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Congratulations – You Now Have Access to My Top Two Traffic Sources.

The Underground Secret To Buying Traffic That

Converts Like Crazy
Congratulations on accessing this report!
Before I show you my top 2 traffic sources for anyone trying to build a list of people who are
interested in making money online, let’s make sure you are in the right place.
If you answer yes to any of these questions, you’ll benefit greatly from what you’re about to learn.

Are you involved in any MMO (Make Money Online) or other Affiliate Business
Opportunities similar to the ones listed below?

Or are you doing any trying to sell “make-money” or “internet-marketing” products
on affiliate networks like…

© 2018 – Affiliate Business Opportunity Mastery


Have you ever, or are you currently buying solo-ads to send traffic to
an opt-in page, so that you can build your email list of people who are
interested in making money online?

If you indeed answered yes to any of these questions –

Things are about to get EXCITING!

Here’s the thing, it took me years to crack the code, and you know what I found out? There is more
than enough high-quality traffic that actually converts into REAL BUYERS for everyone.
I don’t know why people hold their traffic secrets so close to their chest. Probably so they can make
more money off of you. But that is not how I make my money. So, I am happy to share what I know
with you.
You see, I make my money in 2 different ways.
1. I am a top affiliate in several Affiliate Business Opportunities. I pretty much mastered that
game by building and nurturing THE MOST IMPORTANT ASSET – my list. Now I can jump
into any opportunity and simply turn on the money machine.

2. I BUILD ASSETS for people that are serious about online and home business success. It turns
out most people waste their money buying into opportunities before they invest in THE ASSET.
It took me 4 years to figure this out, but now…

I have developed a fool-proof, done for you system that builds your
email list (a.k.a. your biggest asset) like clockwork.

But more on that later.

For now, I want to help you buy high-quality traffic. From the same sources I am currently using to
build email lists for my clients of 10,000 or more all from top-tier countries.
Does that sound good? Great. Let’s dive in.
The problem with most solo-ads, and many traffic sources is the fact that most of the time you are
buying shit traffic. Old dead contacts, and sometimes even bots. It may be cheap, but in reality the
most expensive traffic is the traffic that doesn’t work. It other words, It’s better (and less costly) to
spend $1 for a REAL click/visitor, than it is to spend $0.40 cents on a fake/crappy visitor.
So how the hell do you ensure that you are getting the absolute best traffic – for the particular
promotion you are running?
Great question!

© 2018 – Affiliate Business Opportunity Mastery

You need to run your traffic through what I call “Traffic Quality Filters”. (Not All Filters Are Created
The two traffic sources I am sharing with you have some of the best quality filters you will ever come
across. But they work a little differently from each other.
Let me explain how they work so you can decide exactly how you want to drive this “Quality Filtered
The Basic Concept…
There are traffic sellers and traffic buyers. You are obviously the buyer. But you have no idea if the
traffic you are buying is any good.
Enter traffic filtering companies…
They connect you with the sellers and when you purchase the traffic they send it through their system
of quality filters to make sure you only get (and ONLY PAY FOR) traffic that meets or exceeds their
quality standards.
We as the buyers LOVE this for obvious reasons. Adding quality control to the traffic we buy may cost
a little more on the surface, but higher conversions makes up for it.
The sellers like it because they get the legal backing of a larger company, which means they are less
likely to run into charge backs and fraudulent activity.
It is truly a win-win.

My Top Two Traffic Sources That Convert Like Crazy

Like I said, each of these quality control companies uses their own quality filters. And they are not all
created equal. The two sources I am about to share with you are above and beyond the best I have
It’s really cool. They both work a little differently so you can decide which one you want to try – or try
both. It’s up to you.

(Right Click Link Below to Open In New Tab)

Traffic Source 1 – The Broker: Click Here

This company works like the old school mailing list brokers work. You tell them what
your offer is and how much traffic you want to buy and they hook you up with a
seller they think will convert.

Remember – They are on your side, because the better the traffic converts, the more likely you are to
buy more.
They don’t get it right all the time, but this is what’s cool. Let’s say you buy traffic, and they choose a
guy named “Bob” to fulfill your traffic order. You’ll know that all of the traffic is coming from Bob. If
Bob’s traffic converts well for you, then the next time you order traffic, you can request that they ask
Bob to fulfill your order for you!

© 2018 – Affiliate Business Opportunity Mastery

But, if Bob’s traffic doesn’t convert well to your offer, no biggie… you can just request that they don’t
use Bob again to fulfill your order.
You have ultimate control, but you also have a sort of adviser helping you out.

(Right Click Link Below to Open In New Tab)

Traffic Source 2 – The Marketplace: Click Here

This company has a list of sellers you can look through and decide for yourself who you
want to use. It is great if you want to be able to get that gut feeling and not have to trust
someone else’s recommendation.
If the traffic is good you can buy more from that seller. It the traffic doesn’t convert move on to the
next. All of the traffic sellers are rated by other buyers, so you’ll see EXACTLY whose traffic is
converting and whose is not. Also, since all of the traffic sellers are competing against each other,
you’ll often find some pretty good deals!

Whether Or Not It Converts…

The nice thing about using either of these companies is you can be sure that the traffic you are
getting is real people that have passed through their quality filters. So even if it doesn’t convert as
highly as you hoped… at least you know you are not getting scammed.
It is much easier to run accurate traffic tests if you know for a fact the traffic is legit.


You can take those two sources I gave you and start testing what traffic will convert like crazy FOR
YOU. You don’t need anything else to leverage these tools.
Never waste money on fake traffic – ever again.
But BECAUSE – You made it this far…
I want to make a special offer to you.
If you have read this far, you have proven that you are a person of action. You have proven that you
are serious about taking this to the next level.
Do you remember when I told you that - I have developed a fool-proof, done for you system that builds
your email list (a.k.a. your biggest asset) on COMPLETE AUTO-PILOT?
Well, I have!

And if you’d rather pay to actually get someone on your list (as opposed to paying for a website visitor) then
you need to TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE of what you’ve just stumbled upon

© 2018 – Affiliate Business Opportunity Mastery

This is a completely revolutionary DONE FOR YOU SYSTEM, that you can’t fail, because we do all the work.

• Don’t know how an autoresponder works – No problem, I got you.

• Don’t know how to build landing pages, lead magnets, asset delivery pages etc. – No problem, I got
• Don’t know what to sell or how to make money from your list – No problem, I got you.
• Want coaching to help you sell more and make more money so you can dominate the leader boards
too or sell more affiliate products – No problem, I got you.

Now this system isn’t for everybody, and it’s not cheap… but if you are FULLY COMMITTED to making big


CLICK HERE AND GET SPECIAL ACCESS FOR A LIMITED TIME. You will be taken to an application
page with a short video. Take 5 minutes to watch the video and decide if you want to take advantage of this
special offer. If you do, simply fill out the application and one of my associates will call you and make sure this
opportunity is just right for you.

To YOUR Success
Devon Brown

P.S. With this 100% DONE-FOR-YOU list building system, you can have a list of 10,000…20,000, or even
30,000 subscribers built FOR YOU while you sit back and relax! So don’t wait. CLICK HERE To Have
Your Email List Built For You!

© 2018 – Affiliate Business Opportunity Mastery

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