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Chapter 2 Real and Complex Number system

7) (- i )5 is
A) i
1) √3 is
B) – 1
A) Rational C) 1
B) Irrational D) – i
C) Integer
D) Prime
8) The conjugate of – 6 + 3i
A) – 6 – 3i
2) Product √2 √2 is equal to B) – 6 + 3i
A) – 2
B) 2 C) 6 + 3i
C) 0 D) 6 – 3i
D) 4

3) 1Z2|= 9) The solution set of 5x + 8 = 0 when x 𝜖N

A) 1|*|Z2| A) non empty set
B) 1|+|Z2| B) -8/5
C) 8/5
C)1|-|Z2| D) empty set

10) For all x, y, z 𝜖R, if (x y) z = x (y z) then
this property is called
4) If x < y, y < z then A) Commutative property under
A) x > z multiplication
B) x < z B) Associative under multiplication
C) x = z C) Distributive under multiplication
D) none of these D) Commutative under addition

5) The property used in this equation 3 x 7 = 11) The additive inverse of a complex number
7 x 3 is called x + yi
A) Closure law A) x – iy
B) Commutative law for addition B) x + iy
C) Commutative property w.r.t C) – x – iy
multiplication D) {x/x2 + y2, - y /x2 + y2}
D) Identity

12) The conjugate of a complex number 5i

6) 1+Z2| is A) –5
B) 5i
A) = 1|+|Z2| C) – 5i
D) 5
B)> 1|+|Z2|

C)< 1|+|Z2| 13) The additive inverse of (-x, -y) is

A) (-x, -y)
D)>= 1|+|Z2| B) (x, y)
C) (-x, 0)
D) (x, -y) 20) If Z1, Z2 be complex numbers then
´ Z2=
Z 1+
14) The property used in the equation 8 + 0 = A)
Z´1+ Z´2
8 is called
A) Commutative B)
Z´1− Z´2
B) Associative
C) Additive Identity C)
Z´1+ Z 2
D) Additive Inverse
D) Z1 --

15) For all a, b, c 𝜖R, if (a + b) + c =

a + (b + c) then the
property is called 21) If Z=(a,b), then Z−1 =
A) Commutative under addition
B) Associative w.r.t addition A) (a, - b)
C) Distributive under B) (-a , b)
D) None of these
C) ( a +ba , a−b+ b )
2 2 2 2

−a b

16) The additive identity is

D) ( a +b a + b )
, 2 2 2

A) 0
B) –1
C) 1
22) If Z=a+bi, then |Z|=
A) a2 – b2
17) The product of two conjugate complex B) a2 + b2
numbers is always a
A) Real number C) √a 2 – b 2
B) Complex number
C) Irrational number D) √ a 2+b 2
D) Natural number

23) If z1 and z2 are any two complex numbers

18) The sum of two conjugate complex then |Z1| - |Z2|
numbers is always a
A) <|Z1-Z2|
A) Real number
B) Irrational number B) <=|Z1-Z2|
C) Complex number
C) >|Z1-Z2|
D) Natural number
D) >=|Z1-Z2|

19) |1+2i/2-i|= 24) (- i )15 =

A) 1 A) 1
B) 5 B) –1
C) ¾ C) i
D) –i
D) 5/3

25) If z1 = (a, b) and z2 = (c, d) then z1z2 =

A) (ac – bd, ad + bc) A) –i
B) (ac + bd, cd – bc) B) +i
C) (ad + bc, ac – bd) C) ±i
D) (ad – bd, ac + bd) D) none
33) The complex No. (a + ib) can be written
26) 2x2 + 3 y2 = as ______
A) (2x + 3iy) (2x – 3iy) A) (a, ib)
B) {a, b}
B) (√ 2x+√ 3iy) (√ 2x-√ 3iy) C) (a, b)
D) [a, b]
C) (2x – 3y) (2x + 3y)
D) (√ 2x+√ 3y) (√ 2x-√ 3iy)
34) The imaginary part of the complex Nos.
(b, a) is ______
27) π €_________ A) ia
B) b
A) N
C) a
B) Q
D) none
C) Q/
D) none

28) x€R, x x is called _______ property. 35) If Z=i Then Ź´ = _________
A) symmetric
B) reflexive A) i
C) transitive B) –i
D) none C) ±1
D) none
1+ 2i
29) The magnitude of is 36) If Z= - Ź then Z is = ________
A) real
A) 5 + 2i
B) imaginary
B) –1
C) neither type
C) √3
D) none of these
D) none
30) If x = 0, then multiplicative inverse of x is
_______ 37) If the area f triangle is 16, formed by the
1 points Z, Z+iZ and iZ in a complex plane,
x then Z ______
B) –x
A) 16
C) 1
D) 0 B) 5√ 3
E) none C) 4√ 2
D) none

31) The real & imaginary part of

is 38) if x + iy = 5 –6 i
, then imaginary part (y)
2+ i 2−i = _______
` A) –6
A) 5/8 , 2/5 B) 6
B) 5/8 , -2/5 C) 0
C) 8/5 , 2/5 D) none
39) A real number is always
A) a natural no
32) The value of i n= _______ where n is an B) positive integer
odd No.
C) Rational number
D) complex number

40) The property used in the equation

7.8 + (- 7.8) = 0 is
A) Commutative
B) Associative
C) Additive Identity
D) Additive inverse

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