CXC Biology June 10 P1

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* areix seat Here T i] TESTCODEO1 207010 MAY/UNE2010 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL (CONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE, EXAMINATION BIOLOGY Paper 01—General Proficiency 75 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1 ‘This test consists of 60 items. You will have 75 minutes to answer them. 2. Inaddition tothis test booklet, you should havean answer shect. 3. Each iternin this testhas four suggested answers lettered (A), (B).(C). (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4, Onyouranswersheet, find thenumber which comespondsto youritemand shade the space having. the same letteras the answer you have chosen, Look at the sample item below. SS Sampleltem 2 Which of the following diseasesisdueto g * adietary deficiency? ‘Sample Answer io (A) Malaria ADO & (B) Diabetes ‘i (©) Influenza (D) Anaemia The best answer to this item is “Anaemia”, so answer space (D) has been shaded. 5. Ifyouwantto change youranswer, erase it completely and fill in your new choice. 6. Whenyouaretoldto begin, turn the page and work as quickly ands carefully as you can. Ifyou ‘cannot answer an item, omit itand go on to the nextone. Yourscore will be the total numberof correct answers. Figures arenot necessarily drawn to scale, DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright ©2009 Caribbean Examinations Council®. Allrightsreserved. 01207010 2010 + arrix seat mere + Some sharks have an excellent sense of 3. Which arrow inthe food web diagram below smell, which allows them to detect ti points in the wrong direction? amounts of blood dissolved in water, and track down distant wounded animals. The Leaves, shark ean be deseribed as Sticks (@) A) 1. predator M1. parasite Tl, omnivore Millipedes Earthworm IV. camivore (A) Tonly © @) (B) Land IV only (©) Hand I only (D) LU Aland iv 4. Some insects are brightly coloured, but are difficult to spot as they sit on plants. This Which of the following are involved in the bright coloration may be important for cycling of nutrients in nature? 1. pollination 1. Bacteria I blending into their environment 1. Plants TL. attracting mates Il, Earthworms TV. hunting forprey IV. Humans (A) TandIlonly (A) Land Honly (B) —_TandIIlonly (8) Mand IV only (©) HL Iil,and IV only (©) [Mand illonly () LI MandIv (D) 1M and 1V refer to the figure below which shows the flow of energy through a food chain, Gee} [eater |g aan Which arrow represents the smallest 6. At which point is MOST of the energy transfer of energy between organisms? released to the environment? 1 Aet ®) 0 @) « © ml © WV ©) Wv GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207010/F2010 12. Item 7 refers to the following terms. 9 1. Organ IL Organism: TI — Organelle IV. Cell Vv. Tissue Which of the following shows the correct sequence for INCREASING complexity/ 10. specialisation? (A) ULIV,1,1V (@) MLIV,V.L1 (©) V1, 1.01 (D) IVY, 1,111 Which ofthe following processes is involved 11 in the passage of water through cell walls? ‘A mature plant cell is different from a ‘mature animal cell because the plant cell has (A) __ mitochondria (B) — acell membrane (©) alarge permanent vacuole (D) _anucleus suspended in the cytoplasm The process by which food is moved through the alimentary canal is called (A) digestion (B) mastication (©) peristalsis, (D) swallowing Which of the following are NOT autotrophs? (A) Algae (A) Diffusion B® Mosses, (B) Osmosis. ( Ferns (C) Assimilation (D) Fungi Se reel [tem 12 refers to the following diagram. Ye solution }-—— Well watered vara Glass sheet with petroleum jelly seal Awell-watered plant is set up as shown in the diagram above and left fora few hours in sunlight, Aleaf from the plant is then tested for starch and no blue-black colour appeared. A likely explanation for thisresultisthat the (A) soilinthe pot dried out (B) __jarcontained no carbon dioxide (©) apparatus wasnot left long enough in suntight ) petroleum jelly prevented air from entering the bell jar GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, Item 13 refers to the table below which 16. Which of the following is NOT a reason shows the results obtained when a food was for placing green plants in an aquarium? tested by adding different reagents, (A) Providing food forthe animals (B) Providing oxygen forthe animals, a= oe (C) Removing the chlorine from the water a Bite beekcokom (D) Removing the animals’ waste Sodiumhydroxide Purplecolour | products andcoppersulphate(Biuret | reagent) | : Benedict’sorFehling’s Nocolourchange | 17 Rare : i ply ing characteristics is Sieaeaae a feature of respiratory surfaces! (A) Large surface area (B) Permanently moist 13. Thefoodeontained (2) Goodsupplyotbiood (A) starchandproteinonly ©) Thick membrane (B) reducing sugarandstarch only (C)__reducingsugar,starchand protein on : ich of the following statements eee eee aceite tad about aerobic and anaerobic respiration is, correct? 14. Which of the following are essential for Font ee the formation of healthy bones? (A) Caiciumand Vitamin (Ea [Doss notes oye |e ones (B) — Caleiumand Vitamin E (B) | Occursinthe ‘Occurs in the (© Tronand Vitamin A eytoplasin ‘mitochondria Oye renand yiemine (©) | Releaseslarge Releasessmall amountsof energy | _amountsofenergy 15. Which of the following statements BEST | (D) | Atleastone Productsare always describes the function of ATP? productisorganic | inorganic (A) Itstores food. (B)__ Itisameans of energy transfer, © _It-speeds up chemical reactions in thecell. (D) Large quantities of energy can become available. an7oiaFo010 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 19, 23. 24. ei Item 19 refers to the following table which shows the results, recorded after 20 minutes, of tests done with cobalt chloride paper on two leaves from different plants. % Colour change Surfacet_ | Surface? x 100 10 Y 100 50 From the results, one may conclude that (A) Leaf X has more stomata on Surface 2 than Leaf Y. (B) Leaf Yas more stomata on Surface 1 than Leaf X. (©) Leaf X has a faster rate of transpiration than Leaf Y. (D) Leaf Y has a faster rate of transpiration than Leaf X. 20. 24, 22. AAs organisms increase in size, the process of diffusion limits the transport of substances because (A) their surface area to volume de- creases (B)__theirsurface area to volume increases (©) they develop transport systems (D) they produce more waste products Which of the following plants does NOT havea modified vegetative storage organ?” (A) Carrot (B) Ginger (©) Mango @) Potato Through which process does the body rid itself of nitrogenous waste products? (A) Excretion (B) Diffusion (C) Evaporation (D) — Osmoregutation Items 23 - 24 refer to the diagrams below which represent some components of blood. a @B) © o In answering items 23 - 24, match each item with one of the options above, Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. Engulfing disease-causing organisms ‘Transportofoxygen OD0701N/F2N10 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 25. 26. Items 25 - 26 refer to the diagram of the mammalian kidney. u 4 am Yn Inwhich part of the kidney is the loop of Henle located? “wo. B) 1 © mW oO W Into which structure is urine emptied? (A) 1 ® © ml (D) Iv 01207010/F 2010 27. 28. 29. In the movement of the upper arm from position X to position Y in the diagram below, which of the following describes the action of biceps and triceps muscles? x y 1. Biceps contract I Bivepsrelax I, Triceps contract IV. Tricepsrelax (A) LandIiLonly (B) __ TandIVonly (©) Wand Itfonly (D) Hand IV only Which of the following adaptations in plants is NOT used to conserve water? (A) Thoms (B)_—Smaltleaves (©) Longleaves (D) — Caticle thickness Movement is important to the survival of a plant because it ensures thatit 1 can find food II. grows towards light TH, can find water TV. canreproduce (A) Tonly (8) TandIVonly (©) Wand itfonly (D) LI, Mandiv GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -T- 30. Thehumanskeletoncan be divided intotwo parts, theaxial skeleton andthe appendicular skeleton, Which row in the table groups bonescorrectly? ‘Axial skeleton ‘Appendicular skeleton (A) | Pelvic girdle, ‘Skull, humerus, | ribs, femur vertebral column (B) | Humerus, ‘Skull, vertebral femur, ribs column, pelvic girdle © _ | Pelvicgindie, Vertebralcolumn, | column,ribs 31. Which of the following types of lens will correct short sightedness? 33. (© lf o12070107F2010 Items 32 - 33 refer to the figure showing a diagram of the tip of a stem and a source of light Light oy Inv After three days, where will the concentra- tion of auxin be HIGHEST? (A) 1 ® 1 © m ©) W After three days, what will be the response ofthe stem? (A) Bendto the right (B)__Bendtothe left (©) Increase inheight (D) _Noresponse GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 34. (a) B © @) 35. -8- Which of the following diagrams correctly represents the pathway of the transmission ofan impulse fora spinal reflex? ied Which part of the brain would be used in solvingamathematical problem? (A) Cerebrum (B) Cerebellum (©) Hypothalamus (D) — Medullzoblongata aionmnIEO1D 36. Which of the following functions of the skin isan example of homeostasis? (A) Storage of fats (B) Release of sweat (©) Secretion of sebum (D) Maintenance of body temperature 37. The diagram below represents the growth Which section of the graph shows the MOST rapid curve of a culture of yeast cells. rate of growth? No. of cells (19.000) mm v v yy, D ‘Timerhr @ 1-0 ®) U-m © mw ) IV-V GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, oe 38. Which of the following glands produces 40. @ hormone which is directly responsible forgrowthin human beings? 0 iS m Vv A 4 @ ot ® oO ww o WwW a2. 39. Which of the following sequences of events, iscorrect? (A) Fertilization > implantation + copulation —> gestation (B) Fertilization > implantation > gestation copulation 7 (©) Copulation - fertilization implantation + gestation (D) Copulation + implantation > fertilization —> gestation epemaronie ‘The reproduction of amoeba by binary fission is an example of asexual reproduction because (A) the nucleus divides by mitosis (B) _ thenucleusisnot involved in the cell division (C) two offspring are produced by one parent (D) _thecytoplasmmisdivided into wo equal halves ns 41 - 42 refer to the diagram below. Y The type of seed represented above is (A) monocotyledonous (B) _dicoryledonous (C)__ winddispersed (D)__ waterdispersed The MAIN food reserves found in the parts labelled ¥ are likely to be (A) protein and fats (B) _proteinandcalcium (C) starch and fats (D) starch and protein Which of the following statements is TRUE of wind dispersed seeds? (A) They have feathery hairs which al- low them to be taken great distances. (B) They have hooks which allow them to be taken great distances. (©) They are rapidly strewn from dry pods. (D) — Theyare found in succulent fruit GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 44, 45, 46. 47. -10- Which of the following events does NOT ‘occur during mitosis? (A) Chromosome makes an exact copy ofitself, (B) Chromosomes align themselves on the equator ofthe spindle. (©) Two chromatids are joined by a centromere. (D) The chromatids exchange genetic information. ‘The production of gametes during the proc- ess of meiosis can lead to (A) smaller population size (B) _larger population size (©) __vatiationina population (D) nochange in the characteristics ofa population ‘Continuous variation in humans is illustrated by (A) sex/gender (B) _tonguerolting (© _ bloodgroups (D) adult heights characteristic is said to be sex linked: (A)__ onlyaffectsone particularsex (B) _iscarriedonthe sex chromosomes (©) developsduringsexual intercourse (D) _ispassed on from father to son 01207010/F 2010 Item 48 refers to the table below which shows the numbers of green and brown grasshoppers found in equalareas of dry and 48. 49. ‘green grass respectively. Brown Green grasshoppers | grasshoppers Dried grass 19 | 6 | Green | grass 8 | 25 Which of the following is the BEST ‘explanation for these observations? (A) Camouflaging protects grasshoppers from predators. (B) Brown grasshoppers mutate when placed in green areas, (©) Green grasshoppers are better adapted. (D) Mote food isavailable in green areas. Ifa diploid organism has two different alleles for the same gene, itis described as being (A) dominant (B) homozygous (©) _ heterozygous (D) recessive GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. r 50. “ule Which of the following statements about the differences between artificial and natural selection are true? Artificial selection | ‘Natural selection 1 0 m1 t te Environment Humans selecttraits. | selects traits, Basedonentire Basedonspecific | geneticmake-upof | genesinindividuals. Humans create the environmentsothat | organisms can thrive, Organismsare well adapted tothe environment | 51. (A) ®B) © oO) Tonly Land [only Mand If only 1, Mand Which of the following correctly lists examples of pathogenic, nutritional deficiency and physiological diseases? Nutritional | Physiological deficiency Pathogenic La Diabetes AIDS ‘Anaemia 'e) ‘AIDS Diabetes| Anaemia i) “Anaemia Diabetes| AIDS i) ‘AIDS “Anaemia Diabetes 52. In which of the ways listed below can hypertension be treated or controlled? L_Bating iron-rich foods I, Low carbohydrate diet HT, Low salt intake IV. Exercise (A) Land ILonly (B) Wand It only (©) Mand tv only (D) 1, Ul and1V 01207010/F 2010 53. 54, 55, ‘An animal which carries a disease-causing organism but is not adversely affected by itis, known asa (A) host (B) vector (© parasite (D) pathogen Which ofthe following symptoms indicates theabuse ofalcohol? (A) Slowed muscular skills, increased body temperature, feelings of increased energy (B) _ Vasodilation, impaired mental functioning, loss of consciousness (©) Vasoconstriction, violent behaviour, reduced need for sleep (D) _Slurred speech, loss of appetite, tung and nasal damage Which of the following statements are implications of diseases in agricultural crops? L— Lossoferops Tl. —_More jobs for workers in the area IIL Lower income for government TV. Higher food import cost (A) TandtV only (B) Mand [Lonly (©) Land 1V only (D) IL, Mand TV only GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -12- 56. Which of the following are appropriate $9, methods for measuring biotic and abiotic factors respectively? Biotic factors | Abiotic factors (A)| Quadrat,sweep | Thermometer,pH net, jar paper, light meter (B) | Lightmeter,pH | Thermometer, aper,quadrat jar, sweep net Temes) Ligh sweepnet.jar | paper,quadrat (D) | Sweepnet, jar, Lightmeter,pH | 60, | thermometer paper, quadtat 57. Theterm ‘habitat’ refersto (A) anarea where several organisms ive (B) the physical characteristics of an area (©) the biological characteristics ofan area (D) the area in which a particular organism lives Item 58 refers to the figure showing the growth curve ofa population colonising anew habitat - mw Number of Organisms 0 I Time Which of the following accounts for phase 1? (A) Thereisasmall number of reproduc- ingindividuals, (B) _Thercis competition for resources. (©) Thereis competition for food. (D) Death rate exceeds birth rate. F YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHE Non-renewable resources include 1. bauxiteand gold TL. forests and swamps/wetlands 11. natural gas and oil (A) Tand only (B) Land {if only (© Mand Itfonly @®) 1, Mand tr Whichof the following practices does NOT help to conserve the environment? (A) Using natural fertilizers (B) —_ Reafforrestation (©) Croprotation (PD) Overgrazing K YOUR WORK ON TH)

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