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Effect of Calcium Addition at High Temperature on

Fly Ash’s Activation Character

LUO Zhongtao1,aˈZHANG Lei2,b, YANG Jiujun3, bˈWANG Kai4, c, d
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, China.
Department of Materials Engineering, Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction, Tianjin 30038, China.
Shool of civil Engineering and Architecture, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, China.
School of Materials Science and Engineering,, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010, China

Abstract—The surface network structure of fly ash modified by ೒ 1 Ў CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 ϝ‫Ⳍܗ‬೒ঞ৘⾡⸙䪱䋼㛊‫ޱ‬ᴤ

calcium addition at high-temperature was analyzed by NMR, and ᭭೼ϝ‫Ⳍܗ‬೒Ёⱘऎඳ㣗ೈDŽ⬅೒ৃⶹˈ৘㛊‫ޱ‬ᴤ᭭ⱘ∈
Ka method-㧔ICP-AES㧕 rapid evaluation was used too. By ࣪⌏ᗻѺे㞾䑿∈⹀ᗻϢ݊ CaO ৿䞣ᄬ೼Ⳉ᥹݇㘨DŽF 㑻
activity exhibition of modified fly ash in cement paste, the effect ㉝✸♄Ёⱘ CaO 㒱໻䚼ߚᰃ㒧ড়Ϣ⦏⩗ⳌϢ᱊ԧⳌЁˈ
of calcium addition course at high-temperature on fly ash’s Ca2+ᰃϔ⾡㔥㒰㒧ᵘ᷵ℷ⾏ᄤˈৃҹᬍব㉝✸♄⦏⩗Ⳍⱘ
activity characteristics was studied. The results indicate: 㒧ᵘঞ SiǃAl ⱘ䜡ԡ⢊ᗕՓ⦏⩗Ⳍ㒧ᵘ᮴ᑣ࣪๲ࡴˈᦤ催
modified by calcium addition at high-temperature, fly ash’s early
⦏⩗Ⳍⱘ⌏ᗻDŽৠᯊˈCa2+೼ϔᅮ⦃๗⢊ᗕϟৃҹᠧᓔ Si-
Ka value improvement, and ratio of activated Al2O3/SiO2 was OǃAl-O 䬂ˈᦤ催ᭈϾԧ㋏ⱘ࣪ᄺ⌏ᗻ[2,3]DŽᴀ᭛Џ㽕䗮䖛
more than twice the average ratio of original fly ash, indicating 催⏽๲䩭䖛⿟ᇍ㉝✸♄䖯㸠࣪ᄺ⌏ᗻ▔থˈᑊ‫ ࡽ׳‬K a ⊩
the calcium addition course at high-temperature was not only
destructive on Si-O bond, its destructive power on Al-O bond was ⦃๗ঞ∈⊹‫⦃⌚ޔ‬๗ⷨお݊ᬍᗻৢⱘ⌏ᗻ⡍ᕕDŽ
also more apparent. Under the environment of cement paste,
modified fly ash’s reaction took place rapidly at early stage of II. ᅲ偠ॳᴤ᭭Ϣᮍ⊩
cement hydration, and continually to consume Ca(OH)2
produced by cement hydration.
A. ॳᴤ᭭
Keywords-fly ash; calcium addition; depolymerization; activity 䞛⫼ⱘ∈⊹ᰃ℺∝Ѯϰ∈⊹᳝䰤݀ৌ⫳ѻⱘ P.O 42.5
characteristics 㑻᱂䗮⸙䝌Ⲥ∈⊹˄ OPC˅ˈ݊ 95%ⱘ乫㉦㉦ ᕘᇣѢ
I. ࠡ㿔 ( ㅔ ⿄ LCFA) ˈ ᳔ ৃ ޴ ㉦ ᕘ 40ȝm ˈ ↨ 㸼 䴶 ⿃ Ў 370
ࠡᳳⷨお[1]Ёˈ䗮䖛㉝✸♄乫㉦೼ K a ⊩⦃๗ϟⱘ m2/kgˈ䳔∈䞣↨Ў 108%ˈሲѢĊ㑻㉝✸♄ˈ݊࣪ᄺ㒘៤
㾕㸼 1DŽЏ㽕䞛⫼࣪ᄺ㒃 CaOˈ৿䞣ϡᇥѢ 99.5%DŽ
SEM ᔶ䉠ব࣪ৃⶹ⒊㱔⌏࣪⚍ᰃ㉝✸♄乫㉦㸼䴶 Si-O-Al
㔥㒰㘮ড়ԧ㸼㾖⌏࣪㛑㭘ᔅऎඳˈৠㄝডᑨᴵӊϟˈডᑨ Table1 Chemical composition of fly ash
೼⌏࣪⚍໘᳔‫ܜ‬䖯㸠ˈ䖯㗠৥਼䖍ᠽሩDŽᭈϾ䖛⿟Ё⒊㱔 ࣪ᄺ㒘៤ wt/ˁ
SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO SO3 R2O IL
OPC 21.04 6.94 2.36 61.27 2.64 1.94 0.83 3.76
ᬜ᥾ᮑᇍ㉝✸♄ⱘ㸼䴶㔥㒰㒧ᵘ䖯㸠ᬍᗻˈ䰡Ԣ݊㘮ড় 50.80 28.51 7.06 3.94 1.10 1.68 2.96 2.65
⥛ˈҢ㗠ᦤ催㉝✸♄ㄝ⸙䪱䋼㛊‫ޱ‬ᴤ᭭ⱘডᑨ⌏ᗻDŽ B. ᅲ偠ᮍ⊩
Ў 1200 ćϟ 0.5 ᇣᯊDŽᑊ‫ࡽ׳‬फҀᎹϮ໻ᄺⱘ AV400D Ḍ

⌏ᗻ⡍ᕕߚᵤЏ㽕⍝ঞ K a ⊩⦃๗ঞ∈⊹‫⦃⌚ޔ‬๗DŽ
ᰒ ᖂ 䬰 ˄ SEM ˅ ߚ ᵤ DŽ ᦎ ㉝ ✸ ♄ ∈ ⊹ ‫ ⦃ ⌚ ޔ‬๗ 䆒 䅵
(FA/CFA3-2)䞛⫼ 0.40 ∈♄↨ǃ㉝✸♄ᦎ䞣↨՟Ў 45%DŽ
៤ൟ䆩ӊሎᇌЎ 40mm×40mm×40mm ゟᮍԧˈ䆩ӊ៤ൟ
1d ৢᢚ῵ˈ㕂Ѣ‵㛊༫Ёᆚᇕ˄䱨㒱∈ߚ˅‫ݏ‬ᡸˈࠄ㾘ᅮ
Fig.1 Activation distribution of materials in CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 system

978-1-4577-0290-7/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE

啘ᳳপߎ䖯㸠ᡫय़ᔎᑺ⌟䆩ˈᑊপḋ䖯㸠㉝✸♄ডᑨᑺ⌟ B. K a ⊩⌏ᗻ䆘Ӌ
ᅮ˄GB/T 12960-1996˅ǃX ᇘ㒓㸡ᇘ˄XRD˅ߚᵤDŽ
100 100
III. 㒧ᵰϢߚᵤ LCFA1 Ka

CFA-4 Ka
A. Si/27Al NMR ߚᵤ
80 LCFA1 Al/Si 80
೒ 2 ੠೒ 3 㒣催⏽๲䩭ৢ㉝✸♄ⱘ 29Si/27Al NMR 䈅DŽ

⌏ ᗻ A l2O 3/S iO 2
CFA-4 Al/Si
⬅೒ 2 ৃ㾕ˈLCFA1 ⱘ⸙⇻ಯ䴶ԧᄬ೼ Q1ǃQ2ǃQ3 ঞ Q4

K aؐ /%
޴⾡㘮ড়ᗕˈ݊Ё Q3 Ϣ Q4 ⱘዄؐ䕗ᆑϨᯢᰒˈ䇈ᯢॳ⢊
60 60
ЁЎ Q1 ⱘ⡍ᕕዄˈϨዄᔶবじѺ๲ᔎˈ⸙⇻ಯ䴶ԧ㘮ড়
ᑺᯢᰒ䰡ԢDŽ⬅೒ 3 ৃ㾕ˈॳ⢊㉝✸♄ⱘ䪱⇻໮䴶ԧ㒧ᵘ
40 40
ҹ 6 䜡ԡ˄࣪ᄺԡ⿏ į 㑺Ў-20 ppm˅੠ 4 䜡ԡ˄࣪ᄺԡ⿏
į 㑺Ў 30~40 ppm˅ᮍᓣᄬ೼DŽ㗠 CFA-4-1200ć೼࣪ᄺԡ
⿏ į-20 ppm 䰘䖥ⱘዄؐ෎ᴀ⍜༅ˈ㗠೼࣪ᄺԡ⿏ į30~40
20 20
ppm ໘ⱘዄؐᯢᰒࡴᔎ [5] DŽ䖯ϔℹॄ䆕ⳌᇍѢॳ⢊㉝✸
♄ˈ㒣䖛催⏽๲䩭ᬍᗻৢⱘ㉝✸♄݊ᔎዄ㒓ԡ⿏ᳱℷؐᮍ 1d 3d 7d 14d
৥⿏ࡼˈਜ⦄ߎ⬅催എⱘ䲚Ё৥Ԣഎⱘߚᬷ䍟࢓ˈѺ䇈ᯢ ডᑨᯊ䯈
Fig.4 Ka value and Al2O3/SiO2 ratio of fly ash

䗮䖛ᇍᬍᗻ CFA-4-1200ćⱘᤃ㤵㉝⺼໘⧚ˈ݊↨㸼䴶
Q3 4
LCFA1 Q2 Q ⿃᥻ࠊЎ 375m2/Kg ᎺেDŽ೒ 4 Ў㉝✸♄ⱘ৘啘ᳳ⌏ᗻ
Q1 Al2O3/SiO2 ↨ؐঞ ؐDŽ⬅೒ 4 ৃ㾕ˈ㒣 CFA-4-1200ć೼৘
啘ᳳⱘ ؐഛ催Ѣॳ⢊ LCFA1 ⱘˈᑊϨⳌᇍѢ LCFA1ˈ݊
ᮽᳳⱘ ؐᦤ催ᐙᑺ᳈໻ˈ1d ⱘᦤ催њ 97.94%ˈ3d ⱘᦤ催
њ 82.63%ˈ䇈ᯢ䗮䖛催⏽๲䩭ᬍᗻৢˈCFA-4-1200ćⱘ
Al2O3/SiO2 ↨ ؐ ↨ 䕗 ߚ ᵤ ৃ ⶹ ˈ CFA-4-1200ć ⱘ
Q1 Al2O3/SiO2 ↨ؐ䕗Ў〇ᅮˈ෎ᴀᕬᕞѢ 66.3%ᎺেˈⳌᇍ
Ѣ LCFA1 ⱘ Al2O3/SiO2 ᑇഛ↨ؐ˄㑺 31.6%˅催ߎϔ‫ס‬
໮ˈ䇈ᯢ催⏽๲䩭ⱘ䖛⿟ϡҙᇍ㉝✸♄ⱘ Si-O 䬂‫݋‬᳝⸈
ണ࡯ˈᇍ Al-O 䬂ⱘ⸈ണ࡯Ѻ᳈ࡴᯢᰒDŽ

CFA-4-0d CFA-4-7d


Fig.2 Si NMR spectra of modification fly ash

CFA-4--1d CFA-4-14d



Fig.3 27Al NMR spectra of modification fly ash
Fig.5 SEM of CFA-4 at different time in K a environment
⬅೒ 5 䎳ࠡᳳⷨお[1]Ё SEM ✻⠛ᇍ↨ߚᵤৃҹথ⦄ˈ
㒣ᬍᗻৢⱘ CFA-4 ⱘ৘啘ᳳডᑨ䖛⿟Ϣॳ⢊㉝✸♄ⱘᄬ೼

ᯢᰒϡৠDŽॳ⢊㉝✸♄ⱘডᑨ䖛⿟ᯢᰒ㓧᜶ˈᄬ೼㾷㘮㛑 ᦎᬍᗻ㉝✸♄ⱘ CFA3-2 ডᑨ⿟ᑺ೼৘啘ᳳ˄ᇸ݊೼
䞣ⱘ㌃⿃䖛⿟ˈ䖒ࠄϔᅮ⿟ᑺৢᠡӮ⬅㉝✸♄乫㉦㸼䴶৥ 28d Пࠡ˅ഛᯢᰒ催Ѣৠ啘ᳳⱘ FA3-2ˈᑊ೼ 14d~28d ᯊ
݊‫ݙ‬䚼䖯ϔℹডᑨˈ䖒ࠄᅠܼ㾷㘮ⱘⳂⱘ[6]DŽ㗠 CFA-4 Ң ⬅ 11.89%䎗छࠄ 16.62%ˈ䇈ᯢᬍᗻ㉝✸♄ⱘ࣪ᄺ⌏ᗻᬜ
ডᑨᓔྟˈ⺅ᗻҟ䋼ህⳈ᥹Ϣ݊㸼䴶ঞ‫ݙ‬䚼ᅠܼ᥹㾺ˈᑊ ᑨ೼ℸ䰊↉ⱘডᑨ⿟ᑺ๲ࡴ᳔ᖿˈ೼ 60d Пৢ݊ডᑨ⿟ᑺ
Ϩডᑨ䗳⥛䕗ᖿˈ೼߱ᳳህᔶ៤䕗ᯢᰒⱘࠏ㱔⦄䈵ˈ೼ ⱘ๲䭓䍟࢓ᯢᰒ‫ޣ‬㓧ˈЏ㽕ᰃ಴Ў∈࣪ѻ⠽ঞ⌚ԧᆚᅲᑺ
14d ᯊᅲ⦄ᅠܼ㾷㘮ˈᔶ៤ᵒᬷⱘẦ⢊⠽㇛ᢹԧDŽ ᦤ催䰏䱨њ։㱔ҟ䋼Ϣ㉝✸♄⌏ᗻ㒘ߚⱘ᥹㾺ˈᓊ㓧њড
C. ࡯ᄺᔎᑺߚᵤ
೒ 6 Ўᦎ㉝✸♄∈⊹‫⌚ޔ‬䆩ӊᡫय़ᔎᑺDŽ⬅೒ 6 ৃ㾕ˈ E. XRD ߚᵤ
ᦎࡴᬍᗻ㉝✸♄ⱘ CFA3-2 ⱘ৘啘ᳳᡫय़ᔎᑺձ✊ԢѢ㒃 ೒ 7 Ўᦎᬍᗻᦎ㉝✸♄∈⊹‫⌚ޔ‬䆩ӊⱘ৘啘ᳳ XRD ߚ
∈⊹ԧ㋏ⱘ 0-2ˈԚⳌᇍѢ FA3-2ˈᦎࡴᬍᗻ㉝✸♄ⱘ ᵤDŽ⬅೒ 7 ৃ㾕ˈ2ș˙9.65º 䰘䖥Ў AFt ⡍ᕕዄˈᑊ䱣ⴔ啘
CFA3-2 ೼ᮽᳳ˄28d Пࠡ˅᳝ᯢᰒӬ࢓ˈϨ๲䭓䗳⥛䕗 ᳳⱘᓊ䭓ˈ݊ዄؐᯢᰒ๲ᔎDŽ2ș˙18.08º Ϣ 34.14º ໘Ў
ᖿˈ䇈ᯢᬍᗻ㉝✸♄ CFA-4 㛑᳝ᬜᬍ୘∈⊹‫ⱘ⌚ޔ‬ᮽᳳᗻ Ca(OH)2 ⱘЏ㽕⡍ᕕዄˈ݊ዄ催ৃ೼ϔᅮ⿟ᑺϞড᯴‫⌚ޔ‬
㛑[7,8]DŽⳌᇍѢ ⊩Ё⌟䆩ⱘ㒧ᵰℸ๲䭓⥛⬹ᰒϡ䎇ˈЏ㽕 ⱘ ∈ ࣪ ⿟ ᑺ DŽ ೼ ᦎ ㉝ ᬍ ᗻ ✸ ♄ ԧ ㋏ Ё ˈ CFA3-2 ⱘ
ॳ಴೼Ѣ∈⊹‫⌚ޔ‬ԧ㋏ⱘ∈࣪⦃๗Ϣ ⊩⦃๗Ⳍ↨ϡ㛑⒵䎇 Ca(OH)2 ⱘ⡍ᕕዄዄ催䱣啘ᳳⱘᓊ䭓ϔⳈਜ⦄䗦‫ޣ‬䍟࢓ˈ
ᬍᗻ㉝✸♄ CFA-4 ⱘ▔থ㽕∖ˈ಴ℸ݊࣪ᄺ⌏ᗻᬜᑨ᮴⊩
䇈ᯢᬍᗻ㉝✸♄ CFA-4 ೼∈࣪ডᑨ߱ᳳे໘Ѣᖿ䗳ডᑨ䰊
↉ˈϡᮁ⍜㗫∈⊹ⱘ∈࣪ѻ⠽ Ca(OH)2ˈ࣪ᄺ⌏ᗻᯢᰒᦤ


ᡫ य़ ᔎ ᑺ 03D



)$ CFA3-2-14d
啘ᳳ CFA3-2-3d
Fig.6 Compressive strength of cement paste with fly ash
D. 䴲㪌থ∈䞣Ϣডᑨ⿟ᑺ
㸼 2 Ўᦎ㉝✸♄∈⊹‫⌚ޔ‬৘啘ᳳ䴲㪌থ∈䞣ঞ㉝✸♄ ƵˉAFt; ƷˉCa(OH)2; Ƹˉ¢-C2SH/C2S/C3S

ডᑨ⿟ᑺDŽ⬅㸼 2 ৃ㾕ˈᦎࡴᬍᗻ㉝✸♄ৢⱘ∈⊹‫⌚ޔ‬ Fig.7 XRD of cement pastes with CFA-4 at different ages
CFA3-2 ⱘ৘啘ᳳ˄ᇸ݊೼∈࣪ᮽᳳ˅䴲㪌থ∈䞣ഛ催Ѣ
㒃∈⊹‫ ⌚ޔ‬0-2 ঞ݊ᦎॳ⢊㉝✸♄ⱘ FA3-2ˈ䇈ᯢᴀ䆩偠 IV. 㒧䆎
ᴵӊϟᬍᗻ㉝✸♄ᯢᰒᦤ催њ໡ড়ԧ㋏ⱘᮽᳳ∈࣪䗳⥛ˈ 1˅㒣催⏽๲䩭ᬍᗻⱘ CFA-4 ⳌᇍѢ LCFA1 ᮽᳳⱘ
Џ㽕ॳ಴೼Ѣ㱑✊ᬍᗻ㉝✸♄ⱘ乫㉦ᔶ䉠থ⫳ᬍবˈԚᬍ K a ؐ໻ᐙᑺᦤ催ˈ䇈ᯢ CFA-4 ⱘᮽᳳ⌏ᗻᏆᕫࠄ᳝ᬜ▔
থ DŽ CFA-4 ⱘ ⌏ ᗻ Al2O3/SiO2 ↨ ؐ Ⳍ ᇍ Ѣ LCFA1 ⱘ
‫∈ޣ‬ᬜᑨঞ࣪ᄺ⌏ᗻᬜᑨ[9]DŽ Al2O3/SiO2 ᑇഛ↨ؐ催ߎϔ‫ס‬໮ˈ䇈ᯢ催⏽๲䩭ⱘ䖛⿟ϡ
Table 2 Degree of reaction of fly ash and non-evaporable
water content of cement pastes with fly ash /% ҙᇍ㉝✸♄ⱘ Si-O 䬂‫݋‬᳝⸈ണ࡯ˈᇍ Al-O 䬂ⱘ⸈ണ࡯Ѻ
㓪ো 0-2 FA3-2 CFA3-2 ᳈ࡴᯢᰒDŽ
3d(䴲㪌থ∈䞣/ডᑨᑺ) 10.79 11.86/5.32 12.18/8.66
7d(䴲㪌থ∈䞣/ডᑨᑺ) 12.99 12.15/7.77 13.56/10.57 2˅ᬍᗻৢⱘ CFA-4 ೼ K a ⊩⦃๗ϟϡᄬ೼ࠊ㑺಴㋴
14d(䴲㪌থ∈䞣/ডᑨᑺ) 13.59 13.19/9.89 15.05/11.89 ˄े⒊㱔⌏࣪⚍ⱘߎ⦄˅ˈ݊㸼㾖⌏࣪㛑ᯢᰒ䰡ԢˈSi-O-
28d(䴲㪌থ∈䞣/ডᑨᑺ) 14.64 14.01/12.84 16.78/16.62
Al 㔥㒰㘮ড়ԧⱘ㘮ড়ᑺ䰡Ԣˈডᑨҟ䋼ৃҹᖿ䗳Ϣ㾷㘮ৢ
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90d(䴲㪌থ∈䞣/ডᑨᑺ) 17.19 15.02/18.68 19.25/20.67
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