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Riphah Institute of Clinical and Professional Psychology (RICPP)

Riphah International University, Lahore
End Term Open Book Examination (Spring, 2020)
Program: MS & ADCP Clinical Psychology
Subject Name: Therapeutic Interventions
Course Instructor: Sana Majeed

Student Name: ________________________________ SAP ID: ____________________

Semester: ______________ Session: ________________________ Date: ______________

Total Marks: 20
Answer any two questions mentioned below. All questions Carry Equal Marks.
1. Read these Scenarios wisely. Identify and explain techniques from Rational Emotive
Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy best suit with these illustrations.
Marks (10)
i. The Technique in which you allow your client to explore experientially the
self-statements and coping mechanisms which are most compelling and
natural for her.
ii. It is an opportunity to increase the effectiveness of rational coping statements
by adding an emotive element to it.
iii. You can encourage your client to lighten up on herself and see some of her
beliefs are actually funny when taken to extremes.
iv. Part of your job as a therapist is to model positive, helpful attitude and beliefs
for your client whenever possible.
v. The client initiates an activity at a “safe” level and the therapist gradually
increases the difficulty of assigned tasks.
2. Pie Charts is a helpful cognitive restructuring tool in cognitive behavioral therapy.
They are particularly useful for working with problems where a patient has an inflated
sense of responsibility. Discuss health anxiety Pie chart with appropriate example.
Marks (10)
3. The person interviewed was a 24-year-old man with a seven-year history of OCD. His
main presenting problem was the experience of repetitive intrusive thoughts and
images of a homosexual nature. More specifically, he reported intrusive images of
two men kissing, and whenever he noticed himself looking at a man in the street he
had the intrusive doubt ‘Do I find him attractive. These obsessions were accompanied
by a range of self-reassurance strategies, neutralising strategies, and danger-limitation
responses which became clear in the interview. Draw an idiosyncratic OCD case
conceptualization model and discuss in detail. Marks (10)

Good Luck

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