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1. Instructions to yourself—what do you want to say before the interview begins?

I will be conducting an interview on your viewpoint of the Black Lives Matter movement and your use of Twitter
hashtags to gain a better understand of the potential correlation between the two. I want to let you know that this
interview is confidential and will not be discuss outside of this room other than for the paper I will be writing. To
further ensure your confidentiality, I will refer to our not by your name but as Subject X, with X representing your
number in the order which you were interviewed.

2. Your list of main research questions, often either numbered and/or bolded
● Why did you join SGA?
● Do you feel you can enact change being a leader on campus as a member of SGA?
● How do you feel about the BLM movement?
● how often do you use social media on a weekly basis

● Do you believe the BLM movement is suffienct in solving problems?

● Do you affiliate with the BLM movement in any way?
● How often do you use social media?
● Do you use Twitter as an outlet to your opinions and frustrations?
● What are your opinions on police brutality?
● How do you typically react when events such as shooting of African-American males occur and what are your opinions
on such events?

4. Notes to yourself regarding transition

● Be smooth and lead into each question
● Make the conversation flow normally
● Don’t force the conversation
5. Space for recording participant answers

6. Space for taking notes on your thoughts

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