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Seneca County Schools

Tiffin City Schools Specific Information is in Blue

Fall 2020 Reopening Plan

July 16, 2020

Updated 7/17/2020 at 12:10 p.m.

All Ohio schools closed for the remainder of the school calendar beginning on March 17, 2020
by order of the Governor and State Health Commissioner in response to the COVID-19
pandemic. The future of PK-12 education in Ohio remains unclear as we continue to navigate
these unprecedented times. Continuing to keep children physically out of school could have
long-term academic, social and emotional consequences. Simply put, the benefits associated
with reopening school buildings outweigh the risks of a continued school closure. Seneca
County Schools are committed to returning to face-to-face instruction for the 2020-2021 school
year with enhanced safety protocols in place. Districts will respond according to the status of
Seneca County’s colored level in Ohio’s Public Health Advisory Alert System as we move
throughout the school year. Districts will decrease the likelihood of infection with enhanced
hygiene, cleaning and safety protocols, but being in a public place has a certain level of risk that
cannot be eliminated. Any student who attends school will incur some level of risk. School
district superintendents from each public and parochial school in Seneca County, along with
representatives from the North Central Ohio Educational Service Center, Vanguard-Sentinel
Career & Technical Center and Seneca County School of Opportunity have worked to identify
common practices for the reopening of school facilities in Seneca County for Fall 2020.

While Tiffin City Schools has worked collaboratively to address our students’ and staffs’ needs,
please understand this plan may be adjusted based on unique needs specific to our buildings
and our district. It is our goal to provide timely and pertinent information to all stakeholders who
could potentially alter the learning environment. As of July 16, 2020 it is our intent to provide
face to face learning to our students five days a week for the 2020-2021 school year for our
K-12 students and 4 half days of instruction for our preschool students. In the event there is a
case of COVID-19, this may impact our ability to maintain this type of a learning environment
and it may require staff and students at times to instead switch to a remote learning situation for
a 14 day quarantine period. As soon as we become aware of such a situation the health
department will assist us in trace investigations and notifications to staff and families. Please
also understand that all information within this plan is contingent upon updates from Governor
Note: This document is subject to change​ ​based on further data, developments or guidance from governing authorities.
Mike DeWine and the CDC, Center for Disease Control. As we understand, some families may
not be comfortable in having their students return to our buildings under these circumstances or
they are concerned with possible changes along the way. They do have the opportunity to opt
into a Tiffin City Schools Distance Learning program where their child will be entirely taught
online in their own home with TCS staff providing instruction and support. Families who opt into
this program need to understand they are making a commitment for the semester. It is our goal
to meet all stakeholders' needs no matter what the option of instruction they chose as we
carefully work to provide a structured and supportive learning environment for all students.
Students will be expected to engage in their learning and will be held accountable for their
attendance and grades in every situation. Staff will monitor and encourage attendance and the
completion of work and in the event an issue arises you will be contacted as long as we have
current contact information. You, as the parent, always can reach out to your child’s
teacher/teachers and administrator to address concerns in addition to this. The following
information reflects an approved plan through the Seneca County Health Department for
educational delivery.


Note: This document is subject to change​ ​based on further data, developments or guidance from governing authorities.












These general principles will guide each school district as we move forward throughout Seneca
1. Each school district will implement recommended safety protocols to the highest degree
2. Each school district will work closely with the Seneca County Department of Health to
promote safety in all school facilities;
3. Each school district will be transparent with all stakeholders that some level of risk will
always be present when children and school employees occupy school district facilities;

Note: This document is subject to change​ ​based on further data, developments or guidance from governing authorities.
4. School districts plan to maintain their previously approved school calendars with some
possible front-loading of employee professional development;
5. Each district will take steps to ensure quality student learning will continue despite rolling
short-term closures or extended school closures;
6. Each Seneca County school district will take whatever steps are necessary to physically
remain open despite COVID spikes, moving to our Tier 2 plan and enacting stricter
safety protocols if necessary to avoid a complete school closure;
7. School districts recognize the need for consistency in all areas of operations while
acknowledging that individual differences in classroom sizes, school facilities, and
building operations may lead to some inconsistencies. As a general rule of thumb, each
district commits to adhere to the 4 main safety protocols listed below and do their best to
transfer these principles to all school environments.


These Tier 1 principles will be common to all Seneca County school districts:


● Drivers must wear a facial covering.
● No student in the seat behind the driver.
● Students will sit in assigned seats (to assist with contact tracing if needed).
● Whenever possible, students will board in such a way to minimize passing each other
(i.e., loading back to front on the a.m. route and exiting front to back on the p.m. route).

Note: This document is subject to change​ ​based on further data, developments or guidance from governing authorities.
● Two students per seat and, in some cases, three students per seat (if the children are
younger and, therefore, smaller).
● Districts will attempt to seat siblings together.
● It is required that students wear a facial covering when riding the bus.
● There will be a daily sanitizing protocol for each bus in the fleet.
● TCS parents are encouraged to complete the Transportation Form that is located in your
Final Forms student’s account even if you opt to transport your own children vs utilizing
the school transportation. In the event you wish to rejoin a bus route simply update the
Transportation Form located in Final Forms under your student’s account.

Daily Entry/Exit into School Buildings---​School for students will start on August 20, 2020.
● Temperature checks are not mandatory (but may occur) for students and staff to enter
the buildings.
● Wellness checks will be conducted by families and staff at home prior to coming to
school. Anyone with a temperature over 100​o​F or exhibiting other symptoms should stay
● Stagger entry and exit to/from buildings when possible.
● Students are to report to their building designated waiting areas prior to staff being on
duty. It is expected that students will maintain social distancing in this area or will wear
facial coverings.
● In an effort to maintain limited need for additional possible contact tracing we will only
welcome parents into the office. If students need to be escorted to their classroom, we
will have staff assist with them.

Wearing of Facial Coverings During School-​TCS is providing facial covering to all

students and staff (individuals are permitted to use alternate facial coverings if they wish
to purchase their own in addition to those that we provide--​ face coverings, including
masks or face shields will not display any language or visuals that are vulgar, profane, or
violent in nature. Students violating these expectations will be subject to discipline.
Students will comply with the Tiffin City Schools policy on face coverings.

● School staff must wear a facial covering when social distancing cannot be maintained.
● Staff are not required to wear a facial covering when working alone in their assigned
work area or when doing so would negatively impact instruction.
● If you are in a classroom with a staff or a student that medically qualifies as high risk you
may be required to wear a face covering at all times.
● Students in grades 3-12 are encouraged to wear a facial covering throughout the day.
● Students in grades 3-12 must wear a facial covering when working in close proximity to
another individual (teacher, peer, etc.) for a sustained period of time.
● Students in preschool-grade 2 will be asked to wear facial coverings when working in
close proximity to another individual (teacher, peer, etc…) for a sustained period of time.

Note: This document is subject to change​ ​based on further data, developments or guidance from governing authorities.
Physical Distancing in Classrooms
● Classrooms will operate at full capacity utilizing the maximum amount of space available
in the classroom while maximizing safety protocols.
● Unnecessary items will be removed from classrooms to provide more space for
● Items on walls, tables and shelves will be minimized to aid in creating a more sterile
environment and for ease of cleaning purposes.
● Regular hand washing will be encouraged and hand sanitizer will be available.
● Certain educators may move between classrooms rather than students switching
● Districts will inform parents that safety protocols are in place.
● Field trips will be cancelled for the first semester.
● Alternative options for assemblies, performances and other events will be encouraged.
● There will be no events where outside food is brought in.
● When possible TCS staff will make every attempt to limit the student movement between
classes by having faculty move to different classrooms. This will be determined by
building administrators and the staff involved in the building.

Physical Distancing in the Cafeteria

● Decrease occupancy in the school cafeteria when possible
● Increase seating capacity by adding more tables when possible
● Limit the number of students at each lunch table when possible and stagger students
waiting in line
● Ensure cleaning and disinfecting of all tables/seats between lunch periods
● Do not allow guests or visitors to join students for lunch
● Assign all seating
● Limit self-serve options
● Add additional protective barriers for cafeteria staff where needed
● TCS is encouraging hand washing or sanitizing of hands prior to entering the cafeteria.
● TCS will add additional seating options in alternate locations when possible so as to
reduce the number of students in any one particular area.
● TCHS will be permitted to continue with open lunches, but will be reminded to maintain
social distancing and the use of facial coverings as outlined by city and state officials.
● TCHS students who bring food from an outside source will not be permitted to eat in the
cafeteria, but will be directed by staff to an alternative location to eat.

Daily Cleaning of Classrooms and Common Areas

● School staff, along with the help of students, will have increased cleaning responsibilities
throughout the school day.
● TCS has purchased handheld disinfectant sprayers to assist in sanitizing the schools
Note: This document is subject to change​ ​based on further data, developments or guidance from governing authorities.
Hallways and Common Areas
● Limit accessibility to lockers to decrease congregating in hallways
● Recommend that students wear a facial covering when in hallways and common areas
● Disable traditional water fountains. Bottle refilling stations will remain in use.
● TMS will not be utilizing lockers until further notice.
● TCHS will not be utilizing lockers until further notice.

● Districts will make every effort to maintain consistency with all safety protocols.
● Schools may limit student access to certain pieces of equipment and/or restrict activities
that are “high touch” and difficult to clean or maintain social distancing.
● Districts will encourage “structured” activities such as nature walks that increase time
outside while limiting students’ physical contact with others.
● Students will wash or sanitize their hands after recess.
● Entry to/from recess will be staggered to ensure social distancing.

Access to Hand Sanitizer and Washing of Hands

● Teach, remind and encourage frequent hand washing.
● Hand sanitizer will be available in all classrooms and in common areas throughout the
building (pending availability of supplies).

Guests and Visitors to Schools

● Visitors are generally discouraged from being in school district facilities.
● Safety protocols for visitors will be implemented.
● Visitors will wear a facial covering at all times when in school facilities.
● TCS parents/guests must report to the office immediately and wear facial coverings
when entering a building. Parents/guests will not be allowed to go beyond the office
unless directed to do so with approval of the building principal.

Choir/Band Class and Marching Band

● Observe 6 feet or more of physical distancing.
● Encourage outdoor activities when possible.
● TCHS and TMS band and choir departments may utilize an alternate learning space to
assist in adhering to greater social distancing practices as facial coverings are not
practical in this particular learning situation.

School Offices
● Staff will wear a facial covering when interacting in close proximity to others.
● Cleaning supplies and hand sanitizer will be readily available.
● Visitors will wear a facial covering at all times when in school facilities.
Note: This document is subject to change​ ​based on further data, developments or guidance from governing authorities.
● TCS is ordering plexi-glass to place in the office for further protection for the office staff
who are in direct contact with multiple visitors.

Nurse/Clinic Area
● Ensure the workspace, door handles, countertops, seating areas, restrooms are kept
clean and disinfected between students.
● Ensure physical distancing is followed when more than one student is in the clinic area.
● Students with temperatures of 100​o​F or more should stay home/be sent home.
● Students will be isolated that are exhibiting symptoms.
● Students exhibiting symptoms are required to wear a facial covering until they are
picked up by a caregiver.
● Nurse/office staff will wear a facial covering and proper PPE when caring for students.

Students with COVID-19

Communication will be developed by the Seneca County Health Department, not the school
district. A common template will be developed to include the following:

● Specify to parents which classroom has the confirmed case (ex. Mrs. Smith’s class)
● A more generalized statement will be provided to building staff.
● The district will cooperate with the Seneca County Health Department’s work in contact
● Fourteen calendar day (14) quarantines will be required for any student who tests
positive for COVID-19 and others as determined by the Health Department.
● Schools will have an isolation room to be used for students exhibiting symptoms until
they can be picked-up by a parent or guardian.
● TCS isolation rooms will be identified by the building principals.

Staff with COVID-19

● A staff member diagnosed with COVID-19 must quarantine at home using sick leave for
14 calendar days. ​Note: there is language from the healthcare act that gives staff an
additional two weeks (10 work days) available to them for this specific use only.
● Staff members must be prepared for a sub (lesson plans, assessments, etc.).
● Parents will be notified of exposed students as directed by the Health Department.
● A more generalized statement will be provided to building staff.
● The district will cooperate with the Seneca County Health Department’s work in contact

Note: This document is subject to change​ ​based on further data, developments or guidance from governing authorities.
Student Health Issues That are Not Diagnosed as COVID-19
● A student with a fever must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before
returning to school.
● Upon returning to school, the student must report to the school nurse/office staff for a
temperature check.

Staff Health Issues That are Not Diagnosed as COVID-19

● A staff member with a fever must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before
returning to work.


● Districts will offer remote learning for those families wishing to remain at home while the
buildings are open.
● Families will make a commitment to online learning through the district selected online
curriculum for one semester at a time.
● The student may return from online learning to school only at the semester break.
● Students will not be permitted to come in and out of online learning (unless testing
positive for COVID or under the recommendation of the family’s physician due to
compromised health concerns).

Note: This document is subject to change​ ​based on further data, developments or guidance from governing authorities.

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