged that the TDP tack on magistrate Ramakrishna press conference to highlight various initiatives he had undertaken to boost
votes it came to power, he said dent is nothing but an attack on dressed the media in Tirupati on MPs complained to the President who belongs to SC community. the public transporter's growth. He also allegedly made some remarks about
in a statement on Thursday. the judiciary. But, police are not Thursday. He said that there were in order to hinder the Central The call data of the sub inspector his old stint as secretary to then chief minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy and
He pointed out Anna can- filing a case based on the com- several flaws in works taken up funds to the state government. He concerned could reveal the how he remained unscathed while several others faced charges of corrup-
teens were shut down as the Y plaint given by the judge. under MGNREGS by the previ- criticised that opposition leader truth, he opined. tion during that regime.

TTD to continue darshan Hyderabad’s o�ce market hit Chinese economy

despite Covid onslaught hard by Covid crisis bounces back as
curbs lifted
Continued from P1 need to stop the darshan. They Continued from P1 Samson Arthur, Branch Director, velopers, hike in prices of inputs
Reacting to this, the TTD said that 15 out of 40 priests Further, the top three deals of H1 Hyderabad, Knight Frank India. such as steel and cement, and the
Chairman said that being Agama tested positive and all of them 2020 in terms of the transacted area According to the report, H1 lack of availability of construction
advisor, Raman Dikshitulu were aged persons. They said are all from the IT/ITeS sector. 2020 was amongst the lowest pe- workers in the post-lockdown
should have raised the issue with that some minor changes like "The impact of Covid-19 is evi- riods for the residential market in phase." Sales recorded a 43 per YoY Continued from P1 port-reliant China's economy
the board and should not have young archakas be provided sep- dent with pre-commitment deals Hyderabad as sales hit a decadal fall with 4,782 units sold in H1 Judging by the o�cial data, going forward as it faced inten-
taken to twitter. It is not proper arate stay, good food and rede- coming under pause mode. Also, low and launches grew but not at 2020. This has been the lowest analysts say it is a turnaround of sified conflict with the US and
to politicise sensitive issues like ployment of Archakas could there is imminent delay in upcom- the 2019 rate of growth. recorded sales figure for the city in sorts for the world's second- the negative fallout on its exter-
darshan. “It is not desirable for solve the problem. ing supply due to the near-halt sit- "Launches fell by 19 per cent this decade. Demand was strong largest economy, which is the nal trade due to Beijing's in-
Deekshithulu to make such com- Based on this, the TTD de- uation in construction activity. Mo- YoY, this half-year. Key contribut- until the pre-Covid period of Jan- first one to recover from the creasingly aggressive policies to-
ments publicly,” Reddy said. cided not to stop darshan. They bilisation of labour and finance, ing factors to this fall include a halt uary to March 2020 and was only coronavirus crisis without the wards India, Hong Kong, Taiwan
In the backdrop of this, Reddy also decided that Archakas will adherence to strict Covid-19 pro- in all construction activity during restricted by the low availability of hassles of lockdowns experi- and the South China Sea result-
clarified that it was a fact that the be provided separate stay, good tocols and timely government ap- the lockdown period, low sales on supply. Things took a sharp turn in enced by almost all countries in ing in bans of its products and
sta� and some Archakas tested food, etc. It was also decided that provals are likely to be the chal- account of market uncertainties, the aftermath of the Covid crisis the world. services.
positive. Following this, the TTD, all Archakas who were aged lenges for developers," said scarcer credit availability for de- and the subsequent lockdowns. As it came out from the coro- China's GDP took the worst
he said, held discussions with above certain age, would be kept navirus crisis in March-April, hit since the disastrous Cultural

Twitter bites into Bitcoin bait

Archakas and told them that away from duties at Tirumala China cashed on growing Covid- Revolution in 1976, plummeting
they were ready to suspend dar- and instead will be redeployed 174 Indians file lawsuit 19 demand for medical equip- by 6.8 per cent in the first quar-
shan once again because there in temples like Bhu Varaha ment from all around the world ter of 2020 as the country took
should be no disruption in the Swamy, Bedi Anjaneya Swamy against presidential by exporting billions of dollars' unprecedented measures to
daily kainkaryams of Lord temples so that their contact Continued from P1 curely." Jack Dorsey, Twitter's proclamation on H1B worth of materials. fight the coronavirus pandemic
Venkateswara. with the pilgrims would be min- "Everyone is asking me to chief executive, said in a post on Analysts, however, predict it that brought the economy to a
The Archakas, he said, were of imal or in shrines in Tirupati give back, and now is the time," Wednesday night that it was a Continued from P1 would be an uphill climb for ex- standstill.
the opinion that there was no down the hills. Gates' tweet said, promising to “tough day for us at Twitter. We "This misguided attempt by the pres-
double all payments to a Bitcoin all feel terrible that this hap- ident to scapegoat immigrants for pol-

PM Modi to address UNESC session today

address for the next 30 minutes. pened. We're diagnosing and icy failures during the pandemic not
32-yr-old man found hanging in AIIMS Delhi All the tweets were subse- will share everything we can only serves to hurt immigrants but dis-
quently deleted. "Once we be- when we have a more complete misses the true problem of a broken
Continued from P1 came aware of the incident, we understanding of exactly what work visa programme that is in desper- Continued from P1
Patel was taken to the emergency area, where doctors declared immediately locked down the happened,” The New York ate need of reform," said the letter. The The theme of the High-Level Segment of the ECOSOC, on the
him brought dead, police said. Police said a ligature mark was found a�ected accounts and removed Times reported. letter among others was signed by con- 75th anniversary of the founding of the UN, also resonates with
over the anterior aspect of the neck. No suicide note has been re- Tweets posted by the attackers," A spokesperson for Biden's gressmen Joaquin Castro, Chair of the India's Security Council priority, wherein India has called for a
covered so far and an investigation into the matter is underway, the Twitter said. campaign told The Hill that Congressional Hispanic Caucus; Bobby reformed multilateralism' in a post-COVID-19 world.
DCP added. The man is survived by his wife and a son, police said. "We have locked accounts Twitter locked down the pre- Scott, Chair of the Education and Labor It also recalls India's role, as the holder of the inaugural
This is the third case of suicide in the AIIMS since last 10 days. On that were compromised and sumptive Democratic presiden- Committee; Karen Bass, Chair of the Presidency of ECOSOC (Sir Ramaswami Mudaliar, in 1946).
July 6, a 37-year-old journalist allegedly jumped o� the fourth floor will restore access to the origi- tial nominee's account and re- Congressional Black Caucus; Judy Chu, The Prime Minister had earlier delivered the keynote ad-
of the hospital building. On July 10, a 25-year-old junior resident nal account owner only when moved the tweet "immediately Raul Grijalva, Vicente Gonzalez, Yvette dress virtually at the 70th anniversary of the ECOSOC in Janu-
doctor allegedly jumped o� the 10th floor of the hostel. we are certain we can do so se- following the breach." Clarke and Linda Sánchez. ary 2016.
TODAY’S QUOTE COVID FOREX (buy rates in `)
Centre will find solution to local tax issues Crude oil crash adds to fin stress of States US Dollar 79.7 South

Central government will find solu�on for issues related Crude oil price crash amid the coronavirus pandemic Euro 89.99 African Rand 5.18
to local taxes, such as electricity duty, as they make has further hit the finances of State governments as it
domes�c manufacturers uncompe��ve. We are UAE Dirham 22.51 Hong Kong Dollar 11.15
has badly depleted yet another source of revenue.
conscious of this problem par�cularly because other States having oil and gas exploration and production Thai Baht 2.73 Japanese Yen 0.81
countries may not be having a coal cess or mandi tax blocks get hefty royalty on production of the
– Industry Minister Piyush Goyal hydrocarbons with rates varying from 7.5% to 12.5% British Pound 98.11 New Zealand Dollar 51.72
Australian Dollar 55.12 Saudi Riyal 22.05
Canadian Dollar 58.35 Swedish Krona 9.51
Swiss Franc 82.77 Singapore Dollar 56.67


Silver shines bright, Markets rally as Infy Nasscom, 11 tech
bodies form
soars post Q1 show
TDSAT reserves global council
order on VIL

hits 7-yr high at MCX

New Delhi: Twelve independ-
New Delhi: The Telecom Dis- ent organisations represent-
putes Se�lement and Appellate Mumbai: Equity benchmark ing technology and business
Tribunal (TDSAT) on Thursday re- Sensex rallied 420 points on Sensex adds 420 services sector across the
served its judgement on Voda-
fone Idea's pe��on against the
Thursday, led by stellar gains in
IT major Infosys, even as global
points while Ni�y globe, including India's IT
body Nasscom, have joined
TRAI's direc�ve blocking its pre- Silver futures rise to `53,199 per kg as industrial demand picks up markets faced selling pressure up 122 points hands to launch the Global
mium 'RedX' plan. The verdict is amid spiking coronavirus cases. Technology and Business
likely to be announced by Friday. New Delhi: Silver has gained After a choppy start, the 30- Services Council (GT&BSC).
Defending its direc�ve, the Tele- more sheen on expectation of a share BSE Sensex gained mo- The council aims to demon-
com Regulatory Authority of In- revival of industrial demand as mentum towards the end of the strate how the global tech in-
dia (TRAI) told the tribunal that economic activities are gradually session. It finally closed 419.87 dustry dealt with the Covid-19
its ac�on of blocking the plan restarting despite the Covid-19 points, or 1.16 per cent, higher at crisis ensuring business conti-
was a prudent and propor�onate pandemic across the globe. 36,471.68. nuity and employee safety, the
exercise of statutory power. Cit- Prices of the metal are ruling at Similarly, the NSE Nifty critical support it provides to
ing viola�on of norms and likely nearly a 7-year high in India's fu- surged 121.75 points, or 1.15 per various sectors, and the role of
impact on the quality of services ture and spot markets. cent, to end at 10,739.95. Infosys highly skilled tech workers
for other subscribers out of the Bullion market analysts say was the top performer in the and the essential services they
concerned plans, the regulator, silver has attracted investment Sensex pack, rallying 9.56 per provide, a statement said.
through a le�er to both Voda- demand as it is an industrial cent, a day after the IT major GT&BSC includes associa-
fone Idea and Bhar� Airtel last metal and its demand for jew- posted a stronger-than-expected National Bureau of Statistics tions from Bosnia, Bulgaria,
week, blocked their respec�ve ellery has also gained amid a 12.4 per cent rise in first quarter said earlier in the day. Czech Republic, Egypt, India,
plans of 'RedX' and 'Pla�num'. bullish trend in bullion in the consolidated net profit to Rs Following negative cues from Latin America, Latvia,
pandemic season. 4,272 crore. Chinese equities, benchmarks in Malaysia, Poland, Romania,
Silver has even outpaced gold trading at Rs 52,766 per kg, down due to Covid-19 pandemic, he M&M, Nestle India, IndusInd Hong Kong, Tokyo and Seoul Russia, South Africa, Sri
Amazon unveils as the Gold/Silver Ratio - which Rs 292 from last session, while added. Bank, Kotak Bank, HCL Tech, ended on a weak note. Stock ex- Lanka, Ukraine, the US and
tracks the two precious metals' prices rose to Rs 53,199 per kg Physical gold sold at a pre- Bajaj Finance and Axis Bank changes in Europe were also the UK, and collectively rep-
skill programme relative prices - is down to 93, the during the session, the highest mium in India last week for the were the other gainers, spurting trading in the red in early deals. resent the interests of over
Hyderabad: Amazon India has lowest in three weeks from the level after September 10, 2013 first time this year, driven by up to 3.81 per cent. On the other "Ground realities remained 10,000 organisations, includ-
launched a skilling programme all-time high of 127 in mid- when silver prices rose to Rs plunging imports and a near halt hand, Tech Mahindra, ITC, little changed, as the virus infec- ing multi-nationals, indige-
under the Na�onal Appren�ce- March, said Ajay Kedia, Director, 53,955 per kg at the MCX. in smuggling that o�set the im- NPTC, PowerGrid, Titan and tions and geopolitical tensions nous tech companies, SMEs,
ship Promo�on Scheme (NAPS), Kedia Advisory. The ratio had August expiry contract of gold pact of high unemployment and ICICI Bank finished with losses created uncertainty on the and start-ups. "The one thing
across its fulfilment centres in slumped to 31 when silver was trading at Rs 49,040 per 10 a rise in domestic prices across of up to 2.54 per cent. global economic recovery. In- that is common in keeping
India. The company aims at touched over Rs 70,000 per kg in grams, after slipping from the Asia that could deter buyers. According to traders, rally in vestors need to remain stock multiple industries afloat
training youth whose learning 2013, he added. day's high of Rs 49,159 per 10 As per market analysts, the IT stocks led by Infosys kept in- specific and the earnings results during these trying times and
journey or placement was im- Silver futures rose to Rs 53,199 grams. At the MCX, gold rose to medium-term outlook for the vestor sentiment positive, but a and commentary should be enabling them to transform
pacted due to Covid-19 pan- per kg on Thursday in the do- record high of Rs 49,348 per 10 economic recovery still looks massive sello� in Chinese stocks watched out for," said Vinod into digital businesses is
demic. Appren�ces will be mestic market, the highest level grams on July 8. very uncertain and this contin- and concerns over recovery amid Nair, Head of Research at Geojit 'technology'. Shared e�orts
iden�fied through various since September 2013. Gold and silver have witnessed ues to provide ample room for rising Covid-19 cases induced Financial Services. by governments, interna-
sources including NSDC-accred- However, bullion witnessed a temporary corrections and fun- gold and silver to float higher. volatility in the session. Bourses BSE IT, teck, healthcare, tional organisation and global
ited training centres (DDU-GKY little correction in the domestic damentals are still bullish, said The Silver Institute indicated in Shanghai plunged 4.50 per bankex, auto, oil and gas, finance businesses remind us of our
Centres) and the NSDC Skilling and international futures on Surendra Mehta, Secretary, In- that silver investment demand cent as investors seemed disap- and metal indices surged up to connectivity and interde-
Database. This programme will profit-booking, but the funda- dia Bullion and Jewellers Asso- increased by 10 per cent in the pointed with the pace of recov- 4.14 per cent, while telecom, pendency and why it is im-
enable Amazon India to con- mentals are still bullish, said a ciation. Silver is an industrial first half of 2020 as industrial de- ery in the world's second-largest power and utilities indices portant to retain the global
tribute to the government’s market analyst. metal and its demand for indus- mand declined in the early pan- economy. China's gross domestic closed lower. The BSE mid-cap nature of the tech industry,"
commitment towards skilling At the Multi Commodity Ex- trial usage is expected to in- demic season but started to pick product (GDP) expanded 3.2 per index rose 0.71 per cent, while Nasscom Vice President
and increasing employability of change (MCX), the silver con- crease with reopening of indus- up from May as economies began cent year-on-year in the second the small-cap gauge slipped 0.13 Global Trade Development
the appren�ces. During the six- tract expiring in September was try worldwide after lockdown to reopen, said Kedia. quarter of 2020, the country's per cent. Shivendra Singh said.
month programme, the appren-

Global oil giants show interest in

�ces will be trained on ware-
Privatisation VSEZ gives nod for 4 IT
housing and inventory
management skills for the roles
only option
BPCL as bidding deadline nears units in Hyderabad
of warehouse associates and
process associates.
for Air India
Pizza Hut’s New Delhi: Civil Aviation Min- HANS BUSINESS
initiative ister Hardeep Singh Puri on Saudi Aramco, Adnoc, Rosneft of Russia and Exxon Mobil likely to take part
Thursday said that no other op- Hyderabad: The Visakhapatnam
Hyderabad: Pizza Hut strength- tion is left with Air India but to New Delhi: As the deadline for tion pertains to a maximum of Special Economic Zone (VSEZ)
ened its contactless delivery and go in for privatisation. Replying submitting the Expressions of In- four members are permitted in a on Thursday said that its Unit
takeaway services in the city. The to a question during a press terest (EoI) for 52.98 per cent consortium, and the lead member Approval Committee (UAC) ac-
experien�al contactless service briefing on civil aviation issues, stake in the Bharat Petroleum must hold 40 per cent in propor- corded approval for four new
has especially been curated for the minister said that the airline Corporation Ltd (BPCL) nears, big tion. Other members of the con- IT/ITeS units in Telangana. All
all the customers who want their cannot depend on state funding names in the global oil market are sortium must have a minimum $1 these units will come up in Hy-
pizza right out of the oven, un- to survive. He cited that due to showing interest in picking up the billion net worth. The EOI allows derabad. A Rama Mohan Reddy
touched by any human hand. the Covid-19-induced economic majority stake in the state-run oil changes in the consortium within “Covid-19 pandemic has not
With an increase in customer de- turbulance the Centre might company. tries is understood to have shown 45 days, though the lead member deterred entrepreneurs from Group India Talent, TDCX Dig-
mand for contactless op�ons, not be in a position to support According to o�cial sources, interest for the bid. The disinvest- cannot be changed. The Indian setting up new IT/ITeS units in ilab India, and Model N India
Pizza Hut introduced contactless the airline as massive financial Saudi Aramco, Abu Dhabi Na- ment in BPCL involves the gov- government proposes to disinvest Telangana. Approval has been Software. All these new units
delivery and contactless take- resources have been deployed tional Oil Co (Adnoc), Rosneft of ernment selling its entire 52.98 its entire shareholding in BPCL given for four new IT/ITeS units will come up in private SEZs of
away where the brand has expe- to safeguard the vulnarable sec- Russia and Exxon Mobil intend to per cent stake in the company to a comprising 1,14,91,83,592 equity in the State, which entail invest- Laxmi Infobahn, Divija Com-
rienced a significant uptake cur- tions of society. Furthermore, participate in the bidding process strategic investor with transfer of shares held through the Ministry ments of Rs 116 crore. These mercial Properties, and Sundew
rently. Pizza Hut ensures the minister without naming for the PSU. The deadline for sub- management control. The govern- of Petroleum and Natural Gas, companies provide 2,292 jobs Properties, all located in Hyder-
maximum level of safety and hy- anyone said the airline should mitting EoIs has been postponed ment has barred PSUs from bid- which constitutes 52.98 per cent and will achieve exports of Rs abad. Based in Visakhapatnam,
giene to its customers who be left to those who know how twice and the current deadline ding for BPCL and expects private of BPCL's equity share capital, 1,364 crore in the next five VSEZ has jurisdiction over three
choose to either pick-up their or- to run it. He was replying to ends on July 31. sector Indian players and global along with the transfer of manage- years,” said A Rama Mohan States of AP, Telangana and
der from the store or get the order question on sharp political re- Indian oil majors are not behind MNCs to bid for its stake. ment control to the strategic buyer Reddy, Development Commis- Chhattisgarh besides Yanam. As
delivered at their doorstep. Pizza actions that have been re- their global counterparts and are The Centre has allowed (except BPCL's equity sharehold- sioner, VSEZ. The new IT/ITeS many as 85 SEZs have been no-
lovers just need to simply place or- ceived on social media regard- also actively pursuing the prospective bidders with a mini- ing of 61.65 per cent in Numaligarh units for which approval have tified under VSEZ so far, and out
ders on the Pizza Hut app, m-site, ing the airline's 'Leave prospects of bidding for BPCL. Oil- mum net worth of $10 billion to Refinery Ltd (NRL) and manage- been given include Aricent of them, 58 are fully operational
website or via the menu board in without Pay' policy. to-telecom major Reliance Indus- present their bids. Another condi- ment control thereon). Technologies (Holdings), Alliant with 509 units.
restaurants. Neha, Marke�ng Di-

RBI asks ARCs to adopt ‘Revenue of cotton spinners will contract 25-30%’
rector, Pizza Hut India, said, “Post
unlock, more people are moving
out for work and need access to

fair practices code

safe and hygienic food while many
con�nue to work from home and
are looking for Home-Meal-Re-
placement op�ons”. Rating agency Icra says Covid-19 has disrupted spinning activities
Mumbai: The Reserve Bank of In- The code prohibits
dia on Thursday asked asset re- Mumbai: Revenue of Indian cot- stream segments of fabrics and
IBM teams up construction companies (ARCs) the use of uncivilised ton spinners is likely to decline apparels. The trend has been
to adopt a board-approved 'Fair and ques�onable by 25-30 per cent year-on-year weaker in the domestic market,
with Verizon Practices Code', which, among behaviour for in 2020-21 due to Covid-19 pan- where consumer-discretionary
New York: Verizon Business other things, should prohibit the demic-led disruptions in manu- spending and consumer foot-
and IBM on Thursday an- use of uncivilised, unlawful and recovery of loans facturing activities and weakness falls in markets remains
nounced to work together on questionable in demand in global as well as do- abysmal, particularly in metros
5G and edge computing inno- behaviour for mestic markets, Icra Ratings said and tier-I markets," Icra Ratings
vation to help enable the fu- recovery of in a report. Senior VP and Group Head
ture of Industry 4.0. The com- loans. This will further add to the Jayanta Roy said.
panies would combine the The Code, woes of the sector which saw an "Yarn, being an intermediate
high speed and low latency of the central estimated 5-7 per cent decline in chain, which is likely to keep de- capital requirements high. product, is resultantly facing a
Verizon's 5G and Multi-access bank said, revenue and 200-250 basis mand from downstream seg- "The main reason for the slow ripple e�ect of the contraction in
Edge Compute (MEC) capabili- should also en- points (bps) correction in oper- ments subdued over the next few recovery has been the sluggish- demand in the downstream seg-
ties, Internet of Things (IoT) sure trans- ating margins in FY20, it said. quarters, while keeping working ness in demand in the down- ments," he added.
devices and sensors at the parency and The Indian cotton spinning sec-
edge, and IBM's expertise in fairness in op- tor is expected to log a 25-30 per Mumbai: Domestic rating agency Icra per cent in the first quarter of FY21,
AI, hybrid multicloud. eration. FPC must be followed in right cent y-o-y decline in revenue and has revised its forecast for contraction India’s GDP and expects a shallow recovery in the
"Through this collaboration, ARCs buy bad loans from banks earnest, and the board must in- a 300-400 bps contraction in op- in the country's GDP in the current fis- subsequent quarters, with a contrac-
we plan to build upon our to turn them around. "In order to volve itself in its evolution and erating margins in FY21 amid cal to 9.5 per cent from 5 per cent ear- will de-grow tion of 12.4 per cent in the second
achieve the highest standards of proper implementation at all Covid-19-led disruptions in man-
longstanding relationship with
Verizon to help industrial en- transparency and fairness in deal- times, it added. ufacturing activities, and an all-
lier, as continued lockdowns in some
states have affected the recovery seen 9.5% in FY21 quarter of FY21 and a milder 2.3 per
cent in the third quarter, followed by
terprises capitalize on joint ing with stakeholders, asset re- "ARC shall follow transparent encompassing weakness in de- in May and June. ment of 5 per cent, with the climbing a growth of 1.3 per cent in the fourth
solutions that are designed to construction companies are ad- and non-discriminatory prac- mand from the downstream Most of the analysts have projected Covid-19 infections resulting in a spate quarter of FY21. Icra's principal econ-
be multicloud ready, secured vised to put in place Fair Practices tices in acquisition of assets. It segments, within as well as out- the country's GDP to contract in the of localised lockdowns in some states omist Aditi Nayar said the Indian econ-
and scalable, from the data Code (FPC) duly approved by shall maintain arm's length dis- side the country, Icra Ratings range of 5-6.5 per cent in this fiscal. and cities, arresting the nascent re- omy had started to recover from the
centre all the way out to the their board," the RBI said. tance in the pursuit of trans- said. "We have sharply revised our fore- covery that had set in during May-June troughs experienced in April 2020,
enterprise edge," said Bob It has prescribed the minimum parency," it said while asking According to the report, the cast for the contraction in Indian GDP 2020," the rating agency said in a re- when the lockdown was at its sever-
Lord, Sr VP, Cognitive Applica- regulatory expectation, while them that FPC should be placed business outlook appears adverse in FY2021 (at constant 2011-12 prices), port. It said the country's economy est, and many sectors seemed to be
tions, IBM. each ARC's board is free to en- in public domain for information owing to an inventory pile-up be- to 9.5 per cent from our earlier assess- may have contracted by a sharp 25 adjusting to the new normal.
hance its scope and coverage. The of all stakeholders. ing witnessed across the value


IIT Madras startup develops portable hospital

Chennai (IANS) Modulus in Kerala to treat corna pa- ogy (SCTIMST) who provided "The outcome of this pilot
Housing, a startup incubated at tients. inputs on the certifications and project in Kerala will help in
the Indian Institute of Technol- The startup is developing mi- customisations necessary for proving the applicability of the
ogy Madras (IIT-M) has devel- cro hospitals that can be de- the project. technology and advantages of
oped a portable hospital unit ployed rapidly across the na- The company Modulus Hous- micro hospitals, with MediCAB
that can be installed anywhere tion. The MediCAB is foldable ing founded by two IIT alumni as an instant infrastructure so-
within two hours by four peo- and is composed of four zones - in 2018, was supported by the lution. It can be easily assem-
ple, said the IIT-M. a doctor's room, an isolation IIT-M Incubation Cell and has a bled in eight hours by four peo-
In a statement issued here on patients in their local commu- room, a medical room/ward and vision to revolutionise housing ple. When folded, our
Thursday, IIT-M said the nities through these portable a twin-bed ICU, maintained at through modular prefab struc- collapsible cabins are reduced
portable hospital called Med- microstructures. negative pressure. tures. five-fold, making it very cost-ef-
A nurse gives the baby to a woman on her discharge from Krishna Hospital iCAB is a decentralised ap- According to IIT-M, Med- The startup collaborated with They have re-purposed their fective for transportation,"
a�er she recovered from Covid-19, during unlock 2.0, in Karad on Thursday proach to detect, screen, iden- iCAB has been recently de- Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for designs to support the fight Shreeram Ravichandran, Chief
tify, isolate and treat Covid-19 ployed in the Wayanad district Medical Sciences and Technol- against Covid-19. Executive O�cer said.
Brazil Prez tests +ve again
Brasilia (IANS): Brazilian President Jair Bol-
sonaro confirmed that he has once again
OVER 32,000 CASES RECORDED IN 24 HOURS No postal ballot for

‘10 lakh test per day soon’

tested posi�ve for the novel coronavirus,
roughly a week a�er he contracted the virus.
those above 65: EC
"We hope that in the next few days, they will New Delhi: The Election Com-
give me a new test and, everything will be fine mission (EC) has decided not to
so that we can return to normal ac�vity," Xinhua news agency quoted extend the facility of postal ballot
the President as saying in a live Facebook broadcast on Wednesday. to electors above 65 years of age
Bolsonaro, who repeatedly played down the risks posed by the virus
which he termed "a li�le flu" and asser�ng that he would not be seri-
ously affected by it, said he would get tested again in a few days.In a
63% patients in India recover: Centre in the Assembly elections in Bi-
har and by-elections due in the
near future, said the law body's
statement, the communica�on secretariat of the presidency said that New Delhi (IANS): Union Health India has 3,31,146 active o�cials on Thursday.
Bolsonaro was currently staying at the Alvorada Palace in Brasilia, Minister Harsh Vardhan said, Covid-19 cases, which is around However, the EC in a state-
"and con�nues to be accompanied by the medical team". here on Thursday, the Covid-19 a third of the country's total tally ment said the facility of optional
testing capacity would be en- that rose to 9.68 lakh on Thurs- postal ballot to electors who are
hanced to 10 lakh a day in 12 day, the Union Health ministry above 80 years of age, voters with
96 J&K prisoners infected weeks. He said this while inaugu- said and credited targeted meas- physical disabilities, electors en-
Srinagar: At least 96 inmates at a jail in rating the new Rajkumari Amrit ures for the steady decline in ac- gaged in essential services and
South Kashmir's Anantnag district have Kaur (RAK) OPD block of the All tive caseload. voters who are COVID-19 posi-
tested posi�ve for the Coronavirus �ll India Institute of Medical Sci- As the country witnessed a tive or are in quarantine (home
Thursday. Sources told Outlook that the ences (AIIMS), here. record single-day increase of or institutional) will be extended
District Legal Service Authority chairman "The capacity will be enhanced 32,695 cases on Thursday, the in these elections.
has wri�en to the Deputy Commissioner of to 10 lakh tests a day in the com- ministry said the recovery rate Earlier this month, the Bihar
Anantnag about the rising cases of Coron- ing 12 weeks," the Minister said. rose to 50 per cent mid-June and State Election Commission had
avirus in the prison. A jail staffer and a contractor have also been re- "Gradually, we are moving in thereafter there has been a said that coronavirus patients
ported to have contracted the virus. An official communica�on says the direction to win the battle steady rise in recoveries and a and those above the age of 65 will
the first case was reported in the prison on July 10, then four cases against the pandemic" which had Devotees wearing personal protec�ve equipment pray as the mortal remains of decline in the number of active be allowed to vote from home or
were reported on July 13 and which soared to 44 on Tuesday July 14. infected 9,68,876 people across Purusho�ampriyadasji Swamishree Maharaj, head priest of Maninagar Shree cases. use postal ballot in the elections
the country, he said. Swaminarayan Gadi Sansthan, arrives for his funeral rituals, on Smru� Temple "Of the total Covid-19 cases, scheduled for later this year.
He said less than 2 per cent of premises in Ahmedabad 63.25 per cent have recovered However, the EC said that this
Aus State records biggest daily spike the Covid-19 patients were ad- with a death total of 24,915 the During the last 24 hours, so far. Simultaneously, there has will not be possible in view of
Melbourne (IANS): Australia's Victoria state mitted in intensive care units Health Ministry's data stated on 3,26,826 samples were tested, as been a steady dip in the number "constraints of logistics, man-
on Thursday recorded its biggest daily in- (ICUs) and the lab network had Thursday. the testing lab network continues of active cases, from around 45 power and safety protocols of
crease of COVID-19 infec�ons since the pan- been strengthened from 1 in Jan- According to Health Ministry to expand. As on date, more than per cent in mid-June to around Covid-19 in view of the pan-
demic began, with 317 confirmed cases. Vic- uary to 1,234 now. As on date, data, as many as 6,12,814 patients 1,206 labs have enabled people to 34.18 per cent as of now," the demic".
toria is the centre of a renewed COVID-19 more than 3.26 samples were be- have recovered, almost twice the undergo coronavirus tests. ministry. Last October, the Law Ministry
outbreak in Australia, with close to 2,800 new infec�ons in July alone, ing tested per day, he added. number of active patients at Maharashtra remained the A total of 20,783 people have amended the Conduct of Elec-
reports Xinhua news agency. According to Victoria Premier Daniel An- India recorded the highest sin- 3,31,146. The rate of recovery has worst-hit state, with 2,75,640 recuperated in the past 24 tion Rules to allow people with
drews, 289 of Thursday's cases remained under inves�ga�on by health gle-day spike of 32,695 novel touched 63.24 per cent. India, cases and 10,928 casualties fol- hours, the highest number of re- disabilities and those who are 80
experts, while 28 were connected to known clusters. Andrews also re- coronavirus (Covid-19) cases and however, remains the third lowed by Tamil Nadu with total coveries in a day, taking the total years of age or above to opt for
vealed that two men in their 80s had died a�er contrac�ng the virus, 606 deaths in the last 24 hours, worst-a�ected country after the 1,51,820 cases, including 2,167 number of recovered cases to postal ballot during the Lok
taking the na�onal death toll to 113. Meanwhile, the neighbouring pushing the tally to 9,68,876 cases US and Brazil. deaths. 6,12,814. Sabha and assembly elections.
state of New South Wales (NSW) recorded 10 new cases of COVID-19

Maha’s 1 woman SEC succumbs

and South Australia reported just one new infec�on, while the rest of
the country reported zero increase.
2k register to volunteer B'luru police
Bengaluru (IANS): More than 2,000 people have ArrayMumbai(IANS) Multi- sitive person who excelled in the
registered to volunteer as civil police wardens faceted personality and retired field of arts and literature, in-
with Bengaluru police department's south divi- IAS o�cer Neela Satayanarayana spired youth towards civil serv-
sion to assist in regula�on and an�-Covid meas- - who created history as the first ices" and making the SEC closer
ures, an official said on Thursday. "More than woman State Election Commis- to the masses.
2,000 people have registered in south division to become civil police sioner (SEC) - succumbed to Expressing shock, Deputy
cadets," said an official. The volunteers are expected to accompany Covid-19 at a hospital, o�cial Chief Minister Ajit Pawar said
policemen in night rounds, man check posts, answer ques�ons of the sources said here on Thursday. that her contributions to gover-
general public and assist sta�on house officer. Likewise, they also have An IAS o�cer of the 1972 nance and literature will always
to assist in documenta�on and computer work at police sta�on level, batch, Satyanarayana, 71, held poet, lyricist, singer, composer be an inspiration for all.
enforce social distancing and wearing face masks among public. many important posts in the and music director who had com- Grieving over Neela Satya-
state government and finally posed songs for scores of Marathi narayana's demise, state Con-
crowned her 42-years of bureau- films and a couple of Bollywood gress President and Revenue
Meghalaya closes borders cratic service with the post SEC. movies. Minister Balasaheb Thorat said
Byrnihat: All entry points of Meghalaya lo- Popular as "a people-friendly She had been admitted to a that she was "a tough adminis-
cated at Byrnihat, Ratacherra, Bajengdoba, IAS o�cer", she was reputed for suburban government hospital a trator and also a sensitive au-
Tikrikilla, Mirjumla and Hallidayganj will re- her fearless approach, never few days ago for Corona treat- thor" and her untimely death was
main closed from midnight of July 23 to mid- bending before the political class ment and breathed her last early saddening.
night of July 31, an order issued by the Chief vis-A-vis public interest during today, shocking state political Nationalist Congress Party
Secretary of the state said. "Only movement the course of duties across sev- circles. President Sharad Pawar ex-
related to emergency, medical and essen�al service, good and inter- eral departments in the state Condoling her death, Chief pressed grief and said "She was
state transit vehicles will be allowed during this period. All persons government. Minister Uddhav Thackeray said the first woman SEC.. We have Poonam Sharma, a physical educa�on teacher, takes
who intend to visit/return to Meghalaya are requested to reschedule Besides, Neela Satyanarayana the state will always remember lost a humane and empathic ex- ONLINE online class for school students during the Covid-19
their travel plans," Chief Secretary's orders stated. made mark as a prolific writer, her as "an experienced and sen- o�cer". PT CLASS lockdown, in Mumbai on Thursday

Fauci says WH’s e�orts

2 TN District collectors infected Bengaluru hospitals short of staff
Chennai (IANS): District Collectors of Coimbatore and
Kancheepuram in Tamil Nadu have tested posi�ve for Bengaluru(IANS): Several private hospitals in

to discredit him bizarre

coronavirus and have been admi�ed in hospitals. the city are facing acute shortage of doctors,
Coimbatore Collector K. Rajamani and Kancheepuram nurses, ward boys and helpers amid the raging
Collector P. Ponniah tested Covid-19 posi�ve a�er their swab samples Covid-19 pandemic, an official said on Thurs-
results came on Wednesday. According to officials, their condi�on is day.
stable. This is the first �me, District Collectors have tested posi�ve for "There is actually acute shortage of man- Washington(IANS): Amer- Fauci.
coronavirus in Tamil Nadu. Earlier three ministers and several other power in Bengaluru hospitals, especially ica's top infectious diseases Among the attacks against
legislators have turned Covid-19 pa�ents in the state. nurses, ward boys and aayahs (helpers). Even expert Anthony Fauci has de- the leading expert, presiden-
before Covid, we had a little shortage but after scribed the "bizarre" attacks tial adviser Peter Navarro
Covid they all left in droves," Karnataka chap- from White House offi- wrote in an op-ed pub-
20 affected at Bihar Guv’s house ter Indian Medical Association (IMA) official cials against him lished in USA Today
Patna: Around 20 members tested posi�ve Ravindra told IANS. as "nonsense" on Tuesday that
for COVID-19 on Wednesday at the Bihar He roughly estimated the shortage to be and "com- Fauci "has
Governor, Phagu Chauhan's house in Patna, 6,000 doctors and about 12,000 - 18,000 nurses pletely been wrong
state officials informed. Earlier on the same and ward boys. wrong". about every-
day, Bihar Bhara�ya Janata Party state presi- A major reason Ravindra cited for the short- "I can- thing I have
dent and Lok Sabha MP from Be�ah, Sanjay age is the fear of contracting the virus amid the not figure interacted
Jaiswal, his wife and mother also tested posi�ve for coronavirus a�er pandemic as they discharge duties in hospitals. out in my with him
several BJP leaders from the party headquarters in Patna were diag- "Some of them cannot work because they are wildest on".
nosed posi�ve for the virus. As per data from the Ministry of Health pregnant or above 55, diabetic or other health dreams "I can't
and Family Welfare, Bihar now has a total of 19,284 posi�ve COVID problems. Some of them are not coming to why they explain Pe-
cases, including 6,261 ac�ve cases and 12,849 Recoveries. work although they did not leave the job," he would want ter Navarro,"
said. to do that," Fauci told The
Besides the scare of getting infected, the Xinhua news Atlantic. "He's
Odisha starts plasma therapy IMA official said some of the health workers agency quoted in a world by him-
Cu�ack: The Odisha government on Thursday themselves are already Covid positive, quar- Fauci, director of the self."
commenced plasma therapy for the treatment antined or admitted in hospitals. US National Institute of Al- "The attempt to discredit
of COVID- 19 pa�ents at a hospital in Cu�ack, In case of support sta�, he said most of them lergy and Infectious Diseases Fauci's public-health expert-
an official said. The procedure was conducted are migrant workers from Gulbarga and other and a key member of the ise is a political move, and
on a 48-year-old pa�ent at the Ashwini Hospital districts who panicked after seeing some videos White House Coronavirus one with disastrous implica-
for the first �me in the state, technical advisor to the health department Dr of Covid victims being dumped and buried. Task Force, as saying in an in- tions," the outlet said. "The
Jayant Panda said. "The pa�ent has been administered B-posi�ve plasma," "They said if I have to die, I don't want to die terview with The Atlantic Americans who believe the
he said. The state government had earlier announced that the plasma in Bengaluru. I will die and get buried in my published on Wednesday. White House's anti-science
therapy would also be introduced in the SUM Hospital and the Kalinga In- native place. After those videos went viral, The latest feedback came as campaign risk cutting them-
s�tute of Medical Sciences in Bhubaneswar. quite a few have left," explained Ravindra, de- the White House reportedly selves off from potentially
ciphering the social media impact as well. stepped up efforts to discredit life-saving information."

Odisha govt highlights financial support

to Dutee amid training funds row
Bhubaneswar (IANS): A day af- ment of Odisha, said in state- Mining Corporation (A Gold not burden Kalinga Institute of "I just wanted to make a
ter ace sprinter Dutee Chand ment that a total of Rs 4.09 cr Category PSU). She is currently Industrial Technology (KIIT) point that this money could be
issued a clarification saying she has been given to Dutee since drawing gross salary of Rs or the Odisha Government. diverted for my training and a
isn't selling her car to raise 2015. 84,604 (June 2020 salary) per "I took to social media to sell car can be bought post covid
training funds, Odisha Govern- "Rs 3 crore as financial in- month. She is not required to my car. I don't have the re- once I receive the money from
ment highlighted the financial centive for medals won at come to o�ce so that she is sources to maintain luxury the State Government.
support given to her over the Asian Games 2018. Rs 30 Lakhs able to concentrate full-time cars, though I love them. I "With folded hands, I want to
years. for training and financial sup- on training. never expressed that I am sell- say that I was neither com-
It was earlier reported that port during 2015-19.Rs 50 "Accordingly, since her ap- ing it to fund my training," Du- plaining nor making a show of
Dutee, who put up a now- Lakhs for training support for pointment in OMC, no o�cial tee said in a statement on her my lack of finance because I am
deleted Facebook post asking Tokyo Olympics (released In work has been allotted to her. Twitter account. a daughter of the country and
potential buyers to get in touch two instalments on 02/08/2019 OMC provided Rs 29 Lakhs for "Odisha Government and my my well-wishers are there to
with her manager, was forced and 27/12/2019)," the state- training and financial incen- own KIIT University have al- keep me going. Bless me for my
to sell her car to raise funds for ment read. tives," the statement added. ways supported me. This does training at Kalinga Stadium so
her Tokyo Olympics training. "The State government ap- Dutee, on Wednesday, had not deny the fact that my train- that my dream of getting a Gold
The Department of Sports pointed Dutee Chand as said that she sold her sedan to ing is very expensive, especially for my country comes true,"
and Youth Services, Govern- Group-A level o�cer in Odisha get some 'breathing space' and for the 2021 Olympics. wrote the 24-year-old.


IOC reveals updated qualification
CHASE REMOVES BURNS process for postponed Tokyo Oly
Lausanne (IANS): The Interna-

tional Olympic Committee (IOC)
has declared June 29, 2021 as the
new qualification deadline for the
postponed Tokyo Olympics. Ac-
cordingly, the deadline for final en-
tries has been revised to July 5,

Archer’s exclusion blow for England, says Vaughan 2021, the IOC said.
A total of 57 per cent of all the
qualification places had been con-
Manchester (IANS): England otherwise players can be infected firmed by the time the Tokyo
openers Rory Burns and Dominic and everything that has been put Olympic was postponed due to the
Sibley got o� to a cautious start in place gets thrown into tur- coronavirus pandemic. Originally
but Roston Chase provided West moil," Hussain told Sky Sports. scheduled to be held from July 24 cover the new dates, allowing
Indies with a crucial break- "We don't know if it was just to August 9 this year, the Games athletes who were eligible in Bach reluctant to
through at the stroke of lunch. naivety from Jofra or something will now be held from July 23 to July 2020 to remain eligible in hold event behind
With rain playing spoilsport, the more serious. He's apologised, August 8, 2021. In order to adapt 2021. All eligibility and age cri-
first session saw only one hour of it's a very unusual situation that the qualification systems for the teria would be at the discretion closed doors
play on the opening day of the we find ourselves in and he's remaining places to the new tim- of the respective IFs. Geneva (IANS): International
second Test of #raisethebat se- made a mistake and apologised ing of the Games, the qualification Athletics, cycling (BMX Olympic Committee (IOC)
ries at Old Tra�ord on Thursday. for it. "His team-mates and cap- system principles were updated, Freestyle, BMX Racing and Moun- President Thomas Bach on Fri-
England, who are gunning to tain will be disappointed. He's a approved by the Qualification Task tain Bike), weightlifting, basketball, day reiterated their desire to
level the series here in Manches- fabulous bowler and bowled re- Force (acting on behalf of the IOC judo, rowing, swimming, bad- hold Tokyo Olympics with spec-
ter, were put to bat by visiting skip- ally well in Southampton," he fur- Executive Board) and shared with minton, skateboarding, taekwondo tators in the stands and not be-
per Jason Holder after he won the ther added. all the International Federations and wrestling have made minor ad- hind closed doors. The multi-
toss, which was delayed by more Archer will now commence (IF). justments to their qualification national event was initially set
than an hour because of rain. five days of isolation and will un- The updates included a number systems. Meanwhile, the following to be hosted in July this year but
The run-up to the Test was dergo two COVID-19 tests in this of changes, such as an extended sports have extended the qualifi- due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
marred by controversy surround- period, which have to test nega- qualification period and new dead- cation periods and continuing with it will now take place from July
ing fast-bowler Jofra Archer, who With that, Lunch was taken by after the latter was axed from tive before his self-isolation pe- lines: the initially approved qualification 23 till August 8 in 2021. Profes-
was ousted from the team for the umpires. the team for the second Test riod is lifted, England and Wales N A new qualification deadline of 29 process: sional sports around the world
breaking the bio-secure protocol. Holder will be the happier man against West Indies at the Old Cricket Board (ECB) said in an June 2021, based on the Olympic Archery, artistic swimming, are getting back on their feet
But England openers put the dis- going into the break as his deci- Trafford. o�cial statement. Games starting on 23 July (day of baseball, basketball 3x3, boxing, as matches are being held be-
traction behind them and put up sion to hand Chase the last over Archer, who scalped three ‘It's a blow for the England the Opening Ceremony); canoe, diving, fencing, football, hind closed doors. However,
a cautious performance in the before the break resulted in a wickets in the Southampton side,Jofra Archer is a wonderful N The potential extension of golf, gymnastics (artistic, rhythmic Bach ruled out the idea of do-
first session of the day. crucial breakthrough. In total, Test which England lost by four cricketer. It's going to make it so sport-specific qualification pe- and trampoline), handball, karate, ing same with Olympics next
Things went well for the hosts five bowlers were used by the wickets, breached the bio-se- much more di�cult for England riods if such an extension re- marathon swimming, modern year. "(Our planning) includes
till the last over of the session as visitors during the short session. cure bubble and was subse- to get back into the series," spects the qualification period pentathlon, rugby, sailing, shoot- all di�erent countermeasures,
on the second ball of the 14th Brief Scores: England: 29/1 (Burns quently omitted from the squad Vaughan told BBC Radio 5. deadline of 29 June 2021; ing, sport climbing, surfing, table but no, an Olympic Games be-
over, Chase trapped Burns in 15; Chase 1/1) vs West Indies. to face West Indies in the crucial The ECB, meanwhile, said they N The revised final entries dead- tennis, tennis, triathlon and water hind closed doors is clearly
front of the wicket and he was ad- Meanwhile, Former England second Test of the ongoing three- have informed the visitors re- line of 5 July 2021; polo. IOC said that dates for all the something we do not want,"
judged LBW for 15. He went for captains Nasser Hussain and match series. garding the issue and the latter N If a qualification system speci- qualification event dates and loca- Bach told reporters via video-
the review but three reds meant Michael Vaughan sympathised "It was a big shock. The bio-se- are satisfied with the measures fied age eligibility criteria, the tions "will be confirmed in due conference.
he had to head back into the hut. with fast-bowler Jofra Archer cure environment has to stay, that have been imposed. criteria should be extended to course by the respective IFs."

Juventus held by Sassuolo, Milan defeat Parma Shooters want ‘compulsory’ tag removed from NRAI camp
Rome (IANS): Juventus' winless run has extended Kolkata (IANS): The National Ri- or something regarding this. another shooter.
to three games as they squandered a 2-0 lead on fle Association of India (NRAI) Even if all safety procedures are "There are so many shooters
their way to a 3-3 draw at Sassuolo in their latest may have to remove the 'compul- there, still will anyone take re- who live around Delhi. But shoot-
encounter in SerieA.On Wednesday, the Bianconeri sory' tag from their plans of hold- sponsibility if someone gets ers like us who stay in another
were up by two goals just 12 minutes into the game ing a camp for Olympic-bound COVID-19?" a top Tokyo-bound state can sometimes have to take
when Gonzalo Higuain smashed in from point- shooters as many are still not shooter told IANS on the condi- two flights to reach Delhi. That is
blank range seven minutes after Danilo's opener, sure about travelling for the same tion of anonymity. risky at this stage. At the range,
reports Xinhua news agency.However, Sassuolo keeping in the mind the current "Travelling to Delhi is another we will be taken care of and I am
came back in dramatic fashion as FilipDjuricic, COVID-19 scenario. thing. So many things need to be confident of that. But it is only
DomenicoBerardi and Francesco Caputo each The NRAI on Tuesday an- taken care of. They should first the travelling part," added the
scored to help the home side take the lead.The Old nounced that they will be con- release a domestic calendar that shooter.
Lady then threw on Paulo Dybala and AdrienRa- ducting the camp from August 1, a camp would have been better Coaches are expected to have
biot, and forced an equaliser in the 64th minute and it will be compulsory for all for us to plan. Anyway we are all a word with NRAI, some shoot-
when Alex Sandro headed home Rodrigo Bentan- 32 selected shooters to attend the secure environment, but leading training at home so that is not an ers said, about removing the
cur's corner.Despite their latest setback, Juventus still remain top of the SerieA table with 77 points, seven camp. shooters of the country are not issue," the shooter added. 'compulsory' part from the
ahead of second-placed Atalanta.Elsewhere, AC Milan continued their unbeaten run as the Rossoneri The NRAI has said they would convinced. "I think they (NRAI) will make camp keeping in mind the
rallied to defeat Parma 3-1 at the San Siro. be conducting the camp in a bio- "We did not get a formal mail it optional after a few days," said health crisis.

AIFF makes exception, gives EB till July

31 to finish Club Licensing process Will take a call on next move once full
Kolkata (IANS): City football gi-
ants East Bengal have been given
some breathing space by the All
India Football Federation
tennis calendar is out, says Paes
(AIFF) as the governing body of DEBAYAN MUKHERJEE the winner of 18 Grand Slams. also engaging our minds with read-
football in the country decided "The vastness of this pandemic ing and healthy discussions with
to extend the I-League outfit's Kolkata (IANS): Tennis legend is quite astonishing. Neither can our family and peers. It is impor-
deadline on the Club Licensing Leander Paes will wait for the you see it and in many a case, the tant to take this time to introspect
process by seven days. quest was made to AIFF by a di- game to start again in full flow on virus sits asymptomatic within us and reinvent ourselves to live a
The Club Licensing adminis- rector of Quess East Bengal after the other side of the COVID-19 humans. "The message here is quality life and maximise all the
tration of AIFF, on July 14, dis- they got the club licensing doc- pandemic before taking a call on about social distancing, wearing a dreams we have," said Paes who
tributed the Club Licensing Ap- ument and deadline. his peerless career spanning three mask so as to help not spread the played his last tournament in the
plication Pack (CLAP) to all the East Bengal are in troubled decades. Paes, who turned 47 re- virus and looking after ourselves, Davis Cup in Croatia.
clubs who are eligible to undergo waters after acrimoniously ter- cently, had announced that 2020 our families and our society." Paes expressed his concern on
the Indian Club Licensing minating their tie-up with Quess would be his 'One Last Roar' sea- "As this lockdown extends the huge global economic down-
process for the 2020-21 season. Corp, who had a 70 per cent son and Tokyo Olympic Games week after week and we are all turn in the wake of this pan-
Clubs will have to confirm stake in the club. They had a was expected to be his swansong forced to adapt, it is important to demic and how that would affect
their intention to undergo the three-year deal but the Ben- event but the global pandemic cri- stay happy, spend quality time in- every one of us. "Even in rela-
Indian Club Licensing process galuru-based investors exited on sis put paid to his plans. of COVID-19 cases going up in restaurants and hence in this sit- teracting with our loved ones us- tion to the Tokyo Olympic
for the 2020-21 season by sub- May 31. But the same has not "Right now the most important America. For us Indian players, uation, it becomes di�cult," said ing our smart gadgets and phones Games which has now been
mitting the signed copy of the been informed to AIFF despite thing is health and safety. Now is it is not possible to travel at the Paes who wants to leave behind and also reinventing ourselves to moved to the summer of 2021,
Club Licensing Agreement on or the sport's governing body in the not the right time to plan a full moment. I feel global travel for a a legacy by playing his eighth suc- this new normal. it is important to stay in the
before July 24, 2020, an AIFF country asking them to inform tennis calendar. Now is the time profession like tennis will only be cessive Olympics, which has now "Many of us have been out of our present and evaluate the situa-
statement said. But an exception the club's status and change of to look after our family and our completely safe once the vaccine been postponed to 2021. jobs for more than five to six tion week for week. We are all
has been made for East Bengal. ownership structure. To acquire community," Paes told IANS in is developed and available. "My whole team is enjoying a months now and stress, depres- uncertain when the vaccine will
"Yes, up to 31st July as re- the AFC Club licensing for the an exclusive interview. "In tennis, we are playing a well deserved break after 30 sion and boredom become rele- be available and all be able to go
quested by them," AIFF general 2020-21 season, East Bengal has "The US Open is supposed to global sport. We have to travel all years of hard work and we will vant. It is important to keep a back to our normal lives.
secretary Kushal Das told IANS to submit a valid declaration to happen in August-September, over the world week after week. evaluate the situation once the healthy daily routine incorporat- Paes also highlighted the strug-
on Thursday. the AIFF, outlining the owner- the French Open is slated for Oc- We travel from airports to hotels tennis tour realistically looks at ing a little physical fitness of walk- gle of Olympic athletes during
It has been learnt that the re- ship. tober. But I am seeing the surge to stadiums and public places. To starting in full flow again," said ing and yoga and stretching, and this time of no activity.

Printed and Published by K. Hanumanta Rao, on behalf of Hyderabad Media House Pvt. Limited, Flat.No.609, 6th Floor, Kirti Shikhar Building, Plot.No.11, Dist.Center, Janakpuri, New Delhi- 110058.
and Printed at M/s. Marutinandan Printers & Publishers, A-15, Bara Bagh, G.T Karnal Road, Industrial Area, New Delhi - 110033. Editor: V Ramu Sarma. RNI No: DELENG/2017/74095

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