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Your Legal

Your Legal Disability Rights

Know your rights under federal law. Read about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),
which protects people’s rights regarding employment, public accommodations, state and local
government services, and more. Learn about special accommodations for travelers and voters.
Know how to fight job discrimination.

On This Page
 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
 Traveling with a Disability
 Voter Accessibility Laws
 Discrimination and Harassment at Your Job
 Education Rights of People with Disabilities
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects the rights of people with disabilities. It
guarantees equal opportunity in:

 Public accommodations
 Jobs
 Transportation
 Government services
 Telecommunications

The Department of Justice ADA information line answers questions about ADA requirements.

It's available to businesses, state and local governments, and the public. Call 1- 800-514-
0301 (TTY: 1-800-514-0383).

Find More ADA Resources From the Government

The ADA website has information on:

 ADA standards for accessible design

 Federal agencies with ADA responsibilities
 Mediation for dispute resolution

The United States Access Board website provides:

 Guidelines and standards for telecommunications, public transportation, and recreational

 A guide to the ADA standards for buildings
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act requires federal agencies to make electronic and
information technology accessible.

 View information on Section 508 law.

 For questions, contact the Section 508 program.
When to File a Complaint
According to Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, hotels, restaurants, and certain
places of entertainment must provide disability access. 

If you feel that you've been the object of Title III discrimination, you can file an ADA complaint.

Traveling with a Disability

People with disabilities have legal protection from discrimination while traveling. The
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) gives guidelines for accessibility and special
accommodations. Learn more about the ADA and how to file a complaint.

Travel by Air with a Disability

 The Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) screens all air travelers leaving from
U.S. airports.
o Learn how TSA screens for medications, medical equipment, and certain health
o Contact the TSA for help or to make a complaint.
o Request TSA help with screening if you're a veteran with a disability or a
wounded warrior.
 The Air Carrier Access Act prohibits discrimination against passengers with
disabilities. Learn your rights under this rule and how to make a complaint.
 The Department of Transportation (DOT) enforces your rights in airports and on planes.
It has guidelines for:
o Wheelchairs and other assistive devices
o Assistance moving throughout the airport
o Seating accommodations
o Service animals (includes emotional support animals)
Travel by Rail with a Disability
 Travelers with disabilities can receive special accommodations on Amtrak.
 The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) oversees civil rights and ADA compliance
for railroads. You can file a complaint if you've faced ADA discrimination when
traveling by rail.  
Travel by Bus and Local Transit with a Disability
 Learn about your accommodation rights in buses and how to make a complaint.  
 If you can't travel by regular public transit, you may qualify for paratransit. Paratransit is
special transportation from your local transit agency. Learn about your rights, eligibility,
and how to make a complaint.
Other Travel with a Disability
 If you’re planning a cruise, make your special accommodation needs known. Find tips
in Cruise Vacations: Know Before You Go (PDF, Download Adobe Reader).
 Each country has its own standards of accessibility. Check the country you plan to visit
before booking your trip.

Voter Accessibility Laws

Voter accessibility laws ensure that people with disabilities or language barriers are able to vote.

If you know you’ll need accommodations on Election Day, contact your state or local election
officeto find out what to expect at your polling place. 

Laws and Accommodations That Help Voters With Disabilities

Several federal laws protect the voting rights of Americans with disabilities. These include
the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Help America Vote Act (HAVA).

Voters with disabilities have the right to:

 Vote in private, without help

 Have an accessible polling place with voting machines for voters with disabilities

Polling places must have:

 Wheelchair-accessible voting booths

 Entrances and doorways at least 32 inches wide
 Handrails on all stairs
 Voting equipment for people who are blind or visually impaired

If you have a disability, you may:

 Seek help from poll workers trained to use an accessible voting machine, or
 Bring someone to help you vote

You can also ask your election office what other options you have.

 Some states offer “curbside voting," when a poll worker brings everything you need to
vote to your car.
 Some set up polling places at long-term care facilities.
 Local organizations may provide transportation to the polls.
 Many states let people with disabilities vote by mail.
Accommodations That Help Voters Who Need Language Assistance
The Election Assistance Commission (EAC) helps people overcome language barriers to voting.

 The downloadable Voter’s Guide to Federal Elections is available in 11 languages. Find

tips on everything from registering to vote to casting a ballot on Election Day.
 The National Mail Voter Registration Form is available in 15 languages. You can use it
in most states to register and to update your voter registration information.

Federal law also lets you bring someone to help you if you can't read or write.

Discrimination and Harassment at Your Job

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces federal laws prohibiting
employment discrimination. These laws protect employees and job applicants against:

 Discrimination, harassment, and unfair treatment in the workplace by anyone because of:
o Race
o Color
o Religion
o Sex (including gender identity, transgender status, and sexual orientation)
o Pregnancy
o National origin
o Age (40 or older)
o Disability
o Genetic information
 Being denied reasonable workplace accommodations for disability or religious beliefs
 Retaliation because they:
o Complained about job discrimination
o Helped with an investigation or lawsuit
Filing a Complaint with State or Local Government or Tribal Employment
Rights Office
To file a complaint, contact your state, local or tribal employment rights office.

Many state and local governments have their own anti-discrimination laws. These laws may offer
extra protections beyond federal laws.

Some state laws:

 Apply to businesses with only five or six employees

 Prohibit discrimination based on whether you're married or have children
 Have different deadlines for filing a charge
 Have different standards for deciding whether you’re covered by them

Many state laws have more protections for nursing mothers than federal law requires. State labor
offices enforce these laws.

Filing a Lawsuit
If you're a victim of job discrimination or harassment, you can file a lawsuit. If the
discrimination violates federal law, you must first file a charge with the EEOC. (This doesn't
apply to cases of unequal pay between men and women.)

You may decide to sue if the EEOC can’t help you. In either case, look for an attorney who
specializes in employment law. You can check with:

 Your EEOC field office

 American Bar Association
 National Employment Lawyers Association
Not All Employers Are Subject to EEOC Laws
An employer must have a certain number of employees to be covered by EEOC-enforced
laws. This number varies based on the type of employer and the kind of discrimination alleged.

 Businesses, state, and local governments must follow most EEOC laws if they have 15 or
more employees.
 Federal agencies must follow all EEOC laws, no matter how many employees they have.
Laws that the EEOC Enforces
Federal employment discrimination laws include:

 The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) – prohibiting discrimination against workers

with disabilities and mandating reasonable accommodations
 The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) – prohibiting discrimination based
o Race
o Color
o Religion
o National origin
o Sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity). Learn more
about harassment and discrimination protections for LGBTQ workers. These
protections apply regardless of any contrary state or local laws.
 The Equal Pay Act (EPA) – requiring equal pay for equal work by men and women
Harassment is unwelcome conduct based on:

 Race
 Color
 Religion
 Sex
 National origin
 Age
 Pregnancy
 Disability
 Genetic information

It can include:

 Offensive jokes
 Physical assaults or threats
 Ridicule or insults
 Display of offensive objects or pictures

Sexual harassment may include:

 Unwelcome sexual advances

 Requests for sexual favors
 Other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature
 Offensive remarks about a person's sex

Harassment becomes illegal when:

 It creates a hostile or abusive work environment

 The victim gets fired or demoted for refusing to put up with it
Protection from Retaliation
EEOC laws protect employees and job applicants from retaliation. For example, it’s unlawful to
punish people for:

 Filing or being a witness in an EEO charge or investigation

 Talking to a supervisor or manager about discrimination or harassment
 Refusing to follow orders that would result in discrimination
 Resisting sexual advances, or intervening to protect others

Education Rights of People with Disabilities

Several federal laws protect the education rights of people with disabilities.
How Section 504 and Title II Protect Education Rights
 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (PDF, Download Adobe Reader) applies to
businesses and groups that receive federal grants and loans.
 Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act applies to public schools, universities, and
 Both laws forbid discrimination against people with disabilities. They enforce the same
basic standards for students attending public schools.
 Section 504 also protects students with “hidden” disabilities.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
IDEA applies to students in grades K-12.

 It guarantees their right to a free, appropriate public education.

 It calls for the creation of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for each child.
Students with Disabilities at College or Technical School
Students with disabilities preparing to attend college or vocational school have rights and

 Students must notify their school and document their needs.

 Schools must provide tools and modifications to help students take part in class. For
example, a school may offer course reading material in Braille.
Disability Discrimination in Education
If you feel a school has discriminated against you or your child, you can:

 File a complaint with the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights.

 Contact your state or school district.

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