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DSTXXX10.1177/1932296817691302Journal of Diabetes Science and TechnologyClements and Staggs

Special Section: Adherence and Diabetes

Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology

A Mobile App for Synchronizing

2017, Vol. 11(3) 461­–467
© 2017 Diabetes Technology Society
Reprints and permissions:
Glucometer Data: Impact on Adherence
DOI: 10.1177/1932296817691302

and Glycemic Control Among Youths

With Type 1 Diabetes in Routine Care

Mark A. Clements, MD, PhD, CPI, FAAP1

and Vincent S. Staggs, PhD2

Background: Many individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1D) upload and review blood glucose data between clinic visits.
Mobile phone applications that receive data from a “connected” glucometer and that support pattern management are
available and have the capacity to make data upload and review less burdensome. Whether mobile apps can improve diabetes
self-management among individuals with type 1 diabetes remains unknown.

Method: We analyzed retrospective data on 81 youths with T1D who were trained to use a glucometer-connected
mobile app in their self-management. To assess the effect of glucometer synchronization (“sync”) rate on hemoglobin A1c
(HbA1c), mean blood glucose (mBG), and daily frequency of SMBG, we regressed those clinical outcomes on the frequency
of glucometer syncs with the mobile app after controlling for other clinical care variables.

Results: Median age was 14.0 (IQR 10.4-15.9) years, median duration of diabetes was 4.9 (2.7, 7.5) years, and median baseline
HbA1c was 8.6% (7.9, 9.8). The sample was 49% male and 86% white. Youths with T1D synchronized glucometer data with the
mobile app an average of 0.22 times per week (range 0-2.25). The glucometer sync rate did not have a statistically significant
association with HbA1c or mean BG; in contrast, data sync frequency was associated with the frequency of self-monitoring
of blood glucose (SMBG) such that each additional sync was associated with a 2.3-fold increase in SMBG frequency (P < .01).

Conclusion: A glucometer-connected mobile app may increase an individual’s engagement with other aspects of care (eg,
SMBG frequency). Whether diabetes device-connected mobile apps can improve glycemic control remains to be determined.

adherence, children, glucometer, glycemic control, hemoglobin A1c, mobile application, type 1 diabetes

Despite advances in both insulin therapeutics and technology self-management have been described; some of these also sup-
to improve insulin delivery and glucose monitoring, many port direct data synchronization between glucometers and the
children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1D) fail to mobile app on a mobile phone.6-9 Few studies have evaluated
meet established targets for glycemic control.1 Recent data the effect of data synchronization to a mobile app on glycemic
suggest that individuals with T1D who download and review control or other self-care behaviors in T1D.
their blood glucose data for patterns between clinic visits
exhibit better glycemic control than those who do not.2 1
Children’s Mercy Hospital, Center for Children’s Healthy Lifestyles
Unfortunately, the majority of individuals with T1D do not & Nutrition, University of Missouri–Kansas City, University of Kansas
regularly download data between clinic visits or review those Medical Center, Kansas City, MO, USA
data for patterns to inform insulin adjustment.2-5 Continuous Children’s Mercy Hospital, University of Missouri–Kansas City, Health
Services & Outcomes Research, Kansas City, MO, USA
glucose monitors support real-time decision-making among
individuals with T1D, but their associated mobile phone appli- Corresponding Author:
cations do not currently archive data across multiple days, Mark A. Clements, MD, PhD, CPI, FAAP, Children’s Mercy Hospital,
Center for Children’s Healthy Lifestyles & Nutrition, University of
incorporate software tools to support pattern management, or Missouri–Kansas City, University of Kansas Medical Center, 2401 Gillham
display complete glucometer or insulin pump information. Rd, Kansas City, MO, 64108, USA.
Multiple mobile applications (ie, “apps”) to support diabetes Email:
462 Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 11(3)

The Glooko software application for mobile phones (fur- other types of diabetes (such as type 2, monogenic, cystic-
ther referred to as “the mobile app”) supports data upload fibrosis-related, or iatrogenic diabetes) or with other comor-
from many glucometers, as well as several continuous glu- bid diagnoses that might impact their diabetes care or
cose monitors and insulin pumps.10 The software includes complications (eg, sickle cell disease, leukemia, congenital
data visualizations designed to assist with the identification of syndromes and heart disease) were excluded. In total, 5923
patterns in blood glucose, insulin, carbohydrate, and exercise individuals were included in the database.
data. The data are also shared from the mobile app to a cloud
data management system to facilitate review by caregivers
Variable Definitions for Data Source
and health care teams. In general, mobile apps to support dia-
betes self-management have the potential to ease the burden HbA1c.  Youths’ HbA1c levels were measured on either
of data upload and review by individuals with T1D. But the Tosoh G8 HPLC (Tosoh Bioscience Inc, San Fran-
whether mobile apps can improve diabetes self-management cisco, CA, USA) or the Afinion AS100 Analyzer (Orlando,
remains unknown. It is important to answer this question, FL, USA). Both instruments have demonstrated trace-
because there are a proliferation of mobile medical apps ability to the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial
intended to support diabetes self-management. The impact of (DCCT) standard.13,14 Results were reported as percent-
a mobile app on self-management, disease control, and qual- ages (%; NGSP standard). Conversions to SI units (mmol/
ity of life must be examined before investigators can discern mol; IFCC standard) can be performed using the NGSP’s
the mechanisms by which the mobile app impacts care, and HbA1c converter at
before clinicians and patients can make informed decisions Baseline HbA1c was the value obtained at the time the
about incorporating mobile medical applications into diabetes individual was first offered access to and educated to use
self-care. the mobile app. End-of-study HbA1c was the subsequent
To begin to answer this question, we retrospectively HbA1c value obtained ≥60 days after the baseline HbA1c
reviewed the records of 81 youths who were provided access measurement.
to the mobile app during routine clinical care from March
2015 to April 2016 and instructed to share data from their Duration of diabetes.  This was calculated as the age at base-
glucometer(s). The purpose of the present study was to line HbA1c for the study minus the age at diagnosis; it was
assess the impact of the frequency of glucometer-based data expressed in decimal years. Age at diagnosis was calculated
synchronization events via the mobile app on HbA1c (pri- to the nearest one-hundredth year by counting the number of
mary endpoint). We also examined effects on two secondary days between date of diagnosis and the date of birth. When
endpoints: mean blood glucose and frequency of blood glu- not documented, date of diagnosis was determined as the first
cose monitoring. date at which (1) the patient met ADA criteria for a diagnosis
of diabetes and (2) C peptide and/or auto-antibody screening
indicated T1D.
Institutional review board approval was obtained, and the Demographic characteristics.  Sex (male/female) and race/
study was conducted according to the Declaration of ethnicity (Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, Asian,
Helsinki. American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or
Pacific Islander, Multiracial, or Other) were self-reported by
the patient or family at the first encounter with the institu-
Data Source tion. Race (but not ethnicity) was used in the present analy-
Data were extracted from the Children’s Mercy database on sis and was categorized as white/nonwhite. Age at baseline,
Type One Diabetes in Pediatrics (the Children’s Mercy on BMI z-score, insulin pump use (yes/no), and continuous glu-
TODP database).11,12 The Children’s Mercy on TODP data- cose monitoring (CGM) use (yes/no) were determined at the
base is a longitudinal database containing demographic, time each individual was first offered access to, and educated
clinical, and laboratory data extracted from the electronic to use, the mobile app.
health records and medical device downloads of youth and
young adults with T1D receiving care since June 1, 1993, at Synchronization rate.  Each patient’s count of synchroni-
the Children’s Mercy Kansas City (Kansas City, MO, USA) zations during the observation period was divided by the
diabetes center, which is a network of 13 clinic sites in two length of the patient’s time in the observation period (age
states in the United States. at end-of-study HbA1c minus age at baseline HbA1c) to
yield the rate of synchronizations per week. The synchroni-
zation that occurred in clinic at the time the patient/family
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria for Data Source
were trained to use the mobile app was not included in this
All individuals diagnosed with T1D who had at least one calculation. Synchronization rate was the focal explanatory
appointment in the diabetes clinic were included. Those with variable.
Clements and Staggs 463

Mean blood glucose.  This was calculated as the arithmetic team, the present study did not record or evaluate whether
mean of all blood glucose values obtained during the study synchronized data were reviewed for patterns by youths,
period. their parents, or their health care team due to limited avail-
ability of such information.
Blood glucose monitoring frequency.  The count of blood
glucose monitoring episodes using all available blood glu-
Statistical Analysis
cose values during the study period was recorded and used as
a dependent variable in negative binomial regressions. The Covariates included patient sex, race (white or nonwhite),
study day count was treated as an exposure variable in the age at baseline, duration of diabetes, BMI z-score, and indi-
regression model, allowing us to effectively model the blood cators for use of insulin pump (yes or no) and continuous
glucose monitoring frequency (see the Statistical Analysis glucose monitoring (yes or no). To evaluate how representa-
section). tive the cohort using the mobile app was of the entire clinic
population, demographic variables of the study cohort were
compared to demographic variables of the clinic population.
Study Cohort
Analyses were carried out in SAS 9.4 except as otherwise
The study cohort represents a convenience sample of indi- indicated.
viduals introduced to a mobile app to support diabetes self- We assessed the effect of synchronization frequency on
care. Only individuals who were introduced to, and educated HbA1c by regressing final HbA1c measurement on synchro-
to use, the mobile app (Glooko, Mountain View, CA, USA) nizations per week, baseline HbA1c measurement, and the
between March 2015 and April 2016 were included in the covariates listed above using the lm package in R. Model
present analyses. Of an initial sample of 95, 8 individuals residuals were not Gaussian so confidence intervals and P
with missing data on covariates were excluded, as were 5 values were computed by nonparametric bootstrapping using
individuals who also synchronized CGM data with the the R boot package with 15 000 bootstrap samples.
mobile app. An additional patient with a severely outlying To assess the effect of synchronization frequency on mean
synchronization count (8 standard deviations above the blood glucose we regressed mean blood glucose on synchro-
mean) was also excluded. The remaining 81 patients were nization frequency and the set of covariates, again using the
included in the HbA1c analysis. Of these, data on blood glu- lm and boot packages in R.
cose were available for 70 patients. The sample used in ana- We used negative binomial regression to assess the effect
lyzing blood glucose monitoring frequency was further of synchronization frequency on the frequency of blood glu-
limited to the 59 patients for whom monitoring data were cose monitoring, effectively modeling the blood glucose
available for at least 14 days. monitoring rate by modeling the count of monitoring epi-
For comparison to the larger clinic population, informa- sodes as the dependent variable and treating study day count
tion was also collected on all individuals with T1D receiving as an exposure variable (taken into account by including the
care from March 2015 and April 2016 (N = 2294). log of the study day count as an offset in the model).
Synchronization frequency and the set of covariates were
Mobile App Training included as explanatory variables. The model was fit using
the GLIMMIX Procedure in SAS.
Parents and youths were trained to use the mobile app during
a routinely scheduled clinic visit by a physician or certified
diabetes educator (CDE). The training protocol included Results
guiding parents and youths through the processes of down-
Cohort Characteristics
loading the app to their mobile devices, creating an account
in the mobile app, and connecting their account to the clinic’s Characteristics of the study cohort and larger clinic popula-
professional account. They were provided a cable or tion are provided in Table 1. In Wilcoxon two-sample tests
Bluetooth adapter as needed to permit connection of the glu- for the four continuous variables, age (P = .06) and BMI
cometer with their mobile phone. The teaching procedure z-score (P = .06) had P values suggesting differences that
used included (1) a demonstration of device synchronization may not be attributable to chance. Fisher exact tests for the
by the physician or CDE, (2) reviewing each page of the dichotomous variables yielded a statistically significant
mobile app with a talk-out loud-protocol to explain the func- result only for insulin pump use (P = .02), which was higher
tion of and data presentations on each page, (3) a practice in the sample (78%) than in the clinic population (65%).
device synchronization by the parent or youth, and (4) teach- Of the 70 patients with blood glucose data, the 11 without
back by the parent or youth (if 13 years or greater). Parents at least 14 days of monitoring data were slightly older than the
and youths were instructed that the youth or either parent 59 with at least 14 days of monitoring data (median 14.8 [IQR
could be responsible for data synchronization. While syn- 14.0-16.2] vs 13.7 [8.8, 15.9] years) and had longer duration
chronized data were potentially visible to the health care of diabetes (6.1 [3.1, 8.9] vs 4.7 [2.5, 7.3] years). They were
464 Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 11(3)

Table 1.  Characteristics of Study Cohort and Clinic Population.

Study cohort (n = 81) Clinic population (n = 2294) P value

Age 14.0 (10.4, 15.9) 14.4 (10.9, 17.0) .06a
Duration of diabetes 4.9 (2.7, 7.5) 4.4 (2.0, 7.9) .67a
Baseline HbA1c 8.6 (7.9, 9.8) 8.7 (7.8, 10.0) .94a
BMI z-score 0.46 (–0.26, 1.08) 0.68 (0.00, 1.27) .06a
Male (%) 49 51 .82b
White (%) 86 82 .38b
Insulin pump user (%) 78 65 .02b
CGM user (%) 30 22 .14b

Values are median (interquartile range), unless otherwise noted.

Wilcoxon two-sample test. bFisher’s exact test.

Table 2.  Model for HbA1c.

Estimate (95% CI) P value

Syncs per week –0.75 (–1.72, 0.52) .44
Baseline HbA1c 0.73 (0.47, 0.91) .00
Male 0.41 (–0.17, 1.05) .22
White 0.46 (–0.7, 1.24) .27
Age at baseline –0.02 (–0.11, 0.05) .57
Duration 0.06 (–0.05, 0.2) .34
Insulin pump 0.15 (–0.65, 1.25) .83
CGM –0.47 (–1.25, 0.13) .26
BMI Z Score 0.08 (–0.24, 0.42) .59

The frequency of synchronizing glucometer data to the

mobile app did not relate to end-of-study HbA1c in a statisti-
Figure 1.  Synchronizations per week. cally significant way, although modeling yielded an esti-
mated 0.75 percentage point (0.43 SD) decrease in HbA1c
also disproportionately male (64% vs 51%) and less likely to per additional synchronization per week, after controlling for
be users of an insulin pump (64% vs 80%) or CGM (9% vs baseline HbA1c and covariates (Table 2). Next, we related
31%). None of these differences was statistically significant. data synchronization frequency to mean blood glucose while
controlling for baseline HbA1c and covariates. Although we
observed an estimated 20.3 mg/dL (0.40 SD) decrease in
Synchronization Frequency mean blood glucose concentration per additional synchroni-
Among individuals in the study cohort, the interval between zation per week was observed, this effect was similarly non-
baseline HbA1c and end-of-study HbA1c varied to some significant (Table 3). In contrast, there was a strong and
degree, with the average observation period being 0.3 years (3.6 statistically significant association between frequency of
months; mean age at end-of-study HbA1c minus mean age at data synchronization to the mobile app and frequency of self-
baseline HbA1c), and the minimum observation period being monitoring of blood glucose, which is a measure of treat-
0.2 years (2.4 months). We thus calculated the weekly rate of ment adherence. Each additional synchronization per week
data synchronization to the mobile app. Individuals shared data was associated with an estimated 2.3-fold increase in the rate
between their glucometers and the mobile app an average of of blood glucose checks per day (P < .01), assuming model
0.22 ± 0.40 times per week (range 0-2.25) during the observa- covariates are held constant (Table 4).
tion period. Of the 81 individuals, 35 (43%) did not synchronize
at all during the study period (see Figure 1); the mean among the Discussion
46 who synchronized at least once postbaseline was 0.39 ± 0.47.
In the present study, we discovered that the frequency of
daily SMBG changed as a function of the rate with which
Main Outcomes
youths with T1D or their parents synchronized data from
We first related synchronization frequency to end-of-study their glucometers to a mobile phone app. While a causal
HbA1c while controlling for baseline HbA1c and covariates. relationship cannot be determined from these data, the
Clements and Staggs 465

Table 3.  Model for Mean Blood Glucose. disparate findings. First, the present study captured informa-
tion only on data synchronization events with the mobile
Estimate (95% CI) P value
app; there is no way to know from the available data whether
Syncs per week –20.3 (–56.0, 23.2) .62 parents or youth actually performed data review in conjunc-
Baseline HbA1c 19.5 (10.4, 26.0) .00 tion with the data synchronization episodes. Second, the
Male 3.3 (–14.6, 25.8) .90 present study captured observations on individuals for only a
White 15.8 (–30.2, 47.5) .29 short period (for 0.3 years, on average) after introduction to,
Age at baseline –1.6 (–4.9, 0.9) .32 and training on, the mobile app, while the prior study evalu-
Duration 2.9 (0.1, 6.6) .11 ated individuals’ behaviors over a year. Third, the prior study
Insulin pump 4.2 (–24.4, 40.6) .90 was larger (N = 340) and thus had greater statistical power.
CGM –11.2 (–40.5, 12.2) .57 Finally, despite the fact that the diabetes care team trained
BMI Z Score 6.7 (–5.6, 17.9) .23
families on using the mobile app and provided encourage-
ment to share glucometer data with the app, the rate of data
synchronization remained relatively low, with a significant
Table 4.  Model for Blood Glucose Monitoring Frequency. proportion of individuals failing to synchronize data during
95% lower 95% upper the observation period. Previous studies have evaluated the
Exp(B)a for exp(B) for exp(B) P value impact of mobile apps for diabetes self-management on
HbA1c; however, those studies also included telehealth or
Syncs per week 2.30 1.82 2.90 <.01
text messaging from the health care team15,16 or incorporated
Baseline HbA1c 0.96 0.90 1.01 .13
incentives for using the app;6 these features of the prior stud-
Male 0.99 0.79 1.23 .89
ies make it impossible to isolate the effect of data synchroni-
White 0.92 0.68 1.24 .56
zation or data visualization within the mobile app from the
Age at baseline 0.93 0.90 0.96 <.01
Duration 1.03 1.00 1.06 .03
effect of the associated interventions. Notably, one of those
Insulin pump 0.85 0.64 1.13 .26 studies was a nonrandomized prospective pilot study (N =
CGM 0.95 0.75 1.20 .64 20) which identified a relationship between mobile app use
BMI Z Score 1.06 0.95 1.19 .31 and adherence to SMBG. That study also failed to see an
effect of mobile app use on HbA1c.6
The exponentiated regression coefficient is the estimated multiplicative The present study did identify a correlation between data
effect on the rate of blood glucose checks per day associated with a 1-unit
synchronization rate and daily frequency of SMBG. No prior
increase in the explanatory variable.
studies in the literature evaluate potential associations
between the frequency of data synchronization with a mobile
results support the possibility that engagement in one aspect device and the frequency of other adherence behaviors,
of T1D self-care (data synchronization between visits) including frequency of SMBG.
could have a positive effect on engagement in another The present findings are clinically important because
aspect of T1D self-care (self-monitoring of blood glucose). multiple mobile apps have been developed or are currently
In contrast, we did not find a statistically significant rela- under development to support diabetes self-management;
tionship between the rate of glucometer-based data syn- some of these also support data synchronization between
chronization and glycemic control in this small convenience glucometers and a mobile device.6-8 In the present study,
sample. Specifically, although model estimates suggest 43% of individuals failed to synchronize glucometer data to
meaningful effect sizes, neither mean blood glucose nor the mobile app at all after receiving training, indicating that
HbA1c was significantly related to synchronization fre- either additional support/training may be needed, or patients/
quency. To our knowledge, the present study is the first to families may not be convinced of a significant “payoff” for
examine the frequency of data synchronization to a com- their effort. As such, families might need additional motiva-
mercially available mobile app in relation to both adher- tors, (like attention from the diabetes care team or financial
ence and glycemic control. incentives) to drive synchronization behavior. Alternatively,
While there was insufficient evidence in the present study efforts by manufacturers to further reduce the burden of data
to conclude that an association exists between frequent data synchronization by allowing passive data synchronization
synchronization to a mobile app and glycemic control, previ- between glucometers and mobile apps may be warranted.
ous studies have found that individuals who frequently The key features that support improvements in patient
upload and review data between clinic visits using any engagement and glycemic control must be rigorously evalu-
upload method exhibit lower HbA1c values than those who ated. If the frequency of SMBG is found to be increased dur-
do not. In one study that included 340 adults and children ing mobile app use in prospective interventional studies, that
with T1D, “routine reviewers” were found to have a signifi- could have a positive impact on glycemic control, especially
cantly lower HbA1c than nonroutine reviewers (7.2 vs among adolescents. Prior studies have demonstrated that
8.1%).2 There are several potential explanations for these among children and adolescents with T1D, an increase of
466 Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 11(3)

one blood glucose check per day is associated with a 0.19% matched cohort form the clinic who were not exposed to the
decrease in HbA1c.17 Whether engagement with data syn- mobile app. The study would similarly have been improved
chronization is associated with an increase other self-man- if the available data had allowed a comparison of baseline
agement behaviors such as mealtime insulin bolusing should frequency of SMBG to the frequency of SMBG at the end
also be determined in future prospective studies. Among of the observation period. Future prospective studies should
youths who miss at least one mealtime insulin bolus per day, address these two design limitations. Finally, in the present
increasing the frequency of mealtime insulin boluses by one study we only evaluated the frequency of data synchroniza-
has been associated with a 1.5% decrease in HbA1c.18 tion from a glucometer as a predictive variable; data syn-
Reductions in HbA1c, in turn, are associated with decreased chronization frequency from insulin pumps and continuous
T1D-related risk for micro- and macrovascular disease.19-22 glucose monitors was not evaluated. Whether data synchro-
The present study should be interpreted within the con- nization and review of data from those devices relates to the
text of certain significant limitations. First, the cohort of frequency of SMBG, mean blood glucose, or HbA1c
individuals utilizing the mobile app was a convenience remains an unanswered question.
sample and was not randomized. Individuals were offered Several strengths of the present study are also notable.
the opportunity to use the mobile app if their blood glucose First, the study cohort appears to be generally representative
meter and mobile phone were compatible according to the of the larger clinic population, although there were more
mobile app manufacturer. Sampling bias could therefore insulin pump and CGM users in the study cohort. Second,
influence the outcomes. Second, the cohort was small and the study included multiple covariates collected from the
the observation period was short, essentially consisting of electronic health record. Third, the study employed multi-
the interval between two routine clinical care visits. A lon- variable analyses to control for potential confounding effects
ger observation period may have revealed a significant of different patient characteristics. Finally, the study included
relationship between data synchronization and glycemic a small but reasonably sized and reasonably diverse sample
control. This is especially true considering the nonsignifi- of individuals who were introduced to the mobile app.
cant trends toward lower HbA1c and mean blood glucose
observed during the short observation period for the present
sample. The size of the estimated effects of synchronization Conclusions
frequency on HbA1c and mean blood glucose suggest asso-
These results add to the literature by providing initial evi-
ciations that might be statistically significant in a larger
dence that use of a mobile app to capture glucometer data,
sample of youths. Third, the frequency of data synchroniza-
which should allow more frequent pattern management, is
tion with the mobile app by individuals with T1D remained
associated with increased adherence to blood glucose moni-
relatively low during the observation period. This has been
toring, an important aspect of self-management. The present
observed in other studies, with one recent study reporting
study also provides foundational knowledge to power future
that only 12% of adults and 27% of children’s caregivers
prospective studies evaluating the efficacy of mobile apps
routinely reviewed data from diabetes self-management
designed support pattern management in T1D.
devices.2 Furthermore, we were unable to measure whether
(1) individuals reviewed their blood glucose data, (2)
reviewed data and also took action (eg, adjusting basal
insulin doses or mealtime insulin:carbohydrate ratios), or CDE, certified diabetes educator; CGM, continuous glucose moni-
(3) shared data with their health care team and received toring; HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c; mobile app, mobile phone soft-
ware application; SMBG, self-monitoring of blood glucose; T1D,
feedback. Future studies of the efficacy of mobile medical
type 1 diabetes.
apps in diabetes care should be prospective and should
include a randomized clinical trial of the mobile app. Prior
work in adults with type 2 diabetes suggests that long-term
engagement with mobile apps that support diabetes self- The authors acknowledge Mitchell Barnes.
management can be problematic.23 Investigators should
therefore consider incentivizing frequent data synchroniza- Declaration of Conflicting Interests
tion as part of initial trials to allow evaluation of the tech- The author(s) declared the following potential conflicts of interest
nology’s full potential to improve glycemic control. In with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
future prospective studies, investigators should also obtain article: MAC is a volunteer (unpaid) member of the advisory board
other objective measures of patient engagement with the for Glooko; Glooko has provided travel support to advisory board
mobile app (ie, app-specific screen time on data visualiza- meetings. VSS has none.
tion screens), patient-reported measures of the frequency of
data review, and the frequency of action taken (eg, insulin Funding
adjustment). Fourth, the present study would have been The author(s) received no financial support for the research, author-
improved if it had included a comparative analysis to a ship, and/or publication of this article.
Clements and Staggs 467

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