Momentum: ΔP = (mv - mu)

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Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686


P = mv

Unit = N.s or kgms-1

Change in momentum,

ΔP = (mv – mu)

Newton’s 2nd law,

F= F – Force

Change in momentum-

ΔP = F. Δt (Unit – N.s) Δt – Duration of application of force.

ΔP = (mv – mu) (Unit – Kgms-1)

Change in momentum is also called IMPULSE

So IMPULSE = F.Δt=(mv-mu)

Ques1: A ball of mass 0.20 kg strike a vertical wall horizontally with velocity 22 ms -1 and rebound exactly in
opposite direction with velocity 18 ms-1. Time of collision 0.50 second.

a) Determine
1) Momentum change.
2) Force on the ball during collision.
3) State the force exerted on the wall by the ball. Explain your answer.
b) A ball hits a glass window. Explain whether a hard ball or soft ball of same velocity and same mass
have less chance to break the window. Involve Newton’s 2nd law in your answer.

Ques2: A 25 N force strike a football of mass 320 g for 0.40 s. Ball was initially at rest. Determine

1) Momentum change(impulse) of ball

2) Velocity of ball after the strike.

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Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686
Force exerted on a vertical wall by a wind:
A wind hits a vertical wall of area A with velocity v. velocity of wind is in the horizontal direction.

Volume of air hitting the wall in every second = Av

Mass of air hitting the wall in every second = (Av) ρ, Density of air = ρ .

Momentum of air hitting the wall in every second = Mass x velocity

= ((Av)ρ) v

= Aρv2

If these air completely goes to rest hitting the wall then,

Momentum change of air in every second = Aρv2

Rate of change in momentum =Aρv2

Force = rate of change in momentum

F = Aρv2 (Force on wall by the wind)

Average power of wind on wall = F x Average velocity on strike.

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Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686
v +0
=Fx( )

= (Aρv2).

Average power = Aρv3


Area of a vertical wall is 12m2. A wind strike the wall horizontally with velocity 16 ms-1. Density of air is 1.2
kgm-3.(i) calculate the mass of air hitting the wall in every second. (ii) Assume that air is completely
stopped by the wall. Now calculate the rate of change in momentum of air hitting the wall.(iii)determine
the force exerted by the air on to the wall.

Hovering force
This is the force exerted on a fan by the air when its blades push the air away from it. Hovering force
exerted upward force on the blades of helicopter which balances the weight of it.

F = Aρv2 A=Area swift out by the blades.

Describe the principle of rocket propulsion.

Law of conservation of momentum
For an isolated system, total momentum of all colliding bodies remains same before and after the collision
if no external force acts during the collision.

Derivation of formula for momentum change

Assume that particle-1 and 2 are moving in the same direction where particle-1 is following particle-2. u 1>
u2 so after sometime they collide with each other. During collision they exert equal but opposite force on
each other for same time (Newton’s 3rd law). m1, m2 are their mass. u1, u2 are velocity before collision and
v1, v2 are velocity after collision.

F1 = Force exerted on particle-1 by particle-2

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Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686
F2 =Force exerted on particle-2 by particle-1

According to Newton’s 3rd law

F1 = -F2 (direction opposite)

m1 v 1−m1 u1 m 2 v 2−m 2 u 2
=−( )
t t

m 1 v 1−m 1 u1 = −m 2 v 2+ m 2 u2

m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2

Total momentum before collision = total momentum after collision

Sometimes two bodies move together just after the collision. In that case


1 +

u = (m1 + m2)v
2 2

v is the combined velocity after the collision.


Trolley A of mass 5 kg is moving

rightward over a smooth runway

with velocity 3 ms-1Trolley B of

mass 4 kg is also moving

rightward and following A from

behind with velocity 5 ms-1.

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Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686
After sometimes they collide with each other. Time of collision 0.20 second. Just after the collision trolley A

moves rightward with velocity 5.0 ms-1.

1) Calculate their total momentum before the collision.

2) What will be the total momentum after the collision?

3) Find out the velocity of trolley B just after the collision.

4) Calculate momentum gain of (Impulse) trolley A. Also calculate momentum loss of trolley B.

Comment on your answer.

5) Determine force exerted by trolley A on trolley B. Also determine the force exerted by trolley B on

trolley A.

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Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686
6) Following graph shows the velocity change of trolley A. in the same axis draw graph to show velocity of

trolley B before and after the collision.

7) Check whether the collision is elastic or inelastic.

Ques5: A truck of mass 3000kg hits a stationary car of mass 1200kg, with velocity 12 ms -1. Just after the

collision they move together.

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Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686
1) Calculate their total momentum before the collision.

2) Calculate their common velocity just after the collision.

3) State whether the collision is elastic or inelastic? Explain your answer.

4) Calculate force exerted on car by the truck. Time of collision 0.50 second.

Ques6: Skier A is moving eastward with velocity 5 ms-1. Mass of skier A is 90kg. Skier B of mass 70kg is

toward west with velocity 9 ms-1 and approaching towards B face to face. At the time of crossing

accidentally they collide with each other and then move together.

1) Calculate their total momentum before the collision.

2) Calculate their common velocity just after the collision. State direction of this velocity.

3) Determine force exerted on A by B. Time of collision is 0.50 second.

4) Check whether the collision is elastic or inelastic.

In-elastic collision
This is a collision where energy is lost during the collision and total kinetic energy of colliding particles is
not conserved during the collision. Momentum is still conserved in all collision.

1 1 1 1
m u2 + m u 2 ≠ m v 2 + m v 2
2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2

m1 u 1+ m2 u2=m1 v 1+ m2 v 2 still true

Elastic collision
This is a collision where no energy is lost during the collision. Kinetic energy of all particles is conserved
before and after the collision.

1 1 1 1
m 1 u21 + m 2 u 22= m1 v 21 + m 2 v 22
2 2 2 2

In elastic collision relative velocity is also conserved.

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Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686
Velocity of approach before collision = Velocity of separation after collision.

For both elastic and in elastic collision momentum is conserved.

m 1 u 1+ m2 u2=m 1 v 1+ m2 v 2 always true

A small unit of energy eV (electron volt)

1 eV = 1.6 x 10-19 J

This energy is used to express the kinetic energy of small particles like proton, electron, alpha-particles.

To introduce eV divide the joule value by 1.6 x 10-19.

To remove eV multiply joule value by 1.6 x 10-19.

A small unit of mass u

Unified mass unit/ atomic mass unit

1 u = 1.66 x 10-27 kg

Ques7:Show that for a particle, Momentum, p= √ 2 m E k

Kinetic energy, Ek = mv2

Ques8: Kinetic energy of a proton is 5.6 MeV. Mass of proton is u.


1) Kinetic energy is joule

2) Momentum in kgms-1
3) Velocity of proton

Ques7:235 231 4 235

92U decay to Thorium( 90Th ¿ emitting an alpha particle 2α . Assume that 92U initially remains at rest.

Just after the decay alpha particle moves with kinetic energy 1.2 MeV.

1) Calculate velocity and momentum of alpha particle.

2) Explain why Alpha particle and thorium must be moving in opposite direction with same
3) State momentum of Thorium.
4) Also calculate initial velocity of Thorium.
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Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686
Two dimensional collision:

Draw a vector triangle to show momentum of two bodies before the collision and the total momentum of them after
the collision.

Physics is not a subject, It is a part of your life.##Don’t Memorize, LEARN Physics, !!!!

Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686

Physics is not a subject, It is a part of your life.##Don’t Memorize, LEARN Physics, !!!!

Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686

Physics is not a subject, It is a part of your life.##Don’t Memorize, LEARN Physics, !!!!

Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686

Physics is not a subject, It is a part of your life.##Don’t Memorize, LEARN Physics, !!!!

Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686

Physics is not a subject, It is a part of your life.##Don’t Memorize, LEARN Physics, !!!!

Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686

Physics is not a subject, It is a part of your life.##Don’t Memorize, LEARN Physics, !!!!

Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686

At B, it is accelerating due to push of hand.

At C, it is decelerating due to friction.

Physics is not a subject, It is a part of your life.##Don’t Memorize, LEARN Physics, !!!!

Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686

Physics is not a subject, It is a part of your life.##Don’t Memorize, LEARN Physics, !!!!

Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686


Physics is not a subject, It is a part of your life.##Don’t Memorize, LEARN Physics, !!!!

Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686


Physics is not a subject, It is a part of your life.##Don’t Memorize, LEARN Physics, !!!!

Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686

Physics is not a subject, It is a part of your life.##Don’t Memorize, LEARN Physics, !!!!

Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686

Physics is not a subject, It is a part of your life.##Don’t Memorize, LEARN Physics, !!!!

Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686

Physics is not a subject, It is a part of your life.##Don’t Memorize, LEARN Physics, !!!!

Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686


Physics is not a subject, It is a part of your life.##Don’t Memorize, LEARN Physics, !!!!

Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686

Physics is not a subject, It is a part of your life.##Don’t Memorize, LEARN Physics, !!!!

Momentum Biswas Sir 01911383686

Physics is not a subject, It is a part of your life.##Don’t Memorize, LEARN Physics, !!!!


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