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Boarding School vs.

Day School
Parents are often faced with the conundrum of whether to send their
children off to an unfamiliar yet productive environment of boarding school
or to educate them in day schools while also allowing them to enjoy the
comforts of their home. While both choices may be appealing, the correct
decision is the one made with mutual discussion among the family keeping
the disparities of the two in mind.

No one would disagree that quality of education is the utmost priority of

every parent. Boarding schools offer a lot more opportunities for learning
important life skills and more access to teachers’ assistance round-the-
clock. In addition, the distraction free environment encourages productivity
and development of the students.

Boarding schools also provide a socially-interactive environment, so the

students naturally form strong bonds with one another, as they share many
life experiences together. They also meet important personalities of the
institution routinely and learn to interact in a civil and confident manner.

The major concern of parents has always been the upbringing of their
children. While boarding schools provide all educational facilities and
opportunities, they cannot adequately compensate for the lack of
parenting. On the contrary, Day schools give ample time to the parents for
instilling their moral values and life lessons into their children.

All in all, some parents may instinctively want to enroll their children in day
schools to have more family time or to reduce education cost while other
well-paid and busier parents may opt for boarding schools for the
upbringing and tutoring of their children.

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